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The teacher put the papers he was reading down on the desk, slamming his hand down hard enough to make the cup with pencils rattle noisily, and making the student who brought them to him shake and quake before him. "This is unacceptable," he said. "Do you understand why I made you stay back after class, miss?" he said, his tone not quite frosty but not warm either, eyes directing a piercing glare straight into his student, one that said he did not want to hear any excuses or lies.

Said student could barely bring her trembling to a stop, taking a deep breath, one hand reaching for her long blue tresses, starting to play with it as if trying to distract herself from the angry teacher that was clearly losing patience with her. Long, pointy ears poked out from her hair.

If anyone were to inspect her, almost everything would be in line. She wore a standard pleated black skirt, white sailor shirt, complete with ribbon... but of course, she was always getting in trouble for her naturally bright blue hair, which many teachers had assumed was dyed before. 

Usually, she didn't cause a lot of trouble, she was a good student, who got good grades and tended to listen to the teachers without making a fuss. Very rarely did she ever need to be called upon in order to correct her behavior.

This was one such case.

The teacher who had called her was holding her latest test, upon which a big fat 0 was written in red marker. She looked at it and flinched. Three pages of answers, all of them wrong, not a single one correct, every topic touched upon mangled, and the final essay for extra points so incorrect as to be a marvel.

Thus was the disastrous test she had turned in. He was angry, clearly, but more than that, she saw that he was frustrated. It wasn't her first... the last few exercises in this class had been bad, and she had obviously been distracted and despondent.

"I'm your teacher, Miss Medea," he said, "I am here to look after and help you whenever you need help," he continued, then tapped her test with his finger, adjusting his glasses on his face as he did, "but this is absolutely unacceptable. You have been a good student in my class, this is why I am granting you this one opportunity to explain yourself before I contact your family and inquire personally."

Medea flinched at the thought. Surely, her family would be enraged if she were to show up at home with a fat Zero on a test, but having to be contacted to talk about her behavior in class would certainly make it worse. "Teacher, please don't, just, just give me an opportunity, let me have a chance, I, I don't know what came over me," she said, shaking her head. "I'll do anything if you just let me have a make up test!" she begged, bringing her hands together in supplication and then bringing her head down, almost touching the ground.

The teacher huffed. "Why should I give you this chance, when nobody else gets it?" the teacher asked. "Explain yourself, first."

"I'm, I'm sorry, I can't, I just can't explain myself," she said, shaking her head vigorously, raising her head to look at her teacher behind his desk, as he seemed less and less interested in giving her what she wanted. She looked down again, biting her lip, and screwing her face up as she thought very hard. "Please!"

The teacher rolled his eyes. "If you're just going to be like this, then I will discuss the matter directly with your parents," he said, crossing his arms. 

"I'll do anything, please!" she called again, getting up quickly and leaning over his desk, slamming her hands into it and making the stuff on it rattle again.

The teacher stopped, then, and looked at her, at her determined, but mostly panicked, expression, and then back at the test with a fat zero on it. Her face was flushed, her eyes were big and slightly watery, she was trembling.

"Anything..?" he asked, his tone dubious.

"Anything!" she repeated. "Just, just give me one chance, please! I beg you!"

"Alright," the teacher said, closing his eyes and leaning back on his chair. "Then take your panties off and show them to me."

"W-what?" she asked, eyes big and wide. 

"You said anything, Miss Medea," he repeated. "So take off your panties, and present them to me," he demanded. "Right now, or this conversation's over, and I'll be contacting your parents."

"A-Alright, okay, I'm doing it, see!" she said, her face scandalized, redder than ever, she took a step back, and then bent forward so she could put her hands under her skirt, hooking them under the elastic of her simple black panties, and then pulling them down, sliding them down her thighs, soon making them appear where her skirt ended just above her knees, and continuing to go down, bending nearly in half, then stepping out of her panties before raising them, using her fingers and the palms of her hands to spread them open and present them to the teacher as he demanded.

"Good," the teacher said, extending his hand, palm up.

Wordlessly understanding what he wanted, she put her panties on his hand, and he took them, then put them on one of his pockets. The teacher always was perfectly presentable and always wore a suit jacket to class, he had plenty of extra pockets, and even so, he put the dangerous cargo on his inner pocket just to be safe.

She closed her eyes and became even redder, seeing him do this. "S-So, can I get... a make up test?" she asked.

"No, not yet," he said, raising a finger and wagging it at her. "Sit on my desk, Miss Medea, facing me," he ordered, pushing himself back, sliding his wheeled chair a little to give her space to get in front of him. 

She looked at him, then at the space he had opened up and understood what he wanted, moving to the other side of the desk, her steps faltering as she felt weirdly breezy from not wearing panties underneath her skirt, and then, while trying to keep her skirt from showing anything, she climbed on top of the desk with a small hop. Despite her attempts, her bald cunt was plainly visible as her skirt fluttered when she tried to take a seat, and it was obvious the teacher had seen it, she could tell when the corner of his lip curled up.

"Spread your legs, and stop covering up, in fact, roll up your skirt," he commanded, waving his hand at her, a lustful smirk on his face as he leaned on the armrest of his chair, resting his elbow on it, and his face on the hand of the same arm. 

"Do I really have to..?" she asked. "Teacher..."

"We can stop whenever you want," he said, "I'll hand your panties back over to you and we'll pretend this never happened, then I will talk to your parents about your grades, and what it means for your future," he said, "your choice, Miss Medea."

Trembling a little at the thought, she shook her head, then after taking a deep breath and squaring her shoulders as if getting ready to fight, she brought her determination together, spread her legs, grabbed her skirt by the hem, and rolled it up, fully and properly exposing her juicy little peach of a pussy.

"Hm... for all your protestations," he said, looking at the pink tone that didn't match the rest of her pale skin, "you look like you're getting a little turned on. How strange, maybe the former honor student was secretly a slut all along, huh? Is that why you've been failing lately? Did you get in with a bad crowd?" he asked, standing up.

"No... no way, I'm not like that, not at all," she said, shaking her head. "I'm just, I just-"

He approached her, getting between her legs, cupping her chin under his fingers and tilting his face up. "Why don't you go ahead and tell me the truth now, Miss Medea? What's got you so shaken, that you don't want anyone to look into it?"

"I- I-" she shivered under his sharp gaze. "Teacher," she said.

His hand moved between her legs, under her skirt, and began ghosting along the cleft of her mound, he was now directly playing with her vulva, playing with the outer labia, the increasing arousal making it easier to toy with her, until he spread the previously sealed lips and began playing with the pink inner labia, as well as ghosting his fingers along the entrance of her little fuckhole. "Tell me," he insisted, "tell me the truth and don't lie to me... Did you fall in with a bad crowd? Bad influence, huh? I believe the rumor's that you got a boyfriend..."

"I... I did!" she admitted. "B-But, but- he just, he was just using me... he got me hooked on drugs and, and took a lot of my money," she said, shivering as he continued to tease her. "Then, then he left me, and-" she shook as his fingers began to insistently tease her breeding hole. 

"The truth, Miss Medea! Not some fabrication!" he demanded, "tell me the truth!!"

"Ahhn, I've been so hornyyyy!!" she cried out. "Masturbation doesn't help anymore~" opening her mouth and throwing her head back. "I, ahhn, I got into the Eros drug from the Olympians gang!!" she cried out, "I'm sorry, sorry teacher, I lied, I lied~ I just have been too busy masturbating to study!!"

"What a little whore," the teacher hissed, "tell me, have you been turning tricks for more drugs?" he asked, his voice demanding.

"Ngh, nooo!! Ah, I, was, I almost, I considered it," she admitted, as his fingers toyed with her pussy more insistently. "I almost did, I just need it, I can't cum without Eros anymore~!"

"Fine then," he said, "I'll straighten you out," he said, "I'll put you back in the straight path and show you that you don't need any drugs," he said, moving his hands from her pussy and face, and she fell back a little, catching herself on her arms, panting, face red, a degenerate mask that was melting painted onto it, she wore no makeup, but if she did, all the sweat and the tears would be ruining it, as it was, her face was so red it was almost visibly emanating heat.

The teacher proceeded to undo the button and zipper in his pants, revealing the cock she had heard talked about before. Medea was not a social butterfly, but neither was she a recluse, she knew the rumors going around and had even talked about them. She'd heard about how the teacher was gifted down there, and how some of the other girls had tried to pursue him.

She'd never thought she'd find herself here. There were no dirty rumors, he had apparently rejected all advances... somehow, she felt weirdly privileged, despite the strange circumstances, that it was with her that he would cross the line and do something like this.

And... woah, the rumors did not do that justice. It was burly, girthy and veiny, it was almost gross but in a fascinating way, it somehow gave her an impression of strength and even security, like it backed up what he was saying. Somehow, her body responded instinctively to it, she knew she was getting flooded down there even before he showed it to her, just from his fingers teasing her, but now she could only open her mouth and try to gasp some words out.

Only to fail immediately when she felt the almost spongy tip of his cock, a darker color than the rest of the skin around it, press against her inner lips and spread them just enough to reach her breeding hole. She wasn't absent for sex ed, she knew what was happening... but she was just so horny and so mentally gone that it didn't matter.

Ever since tasting Eros, she had not been able to have an orgasm without the drug's influence. She'd spent all her money and even borrowed some from her parents just to get more, because it was the only way she could get off. Especially given how her boyfriend Jason seemed to never want to touch her at all, preferring the company of men instead.

His hands were on her thighs first, keeping her steady, but one of them reached for her face, cupping her cheek, his thumb running along her lips. Usually, she'd paint them blue, but that wasn't allowed at school, she wondered how his dick would look with some blue lip marks around it, but dismissed the thought, as his eyes focused on hers, and he looked almost sweet, for a moment, before the firm disciplinarian reemerged.

"I'll reeducate your drug addicted pussy," he said, "I'm going to use my cock to turn you back into a wonderful, high scoring student," he added, "and only if you convince me of your sincerity, I'll give you a chance at a make up exam. Understood?"

She closed her eyes and nodded her head rapidly, trying to relax and prepare for what was coming.

No amount of preparation was enough for the cock that spread her open like a battering ram through a paper screen door. Even had she not become extremely sexually frustrated, needy and horny twenty four seven, she wouldn't have been able to withstand the raw sexual force that felt like it was slamming into her, even though the teacher was gentle and soft with the very first penetration, the hand on her thigh moving to her butt to steady her and hold her in place while at the same time his lips met hers in a tender, almost loving kiss, his tongue slipping past her lips to coax hers into a lewd dance that soon became mutual.

More and more of his magnificently massive member was forcefully shoved into her tight and narrow pussy, which was hungrily and greedily swallowing as much penis as it could into itself. She had an intense, powerful itch within her, one that her fingers and toys simply couldn't scratch, an urge that consumed everything like a roaring flame, that drew all of her attention span into itself and left her daydreaming and wondering about her next hit of Eros.

And that was consumed like a candlelight before the sun as the sheer might of her teacher's cock completely blew everything she had experienced under Eros out of the water.

"Ngnnh... teacher..! It's so... so amazing... you're so hot and warm and firm and strong and hard," she mewled, "ahn, so much better...! Than my fingers, o-or, or my dildo..!" she panted, her hands reaching for his back, almost but not quite finding purchase on it due to his jacket, moving up to wrap around his neck, before she kissed him again, hungrily, with a raging need burning within that led her to demand more kisses.

They broke the makeout session and he smirked down at her. "This is just the start," he said, as he pushed the last inch in, causing Medea to let out a mewling moan of passionate pleasure, then he brought both hands to her hips and thighs, his fingers, so much larger than hers, feeling like white hot steel gripping onto her, clamping down and holding her firm and steady as he pulled back, his cock feeling like it was scratching every part that itched on its way out, yet making her feel a pang of loss and desire.

And then he went back in, faster, stronger, yet gentle and sweet as ever, and starting a slow but steadily rising rhythm of thrusts and pulls, moving in about two thirds of his shaft, pulling out, and then back in again, changing his angle as her moans and cries and sweet sighs directed his actions, she was lost in a sea of pleasure that far and vastly outclassed the effects of Eros, and she couldn't think anymore of what she had experienced under those effects.

No, all she could think about was how much she loved the embrace and lovemaking she was caught in, as she was thoroughly and properly fucked, this was what sex was all about, not the furtive touches and short lived, frustrating sensations she experienced before... him.

"I love you," she mewled, breaking character and speaking as a wife to a husband, because the charade could no longer be kept, and Medea simply wanted to make love with the man she loved, a man so busy and so desired she rarely got a chance like this, "I love you so much, don't stop, don't ever stop loving me~!"

"I won't," he promised, kissing her deeply, as the two fucked in earnest, the little break forgotten as they sank back into the harsh disciplinarian teacher fucking a promising student caught in a bad situation, the crescendo of their lovemaking reaching its climax as they did.

Medea screamed out a "TEACHER, I'M CUMMING!!" cry that almost made the classroom windows vibrate from its volume, and he roared and retook her lips as he slammed into her and came himself, bathing her insides, her vagina, her pussy and much of their crotches, in his thick, hot and very stick babymaking juice, a veritable flood of the stuff that wiped her mind white and destroyed all conscious thoughts.

The first of many orgasms, to make sure Miss Medea never again wandered down the path of addiction to drugs, and to ensure she'd be back to getting good grades all the time once again.

And so did man and wife laugh as they rested in the afterglow of not one, but dozens of orgasms, as they used their time allotted in the classroom to the full extent that they could.

They were basking in the afterglow of their final romp, in fact, which had taken place on the teacher's desk, Medea's ribbon undone and her shirt hiked up, revealing her breasts that really didn't fit the school uniform she wore, she still had her skirt on and he was still sheathed inside her, though his erection was flagging by the moment. The classroom had nine desks, all of which had been used at least once, and there was an imprint of Medea's front on the chalkboard behind the teacher's desk, there was also cum all over the desk and around it, and the two were quite dirty with it as well.

And then... the chime that suggested someone was trying to open the classroom's door sounded, a warning given to the occupants just in case.

"Oh shit, we went way over time!"

Trying to put the teacher cosplay back on, the husband had to scramble, luckily the wife was indeed a servant and possessed unparalleled agility and strength, at least in comparison to regular humans, as well as phenomenal magic powers. Together they scrambled to quickly get dressed, and with some words in a long dead tongue, she used her powers to instantly clean up the classroom, just in time for a trio of girls in what appeared to be a middle or elementary school uniform followed by a robotic woman in a stereotypical ninja outfit to enter the room.

"Apologies. Am I interrupting?" the robotic woman asked, tilting her head in confusion.

"N-No, we were leaving," Medea said, hastily.

"Yes, right now in fact," the fake teacher said.

The trio of girls stepped aside and so did the ninja robot, and the two fled down the aisle.

As they did, neither noticed that in their rush, Medea's skirt had lifted. The trio of girls observed them leave, while the ninja robot entered the room, and began preparing for her own lesson.

The pale one with pale pink hair was redfaced and had an almost blank stare, the asian girl with dark hair seemed a little bemused but had a dusting of pink to her cheeks, and the dark skinned one with brighter pink hair had an impish grin on her face as she watched them leave.

"Girls," the stern voice of the roboninja called from within.

The trio then filed into the classroom, and began their own lesson.



Imma be honest, lads. This one came down to the wire. Between being so busy and the heat kicking my ass so much, I've been having to do a lot more work to get the same results. I hope this one is good, because damn did it turn me inside out just to produce it.