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There was never a time where things were boring in Fujimura Taiga’s presence. Wherever she went there was chaos, whether it was her fault or not, though she would argue forever that it was never her fault, of course, as she was a grown up, mature and disciplined adult, and absolutely not a walking disaster of a human being.

Not that she could hide what was going to happen from the class she was homeroom teacher for. She pushed the door open and walked in, and before she could open her mouth to greet the class, someone moved the floor from under her, or so she’d claim, and she went tumbling onto the ground, though with the agility, dexterity and aplomb of someone who was a coordinated and responsible human being, she managed to catch herself, with her face, on the ground, stopping her fall, and only lightly denting the wooden surface of the floor.

Nailed it, she thought to herself, and for some reason found herself resisting the urge to curse at the moon, as she planted her hands on the ground, and pushed herself up with quick movement and an even quicker glare, her eyes scanning along the crowd of her students for anyone who had seen something they ought not to, and anyone who was trying to commit anything to memory that was not related to schoolwork.

“You saw nothing,” she threatened, her finger sweeping around the class. “Capisce?”

Her Italian mobster lingo wasn’t as well understood as she had hoped it would, because apparently her students were all uncultured swine that didn’t appreciate classic movies, and also most of them were too young anyway. For a moment, she remained in silence, but ultimately, she brought a hand up to her mouth and cleared her throat audibly, as if to break up the spell her class was caught in from her powerful, soul haunting glare that had shut them all up.

Greetings would be gotten out of the way quickly and efficiently, Issei was nice like that, always a trustworthy and efficient class president that would get everyone into gear and moving fast.

With that done, she squared her shoulders and started with what was going to be the most important thing she’d say all day, school topics be damned. “Class, I have something to tell all of you. Today will be my last day of teaching you guys,” she said, sounding about as solemn as one could when they were Fujimura Taiga. She tilted her head down and closed her eyes, and reached for her hair, brushing a strand of it behind her ear before continuing, facing up and addressing the class properly. “I’ll be taking maternity leave starting next week.”

The class was silent. “The Tiger!? Pregnant!? Someone’s got balls the size of Jupiter!”

And then the class erupted into scandalous and raucous nonsense, not the least contributor to which was Taiga herself. Torashinai, never too far from her, seemed to almost manifest into her hand, so quick did she fetch it from its hiding place beneath the lectern she would give her class from that day if things hadn’t gone sideways, and she swung it across the air. Much as she wanted to scream “what the fuck did you say to me you little shit!?” imitating some of the harder men she had known in her life, she was a confident, secure and most importantly, very mature teacher that wouldn’t devolve into childish namecalling.

“What the heck did you just say to me you little twerp!?”

Or maybe not.

Her eyes were blazing, her weapon was swinging, and her heart was beating a mile a minute as everyone exploded into questions and exclamations of surprise, sometimes both at once, and it took her the better part of her allotted time with her class to actually get them to calm down and start asking things in an orderly fashion.

The first question was, unsurprisingly, from Issei, who took point and charge of the class. “Are you retiring from teaching permanently, Miss Fujimura?” he asked.

“Well, no, I’ll still teach once my maternity leave is over, it’s just that since you guys are graduating soon,” she said, looking over them with an almost fond smile. She had known some of these kids since they were, well, kids. And now, even the youngest was an adult ready to face the world, either joining the workforce where they needed to and could, or heading straight to college to continue their education. She was proud of each and every one of them. Except Shinji, because he always needed someone to deflate his ego and she’d be it whenever she had an opportunity, for his own good. “Well, by the time I can officially come back to work, most of you will have already passed your entrance exams at college,” she said, gently.

“Well some of us will,” someone quipped.

“All of you will,” Taiga said with a bright, wide smile, “or else,” she said, raising Torashinai threateningly. The less said about the events that had resulted in her unsealing the precious weapon, the better, and whenever it was raised in the air, her students quaked in fear and terror at what they knew could come, the hell that could be unleashed, should she be inclined to use it.

In the future, it is said that the Golden Generation of Japan would speak of the Demonic Sword Torashinai and its impact in their lives, but that is a topic for another story.

Instead, as she fielded a whole bunch of questions, deftly and expertly, read: clumsily and poorly, dodging the ones about the parentage of the child her maternity leave was all about, Taiga finished her last day of teaching her students in an emotional upheaval that involved a lot of crying, a lot of her stating how proud she was of each and every one of them, a lot of threatening to do serious bodily harm to several of them if they didn’t perform to their potential, many hugs, and at least fifty tissues being used through the course of the day…

It all came to an end.

Curiously, for those in the know of the class and for those who paid attention… had anyone checked, they would’ve seen something rather strange. Someone who was commonly one of the closest to their homeroom teacher and could usually be counted upon to understand and sometimes control her better than anyone else, had remained hovering around the background of the tearful and emotional goodbyes and celebrations… some dismissed it as him simply knowing ahead of time, as it was well known that he and the teacher had a relationship closer to family than most actual families, and others, simply thought that he was in general a quiet and reserved person who didn’t want to make a scene.

Nobody caught the single solitary glance that had seen Emiya Shirou and Fujimura Taiga meet gazes, teacher and student, raised almost as siblings together, closer perhaps than even siblings would be. Two people who had a relationship deeper and much more involved than anyone thought. A glance of surprise, wide eyes, a single, solitary instant where Shirou had seemed stupefied, before he’d caught himself…

Some would’ve thought, then, that there was something going on there.

By the end of the day, they had both left separately, and for most people, that was the end of things, and nobody thought twice about it.

Few would’ve ever thought that Emiya Shirou would find himself visiting Fujimura Taiga’s residence. Something so rare that the amount of times it had happened could be counted in his hands, with fingers leftover… if only because Taiga used to live with her father until a relatively short time ago, and even after that, most of the time she visited Shirou as his place was bigger, more convenient, comfortable and more private. She didn’t exactly know why, of course, but she knew that she was safe from prying eyes and ears in the Emiya estate.

But for today…

For today Shirou would use the key he had for her home, that he rarely ever used, that she had left in his care so long ago because he was responsible enough to serve as a backup for her just in case, and because she wanted to make it clear she’d never be so hypocritical as to deny him entrance ot her home, as he let her enter his.

The key turned, the lock opened, and in he went, to the relatively small but cozy apartment that Fujimura Taiga was living in, by herself, totally unaware that the Fujimura lads had already made sure everyone in the building was vetted, and those who didn’t pass muster to share a building with the tiger princess were… persuaded diplomatically to move out of the city.

The apartment was, as ever, a complete mess, but in a good way. Lived in. There weren’t anything like bags or piles of trash strewn about, there were candy wrappers, videogames, books, both the regular and the comic variant, some old newspapers, a bunch of relics and memorabilia from places she’d visited as well as some of her old trophies in a display case as well as pictures, of her with her family, and of course, pictures of her with her baby daddy.

Shirou looked at the picture of himself and Taiga hugging, she had a big wide smile, showing all of her teeth, slightly menacing, and was giving the camera a peace sign. Behind them, the ocean’s waves were threatening to break on the rocks, about to splash them with saltwater. Taiga’s bikini was green and yellow, it was something she had picked up while on vacation in Brazil… very small, thin and revealing, showing that despite the fact that the students frequently thought of her as something of a stale Christmas Cake due to reaching her mid twenties while single, she was a very attractive and sexy woman.

A smile drew itself on Shirou’s face at the memory playing in his head, of that day and of all the fun they’d had there the rest of their vacation.

“I knew you’d come,” Taiga’s voice came. Soft, almost uncharacteristically so. The normally loud, bright and almost charmingly obnoxious demeanor of the Fujimura princess was alarmingly absent, she had a wet towel on her head, and was wearing a fancy robe with jaguar-motifs. Absolutely not tigers, never tigers, but she had found an appreciation for other big cats over time. “So.”

“So,” Shirou replied, closing his eyes, navigating the room to sit on her couch. The coffee table had a bunch of manga sitting on it, a cup of recently drank coffee that had dried out already, and the remote controller for her TV on it. They wouldn’t need tea or anything for their conversation. Taiga’s arrangement had the big couch in front of the TV and a single armchair to its right, and that’s where Taiga sat, her demeanor serious.

It didn’t need to be said that both of them were prepared to have the serious conversation that needed to happen between them.

“We were careless,” Shirou said, simply and clearly. That was one of his tenets towards life, to always take responsibility whenever he felt that something could have possibly been his fault.

And Taiga knew it, she was ready to counter. “I was careless,” she corrected. “You were just following my lead. I’m-“

“If you’re going to start with that spiel about being the responsible adult, we both know that’s not true,” he said.

She sucked in her words. It was true. Almost as much as she wanted to deny it, the reality of the matter was that almost anyone would argue that between them, Shirou had always been the more emotionally mature person. Neither of them would want to touch on why, on how trauma had forced Shirou to become an adult far earlier than he ever should have. Despite ostensibly having been his guardian, it had always been the other way around, Shirou had always been the one to take care of her.

She was sometimes disgusted with herself just for thinking about it, when she realized how truly fucked up things were between them because of her own immaturity. It never lasted long, but it always sucked when it hit her.

“If I had kept better track of my cycle- or taken the pill,” Taiga muttered, closing her eyes. “It’s not worth considering, it’s- what’s done is done.”

“I could’ve chosen to wear a condom, or simply pull out,” Shirou said, simply and clearly. “But I chose to do things this way,” he said, “and this was a risk that we took.”

“Yeah… I guess you’re right, you’re always right,” she said, a little bitterly. “I still wanted to take this one myself, you know? You never let me take care of you,” she said, sighing, scratching the back of her neck and running a hand down her short, still wet hair, twirling her finger and curling up a strand of it, before letting go. “But what’s done is done.”

“And you’re keeping the child,” Shirou said, simply and clearly, it wasn’t a question, it was more of a statement of fact. He didn’t question her decision in the least, if that was what she chose to do and she was willing to take responsibility for it, then Shirou would acknowledge her determination to do so.

“Yeah. I could never,” she shook her head. “I’ve got means, as much as this is a... problematic issue in my working life, I can rely on grandfather a little,” she said, “I’ll pull ahead like I always do. Your big sis’ll never let something like this keep her down for long, you know!” she said, laughing.

Shirou nodded. “Of course,” he said. “I’d never thought otherwise.”

And he hadn’t, she knew he hadn’t. Shirou was nice that way. Perhaps one of the many reasons why eventually she had just sort of… fallen in like that with him. A depth of trust the likes of which was difficult to share with anyone else.

“It feels weird, you know? Even after this,” Taiga muttered, closing her eyes. “I don’t think people could ever understand us and what we’ve got,” she said, reaching for her tummy and resting her hands on it, a smile drawing itself on her face.

“We don’t need anyone else to understand what we have,” Shirou countered.

Indeed. Taiga just settled, feeling comfortable in his presence. Love burned deeply, between them. Not the blazing, passionate flame of a torrid tryst, or a raging romance. No, theirs was charcoal, as hot as it came, but neither flashy nor attention grabbing. Steady, trustworthy and reliable. A love born of a deep affection and a level of trust that others couldn’t share.

They may never love each other the way lovers do, but in some ways, both of them considered their relationship far superior than such a thing.

Shirou closed his eyes then, and Taiga laughed. “I wanted to celebrate and have a beer with you when you graduated,” she said. “Secret of course – can’t let the government know you’re drinking under twenty!” she said, winking at him, “but I don’t think I’ll be able to.”

Shirou laughed. “I’ll drink for both of us,” he said, standing up. “But even more than that, I think people would be angry at something else.”

“Yeah?” Taiga asked, looking up at him. “What do you think people’d be angry at, Shirou?” she asked, leaning back on the armchair, sitting in a way that showed that she was clearly expecting something from him. This was how they did things.

This was how she opened herself up and gave him an entry point.

And he never, ever, disappointed.

Though they may never be romantically linked the way a couple of lovers would be, their relationship simply wasn’t like that, he would always be someone she could count on to have her side no matter what, no matter the disaster that befell her, no matter how much of a hand she had in her own problems, she could always go to him, rely on him.

They hadn’t been guardian and charge, teacher and student, or even pseudo-siblings, for a very long time now.

Shirou stepped up to her. It was time for words to fall by the wayside and for things to become physical. They didn’t quite remember the lead up to the first time. It had come as the payoff for the buildup that happened over years, from a youthful crush to a more complete understanding of a relationship, to the final understanding of where they stood against each other.

Taiga hadn’t intended for THAT to be her gift for his birthday, but things just sort of happened and before she knew it, she had made him a man, not too long after he became a man in the eyes of the law. Or maybe it was he who made her a woman, certainly he always felt older than he was… hard to say.

But on such a special occasion, she’d make sure to commit everything to memory. How he approached her. With eyes twinkling with need, desire and a deep seated affection. Roving and moving all over her body, she could feel his gaze almost burn her. Despite her cloth robe hiding her figure, he knew it well, had explored it thoroughly, knew every inch of her, and she luxuriated in the feel of his gaze upon her body.

Being desired felt good.

But as his hands moved to her body, undoing the knot of her robes and opening them up, she realized that being desired was good, but being touched was even better. His hands were rough and calloused, he worked with machines and electronics all the time, she remembered his gift for mechanical work and especially with older, simpler machinery, and how much he had put it to use… yet those hands that could break things apart and handle and manipulate heavy machinery were gentle as he put them on her body, on her chest.

She was naked under her robes. She had been expecting him. Had showered and readied herself for him. She hadn’t doubted him for a moment, for a second, had known he would come clear the air with her, would come to show himself before her, and to make certain that she would know he was there for her.

His hands felt hot on her, almost burning her skin as he laid them upon the soft skin of her chest. Tanlines still remained from their beach trip, almost entirely gone, only slightly lighter areas where her sexy bikini had covered her before. His fingers and palms played with the meat of her breast for only a few moments before he was in motion once again, grabbing her breasts from below, hefting and playing with them, and then his fingers were moving, sliding along the soft skin to reach her nipples, a slightly darker color than their usual. Her face and chest were growing redder with every passing second as well, and her breathing was growing faster.

He just had this way to turn her on, just by laying his hands upon her, touching her a little. His eyes were like smoldering flame, like pools of liquid amber, staring into hers and pulling her in deep… Almost hypnotic even. He approached and kissed her, and while distracting her by sticking his tongue into her mouth and his left hand played with her right breast, his right hand began to move lower, moving the robe out of the way, and reaching towards her crotch, pushing Taiga’s thigh away, the other leg moving almost as if automatically matching his movements.

This wasn’t their first rodeo. Wouldn’t be the last, either. Their bodies knew each other at an intimate level and they could adapt and move with each other with supreme ease despite all their attention being taken up by concentrating on one another.

His hand reached for her crotch. Once upon a time, Taiga had been a bit less careful with her grooming and self-care, but this was one of the many things she had changed about herself, some of the many things that had changed positively since she got a fuckbuddy whom she appreciated and wanted to please.

Of course, Shirou had never said a thing, nor would he say anything now, not even as their kiss broke and he began laying kisses down her chest, capturing her nipple for a moment, kissing it deeply, flicking it with his tongue a few times, before continuing his trip down.

Taiga looked down at the redhead’s short hair with a smile as he laid blazing hot kisses that sent tickling bolts of pleasure across her body with every touch, drawing a line towards her crotch. Before, she’d had quite the hairy muff, and Shirou had said nothing, but it didn’t take her long to realize that he didn’t exactly like hair in her mouth, no matter how much he would selflessly eat her out whenever they were together.

She remembered his first few clumsy attempts, his rapid improvement and his dedication to the task, and she remembered his face the first time when he went down on her and found that she had gone ahead and got her pubic hair taken care of… he hadn’t said it, of course, but she could see that he was very happy to see her cunt bare and bald.

His eyes always lit up whenever he laid them on her puffy, already wet and slightly reddened pussy, and she couldn’t help but spread her legs a little wider. One of Shirou’s hands rested on each of her thighs for a moment, and then he dove in, the redhead coming down on her like a hungry man to a feast, like a man dying of thirst, chancing upon an oasis in the desert, he feasted, he drank and he enjoyed, desperately making out with her count, noisily gulping down her overflowing juices.

Taiga wasn’t a complicated woman, she was simple, some would even say she was easy. Good food, a good attitude, and of course, a skilled tongue, would take you a very long way with her, and Shirou had all three of those in spades, his tongue lapping up her juices, going past her lips and tasting and enjoying her pink insides, even sticking into the same breeding hole Shirou had used to put a baby in her.

He didn’t stop, his fingers moving in, sticking into her pussy, spearing her tight lovehole while he captured her clit with his lips, pressing them against the pleasure button, her hands grabbing onto his head, bunching up his hair, her fingernails almost clawing into his scalp as she bucked her hips into his face, two of his fingers went into her and curled exactly the right angle to begin to scratch at the most infurating itch inside her, one that her own fingers could never seem to quell.

“Ooh, Shiroooouuughhh~!” she cried out, throwing her head back, “you’re- too amazing!!” she cried out, “I’m about to- kh, cum!!”

And she did. He was always brutal to her like that. One of the things they liked about each other was, perhaps, how well they complimented one another. Shirou got off massively on getting down on his knees before her and just rushing her to a powerful orgasm that made her entire body shake, and that was exactly what he did. He loved to serve, loved to take care of people, and she loved to be serviced and taken care of, and they made a great duo, their sexual preferences matching almost perfectly.

Maybe that was why they had remained fuck buddies so long and so firmly, even though they never found that romantic spark of irrational love between them, they were perfect for each other in a sexual way.

Shirou luxuriated in the feeling of her orgasming from his mouth and fingers and going wild and crazy on him, humping his face as she came all over it, crying out in pleasure, wordless, meaningless cries that he’d never tell her sounded almost like a tiger about to pounce on an unsuspecting victim.

“Fuck me,” Taiga cried. “Before I’m too big and fat and can’t do it anymore,” she begged. “Fuck me for now and for all the months I’ll have to hold back,” she said, “make me feel it, so I’ll remember it all that time!” she begged, grabbing Shirou by the lapel of his blazer and pulling him up. The school uniform somehow made it all the naughtier, she thought as she looked upon him.

She was sure that what they were doing would be seen as evil and immoral by a lot of people, but they were adults, making adult choices… maybe choices that they’d need to hide from others, but their own choices nonetheless.

Shirou pulled her legs out a little, and stood back up, quickly undoing the zipper of his pants and letting them drop, showing that he wasn’t just hard. For a moment, Taiga couldn’t help but compare the girthy, strong and magnificently sturdy looking dick that Shirou pulled out of his pants with her own shinai. It always gave her the impression of one, oddly enough, and she couldn’t get enough of it.

After all, she knew her way around a sword and could handle Shirou’s ‘blade’, so to speak, with all that experience and technique.

He guided himself into place. After cumming, Taiga was super sensitive and weak to further stimulation, but it was just how she liked it. She threw her arms around his shoulders and the back of his neck and pulled him closer as he pushed into her, spreading her cunt lips first and then penetrating into her, a cock that was very familiar to her, so big, strong and mighty that she never could get used to it, no matter how many times they were together. She could feel every bump from the veins along his cock, the wider flare of its tip, and even the slightly fatter part around the middle, every time felt like the first whenever he stuck it into her.

It was wonderful, and so were his lips on hers, as he fucked her, selfless as ever, focusing so thoroughly and completely on her and her pleasure, angling himself perfectly to hit every one of her sensitive spots, making sure to touch the weakest of them all, the so called ‘G spot’ that she had read on the internet about, pushing into her.

The first few times they had done it, the size and hardness of his cock had been a detriment. She’d had about as much experience as he did and they had clumsily laid with each other, cumming like crazy all night long. When she compared their furtive, frenzied sex then to what they did now, Taiga couldn’t help but feel like they’d both come so far together…

He waited for her to settle, considerate and thoughtful. He wasn’t thrusting into her like a rabid dog as he had before, and instead, he waited for her pussy to become accustomed to him, to his prodigious size, before he began to move, and when he did, he started slow and picked up speed little by little, rather than slamming into her hard from the start.

Her hands slid down his shoulders and chest before snaking towards his back, her fingers, almost like a tiger’s claws, hooking onto his back as he began to pick up speed. His muscles felt amazing under her fingers, his cock was now gouging her insides out in just the exact way she liked it, touching every sensitive spot along the way and making her drown in pleasure, her voice coming out in silly, wordless little cries, gasps and moans that might’ve tried to be words of praise or exclamations of lust or pleasure.

It was pointless to try to resist him anymore. She was utterly and thoroughly defeated. She had never been able to stand up to him when it came to housework, and recently, even with a sword in hand… but she could still hold him up here, using everything she had practiced, squeezing her inner muscles just the way she knew how to, to begin driving him wild as well.

His rhythm hitched, his breathing became more laborious, and she responded his efforts with her own.

They began to make out again, she clawed his back, knowing he liked a little bit of pain to go with his pleasure, to make it contrast more, she knew because she enjoyed how he stretched her as well, and they shared this among many other things.

They fucked hard, fast and strong, their pace climbing until they were both manically kissing each other as they fucked, Taiga meeting his hip thrusts with her own, Shirou’s hands wandering her body, squeezing her ass, her breasts, until they locked into a tight and heated embrace, pushing their bodies against each other, chest to chest, stomach to stomach, thigh to thigh, and most important of all, their sexes almost seeming to mesh together into a single one, their mouths meeting in one last open lip kiss as they both came, neither letting their voice out, simply continuing to kiss and give their everything to their partner.

Shirou was flooding her within.

Taiga could never give up the unbelievable feeling of heat coursing through her, filling her from within, the feeling of a creampie… their little mistake had been born of her love for this sensation.

And as even more of that heat spread inside her, and Shirou almost collapsed on top of her, still rocking his hips to accompany his ejaculation, she felt like she didn’t regret it at all, not a single bit whatsoever.

If anything…

It was a mistake she might be keen on repeating.

She hugged him tightly, and they both rested only briefly. Soon, they would continue, but until then, they simply basked in the afterglow of their coupling.


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