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"I feel like I should be feeling mildly insulted by this."

The black hearted prince was, at the best of times, a hard man to please. Headstrong, proud, arrogant sometimes even, but with the skill and ability to match. He had high standards, for himself, and for everyone else, and he was never shy about letting people know who he was, what he stood for, and what it meant to be in his presence.

Now throw all of that out the window because there's absolutely no way in hell anyone would believe that said black hearted prince was currently dressed in a wrestling leotard, reviving an ancient practice from the not so far southeastern country, and he was on his back, on the ground, his face and his skin flushed.

All would've been fine, he was no stranger to getting knocked flat on his back ever since he started training with someone who thought that the royal knights' training standard routines were a nice warmup. But that was, unfortunately, not the only problem.

The bigger problem was that he had his most precious person's butt on his face, and he was entirely too proud to admit that the view was absolutely amazing. Katarina had just wrestled him down to the ground and, just a few moments ago, sat on his face. Her own wrestling leotard was tighter than Geordo's around the backside, thighs and chest, and that had been doing things to Geordo's concentration.

Considering Katarina's unusually high physical strength, it really was no wonder that a distracted Geordo had been defeated.

"I... did it?" Katarina asked, blinking. "I did it! I beat Geordo! I beat Geordo in a fight!" she called, launching to her feet and then continuing up, jumping into the air a rather prodigious height, a chance that Geordo utilized to roll out of the way, rolling onto his front, planting his hands on the ground and then pushing himself up quickly, already down in a stance, ready to grapple once again.

Winning or losing a fight had absolutely nothing to do with his intent to grapple Katarina again, it was entirely about the contact... but he wouldn't be admitting to that, instead simply lying. He was a bit of a sore loser, so nobody would question it.

"That's one," Tanya said, raising a finger. "Seven takedowns to one," she said, sighing. "Lady Katarina, I would have to ask you not to celebrate so thoroughly," she spoke, idly. "His highness might find it rather... rude. Especially after your... particular method of pining him down."

Katarina blushed and covered her face, turning away and clearly going into an internal rant. 

As always, her strange habits were rather cute and endearing, instead of being annoying. He couldn't really stay mad at her, despite the insult of having his face used as a cushion. The softness of her butt, the stretching of the leotard's fabric, the rounded shape, even its smell, everything about Katarina was intoxicating to Geordo. 

She was something that he couldn't ever get enough of, someone he couldn't figure out, someone who always seemed to surprise him. She had always seemed like she could see right through him, like she alone was the one who could see beneath his skin and see the empty black heart underneath... ever since he had become her fiancé, he had found himself in a world of pure nonsense and stupidity, far removed from the cold and boring realm of the aristocracy he knew.

She had even taken him through a road most strange.

Geordo then looked at Tanya, the referee for their training spar, so to speak. 

He wasn't blind to reality. Katarina was dumb. There would always be a need to protect her because she was the kind of person who would strike up a friendship with a man who kidnapped her, and then get him to spill out his life story before offering him a job in one of the many companies that she owned. Somehow always got lucky and happened to find exactly the right people that she needed for those too...

Even as they graduated the academy, as she went from the young girl he loved to a confident young woman, a fully mature and developed adult... she hadn't ever ceased being the height of naivete and foolishness. The sole predictable thing about her, in any situation, Katarina would be Katarina.

"Distractions in battle can be, and frequently are, fatal," the blonde maid said, giving him a nod.

Geordo then stepped forward, to where Katarina was still having a lengthy internal monologue, no doubt recriminating herself about nearly breaking his nose with her backside, and before she had a chance to realize what was going on, he grabbed her and took her down in an instant, pining her with his own body, onto the ground. Only then did Katarina realize they'd both still been in the chalk circle drawn as their arena, and as such, their battle was ongoing.

Geordo threw her down, and heard the weirdly satisfying 'oof' noise she made as she landed.

He couldn't rely on keeping her down too long. She was ever hesitant to use it, but her physical strength was unmatched, on par with royal knights who spent their entire lives exercising, and if she had the mind to do it, she could throw him off like he was little more than a rag doll. He immobilized her arms by putting them behind her back, holding them down with both of his, then he adjusted his position so he could pin her legs by putting his calves on the backs of her knees, giving him leverage and position to prevent her prodigious strength from throwing her off.

"And that's eight to one," Tanya announced. 

Geordo panted. He'd had to move fast, to be brutal and efficient. Knowing that she could take it, that she'd get angry and upset if he went easy, didn't make it any easier to use force against the woman he loved most in the world, but it was for her own good. 

The glare of the ice-eyed demon in black and white was an everpresent threat behind him... any attempt at going easy on Katarina would result in a sparring session with Tanya. Geordo had been in actual fights for his life less brutal than a sparring session with an angry Tanya.

As Geordo held Katarina down, she made a weird sound, followed by an audible gulp.

"Uhm... it's, it's touching my butt..." she muttered.

Geordo was still for a moment, as if he had suddenly frozen in place. He blinked, once, twice. Then he looked down.


It was touching her butt.

It, of course, being Geordo's erection. Katarina was... very attractive. Physically as well, not just by her refreshing personality and healing presence, Geordo genuinely found her body to be fascinating. So different from the noblewomen who had once accosted him, she actually had quite a bit of muscle under the tender, soft skin that somehow never became rough no matter what kind of exercises she did.


Katarina turned her face towards him, she was as red as a tomato. This wasn't the first time she had felt his erection. Though the... consummation of their marriage was an event best remembered only for its emotional significance and not the quality of their time together, they didn't actually spend many nights together. Not for lack of trying, of course, but Geordo could not monopolize the time of the most desired woman in the Kingdom... and gods and whatever spirits were watching, he had tried.

"Should I step out of the room and give you privacy?" Tanya asked, idly.

Geordo huffed. When he'd originally been brought to the training dojo in Katarina's property, he'd been brought in by the maid to spend some quality alone time with Katarina... he'd essentially been played like a fiddle, and had come with the full intent of making up for lost time. The maid was the main obstacle when it came to spending time with his beloved... but maybe she didn't have to be.

"What do you think, Katarina my love?" Geordo asked, trying to affect a debonair, charming and smooth demeanor, while still pressing the length of his erection between Tanya's cheeks, slowly letting go of her arms so she could rest better. "Would you like her to leave?" he asked.

Katarina huffed. "Well it does feel awkward to be watched!" she admitted, turning her head aside, her face red. She knew what was coming. She knew not to make a fuss about it, and she knew what it all meant. They were a couple, part of a greater whole certainly, but Geordo desired her, and despite her protestations, Katarina had finally admitted to him, and to herself, that she desired him back as well... all while stuttering and confessing that she had been scared of his true nature many years back.

Somehow, knowing that she had gotten closer to him and saved him from the dull and gray life despite being completely terrified of the monster that lurked beneath the calm and cold prince's skin had only made her even more endearing.

"It does, but," Geordo was not too proud about this, "I... would like to request your support," he said. Phrasing it like this made it easier. He wasn't asking his wife's girlfriend for help in pleasuring his wife, no, he was asking a subject of his kingdom for support and aid in perhaps the most important task of his life. "You know my wi- Katarina's body better than anyone."

Better than even the woman herself, most likely... in many more ways than just the one.

"Perhaps. But I do not wish to intrude in your relationship, I am well aware of my role and my place," the blonde said. "I am a servant, I am meant to serve," she said, bowing slightly, "not to step between my lady and any of her significant others."

There was a bitter hint of frustration there... though with her, it was always hard to tell. If Katarina was refreshingly honest, open, warm and as unpredictable as a warm spring breeze, Tanya was more akin to a harsh blizzard, very cold, and though you could never read its movements until it was too late, you knew it would always be an everpresent danger, even if you thought yourself safe.

If he said he didn't think she was attractive to some degree, he'd be lying... but that didn't mean he was a fool. One doesn't need to be cut by the glass rose to know it's sharp. Total opposites. The ice cold Moon to the brightly shining Sun of Sorcier... And that moon was exactly what he needed.

"Then serve your lady," Geordo ordered. "And myself. Show me what I must do, and how to do it, to make the most of our time together."

"Understood, your highness," the maid said, bowing slightly. 

"Eh? What's happening?" Katarina asked. "You guys aren't about to team up on me are you?"

They were, just not in the way she thought.

Geordo was already hard - being in close contact, wrestling with Katarina, and seeing her in the tight leotard was enough to get him fully ready to go. But Katarina? Katarina'd need more than that. So he let her go, and stepped back, letting the expert take over.

"Your highness, I shall demonstrate," Tanya said, stepping up onto the ring, and helping the confused Katarina turn around and sit up.

"What are you guys talking about?" Katarina asked, blinking owlishly, in a cuter way that usual, her confusion was also always cute. Amidst the confusion, Tanya took the moment to grab her by the shoulder straps of her leotard and pulling it down.

"My lady," Tanya began, "has sensitive nipples," she spoke.

"T-Tanya! That's not-" Katarina complained.

"It's best to be gentle, if you're not confident of your finger control, use your lips and tongue," Tanya instructed.

It was strange. Marital education was... quite lacking for men, Geordo realized. He knew the purpose of breasts, and he knew some men were obsessed with them, some with the biggest ones, some with the smallest ones, some with any they could find, but he'd never really thought of their potential... Katarina's were indeed very nice...

Tanya's hand grabbed onto Katarina's breast and squeezed it very lightly, making the pink nipple stand out, then she brought her head to Katarina's chest, and began lapping at it, licking it with some visible effort while showing off the motions to Geordo, drawing a moan from Katarina, whose arm moved and grabbed onto Tanya.

"Ungh, ouhh, don't do that!!" Katarina yelled, "it's embarrassing to moan like that! I sound like a pig!"

She sounded very lovely, and not at all like the squeal of a pig, but he didn't think it was an appropriate time to comment on that. Instead, transfixed by the other breast that was offered to him, Geordo moved forward and using all the talent of the prodigy prince, he imitated what he had seen Tanya do, capturing the breast with his hand, squeezing it ever so slightly to make the nipple stand out.


The moan there was slightly pained, Geordo relaxed his grip and then moved his mouth forward, capturing the nipple and flicking it with his tongue, then licking it more concertedly, Katarina began moaning more like she did with Tanya, the cute sound that made his loins throb and his core heat up.

"Keep going, switch to the other nipple while using your hand to stimulate the first, be gentle when touching her nipples," Tanya advised.

Geordo did as instructed, taking care of each of Katarina's nipples.

"Ngnh, this- I," Katarina panted, biting her lip and leaning back, resting her weight on her arms, involuntarily sticking her chest out. 

"My lady, don't be rude as well, your partner deserves to know if you're enjoying what he's doing to you," Tanya chided.

"Ahh, I like it, he's doing it well!" Katarina responded, "A- a little, harder, yeah, just like that, ohh, that feels good..!" she mewled.

This was nothing compared to what he had seen when he had, totally by accident and not by deliberate attempts at spying, not at all, caught a glimpse of the maid and the lady during their private nights. No, Geordo had to go further, dig deeper, learn even more.

"Excellent work, your highness," Tanya praised. "Now we'll move on to my lady's genitals," she spoke. "My lady, please excuse me," she added, then pulled the leotard down to Katarina's waist.

Dutifully, Geordo moved back to give her space to do so, then helped by pulling the leotard off of Katarina's body entirely. He wasn't entirely certain what that kind of clothing was called specifically, leotards with legs were strange... The new craze of workout clothes being as tight on the human form as possible wasn't one he'd helped push, but young men everywhere definitely approved of it.

And he totally wasn't thinking of that to distract himself from the fact that the only thing between himself and his beloved's vagina was now a very small pair of underwear. Panties... the most under of underwear... Geordo normally would not have cared, he was made of sterner stuff, but the knowledge that she was naked before him, that he got to touch her, that-

Tanya snapped her fingers in front of his face.

Geordo could barely maintain his concentration in the face of the most precious treasure in all of his country. "I..."

"Prince, this time, I will do it for you, but going forward, it is important that you learn how to perform cunnilingus on my lady. Proper stimulation and preparation is vital to have satisfactory intercourse," Tanya said, matter of factly. "In fact, it might serve you in the future, to pleasure my lady, as she can orgasm purely from oral stimulation."

Katarina covered her face, she was so red she was glowing.

Geordo nodded. "Please, instruct me, Teacher," he said, eagerly.

Some thought this act was... bad. Some thought that getting between the legs of a woman and servicing her was debasing oneself. Some thought oral sex, sex purely for enjoyment and which had no reproductive purpose, was immoral. Some even thought that no self respecting man should ever service a woman.

Idiots and fools, all of them.

Tanya pulled off Katarina's gray workout panties, and revealed her juicy peach. Geordo knew all of its parts, as good as a doctor perhaps. The labia majoris. The labia minoris. He could differentiate the vagina from the urethra. Despite all the jokes, he could, and did, locate the clitoris, even though it wasn't exactly the same as on the diagram he'd studied.

"Get behind my lady, it'll give you a better vantage point to observe, continue playing with her breasts as well, and kiss her shoulder and her cheek as you can," Tanya instructed, "my lady likes these acts of affection very much."

Katarina mewled out an embarrassed cry. "Noooo, stop it!!" she said. "Those are secret! Secret!"

Geordo laughed openly. Yeah. Tanya didn't need to be an obstacle... He didn't think they'd ever be allies. She was only helping him because it would mean better sex for Katarina. He knew that much... but at least, they could be temporary allies.

He had compromised many things, and as he settled behind Katarina and rested her back on his chest, scooting until his erection pressed against her butt and back, he settled to begin watching how the maid pleasured her mistress, while using his hands to tease the mistress' breasts.

Geordo had felt a little played when he had been brought here, but now... now he felt like he was the one playing, and Tanya was teaching him how to play the instrument that was Katarina...

And as the demon maid from the frozen pits of hell lowered her head and began to lovingly, devotedly lick, suck and slurp up her mistress' juicy, aroused genitals, Geordo thought that it was all worth it. He observed and memorized everything, and knew that soon, it'd be his turn... He would learn everything from Tanya, and soon... he'd be giving Katarina a good helping of reasons why she might want to be with him more frequently...

"Nghn, Tanya, Taaaaniiiyaahhh~!" 

That was it. The sweetest sound in the world, Katarina screaming out her maid's name as she came, juices overflowing.

The blonde looked up at her fellow blond, and shared a nod with him. Geordo knew. it was his turn to make Katarina scream his name... and he'd do his best to make sure she cried even louder than she did for her maid!


About two hours later...

"P-Please," Katarina mewled, "I can't cum anymore~! I'm gonna dry up like an old granny..."

"I... suppose that would be the end of the lesson," Tanya said. "Naturally, I cannot teach you how to penetrate, owing to my lack of a member to do it with. However, you know my lady's body, I believe in your ability to please her with your penis," Tanya said. "I will be supporting you for the next step, your highness, do not fret, let me take care of my lady's front, please take her from behind."

Geordo nodded, balling up his hands into fists, then opening his left to strike his right fist into his left palm after a moment. "Right," he said.

Katarina's eyes grew wide. "Oh... ohhh noooo," she muttered, "I'm gonna die... I'm gonna break into a million pieces and die... I spent so long avoiding all the doom flags, only to die in the most hardcore lewd ending ever!"

"I have absolutely no idea what any of that means," Geordo said.

"Uhm... help?" Katarina asked, looking at Tanya.

Tanya nodded. "Allow me," she said, grabbing Katarina and helping her get on all fours, holding her backside up for Geordo to have space to get started.


She wouldn't be able to form words much longer. Despite her protests, she enjoyed herself quite a bit...


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