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"Hey. Do you have a minute?"

You did, but that was beside the point. "Who..?"

"Down here, this joke's too cliché even for us!" 

You looked down and found yourself faced with what looked not unlike a toddler. "I, uh- I take it you're a servant of some sort?" you asked.

"... of a sort," the dark skinned, white haired toddler spoke. She wore an adorable hoodie with decorative big floppy ear-things and carried a purse. It was cute. She stood in a power pose, crossed her arms, and glared at you, speaking seriously. Chaldea being Chaldea, you weren't exactly about to dismiss her because of her appearance. Some servants just were like that sometimes, and it only takes one traumatic experience with the blue haired demon to never dismiss a child-shaped servant ever again. 

"Okay, I do have some time," you said. "My office is just a few steps away, do you want to step in or want to chat out here?" you asked, pointing at your office. "I was just going to go get lunch."

Actually, it hit you that both your assistants were gone to get lunch. You were slightly on edge at remembering that, this servant had deliberately gotten you alone... this could either be bad, or it could be terribly silly.

"In your office is fine," she said, and you showed her the way and then sat her in front of your desk. The last time you'd had a meeting with someone in this office, Mana had been under your desk while you put up with inane chattering for half an hour... that was nice, but a really inappropriate thought for a serious discussion with someone who, presumably, wouldn't just come to your office to plead for you to not collect on debts.

You dismissed the thought as the small girl adjusted the seat and looked seriously at you.

"I will not mince my words nor will I waste your time, I know how busy you are," she said, simply and clearly. "I wish for you to hire my wielder as part of your unit."

There was a moment's pause. "I... okay?" you responded. "You know I have people assigned to me, I don't really pick my team, right? Koyanskaya usually handles the interviews as well," you said. 

"Yes. I understand. However, I acquired permission from Wielder's Master," she said, "and she approved of the change ahead of time."

"Riiiight," you said. "So do you want to explain the wielder thing or-"

"Oh. Yes. I am part of a servant, specifically, I am more or less an anthropomorphic representation of her sword," she spoke, her hand on her chest. "I normally stick close to her but I came ahead this time because I wish to make matters clear. I know the kind of man you are, and your department would be the best fit for my wielder. I'd certainly prefer it over her wish to sign up for Club and Hotel duties," she said.

"I... see," you said. "Right. I mean I get it, you want to look after her," you said, cautiously. "But if she's really innocent... we have to deal with some very bad people, and sometimes, we have to-"

"Oh, no, not at all, that would not be a worry," the sword girl said.

"Do you have a name?" you asked. "It feels weird to not call you by name."

"I am named Rengoku," the newly named Rengoku spoke, nodding. "My wielder... has suffered through her life. It is difficult to speak candidly, but the short of it is that she is recovering from having had to abandon all emotion and feeling for a single decisive battle."

"Oh, so it's like that..." you hummed. "But wouldn't making her work in my department be worse for her wellbeing?"

"No, I believe, not at all, it'd bring some stability and normalcy to her life," Rengoku spoke. "Her emotions have resurfaced, but she needs more interactions than just those with her master."

"So you want me to provide her an environment where she can do that?" you asked. "I mean, certainly, I suppose if all is clear, we can put the reassignment request."

"Excellent," Rengoku said, nodding. "That was all I wished to talk about, I will confirm it with Wielder's Master now!" she said, smiling brightly in a way that looked far more fitting on her young face, hopping off the chair, and then running out without so much as a goodbye, clearly flooding with excitement.

"Well that was interesting," you said. "Might still make it to Lunch," you muttered to yourself, getting up only for the door to your office to close suddenly.

There was someone there who hadn't been there a moment ago.

"I know Chaldea is climate controlled," you pointed out, gesturing at her, "but that's still not a reason to wear a bikini in winter."

"It's not winter yet," she responded.

She reminded you of Rengoku. Looked like an older sister even. Extremely long, pale hair, golden yellow eyes, a white bikini, a black half jacket that seemed to be only sleeves, shoulders and a little bit more covering her upper back, an orange scarf, red hair ornaments, and a serious expression on her face. 

"True," you admitted. "You must be Rengoku's wielder. Miss..?"

"Saber. Majin Saber," she said, nodding seriously. "I saw Rengoku coming here on her own and I thought I should check it out," she said. "So she wanted me to transfer to this department... instead of joining the Hotel Workforce..." she muttered.

"She seemed worried about you. Ritsuka approved it, according to her, so I can't imagine she's too far off base. How do you feel about working in debt collection?" you asked, idly.

"Not my first time... not opposed to it," Majin Saber said, raising a hand and pointing the palm at you as she struck a pose. "I am an ephemeral dream, a short lived existence that was meant to last only for a single battle..." she said, hanging her head a little. "Which makes it all the more strange that I've been here for several years now," she said. "In fact, I believe I've been cheated out of a very dramatic and tragic mayfly romance," she spoke, crossing her arms and looking rather upset. "I was supposed to make people cry with my story you know?"

"This is somehow not the most bizarre conversation I've had with a servant," you said. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because!" she said, clenching her fist and raising it. "I must make my most sincere appeal to the fans so that they might continue choosing me! I will fight for the continuation of all our existence!" she spoke, "and I will start with you! All this time, I've thought that the final, decisive battle I was made for was a nebulous statement made just because the person who wrote my character still hadn't really thought about what that meant, but now I understand it! Now I see it clearly!" she said. "It was you! All along, the battle I was created for, it was no singularity or lostbelt or even ordeal call, it was no Beast, God or Alien! It was," she then dashed forward in a blur of motion, freaking laser beams appearing in mid air as she cut through the air all around you.

And then suddenly, you were naked, your clothes in shreds.

And she was in front of you, pointing at your crotch. "IT WAS THIS!" she cried out. "I was made for this moment... my whole existence... was for this moment! Eat your heart out, Arthur! This is the Battle that will save the World!" she said.

"Okay I'm starting to think about taking back that thing about this not being my most bizarre encounter with a servant. I've dealt with some weird things in my time in Chaldea and this is starting to get to the top of that list. Can you explain?"

"There's no time to explain! You must use all of your power and skill and have sex with me!"

She was hot.

Her breasts were more than a nice handful, for some reason you got the impression that something was missing from her chest, but her bikini showed off her extremely sexy body, her dark caramel skin was smooth and perfect, her tummy was flat but as she breathed you could see the contours of her muscles underneath... she gave the impression of a warrior that didn't quite understand what she was doing fully, but that only made her cuter.

"Uhm... I know the rumors but, you don't have to have sex with me to be in this department," you said, cautiously. 

"I've accepted it, this is the only course, I will show you the power of Majin Saber!" she spoke, grandly, grabbing you by the shoulder and thigh and pressing your body against hers, she was soft but only just, only the topmost layer, underneath was powerful muscle, and the contrast was wonderful.

She captured your mouth with hers, but she was quite noticeably inexperienced, a clumsy attempt at kissing you that almost made you recoil as she nearly hit her teeth to yours and definitely bumped noses, but you responded quickly, putting a hand on her ass, the rounded meat of her cheek not covered at all by her sexy bikini bottoms, squeezing it and using your other hand on the back of her head to guide her, making her tilt so you could kiss her properly.

Guiding her was easy, she responded and learned quickly, soon she was responding to your kiss with a much better one of her own, your tongues first starting an one sided invasion of her mouth, then trading protagonism back and forth, as she learned everything you did to her and did it to you in turn, even squeezing your very naked ass.

The kiss broke, and you were at half mast already from the feel of her body and the heavy kiss.

Majin Saber panted a little. "This is tougher than I thought, but I won't give up!" she said. "... what do we do next?"

As soon as her brave proclamation was finished, her demeanor changed to that of an overly excited puppy.

Well, you were up for a little foreplay. "Sit on my desk," you said.

"Like this?" she asked, hopping up onto your desk. You put a hand on each of her thighs as she did so and spread them, then you crouched just enough that you could dive onto her crotch, sliding the bikini bottoms out of the way and revealing her peachy pussy, the pinker color of the lips contrasting nicely with the almost pale tone of the innermost part of her labia. You used your thumbs to spread them, revealing the much darker pink of her insides, and licked your lips.

"Eh?" she blinked. "Am I not supposed to do this to you?" she asked.

You looked up at her. "Do you want me to stop?"

She looked thoughtful for a moment. "No?" 

"You really don't," you chuckled, then you dove in further and your lips made contact with her pussy, and your tongue began to lap at her juicy cunny. She wasn't too excited at first, but it only made it more important to be good and thorough on your service, wetting her with your saliva at first, only to get rewarded with the slightly strong taste of her honey as she began to prepare her body for sex.

Within the first few licks she was gushing already, and the taste was only getting better by the second. It was strange to feel it, it was almost like she was adapting to you, more like it was actually changing, rather than you getting used to the taste... but you couldn't care less about that in the heat of the moment, you were licking a cute servant's cunt while she was mewling and panting and moaning, her hands grabbing onto your head.

She was clearly going mad, caught in the throes of pleasure, not capable, if she'd even wanted to, of holding back. It was like eating out a blushing virgin, there was an air of lewd innocence to her, and her gushing pussy was so sensitive it was crazy.

Pulling back only enough to give her a brief breather, you brought your hand up and shoved two fingers into her well lubricated and ready vagina, which greedily swallowed them up, at the same time as you changed your tongue's target to her little clit, engorged and demanding your attention, first flicking it with your tongue then giving it flat licks before sealing your lips around it and sucking, your hand going back and forth in her gushing pussy.

"Ahn, what, what is this!? I'm, I can't pee but it feels like I might!!" she screamed, "was I really a lewd servant made for dirty sex after all!?" she cried out, "ohhh! Here it comes!! I can't hold it in!!"

Like she feared, she did indeed spray liquid out of her pussy, however, it was not urine at all, but as she screamed out her orgasm, she squirted clear and surprisingly delicious fluid all over your face, your mouth, your shoulders and much of the wall behind your desk at your office, for a good few seconds, all you could feel, see, hear and taste was her orgasm, until it was done, and the last few squirts of juice landed on your face.

You chuckled.

"What... what was that?" she asked, panting. "I've never-"

You grinned. "That," you said, "was an orgasm."

"O-Oh," Majin Saber blinked. "I... think I might really like this duty," she said. "May I have another?"

You nodded, got up and guided your cock to her cunt. "I'm going to go inside now," you said, "relax and just enjoy yourself," you said.

With her fully relaxed and prepared to go, you had an easy time slipping into her cunt, and it was... glorious. Though she had the narrow, tight and stiff pussy of a first time fucker, she was also an immense talent in the lewd arts, she was even already adjusting to your cock, gasping and panting and moaning in pleasure. Her brown breasts looked so delectable, popping out of her swimsuit, that you couldn't help yourself, capturing one in your mouth, and she grabbed at your head, holding it in place and crying out in pleasure.

"Ahh, that feels so good!" she cried out in ecstasy, "I feel, I feel it coming again!! Ahh, this is!! The most fulfilling duty!! Ever!!!"

You pushed further until you were all the way in, gritting your teeth as suddenly another orgasm was unleashed... and it didn't seem to stop, you began to move, and she seemed to cum again, and again, and even more as you increased your pace, moving like a piston in and out of her pussy, which rearranged itself and relaxed and tightened up and squeezed and caressed and crushed you in every which way trying to find the most pleasurable.

The wet and sloppy noises wouldn't stop, but they would be made inaudible next to the screams of pleasure as you slammed deep, as deep as you could go, kissing the very entrance to her womb with the very tip of your cock, and with a roar, you came, strong, powerful and unstoppable, filling her with thick and heavy babymaking juice.

"Ahhn... I did it... I laid with a man before the original..." she mewled. "I've... fulfilled my duty..."

You panted, leaning against her a little as she hugged you, and she was surprised when the amusement from her words caused a chuckle to bubble out of you.

"What's funny?" she asked. "... is it the fact that I was a virgin? Did I say that weird?" she asked.

You moved to peck her lips. "This is only round one," you said, and as if on cue, your cock, which hadn't flagged at all inside her tight, hot, wet pussy, flooded with cum, throbbed and pulsed, which caused her to shudder as it did. "There's still twenty minutes left in my lunch break, and I feel like some chocolate for lunch today."

There was a moment's pause.

"Rengoku won't let me eat chocolate for lunch, even though servants can't get cavities," she said.

You put your hands on her hips and ass on the desk, and began rocking your hips again. "Don't worry, I'll feed you plenty of cream for today's lunch..."

She didn't respond, already, she was having trouble holding herself together, and that was a trait she'd keep until the end of the lunch period, unable to form a single other word for the rest of it, as you made damn sure of it.

As you finished inside her for the final time, your third cumshot inside her, she made a peace sign. "Being a counter guardian is awesome," she said.

Somewhere, an Archer in red felt like strangling someone and he didn't know why.


"And that's how I joined the squad. I will be acting as a hitman, attack dog, thug, hired muscle, henchman, sex pet and enforcer," Majin Saber said. "I will be in your care."

"Hold up, why do so many of those have negative connotations?" Mana asked. "And one of those wasn't like the others at all!"

Rengoku sent you a thumbs up and a knowing smile at first, then she realized what her wielder had said. "Wait, you- WIELDER!!"

And then there was chaos and phenomenal goofiness. So the usual for the debt collection department, which everyone was used to.



Since the december event was GudaGuda, all of the options were GudaGuda girls! Blue and White was Original Flavor Okita Red and Black was Demon King Nobu Black and White was Nagao Kagetora White and Red was Himiko Blue, Black and Purple was Mysterious Ranmaru X And as you can see, Black, Orange and White was Okita Alter