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Life moves on.

But me?

I'm stuck on history.

Because I can't tell everyone that everything they know is wrong, so I might as well just forget the truth and sing along with the deranged nonsense that made it to the history books. Oh, and why am I reading history books, you might ask yourself?


I find myself reading history books because for reasons that go beyond my understanding, my plan to remain an unassuming girl doing good deeds without being tied and bogged down by aristocracy has been shot by the discovery of my magic powers being far beyond what they really should be, and now, I am forcing myself to get an education that goes well beyond the norm for my social station.

Admittedly, the fact that the Great Saint's Fund was being used for some actual good, that is to say, the money I left behind was used according to my instructions, I never thought I'd one day find myself making use of it myself, but here I am, on a scholarship ride to a famous school, in the capital of the country, far away from home and my family.

The years went by quickly. Too quickly. I've practiced my magic as much and as best as I could without arousing suspicion, and I've been using it around home and all over my hometown, trying my hardest not to be discovered, and for the most part, I've succeeded. But my parents put their feet down and were uncompromising on one simple and straightforward point.

I had the possibility to seek further and greater education than that afforded to the regular children of commoners. Unlike my older brothers, who had to make do with what had been made publicly and widely available, and my parents, who had struggled to get even that much due to the circumstances of their youth, my magic presented me with a golden opportunity, a chance that was simply too good to be ignored, even though it also represented a certain degree of danger.

I would not be able to hide my power forever, we all knew that. Mom was ultimately the one who had been the deciding factor. She said that luck was preparation meeting opportunity... and that meant that since the day my family discovered my magic until today, a few months after my fifteenth birthday, I've been preparing for this opportunity.

Arrangements were made with the local nobility, the Baron whose family ruled the land the town was on was informed of my magic, and through his assistance, a letter was sent to the capital, where it would be received by the authorities in charge of admittance to St. Anastasia's School for the Elite. I couldn't help but cringe. I wouldn't have named it after myself, nor would I have named it as a school for the Elite either, but then, the entire thing wasn't my idea at all.

They renamed an existing school after the image they had of "her", the Saint I portrayed to the outside world, which was probably the better choice, they changed its curriculum to put more of a focus on magic and its applications. At least I can be proud that it is the foremost educational facility in all of Noreden, people from all over the continent travel, even royalty from other countries attends St. Anastasia's...

But damn, just about everything in these history books is revisionist nonsense! Here in the very passage I'm reading, it's cited that the Esteria troops that invaded the eastern border of Noreden were turned away in tears, filled with shame, when I made an impassioned speech beseeching them to find mercy in their hearts to spare the poor people they were trampling,  that's not what happened at all, I helped organize a militia in town! I got covered up to my chest in mud from digging trenches! And even then we were only saved from imminent defeat because Albrecht arrived with reinforcements!

I sighed, letting the air escape my body and trying to imagine my anger at the nonsense escaping along with it, it only worked marginally, and I still had to do more exercises, rubbing my temples. At least the library was quiet... St. Anastasia's had an absolutely immense library, with thousands of books arranged neatly in shelves about three times taller than I was, nearly five meters, and that was only the first floor. It was apparently converted from the academy's old theater, which had been moved to a new building.

At least this, I approve of putting my name on... Well, if only they had. No, the Library was named after the one who had the idea to put it here, which is acceptable enough. You win once again, Tiara, I thought to myself, a chuckle bubbling from within, one which I had trouble stiffling.

"That book seems a little too dull to make you laugh like that."

A soft, cultured, sophisticated voice spoke, the voice of a male, who was undergoing puberty, not quite a proper man's voice yet, but close enough... and I raised my face from the history book to see who had spoken.

A tall glass of handsome man, with short, golden blond hair that looked like the wind couldn't mess it up if it tried, a confident, charming smirk, and the clothes of high nobility. From the polished leather shoes, to his military-uniform inspired slacks and the blazer with epaulets, everything screamed that this was a noble's son... His skin was clear, one of his hands was behind his back, the other was in front, and he was gloved. He didn't carry a sword at his hip so he was no knight, but he wore military clothes, which meant he was from a family of knights. 

He is not a Hessiod, that much I could guess, but what, or who, was he? He had a lapel pin, and my eyes focused on it. I couldn't quite recognize it, but I hardly remember every single important family in Noreden off the top of my head.

"I greet you, good sir," I began, trying my best to be as polite as an ignorant commoner could be, "I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage. I am Anya, may I ask sir for his name?" I asked, trying my best to bow as much as I could while getting up from my chair. I was wearing a simple dress, which almost certainly marked me as a commoner, with no frills or decorations, but I could still show courtesy just the same.

The man's smirk became more pronounced. "My my, aren't we educated," he said, "why, your politesse and your way with words would be the envy of many a young noble," he said, "I am Elwood Gelbell," he spoke, "pleased to make your acquaintance, miss Anya."


I was glad I had bowed and turned my face down, he might've seen me scrunch my face up. I remember now. Gelbell. What a mess. One of the most problematic families I had faced in my time as the Great Saint. The Gelbells were a family of knights indeed, of powerful Generals, mighty Warriors, who lead the country in times of distress and war, whose exploits on and off the field had granted them trust, power and even control of much of the country's military.

And moost importantly, the Gelbells were the family that was most directly opposed to just about everything I did and kept trying to do in an attempt to improve diplomatic relations with our neighbors and beyond. One of the founding families of the Empire, the Gelbells were a duchy not far below what the Hessiods had become by riding the coattails of the Great Saint.

And here before me was Elwood, looking absolutely nothing like the musclebound behemoth that was the Gelbell that had attended school with me, Tiara and then-Prince Albrecht. At least he doesn't look like he wants to knock my teeth out just because I exist, so that's a definite improvement, though he gives an aura much like that man's.

An aura of restrained, controlled power, of pure confidence and supreme self assuredness... Elwood might not be as different from his ancestors as his looks imply.

"Hm. It appears to just be a history book. I do admit, I am quite curious, what could cause a young lady to burst into laughter in a library, in a history book," he asked, looking pensive, inquisitive and curious, his gloved hand rubbing his chin as he offered me an almost condescending smile. "Well, far be it from me to discourage any attempt from the peasantry to improve themselves and expand their horizons," he said.


Rude much? 

"Ah, my apologies, miss, it appears I've offended you. I am trying to work on my delivery, I've been told that I have a tendency to sound dismissive and ill intentioned," he said, bringing a hand to his chest, and bowing slightly. "We Gelbells are taught to hone our very being into a weapon to be wielded against our enemies, which includes our tongues, once again, you have my apologies if I sounded disrespectful. I simply intend to praise your efforts at self improvement."

Was he... he was babbling. Rambling. Despite his calm, composed tone, he was speaking quicker than before, not quite stuttering or struggling, but clearly trying to put out as many words as possible. Trying to... to explain himself.

Okay I take it back this boy is absolutely nothing like the man I knew before. 

He's straight up adorable.

"It's fine, your grace," I said, giving him the most disarming smile I could. "I've heard worse from my brothers many times, I understand your words were not meant to hurt," I said, "and I deeply appreciate your apology."

"Oh! Capital!" he said, suddenly brightening up. "You do a credit to your caste with your magnanimity and I just did it again didn't I," he said as he realized what he was saying.

I couldn't help it, giggling a little, trying to hold it back only caused me to laugh even harder at his reaction, he looked so embarrassed I couldn't help myself. Elwood is... actually oddly cute. I can only imagine him wearing clothes too big, a helmet that covers half his face, waving a huge sword, while claiming he's a mighty and proud soldier of the Gelbell line.

"Ah, miss, please don't laugh at me, this is a genuine problem!" he said, panic rising in his tone as his volume increased, which only made me laugh even harder.

And then we were interrupted by the library custodian who appeared from around a shelf, tapping a bronze plaque screwed onto the wood of the shelf, which read "keep the library quiet", to which both of us immediately shut up, and I bowed apologetically.

The custodian, a crotchety old woman, nodded, directed a severe glare at the both of us, and then turned around and left.

Elwood sighed and grabbed the chair opposite me on the study table, piled with books on various topics that I was refamiliarizing myself with. My education with magic is great thanks to my own experimentation, but everything else? Well, it has progressed quite a bit since I was in school, though at least Mathematics were mostly the same.

"So, what caught your eye, miss?" he asked, honestly and openly. "Forgive me if I interrupt."

"Oh, no, you're not interrupting at all, Your Grace," I said. "It's just... personal things," I said, shaking my head. "History is... not my strongest suit," I spoke, showing him the passage. "I just thought it sounded a bit ludicrous that an advanced army retreated from just a couple of words," I said, honestly.

He stopped for a moment, looking aside. "Some would consider doubting the Great Saint blasphemy," he spoke, low, his tone even softer than before, half whispering it, as if it were a warning.

"Would she?" I asked. "I've been taught to believe the Great Saint was a kind and merciful woman who would even forgive those who attacked and insulted her," I said. Talk about an ego trip! It was staggering how wrong these people were about me! "I just think that the soldiers who fought alongside her deserve at least a mention, they were heroes who laid their lives down for everyone else..."

Some of them died in my arms, even. Why, oh why, could I not have had the powers of a Saint then, when I could've eased the pain of dying young men who sought only to be sent to the arms of God by someone who had an actual connection to Him? 

Elwood lit up. "I know right?" he asked, grabbing my hand between both of his, clasping his hands together holding mine. I swear, his eyes, already a beautiful shade of blue, were now like glittering sapphires, no, even precious stones paled in comparison, and he nearly jumped on top of the table, moving some books aside. "Everyone always forgets about the knights and the soldiers, those who carried her banner and who gave their lives for her," he spoke, grandly, bending his head down. "I'm so glad that you too agree with me!"

Suddenly, we heard someone clearing their throat, behind him, and he suddenly froze on the spot.

"Ahem," it was actually voiced out like that, as a word, I'd never heard that before, "Young Master Elwood."

Both of us turned to face the person who came in. Someone in clothes similar to Elwood's, but without decorations and in black to contrast with the blue of Elwood's. This person was a commoner, not permitted to use the blue of the aristocracy, but he spoke rather confidently and familiarly...

"Ah... Grazel," he said, turning around, not quite letting go of my hands. His harms were... rather callous and hard, he definitely was no stranger to holding a sword.

I focused my attention on this Grazel person. Androgynous, I couldn't quite tell if it was a man or a woman, having a slight and slim frame, but neither flared hips nor narrow shoulders, an effeminate, pretty face and black hair down to their chin. A similarly androgynous voice, though if this person was undergoing the throes of puberty, it would be impossible to use their voice.

"Ah, haha, I, I was just-"

"Young Master Elwood," this Grazel person said, "His Excellency Duke Morton wishes to see you posthaste."

"Ah... right. Yes, I'll go see father right now," Elwood said. "I was just, err-" 

Then he realized he was still holding my hands, and his face turned pink. 

As did mine, when I realized, oh, I'm holding a handsome boy's hands! Both of us suddenly moved away from each other.

"I was just saying goodbye to my new friend Anya!" he said, "let's go now Grazel before father gets angry, see you later at school, wish you luck on your exams!" 

The blond man then turned around and fled, his face red as he did.

Grazel bowed to me. "Pleased to make your acquaintance, Miss Anya. I am Grazel, Young Master Elwood's personal servant."

I nodded. "Ah, yes, it's a pleasure," I said, bowing slightly in response, trying to remember how I'm supposed to greet other commoners. "I, uhm, I'll see you around I suppose?"

"Perhaps you shall. Please be kind to Young Master Elwood," Grazel said, bowing once more. 

I still have absolutely no clue if this person is male, female, or possibly neither. What? Don't look at me, this is my third life, you think I'm going to question anything anymore? 

... maybe I'll ask Grazel for tips on how to take care of my hair and what products they use, because as I watch the ambiguous servant's back as they leave, I can only think of how lustrous and beautiful their hair is.


Oh, drat, I lost my place, where was I at!? I'm gonna have to start reading the whole chapter again! I swear Gelbell if you get in my way again I'll take back everything positive I've thought about you and pray for swift retribution!!


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