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"Alright it's set up and recording! We're catching every angle, don't worry about anything and just act natural."

Thomas Edison could be scary at first glance, but really, he was a good guy once you got to know him... as long as he didn't think he could make profit by screwing you over anyway. Then all bets were off... but so long as he was an ally, he was indeed a great ally to have. The setup he had created, one of the most elaborate that ever had been seen, creating what was essentially a VR movie recording an entire room such that every part of it could be perfectly replicated, in the highest definition possible. 

And all of this effort and expense...

To recreate a rather generic bedroom in Chaldea. This was a proof of concept. "VR porn", for the latest generation of virtual reality machines. You, yourself, were wearing a special body sock, covering your entire body, from the tips of your toes all the way to your neck, leaving only your head, nothing else, exposed. It was also using the Chaldea tech that you'd become rather accustomed to, the one that allowed the strange fabric to conform perfectly to your body and even feel like you were wearing nothing at all.

Mostly at the crotch area, where you could see your cock perfectly detailed, down to every bulge from your veins, flowing with hot blood that was starting to be drawn to power your erection, nascent as it was.

Looking in front of you, who could blame you for your nascent erection?

Edison's voice chimed in. "From now on I will be muting the feed from outside, remember the safe word is Pimento if you need to get out for any reason," he said. "We'll fix any gafes and goofs in editing."

Right. You nodded to yourself, and focused your eyes on the most likely source of said goofs, who was even now looking a little nervous.

Artoria Caster, Castoria if she was in a crowd of other Artorias... her lovely green eyes were looking a little shaky, you wouldn't be surprised to see her tear up a little in embarrassment. You weren't entirely sure what the issue was really, you had seen her wear less than this, and even sillier clothes than this... But admittedly, there was just something wonderfully lewd about a bunny girl.

Black heels, dark, but not quite opaque, tights, a shiny black leotard, a puffy white tail, cuffs, a nice cute little white collar with a black ribbon, and of course, bunny ears to complete the look. She was stunning, but that was nothing new for her, she was already a cutie to begin with, and with these  sexy clothes, she was looking like even more of a snack than usual.

"I don't know if I'm comfortable with this," she said, turning around slightly and showing her wonderfully well shaped peach of a butt. The bashful gesture gave her an air of innocence, almost akin to Lily's when she wasn't being a lewd little vixen, but, the reality of the situation was that she was rather... experienced in this sort of thing.

The one who wasn't quite so experienced, in turn, was Mashu, the other participant. She was shrugging off the hoodie she used to cover herself up moments before arriving, as unlike Artoria Caster she couldn't simply de-materialize her body to move invisibly. She also looked a little embarrassed. "I'm not... that good with this either," she said.

Mashu's body was as voluptuous and fantastic as always. Even better than ever, since she had become a mother, she was the slightest bit more womanly, there was just a new charm to her. She wore purple heels, and a leotard themed after the one she usually wore, with purple lines and two tones of black, one of them semi transparent. A white collar and a purple ribbon adorned her neck, and a set of big floppy ears sat on her head, as part of a headband. As the hoodie hit the ground, her white puffy tail showed off behind her butt.

"What's this all about, you guys are the ones that begged me to be here," you pointed out, gesturing with your hand at yourself. "This outfit isn't exactly the easiest thing to get into you know."

Mashu managed a slight smile.

Artoria grimaced a little, brought her hands up, and rubbed her palms against her ever redder cheeks. "Y-Yeah but," she said, sighing. "Now that we're here it's a little bit heavy," she admitted. "We, uhm, we never did tell you the genre we're... making... did we?"

"You told me it was porn," you said.

"Y-Yes, it is," Mashu said. "But not what kind of porn."

"This... isn't anything that's really crazy is it?" you asked. "Not like, anything violent or anything like that right?"

"Ah- I, no, no, not at all, not like that!" Artoria said, raising her hands and shaking her head frantically.

Mashu nodded as if to affirm what she said. "Right, it's, uhm, it's embarrassing to say... it's-"

There was a moment's pause.

They both looked at each other, their faces were red.

"Y-You see, Ritsuka... asked us to make this video specifically... for a kind of porn that, uhm, that's specific to us, and us alone, that nobody else can make for her," Mashu said, the tips of her fingers meeting in front of her chest as she tapped them together. 

"It's netorare alright! Ritsuka wanted to see a porn movie of us getting fucked into losing our minds by a dick and being stolen from her so she can know if she's into it or not!" Artoria blurted, nay, shouted out, for a moment looking like she had two rows of sharp, shark-like and jagged teeth. "Why do I have to do this?"

Mashu hung her head.

"Oh. Ooooh... so-"

"So..." Artoria blushed bright red.

Mashu, shaking a little, nodded. "Right so, uhm, you know..." she said. "We need you to fuck us, and, uhm, play the role of..."

You stroked your chin. Getting into character wasn't as easy as you had hoped when they first said it. As it turns out, it was a pretty mean spirited thing to do to deliberately go after and try to seduce a woman away from the person they loved... Especially if you wanted to make it look convincing. It wasn't like you lacked desire to fuck them, but... maybe if you thought of Ritsuka as some dweeby, bland-looking wonderbread protagonist of some two-bit japanese comic book?


Yeah that made it a little easier, but still not the greatest of eases.

"Uhm, I," Artoria Caster took in a deep breath. "I borrowed a skill from Lady Avalon," she said, "I can cast an enchantment on you that will, help you get into character," she said. "I can cast it on you if you like."

You frowned. "It's better I guess. This is hard, especially since even if I think about wanting to take you guys all for myself, well... to be honest I'd absolutely love to do Ritsuka AND you guys all at the same time."

"Me too," Mashu agreed. "But you know how it is with my love, she is wonderful but..."

"My beloved owner... this poor country girl doesn't know what to do, my master has every fetish that exists and some I'm pretty sure she invented," Artoria bemoaned. 

For a moment, flashes of Medea masturbating to scenes of you fucking Artoria Lily or Mordred went through your head. Suddenly, you felt intense kinship with both of the weary ladies before you. "Me and you two, we might not be so different after all," you said.

But with that...

The rest of the conversation went by the way of one final nod. A blue energy circle appeared under the three of you, and the light grew until the entire room was bluish white, and then it was gone.

You rubbed the light burns off of your eyes, shook your head, opened them and stared at the tantalizingly, unbelievably hot women before you. The scent in the room was overflowing, it was the scent of females who desperately wanted to mate. Their faces were red, their eyes were teary, their pussies were drooling, and they were breathing fast, hard and short.

Your cock was nearly bursting through the skin-tight outfit, every last contour of it visible. You grabbed it with a hand and gave it a few pumps, it was even better than wearing nothing at all, smooth like satin and soft like a fluffy cloud, and yet at the same time, letting you feel the stiff heat of your own cock in your hands.

You advanced upon the two confused looking women, who didn't seem to quite grasp what was going on.

All you knew was that they were someone else's women. You didn't really know their names, what they did, or what they were about. You knew they were hot, that they had someone else's scent clinging to them, and that you wanted them for yourself. Your cock pulsed and your blood began pounding in your ear, your pules was quickening with every step, and soon, you were upon them.

They were shorter than you, smaller than you, they were lovely, sexy and cute... they were about to understand just what they had gotten themselves into when they provoked you with those sexy outfits of theirs... and most important of all...

They were about to become yours.

You first grabbed the blonde, and then pushed her hard, onto the bed. Was that bed there a moment ago? Did it matter? No, it didn't, it didn't fucking matter, because there was a hot blonde, on her back, and then there was a hot purple haired girl, thrown right on top of her. The two mashed their chests together, gasping, and then scrambled to move.

They looked at you, eyes open wide like saucers as you approached, the purple haired girl didn't manage to do more than get off of the blonde before you were on top of her.

"Give me your ass," you demanded roughly, grabbing her by the hip with your hands, and then placing your erect cock between her almost terrifyingly voluptuous ass cheeks. Such a big, soft and lewd ass, it really was made to be fucked. You rubbed your meat between those buns, and her arms failed her, she couldn't crawl away, instead mewling pathetically as she began to feel pleasure.

"N-No- stop, not that, not there, that's, that's for my wife only!!" the girl cried, turning back to look at you, panting, her breath so hot it was even fogging up.

"Oh no! Mash! You get off of her you big brute!" the blonde cried, scrambling to get up, almost jumping on you.

Your hand moved swiftly, and you caught her by the chest, pushing her down roughly and then immediately beginning to play with her tits, her chest looked tiny at first but she had a nice handful and they felt nice in your hand, great texture, shape and form... they were wonderful to hold and even more wonderful to play with, as you roughly kept her down, her mewls and moans and protests were like music to your ears.

"I'm going to fuck you now, I'm gonna push it into your precious hole while your girlfriend is watching, I'm gonna turn you lesbian bitch straight," you growled, gripping her hip and ass as tight as you could, before moving back just a little, just enough to give you space to reach for her covered cunt. "What's this? cheating on your woman's turning you on huh?" you growled, as you touched her cunt lips through the fabric of her leotard, "you don't just look like a slut, you are a slut," you complimented her, laughing as she shook and cried, you rubbed her pussy through her leotard, marveling in the wetness of the fabric, then pulled it aside.

"No! Noooo!" the purple haired woman cried, shaking wildly, but not even getting close to throwing you off of her. 

The Blonde wasn't quite trying to push you off either, but she was adding to the cries of protest.

To shut her up, you ran your hand down the front of her shiny black leotard and began to tease her pussy through it as well. "Figures, you're just as much of a slut as this one," you laughed. Your hard prick was more than capable of holding itself up as you pushed against her cunt, only a momentary pause before you began to push into the purple haired woman.

Her body was voluptuous but her pussy was positively tiny, she was narrow and tight like hell, she had a slut's body and a body to put the most talented women of the night to shame, but she had the pussy of a blushing virgin on her wedding night! It was unbelievably intense and it obstinately tried everything in its power to prevent your advance, making your push inside her even better as you pushed into her. 

At first you had thought to fuck her ass, but her wet pussy had changed your opinion, her body understood, her body gave in, it was time to make her mind follow, and that meant fucking her cute little slutty womb into submission, make it acknowledge you as its owner, so with one hand holding her in place and the other playing with her blonde friend's cunt, you began to slam into the voluptuous babe, the slap of skin on skin resonating around the room as you fucked her forcefully, powerfully, reaching into her deepest depths, reshaping her cunt walls, every fold, every crease, every nook and cranny inside her, reforming them to the shape of your cock.

You leaned down, speaking into her ear, never letting up on the blonde little chit beside her, and moved your hand up her body while barraging her womb with short, powerful and quick thrusts, hammering into her weakest spot.

She moaned and panted, she was writhing under you, she bit her lip, her face was red, her eyes were teary, and she couldn't help but voice her pleasure.

"N-No, Mashu, don't, don't lose, be strong, for her," the blonde cried out pathetically.

"Ngho, I can't stand it, it's too good, his dick's too good," the woman named Mashu moaned out, "I can't, I can't hold it, it's coming apart, my mind is breaking! Help me~ help me Artoria~!"

The blonde reached for one of the purple haired babe's hands and held it firmly. "Mashu!!" the blonde moaned. "You look like you're feeling so good..." she panted.

But you weren't about to let up, placing your weight down on her and approaching her ear. "Give up..!" you spoke into her ear, a guttural whisper that came from deep within, "let go, you know you want to, you know you want my dick, you want the pleasure it can give you," you said, grinning.

"Nho..! I'll, I'll-"

"Fine," you said, huffing, pulling back, and standing up, or as close to that as you got, and pulled back. "Then fuck off," you said, sitting on the bed, laying against its headboard. "Unless you want more of this," you said, gesturing to your cock. "Then come and get it!"

The purple haired, voluptuous babe called Mashu hesitated, shaking and shivering in place.

And then, she was beat to the punch by her blonde friend.

"A-Artoria!?" Mashu cried, scandalized.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" the blonde shouted, as she moved her leotard aside, revealing a gap in her tights, and then engulfed your cock with her tight, hot and wet pussy. You grinned fiercely and grabbed the fat fleshy cheeks of her ass, the wonderful meat responding to your touch so well you'd think she was born for this. It was firm and wonderful, and the shape was as good to the touch as it was to the eye, as you helped push her down, spearing into her and spreading her tight little cunt wide.

She, too, was to be reshaped to fit your cock.

"No, how, why!?" Mashu cried.

"It looked so good..!! You were feeling so good, I couldn't resist, it's amazing, it's incredible!! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I can't live without this cock anymore! I'm sorry my love!!" she shouted, "this country girl is turning into a slut for someone else's cock!!"

Mashu moaned and crawled over to you and Artoria, even as you began to forcibly bounce her on your cock, the blonde letting out sweet, passionate and lustful cries of pleasure as you did so, her legs linked behind your back as you gave her more space by leaning forward.

You captured her lips and stuck your tongue into her mouth, dominating hers forcibly, her arms hugged you behind your neck and shoulders and you pulled your face back, grinning down at her. "That's it, you belong to me now, your pussy is for my cock now," you spoke, fiercely, leaning your forehead into hers. "Say it," you ordered, "say it or I stop!"

"Ngnh, yesssh! I'm a whore! A whore for your cock!!!" Artoria cried out, her hair and bunny ears flopping everywhere as you fucked her hard. "I can't live without your cock anymore!! I love my owner, but I love your cock moreee!!"

"Good girl, here's your reward!!" you shouted, as you slammed her down while at the same time thrusting up with your hips, hitting her weakest point, and feeling like you speared directly into her womb before unleashing your ejaculation and pouring a bucketload of cum and then some right into her hungry slutty womb, filling her up enough for a dozen pregnancies! You poured it all into her, holding her firmly in place, then let her go, let her drop, your cock slipping off of her as she fell down.

The purple haired girl looked at her blonde friend, looked at you, and then, she looked at your cock.

You offered her your most satisfied, evil grin, and while maintaining eye contact with the most submissive look you had yet seen, she began kissing her way down your chest to your cock, taking it in with servile and devoted efforts to clean it up, to prepare you to take her as well.

It felt good to be the King indeed!



As the video finished playing, Ritsuka sighed in contentment. "This tech is definitely going to be amazing for us," she said, as she came out of the virtual reality scenario, getting up off of the sensory suite chair. She stretched her limbs and her back and nodded to herself. "Gonna need to make sure these are easy to clean though," she muttered, looking back at the spot where her, ah, lower body had been, and the mess she had left on it.

First though, she had to rehydrate quite a lot...


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