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It is not every day a three meters tall robotic dragon centaur man grabs you by the scruff of your neck without saying a word. Each one of his hands was nearly the size of your torso, and he had four of those, you could certainly be excused for not particularly being willing to offer much in the way of objections.

The weird robodragon horseman broke into a trot and within moments seemed to cross like half of Chaldea, always careful to go through empty space, which he filled almost to capacity, and based on what you saw and heard, nobody was even surprised about the narrow, knife-edge near misses.

Hell you were pretty sure that the wind kicked up from the speed the robohorse dragonman was running at had actually managed to blow some papers back into a passing intern's hands as the two of you passed through.

Finally, your  destination was at hand, a seemingly nondescript room in Chaldea's "Chinatown" district, populated by servants who represented spirits, heroes and legends from Chinese history and mythology... and people who liked Chinese food. Mostly the latter.

You were then thrown into the room, unceremoniously, and landed facefirst on a prodigious ass, your nose almost buried in someone's butthole, stopped only by a pair of sheer, dark stockings, and what appeared to be only ever so slightly more opaque panties under them. You caught yourself, your hands almost sinking into a luxurious mattress, as you pushed yourself off of the delicious ass you were thrust into.

"Wh-what, husband, what is the meaning of this!?" cried out the person whom the butt belonged to.

You recognized her, Yu Meiren... one of the more strange individuals in Chaldea, seeing as some people called her by a different name, but more importantly, someone whom you had known... rather intimately, before this point.

She called the horsebot dragonman husband, which meant that had to be the fabled Xiang Yu you had heard about, an unknowable, mysterious and enigmatic entity, very famous in Chaldea for being absolutely the worst person to play Chess against. Some said it was like playing a cheating AI.

The horse man seemed to take a moment to allow you to regain your bearings, and Yu, who was still more than a little scandalized, to adjust her glasses and fix her dress. It was a chinese style that fit her very well, exposing almost the entirety of her voluptuous, seductive frame, and enhanced her even further, its bright colors brought out even more by her dark hair and stockings. 

"Wife," Xiang Yu spoke, voice firm, metallic, very robotic and still. "This is important, it must be done," he said. "You must have sex with this man."

"But, but husband, this is- you promised me, it was trick or treat!"

"Spare the idle talk, wife," the man said, all four of his hands coming together and then pointing at you with a strange symbol, then, a beam of green light erupted, spiraling at you, stricking you on the chest and making you feel like you were on fire, then, it concentrated all the way to your core, going down, down and further down, until suddenly your pants exploded, and instead of your usual tool, there was a- a-

"Is that a horse's-"

"No," the Chinese General said, "this is vital."

"Oh you- You said I'd experience your member, don't tell me you had this planned all along!?" the consort screamed. "You, you-"

"I promised the children I would take them trick or treating before I made that promise with you," the man said, a little more softly. "Please forgive me wife," he said, "I must not disappoint the children."

There was a moment's pause.

"Okay fine," the consort said, turning to look at you. "You are... acceptable, I suppose," she said. "I believe we've met before, although my Saber isn't here now," she muttered.

"I will leave you to that, please take care of my wife and satisfy her fully," the horseman said, though for some reason, you had the impression that he already knew you were going to do that anyway. 

It's not like you were about to say no to the extremely intimidating three meter tall monstrously powerful and infamously super intelligent Servant.

He then closed the door and you looked around. "Is this-"

Yu sighed, adjusted her glasses, and then grabbed you by the shoulders, looking you in the eyes. "My husband," she said, "has upset me greatly. You are going to use this," she said, grabbing at your flaccid, but still honestly enormous, member.

She began to stimulate you, at first, roughly handling you in a way that told you she had a lot of experience with something like this, probably this very thing in her hands in fact. 

"And you're going to make it up to me," she said. "I want to see stars, I want to feel this thing poking the back of my teeth," she said. "My husband said to spare the idle talk, so I will, I want you to destroy me with this thing in his stead," she said. "Or I will eat you. You will either satisfy my cunt and my asshole or my stomach, before we're done for the night."

You stayed in place, stiff, feeling her hot breath on your face, tickling your nostrils, her eyes piercing into yours through the glass.

"I am going to start fucking you now," you said, simply and clearly. "I'm not sure when I will stop."

She snorted.

"I'm going to enjoy this far more than I should," you admitted, honestly, not even understanding-

And then you blinked and felt the spell wear away, she'd been staring into your eyes for some time, and it didn't matter anymore. You grabbed the arm that she still had on your shoulder by the wrist, then the one that was on your now fully stiff cock. Your penis wasn't human in the least, it was fucking green, nearly the size of your thigh, had a flattened head, about a quarter of it was covered by a thick, leathery pouch, your ballsack was like the size of two avocados in a sack, and every single part of your body was tingling with energy.

You forced her grip off of you and saw a moment of surprise course through her face right before you pushed her back into the bed.

Offense coursed through you. What kind of man did this consort think you were? Did she think so little of you?

Really, she should've known better than that.

Your hand grabbed  at the ridiculously massive horsecock you'd been bestowerd for the completion of this task, a most compelling task indeed, feeling your own blood course through, each thrum of the drums on your ears accompanied by a heartbeat that resonated from the core of your shaft all arround it, a mighty twitch.

Her face quickly changed to one of fascination as you hovered your cock over her covered body, undoing the straps holding her dress together and ripping it off of her upper body in a single swift, powerful motion, liberating her sizable breasts and having them flop around from the harsh motion. You then slammed your cock like a hammer down onto her now exposed belly, resting your balls on her hot, wet little pussy, and pushing your lengthy shaft against her torso.

Laughter bubbled up from your core, rested on her cunt, it reached all the way to her breasts, and even now, you spread that amazing bosom so you could put the tip of your dick between them, and then pushed them back together, feeling the marshmallowy, pillowy heaven that covered you from every side, the softness of her skin, a deceptively thin frame that hid such glorious tits...

Even moving just a little proved challenging, but pleasurable as all hell. 

Your laughter turned a little dark, her cheeks became red and she was breathing a little more heavily, like something had just flipped inside her mind. She might just have realized what was about to happen.

Well, she had asked you to wreck her with your cock, and frankly, after her adorable little attempt at dominating you, after trying to intimidate you, to be the predator that struck fear in you... you were feeling like giving her exactly what she wanted after all.

You pulled your cock back, feeling a pang of loss as you abandoned the heat of the valley between her breasts, feeling almost like her skin had fused to yours from the heat you shared with each other as you forcibly pulled back, her tits only very slightly slick with sweat and your precum, leaving a trail on her torso as you dragged your cock down her chest and stomach, painting her in shiny precum.

She panted and berathed heavily, her entire body trembling underneath you. "Eh, ehh, I-," she breathed heavily through her nose, inhaling, exhaling, noisily, roughly, eyes as wide as saucers, focused entirely on the cock slowly leaving a trail on her body, until you finally were poised between her legs.

One hand on each thigh to spread her open, your cock, stiff as a rock and hard as steel needed no help, every motion was perfectly calculated.

"W-wa-wa-wait, my- my-"

You aimed at the exact correct spot while holding her in place even as she brought her hands up as if to try to block you, yet daring not to put them on your tool as you forcibly pushed, in just a single moment, the sound of tearing cloth as her soft and thin stockings were ripped to shreds by your invading cock impaling her through, her panties splitting and allowing you inside in a way that suggested that they were designed for this, made for her to be taken roughly, powerfully, just like this..!

Your hands slid down her stocking clad legs all the way to her ankles as you penetrated her, putting only a quarter of your absolutely immense dick into her, and already filling her way beyond capacity, a bulge forming from the point of insertion onward, she was stretched to the point of absurdity and you hadn't even begun to fuck her yet.

Her jaw fell open and her glasses, askew before, were now sliding off of her face and onto the fluffy, soft mattress, and before she could even start recovering you raised her legs and then pushed them, sliding your hands down to the backs of her knees and then her thighs, pushing her until her knees were by her ears and she was lifted so her weight was resting on her shoulders, leaned forward and then with a mighty, powerful heave, shoved forward, pushing with a lot of strength, a thunderous, window-rattling clap vibrating into your very being as your legs met with her thighs and ass, and your ballsack slapped against her asscheeks.

All the way from the point where her lips were stretched all through her chest, she wasn't just bulging, she was positively inflated, it was almost like a horror scene, incredible and unimaginable, you couldn't even comprehend the sheer enormity of what it meant to shove that much cock into a woman that size...

But now that you were looking at it, it was beautiful.

Even more than though?

It felt pretty fucking good.

Her ear rippingly loud screech rattled you down to your bones, and you could swear she was losing her mind. You peered down at her, her mouth was open, her teeth were larger, sharper, her eyes were reddened and her irises were shining, changing color from amber orange to golden yellow to ruby red, as if the light itself was dancing on them and switching colors.

She didn't have folds inside her.

She was stretched completely smooth, in an inhuman way that simply wasn't possible for lesser beings. Anybody else, any other being, even other servants, would've been crushed, torn to shreds, destroyed by what you had just done to her.

And yet, not only was she fine, it was like her entire body all the way from the entrance of her pussy to the back of her throat, which you absolutely felt like you were poking, was just a pussy. All of her torso existed as a continuous sexual organ. She was a famously beautiful, seductive woman, a beauty who could inspire men and ruin a country, just by her presence. A harlot, seducer.

By the size of her teeth, also some sort of vampire apparently.

None of that, not one single solitary part of any of that, mattered.

The only thing that mattered was that she was a wet, warm and ungodly tight pussy for your overwhelmingly massive horse-like  cock to fuck, and you weren't about to pass on this opportunity, you had a task, delegated to you, and you would damn well fuck this bitchy consort to submission.

For a moment, you thought to taunt her, to give her verbal punishment alongside the physical.

But they'd both said it, didn't they?

No chatter.

The heat of your body raised. 

Your cock inside her was getting pleasured in ways you hadn't ever expected. Once or twice, you'd experienced bodies that had taken you in deeper than should've been physically possible. You'd heard the term "wombfucking" thrown around before, and as insane as it was, it was something you had genuinely experienced at Chaldea.

Never before had you ever thought you'd be fucking someone's entire fucking torso... 

Not that the weirdness of the situation was gonna stop you from fucking this giant pussy of a woman.

The dirty thrill of fucking a married woman only made it even better, so when you began to pull back and feel as if her very body was rearranging itself as your cock dislodged from her chest cavity, as if her vagina was literally shrinking as your cock pulled back, you didn't even pretend not to enjoy it, the rumbling groan coming out from deep within your chest, your entire body rolling in pleasure.

She breathed in when there was no more pressure, and then when it seemed like she might be starting to recover, in you went again, splitting her once again in twain, breaking her apart and reshaping her entire body along the length of your cock. She wasn't doing it consciously, she was submitting on a level so fundamental that her entire body rearranged itself along your cock.

And now that you were in for the second time, it was like her pussy had learned, grabbing at the correct spots, like millions of tiny tongues licking, flicking and teasing all along the skin of the flat head, while at the same time, it was like constricting vises had wrapped along the shaft, in places, it had developed ridges, in others, it had recreated vaginal folds, and some were even stiff and felt a little rough to the touch.

Every part of her pussy changed constantly and inconsistently, no pattern, nothing to help you relax, nothing to let you get a feel for what was going on.

You roared and pulled back and then pushed in again, this time she hadn't had time to recreate herself, you hadn't allowed her to breathe, when you hit her again, your balls smacked against her ass and she let out a mewling cry, breasts shaking wildly under your assault, even the bed began creaking, protesting the impact.

Not that you'd stop.

This bitch, this sexy little cunt, she was treating you like a toy, like something she could play with, not like a partner at all, not like a human being even...

Was it because it was just the two of you?

Whatever, it didn't matter what she had in her mind, the only thing that mattered was fucking it right out of her skull and replacing it with cock!

Her pussy kept changing even as you fucked her, you thrust in, tight, narrow, resistant to invasion, yet as you pulled back, it was grabbing you, milking you, sucking you further in, trying to keep you inside, clinging as hard as it could, and then you thrust again, and she swallowed you in like a gluttonous black hole of pleasure, gushing pussy juice allowing for a quick pull back even as her pussy changed to weirdly shaped ridges that gave you immense pleasure on the way out.

She had changed her body into the perfect fucktoy.

And you understood why Xiang Yu had given you the massive horsecock that no doubt was a perfect match to his.

What a lucky, lucky man, you mused.

You let go of her legs, didn't need to hold her down anymore, she wasn't going to throw you off or anything, and then grabbed at her tits, playing with them, sinking your hands into them, feeling her stiff nipples against your palms as you did, redoubling your speed and the violence of your thrusts, messing her up, destroying her within, battling until the very last minute, up until you knew she could no longer contain herself, the chain of orgasms she had been feeling now cascading into an unstoppable explosion.

And so you let go of your own, all the built up pressure in your massive balls letting loose, you could goddamn FEEL as they suddenly tightened up and retracted a little, shrinking as if being squeezed, thick, hot semen, a vastly more plentiful ejaculation than any you had ever experienced, flowing through the horse-like shaft all the way directly into her body.

The first shot stretched her further, the second, the third and the fourth bloated her, and the fifth was too much, even the nearly airtight seal of her pussy lips couldn't contain it. You pulled back and every bit of space you liberated was promptly filled with more cum, until you were fully out, and cum gushed like a geyser, not just from your tip, but also from her pussy, all falling over her, the bed, and even some on your crotch, stomach and legs.

A bucketload of cum was an understatement, you had definitely cum severalbuckets' worth, maybe even more than a barrel's worth of cum, it was just insane, ludicrous and ridiculous, you came more and more, all over her body, her thighs, all over her pussy, all over her stomach, her tits, over, under, around, her face, her arms, everything you could reach, you came all over.

She gurgled something, her face was covered in cum, completely glazed in a yellowish white mask of semen.

A flicker of amusement coursed through you as you aimed once more.

"You said to wreck your cunt and your ass, right?" you said.

Her eyes opened so fast she actually flicked some cum away from that, they were wide as plates and she opened her mouth and tried to say something, only for the cum in her mouth, she had apparently taken some in while you were busy painting her, to prevent her from speaking and then she lost all ability to when you pushed past her rectum, which offered only a modicum of resistance, and plunged deep, the slap of skin on skin muffled by the wet shlop of her cum coated body impacting against yours, as well as yet another geyser of semen as being overfilled from the other side caused her to tighten up and expel even more semen.

The night was only getting started, and she did request to be satisfied.

You were going to do exactly that, putting her in an even more awkward position, upside down, as you began to violently fuck her hot ass.

Nearly half a day later, you would stumble out of the room, thankfully it seemed that as your sexual stamina faded completely, so did whatever Xiang Yu had done to your dick, as it returned to its usual shape and size.

As you did, Xiang Yu grabbed you just before you could fall, and tossed you over his horse body.

"Thank you for sharing your techniques," he said.

"W-Wait," you mumbled. "So-"

"I'm not certain how either of you believed I was taking the children trick or treating. It's not even Halloween yet," the dragotaur roboman said, letting out a slightly robotic, slightly smug laughter. 

You couldn't help but laugh.

"You know you could've just asked right?" you said.

"This was funner."

As the man began to take you back to your own place, you couldn't help but think, what sort of cyborg of a man says "funner"?

As she learned of the events, Koyanskaya had seemed quite intrigued about the penis shapeshifting technique... You had an ominous feeling when she said she'd go find out more. 

Surely, it'd be fine... right?


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