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Imagine, if you will, the life of an adventurer. Full of thrills, excitement, treasure and a lot of boring walking thorugh empty caves, empty ruins, empty dungeons, empty palaces, empty volcanoes, empty everything.

But that last part was not usually what people thought of, no matter that it was the grand majority of their time. 

Aisha of Tiripolori, Adventurer Extraordinaire, was no stranger to boring walks through empty dungeons, in fact, that was almost all she had done in her scant few days of experience. 

She was a tall, dark skinned girl with dreadlocks gathered together in a ponytail, a white cloak, black pants and a white tank top. She didn't wear any noticeable armor, she had a belt with a sheathed dagger fastened to it and two bags, one brown and one white, dangling from it. Aisha was a cute girl, with a nice, bright smile, brown eyes and, oh, the feature that most people's attention was drawn to whenever they saw her, her rather sizable bottom. 

Yes indeed, far more than her slightly above average chest, what caught most people's attention about her was her behind, which was so big that even her relatively baggy pants were stretched by it. Some had even joked that it was impossible for her to sneak places, as the clap of her cheeks would alert even the most oblivious of monsters. She would usually prove she could sneak by doing exactly that to the people who made fun of her.

She had fought a slime, singular, and defeated it, stabbing its core with her dagger, on her first day out, but ever since then, she hadn't seen a monster. Not a rodent of unusual size, not a vampire bat, not a kobold, goblin or even a walking vegetable, not a single thing had popped up in the last two days.

Would've been all well and good if the beginner dungeon she was traversing wasn't also picked clean of chests and loot first thing every morning when it reset!

Looking around to the sandstone walls, the same yellow of the sands above, lit up by the multitude of torches left behind by other adventurers, Aisha tried to look for signs and marks of passage in the octagonal room that she'd come into. Each of its walls had a door, that meant seven possible ways to go other than the one she came from,  and each of them could potentially lead somewhere new, that people hadn't picked clean yet.

She needed to find some monsters or some chests pronto, her funds wouldn't last her forever, she had to pay for the inn she was staying at, the food she needed to live, clothes, maintenance for her gear and the guild license fees for her membership at the Adventurers' guild.

She checked the sand covering the floor of each room, and saw that six of the seven possible hallways to choose from had marked footsteps or the sand had become packed together, indicating plentiful foot traffic, and several of the hallways bore two marks, indicating someone had gone in, and come back out, on that very day. The dungeon repaired itself daily, so adventurers would usually mark places they checked out so others wouldn't waste their time on them.

That left the final one. Thanking her lucky stars that she had actually managed to find a hallway no one had explored that day. Without delaying or wasting any more of her time, Aisha pulled out her dagger, and as she passed the threshold for the door, she carved a singular mark on it, indicating to those coming that someone was exploring it, and made a mental note to make a mark on her way back, so people knew it'd been picked clean.

It took about half an hour of walking down a narrow and straight sandstone hallway, and since this place was unexplored, there were no torches left by prior adventurers. Luckily Aisha had her own, though it wasn't as nice as exploring the rest of the labyrinthine sandstone dungeon...

Finally, though, she came upon a large room, one that had its own torches emplaced. Like a proper adventurer, Aisha went about lighting them. Labyrinth torches would never go out until the dungeon reconfigured at midnight, giving her a well lit room to search.

Simple sandstone walls, two doors to each side and a large wooden chest dominating the space directly opposite the entrance. 

Remembering her training, Aisha first poked it with her torch, specifically, with its still red hot tip... the wood of the chest got a little blackened, but it didn't react. Not a mimic, then. She then set her torch, now starting to cool off, down, and used her dagger to slash at the locking mechanism that kept the lid of the chest in place, easily breaking it. Low level wooden chests didn't need a dedicated lockpicker after all.

Swinging the lid open, Aisha looked into the chest and smiled, grabbing the monocle she found inside and lifting it, looking at it for a moment before lifting it to her eye, and resting it there.

She'd heard of these... closing her other eye, she looked through the glass, around the room. Yep, as expected, it was a Demon Eye Glass, and soon she saw the weaknesses and fracture points of the wall behind the chest. 

She smirked as she saw. In dungeons, the best stuff was always hidden behind breakable walls. "Hell yeah," she muttered to herself, pumping the fist that wasn't holding the Demon Eye Glass to her eye, as she followed the cyan fracture line to the spot where the lines all came together - the spot where even a reasonably light blow could bring it down... Alright, that's her next destination. She hadn't found a monster, but she had already found something.

She intended to keep the Demon Eye Glass, but worst came to worst, she could sell it for a month's worth of expenses.

Approaching the faultspot, she used her dagger to mark it with a cross, cutting through the surface of the sandstone bricks that made it up just enough, and then she shoved the Demon's Eye Glass into the brown magic bag attached to her belt, sheathed her dagger, and then punched the wall where she'd marked, and it broke apart rather easily, forming a hole big enough that she could pass through. Behind, she could see that there was a treasure room, with a solitary chest in the back that was trimmed with gold, and multiple chests with iron fastenings. 


She hummed, judged the hole, and then attempted to pass through it, putting her arms, shoulders and head through without any problem, having to hop a little to stick her upper body thorugh the hole.

However, she realized entirely too late a very, very important problem.

Aisha had wide hips, thick thighs and a fat bottom. Usually, those were features she was very proud of, as despite what people thought, she did put in a lot of work to remain on the good looking side of thick, rather than just being fat.

Which wouldn't be so much of an issue if it wasn't for the fact that her bottom was juuuust a little bit too fat to make it through the hole. She had forced her way through with her upper body by twisting to allow herself to pass through, but with her wide hips, thighs and ass, there was simply no way she could make it through without making the hole a little bit bigger first.

Which wouldn't be so much of an issue if she could just push back and get out, but thanks to the height of the hole and the fact she'd had to do a little hop through it, she was now dangling there, her feet just far enough from the ground that she couldn't even stretch to reach it, and on the other side, in the hidden treasure room, there was nothing within reach she could grab to push off of.

Embarrassingly, she was well and truly stuck in place!

"Fucking great," she muttered to herself. Even worse, her belt with her dagger and stuff, which might've come in handy to make the hole bigger, was caught on the other side. 

Nothing she could do but simply try to come up with a plan... but nothing came to mind, and it felt like every second dragged on for minutes, and every minute felt like hours, and as the hour mark passed, it felt like she might've been there for several days already, boredom making even the relatively short time feel like an infinity.

And then something changed.

She felt movement behind her, heard some sounds... but it wasn't steps. What she heard was a liquid sloshing, a bubbly gurgling croon... muffled as it was by the relatively thin sandstone brick wall separating her from the room behind her, the sound of a shambling slime was unmistakable.

But even more than that, the feel of a slime was unmistakable... and she was feeling the slime quite a bit.

Panic coursed through Aisha, eyes widening as she put her hands against the wall and tried to push herself through, being forced to give up as she felt quite a bit of pain as the jagged edges of the broken up wall digging into her sides and ripping her skin through the thin fabric of her white shirt.

"No no no, this can't be happening, this is-"

The slime began t ocover her from behind, first she felt it gather around and under her feet, the feeling of viscous liquids creeping up her skin as its tendrils began to wrap around her, working its way into her leather boots, slowly but surely lubricating her skin, dissolving the soft fabric of her socks and pushing her boots off, before continuing up under her pants, the resistant fabric not coming undone like her soft socks, but that was a cold, useless comfort in the face of the creeping slimy tendrils that went up her pants, crawling up her legs.

It felt disgustingly pleasant, like the fingers of an old, decrepit masseuse that was nonetheless an expert at his job, that touched her in such a pleasant way, yet every time she thought about what it was that was creeping up her smooth, brown legs, she couldn't help but feel disgust about it...

Even if it felt good, the slime's surface was cold and wet and it really did a number on her. 

This particular Dungeon was a Labyrinth type, meaning, it shared the environment of the biome it was found in, and being in a desert, it was hot and dry as fuck, and as much as Aisha was used to her homeland's temperature and climate, she couldn't deny the pleasurable sensation of being cooled by smooth yet slimy wet tendrils creeping up her legs, up her knees, more and more of them appearing and wrapping around her legs, cooling her, yet at the same time...

Heat was pooling inside her, especially as they reached her thighs, and began to wrap around them, almost vibrating as if they were excited. Much as she disliked the perverted stares, Aisha was proud of her smooth, toned and thick thighs, and it was almost validating to have even a monster appreciate them, the slime clearly delighted as it swallowed up her thighs, covering them in its thick, viscous body... little by little, covering more of her, the pleasantly cool and deliciously lewd sensation raising along the skin of her legs... heading... right up... right up there.

Her thighs were fully covered and the tendrils of slime didn't stop, she could only imagine how her pants were bulking up as more and more of the slime flowed up her legs... and then she felt it... the slime tendrils began to stretch past her legs, and began to converge on her crotch. The tendrils made short work of her practical, simple underwear, the yellow cotton panties dissolving as soon as the slime began to cover them, even the decorative pink ribbon near the waistband at the front would be dissolved in short order.

A sense of indignation coursed through Aisha, this was a new pair of panties!

But that thought lasted little, because the cool and slimy sensation began to spread across her crotch, from where her legs joined her torso, and all over her sides, on the other side of the wall, and soon enough, the last bit of cloth of her panties was dissolved, and Aisha felt the slime tendrils begin to cover not just her legs, but also her crotch... soon it was spreading, across her front and her back, covering everything.

She  gasped, eyes widening as she felt the lewd and cool sensation spreading along her lower lips. Though she might be a fully grown adult woman, she was still a virgin, had never been with anyone else, and her experiences with masturbation were limited, living in a house with six siblings and little privacy will do that to you, so this extremely pleasant, lewd and pleasurable sensation was definitely way beyond anything she had ever experienced.

For what was a mostly innocent maiden, her first taste of true pleasure was more overwhelming than she cared to admit, her face twisting, eyes widening. The tendrils of slime felt like dozens if not hundreds of tiny tongues licking at her, and as they came together and covered her in a film of slime, it felt like she was constantly being licked everywhere...

But the ones that gathered along the cleft of her pussy lips were even more stimulating, instead of congealing into a single solitary mass, they split into dozens of individual tendrils, each of which wet and flexible, and they all began to touch her everywhere, her lower lips quickly becoming wet both with her own juice and the slime's, and before she could even relax and become accustomed to the sensation, a new, even more powerful one struck her, as the same thing started to happen to her butt, dozens if not hundreds of tiny slime tendrils like tongues crawling up her buttcrack even as thicker tendrils went around covering her cheeks.

They homed in on her butthole, and for a brief moment, she thought they would stop.

Maybe it was wishful thinking.

But they didn't.

Instead, both at the front, and the back, while dozens of miniature tendrils went about poking her from outside, all over the place, teasing her lips and her butthole, the slime vibrated and she felt it form two larger tendrils, one at the front, one at the back.

"W-Wai, wait, no,  don't do this, no no no no, I'm, I'm a virgin, it's my first time, please, please somebody, I don't want my first time to be with a slime in a dungeoOOOOOOOOOOOOON!!!!"

And then the slime's massive tendrils speared into her, her scream becoming higher pitched the deeper they went, spreading open not just her vagina, but also her butthole, the thick, viscous and slimy tendrils causing a sensation of euphoric pleasure to course through her, in a way that no solid object could ever hope to compare to. They filled her utterly and completely, stretching her in an immensely pleasurable way, yet, thanks to their malleability and fluidity, they shaped themselves to her insides.

Even inside her, they didn't stop splitting and separating, rejoining and twisting, almost as if they were  becoming like drills, spinning around. The tendrils grew bumps and ridges, their shape changed more and more as it moved inside her, even more and more of the thick and viscous slime coming into her, spreading through her pussy and her asshole, going into her bowels, her intestines and her womb, every part of her being filled up with the slime.

And it all felt so incredibly, undeniably amazing, that she couldn't even do anything other than moan, pant, cry, scream and otherwise declare to the world just how good she was feeling as the slime plundered her depths and gave her a double penetration fuck like nothing she had ever experienced, and may likely ever experience again!

It wasn't going in and out of her, her limited knowledge of sex told her that was necessary, instead, it seemed to actually move fully and completely inside her, and at the same time, it was still covering all of her legs, vibrating, shaking, licking her all over...

Much of the slime concentrated on her clit, attacking it with pressure, almost like tongues were smashing into it from every side.

She couldn't be blamed for losing immediately, she was but a poor newbie, not at all ready for this, and she was being fucked to submission by a slime, as she was stuck in a hole of her own creation.

With her mouth open and her eyes leaking tears, Aisha resigned herself to her fate, screaming lewdly as she came her brains out, and the pink fog of pleasure came down on her like a haze, all of her senses leaving her as she submitted fully and completely to the amazing slime that was making her feel so good.

And she would, for the next two hours... The slime would never stop fucking her for all that time, more and more of itself coming into her, filling her up, making her feel bloated and weird, until finally...

The sweat and the slime covering her had lubricated her enough that she simply slipped past the hole she'd been stuck at, falling into the hidden treasure room.

As she fell, she fell on her stomach, and the pressure actually caused her to expel quite a lot of what was inside her, slimy liquid exploding from her ass and pussy, giving her the first look at what she had been dealing with.

Her eyes opened wide and her jaw fell.

She sprayed a rainbow liquid all over the wall and floor behind her, viscous and sticky... it was Rainbow Slime ichor! The Rainbow Slime was the strongest of  all kinds of Slime, a Super High Level monster, said to only be very rarely seen! Its slime was worth tons of money, and- and-

She peeked past the hole, and the big slime was gone.

Gulping, Aisha began to gather as much of the slime as she could, sticking it in her white bag, meant for monster parts, as best as she could. Luckily it didn't seem like it had any issue going into the bag, and scooping it up was easy, it had a tendency to clump together and didn't seem to actually pick up any sand or anything like that.

Even as she sat there for a good few minutes, waiting for feeling to return to her legs, Aisha was counting her lucky stars once again.

She'd never tell anyone how she managed to obtain that rainbow slime gel. At that moment, the only thing she thought about was how the slime was at least nice enough to give her a little  something to replace her socks and panties.

The next day, Aisha wandered down another unexplored hallway, and used her Demon Eye Glass to spot a weak spot, made a hole just a little bit too small for her behind, and laid in wait invitingly, waiting for her lucrative little partner to come find her once again...

Though whether she was after the money or the pleasure, she'd never tell.


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