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"Is it unreasonable for me to be upset when someone's blatantly looking at your ass in public?"



Mari disagreed, Ally agreed. It's unusual for Ally to take my side on anything, which goes to show what a contentious topic this was between the Succubus brothers.

A fleeting thought then crossed my mind about the fact that I'm going on a date with a man named Marius, and his brother Albert is tagging along... but most people would be shocked to learn they were males at all, despite their masculine names. Mari had styled his hair in a pair of braids that almost reached his butt, taking advantage of his magical succubus powers to lengthen it, and they were held together at the end with a pair of ribbons I'd bought for him earlier that week... it was nice.

I could do without the extremely short skirt that left half his full, rounded and ever so smooth and amazing ass almost entirely exposed, showing off the bikini bottoms he was wearing.

I know it's hot out and we're walking the boardwalk, swimsuits are normal here, but I'm irrationally upset about people staring so blatantly at my wife's ass. He wore a sleeveless white shirt with an embroidered pink heart over his chest and pink straps, and a darker pink half jacket, light and airy. The ensemble was quite sexy and it made me want to take him over to the nearest alley and relieve the tension, shake him off his sandals so to speak.

Ally, for his part, was wearing yoga pants, a sheer white top with an exercise bra underneath, and running shoes, his hair was kept on  his usual bob cut, though I'd seen him and Mari discussing lengthening it and going for a ponytail to complete the sporty look, Albert had ultimately decided to keep his usual look. Despite the fact that the panty lines on his own tight and nice ass had drawn quite a few looks, Mari was taking the brunt of the men's attention thanks to his exposed skin...

"Mari, you shouldn't be tempting these morties with your butt," Ally protested.

"Of all things, you take his side on this?" Mari protested, pouting. "We're succubi, Ally! Tempting men is what we do!"

"They don't deserve to look upon your body!" Ally continued protesting. "Look, that guy over there's drooling! Besides, we know how this goes!"

Mari huffed. "Can we just get a bite to eat? I'm upset now," he said, crossing his arms.

"Yeah okay," I agreed. "How 'bout that place over there?" I suggested, pointing at a decent restaurant. Work is hell but at least I can afford to have some nice things... And Mari and Ally had their own money anyway.

"Ohhh! I know this place, I saw it in a local guide site!" Mari said. "It said they have the best seafood in town!"

"Alright, then that's where we're going, if Mari says it's good then I'm in!" Ally said, suddenly all bright and smiles. "Of course, Tanaka's paying."

"I'm paying for Mari, you can pay for your own," I replied.

Mari giggled. "No no, let me," Mari said, "I'll treat you this time!" he said, giving a thumbs up, sticking his hand on the pocket of his jacket, pulling out his wallet, moving it around. "Dad sent me some money today," he said, using his finger to slide out his debit card from the wallet, then pushing it back into place and sticking the wallet back on his pocket.

Ally huffed. "That's not right, a husband should treat his wife-"

"That's a really antiquated way of thinking, don't start going Dad on me," Mari said, "come on!"

We started going to the restaurant, when someone bumped into Mari - and Mari promptly tripped the guy before he could walk away, stepping on his back and grounding him fully a moment later, to prevent him from getting up. 

The man first let out a loud oof, then a cry of pain as he was stepped on. "Hey what the fuck bitch!?" he shouted as soon as he recovered.

"Yo!" Mari called, "someone call the police," he called. "This dude's a pickpocket."

"N-No I'm not, the fuck you're-"

"Well, if you're not, you could answer why you're carrying six wallets and four phones on you huh?" Mari taunted, applying more pressure, causing the man to let out a grunt and a gasp for air.

Given how insanely beautiful he is, far prettier than any girl you could imagine, it's hard to forget Mari isn't human, but the full implication of what that means is sometimes hard to grasp... I am quite lucky he happens to be a subby bottom bitch, I suppose. Just looking at the sheer difference in physical strength when he's getting dominated and when he's putting a thief in his place is kind of staggering.

"Yeah, Mari! Kick his ass!" Ally gushed. "You're so cool and brave!"

I snorted. There were people filming around us, and since nobody else was doing it, I called the police, and fitting for the highly transited boardwalk in our relatively busy town, a policeman showed up rather quick, he was obviously posted nearby as he leisurely walked our way, and then, much like Mari had said, found the multitude of wallets and phones on the pickpocket.

"H-Hey man those are mine!" he called out.

Obviously, no one bought it. Mari giggled.

The policeman, a tall, broad shouldered individual with a face that said he didn't make friends easy, questioned him on the topic. Soon enough, people that were milling about and those who were walking around started to talk about the caught pickpocket, and some people came up looking for their phones and wallets. IDs, credit cards and phone unlock passwords were used to return each item to its owner, though as everything was resolved and a police vehicle came up to retrieve the caught pickpocket so he could cool his heels in detainment, the lawmen came up to Mari and asked for him to give a statement over what had happened.

Ally was, of course, going to stay with Mari.

However, it was going to take quite a while, and with the excitement concluded, I noticed I really needed to go to the bathroom. Seeing as the cops only really needed Mari, and even then only because it was simply protocol to square out all matters involved, I decided to excuse myself to the nearest set of public toilets, which I found to be not too far away, only having to walk two streets, while telling Mari and Ally to wait for me at the restaurant we agreed to eat at if they finished before I was back.

Once there, I found it was empty, despite its central location near the highly trafficked popular spots in town, but that suited me just fine. The white sterile tiles that comprised all its surfaces and the slight smell of the cleaning products used to keep it clean was a little off-putting, I thought as I walked in. To the right of the entrance there were four bathroom stalls with green walls, to the left, a single large mirror with four sinks underneath, two liquid soap dispensers and one of those hot air dryers near the door.

Something was off.

"This bathroom's slightly different," I muttered. It didn't quite feel like it matched what I expected it to be, I can't quite put my finger on it. Still, I needed to pee, so I dismissed the thought and stepped into it despite my misgivings, this is probably just me being unnecessarily paranoid about nothing too important. 

As I stepped into the room, I decided to look at myself in the mirror first and foremost, an impulse that I started having only since I started going out on dates with Mari. On some level, not wanting to look bad was a normal thing, but in me, it was more about not making Mari look bad by association... sue me, I only really started caring about my appearance when it affected someone I care about.

I put my hand under the faucet and as soon as it detected it, it began pouring water. I put both hands under it and cupped them, gathering a little bit of water, then brought it up to my face, using it to rub my face a little, washing it only briefly.

When I pulled my hands down and opened my eyes, there was someone behind me, someone who hadn't been there a moment before. My heart skipped a beat and I turned around, not really processing what I saw until I turned around.

I took a good, long and hard look at the person that had just appeared right the fuck out of nowhere, like this was a cheap horror movie.

The first thing I noticed was the amount of exposed skin on display, but a few blinks had me seeing the whole picture as it was presented before me, and how much I had to look down to actually see the person standing before me, hands balled up into fists, resting against her... no, his, definitely his, hips, power stance with legs at shoulder width apart, shining crimson eyes, a bejeweled tiara resting on top of what at first looked like strawberry-blond hair, but I quickly realized was the same shade of pink as Marius', long, pointed ears lined with piercings ranging from hoops to dangling diamond earrings, and an expression of arrogant and smug self-satisfaction.

I looked again.

Black and purple thigh high boots with high heels, a purple satin thong, and two strips of purple satin in a cross shape along the chest, only just about wide enough to cover the nipples and show off the lack of actual tits.

A good look at this... boy's? crotch tells me in a moment that I was right, this is indeed a male, even if the bulge was so small you could conceivably mistake it for particularly prominent labia. Call it something of a sixth sense, but with Mari and Ally around, you kinda get used to this sort of thing.

Especially at spotting a succubus. I didn't even need to see that the tiara hid a pair of horns much like the ones that Mari and Ally had. And man wasn't it a wonder we lived in a country where people just assumed they were wearing costumes?

"Can I help you?" I asked, looking at the slightly red faced satin clad intruder. 

The intruder let out a long chuckle that morphed into cackling evil laughter... though due to his high pitched, cute voice, it came out positively adorable rather than threatening. "Yesss..." he hissed. "You can help me, you can help me juuuust fine," he said, raising a hand, gloved in purple satin and then poking my chest with it.

Within moments, I could see the small horns atop his head begin to swell and grow, quickly curving around the tiara. They were big enough to put Mari and Ally to shame, at first growing upward, but then curving down and inward. For a moment, I thought that they drew the lines to create something of a heart shape, but I dismissed the thought.

"You can help me... mortal... by surrendering right now and returning my precious children to me!"

I blinked.

"Have... have we met before? Unless you're a chicken I don't think I've taken anyone's children from them and I'm pretty sure the eggs we buy are unfertilized," I pointed out.

"No you blithering idiot," the small succubus shouted. I mean I'm not even particularly tall and he's only about at face level with my chest. "You took my children and are keeping them at your house!"

"Is this metaphorical or-"

"My children! Mari and Ally! I am Archeon, the King of Succubi, you hapless numbskull, I'm here to intimate- intimidate you and take my children back home with me!" he shouted, "ugh, how did they fall for someone so stupid, you must've done something to them! Used some sort of enslavement spell or something!" he shouted, poking my chest some more.

Then it all registered.

"Ooh. Oooooooh," I said. "So I'm in trouble?"

An evil smirk drew itself on the purple clad intruder. 

"I will defeat you, and then you will return my lovely darling kids to me!" he challenged. "Prepare yourself!" he shouted, then he took a step back and with a swing of his arm, somehow tore my pants off of me, the shredded pieces falling all around me, without inflicting any harm, "I will subdue your tiny little... uh..."

His eyes widened as my cock, already at half mast thanks to the cute succubus in extremely sexy clothes standing before me, was revealed.


I saw his expression change in a second.

"Somehow I feel like I've made a terrible mistake," the suddenly wide eyed Archeon spoke in a small voice.

If that's how it's gonna be, I thought to myself, then I suppose I can test my mettle against this new foe.

I'm starting to think this is an entire bratty species that needs correction.


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