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"So I was talking to him about it and like, he seemed to totally blank out on me yanoooo~ Oh, yahoo! There he is, the man I've been telling you about Sieg!" 

Koyanskaya's sigh of annoyance was so loud it almost knocked you out of your chair. "And then there's this-" she stopped, shook her head. "Astolfo! Your alloted time was fifteen minutes ago!"

"We're fifteen minutes late it's fine, it's fiiiine!" the pink haired humanoid hunk of cuteness and menace, the man who could make straight men see rainbows, stepped into the room behind the equally pink haired Koyanskaya. 

With him was a silver haired lad who looked quite awkward standing there... but very cute. Both of them had somewhat similar slim builds, but Astolfo boasted slightly bigger muscles, especially around the area of his biceps and butt. 

It was easy to see the similarities and difference in their build, because the two of them appeared wearing similar outfits... black leotards clearly designed to be worn by women, white collars with red ties, large floppy white ears, bicep-length black gloves, thigh high stockings and black high heels.

They also had matching bulges near the crotches of their outfits, confirming that they were indeed lads.

"Is this my six o'clock appointment?" you hummed.

"That's right that's riiiight~!" Astolfo said, "I needed to wrangle this cutie," he added, grabbing his fellow sexy bunny by the waist and pulling their lower bodies together, then continuing to fondle his buttcheek, "and make sure he wore the outfit! Took a while to figure out how to put it on since he kept popping a boner again and again!"

"R-Rider! That's- that's not necessary information!"

"But it's okay since you're cute," Astolfo repeated, poking his chest, between the flaps of the outfit that reached up to cover his nipples. Astolfo's pecs were slightly bigger, giving him almost the impression of having breasts, while the boy beside him had a more slim and slightly more effeminate build to his chest. 

Bright red in the face, the as of yet unnamed bunny shook his head. "No," he said. "Uh, uhm, my name is Sieg!" he said, taking a step forward. "I'm looking forward to your lesson, teacher!" he said, walking stiffly and bending over in half, bowing to you. "This is how I'm supposed to ask for it yes?" he said, turning his face to Astolfo.

"No no, that's not right!" Astolfo said, clearing his throat, then striking a pose by turning so his left side faced you, raising his left leg and turning his waist just enough so his butt, almost entirely exposed by the leotard, showed, his long pink braid swinging as he raised his hands to his head and arched his back in such a way that would have a woman's chest pushed out. "When we're wearing these outfits, it's like this, and then you say: "Please teach me all about pleasure, sir~!"" the pink haired femboy cried, going "Pyon Pyon~!" as if to cap it off.

You blinked.

"You, uh, you don't have to do that, Sieg," you said. 

"Oh thank you, I'm not sure I could pull that off without tripping and embarrassing myself like when we showed Master, I- actually nevermind that," he said, clearing his throat.

"Well, I'm off duty now but I guess I can hang out. You're dismissed for the rest of the day, Koyanskaya," you said, waving her off.

"But-" she glared angrily. "We're not-"

"You're dismissed," you repeated. "It's a low priority matter, we can observe and act appropriately once we have confirmation," you added. "We'll worry about it when we have a report."

"Alright," she said, sighing. "Don't make a habit of this," she said, looking at you, "and you," she said, turning to Astolfo, "you're lucky you're cute, otherwise I'd eat you where you stand."

"In a fun way or-"

"It'd be fun for me at least," Koyanskaya said, acidly, before walking out.

Astolfo hummed. "Well that was scary," he chirped, walking up to your desk, then hopping onto it, seated facing away, but turned towards you. "Soooo~" he said, "are you-"

"I trust you understand," you began, "that getting my hopes up and then showing up late," you said, "is something that requires disciplining," you finished, leaning back on your chair, resting an elbow on your armrest and your face on that arm's hand. "Now, now, now, whatever shall I do with some cute bunnies that wanted to get stuffed with my carrot?" he hummed.

"Oooh! You adapt quickly~ See this is why I chose you for this! I'd do it myself but really, there's a whoooole lotta difference when you get screwed by someone like this," Astolfo said, gesturing grandly towards you, then gesturing at Sieg to come towards him.

"I see!" Sieg said. "It's not just about a size difference," he hummed.

"So, bunny boy," you began, looking at Sieg. "What brings you to me?"

"Well," he said, "you see, I, uhm, well, I've been trying to improve my technique..."

Astolfo giggled. "Sieg here," he said, raising a finger, "is really popular among ladies you see!" he said, "but since his only experience was with older ladies that are always super gentle with him, he doesn't know what it's like to do it with a man!" he added. "He doesn't know the pleasure of being taken roughly and powerfully in a way that fulfills that deep hunger inside you," he moaned, wiggling in place, seated on your desk.

"And you thought of me to fill that hole?" you asked.

"Of course! I was thinking about the people who've been the best lays I've had here and who're willing to make a mess out of a cute boy like him~!" Astolfo said, winking at you.

"Please show me how I can improve!" Sieg said, clenching his fists and raising them in determination. "I'm ready for anything! I even put on this outfit," he said, turning around, "with the tail and all!" he said, wiggling his butt, the white cotton ball shaking a little. He had quite the nice and rounded bottom. 

"Alright," you said. "Astolfo," you called, "get me ready," you said, pulling back, the wheels of your chair squeaking only a little as you slid back.

"Yaaaay~ I've not had a good cock for myself in weeks!" Astolfo said. "Lately it's all been bottoms~!" he added, putting his hands on your desk and then using it as a pommel horse, valuting over it in a display of flexibility and strength, landing between yourself and the desk, already in a crouch, floppy white ears swinging about, his braid slapping his own butt a moment later.

His hands were on your thighs and your crotch in moments, and in even less time, he was already undoing the button and pulling down the fly to release your cock from your pants, taking only moments to pull down your pants to your ankles, then throw them aside in a swift motion. 

Astolfo licked his pink lips. "Mmhm... ahh, I missed you mister cock~!" he said. "Thank you for the meal!"

You were only mostly flaccid, the extremely cute femboys in tight bunny leotards was almost enough to give anyone a boner really, only your extensive experience with otherworldly beauties allowing you to keep your composure... but that wouldn't stand in the face of Astolfo's dedication. It was obvious Astolfo wasn't kidding when he said he missed your cock, he gave it first a kiss as a hello, then began peppering it all over with kisses, the soft, almost sweet stimulation rapidly working to get you to stiffness.

He then used two fingers to stroke your length while he went lower, starting to kiss and lick your balls, adding the rest of his hand as you grew hard, the sweet and loving pleasure overwhelming your senses for a moment. As soon as you were fully hard, Astolfo took your balls into his mouth, then sucked and licked at them, letting them out and then licking from the base of your cock all the way to the tip, where he opened his mouth and fully engulfed you, his expert and talented blowjob taking your breath away for a moment as he began to rapidly bob his head back and forth.

He clearly had not been slacking in his blowjob training at all, you mused, one hand reaching for the top of his head, between the bunny ears, and beginning to pet him as he pleasured you.

"Good, good," you hummed, "now Sieg, come here," you said, gesturing with your free hand. "Let me see your body up close..."

Blushing as pink as Astolfo's hair, Sieg did as you asked, approaching you from the side. "Uhm, this is really embarrassing... I'm not used to doing this stuff with men other than Rider," he said.

Astolfo pulled his head up and grinned, his hand continuing to stroke you as he looked up. "You'll love it, I promise! Just as much as you loved that thing I did with my tongue~!"

Sieg nodded. "If you say so, I trust you Rider," he said. "O-Okay, show me, uhm," he awkwardly tried to strike the same pose Astolfo did, but your hand moved and grabbed him by the wrist, pulling him closer to you, as Astolfo went back to sucking you off, you brought Sieg down.

You captured his lips with yours. sticking your tongue in his mouth. He tasted sweet, almost unusually so. You pulled his hand until it rested on your shoulder, then when you were sure he wasn't too startled, you slid along the glove to his shoulder, then traced his side to his butt, grabbing onto it like Astolfo had before, your fingers almost sinking in his soft butt meat. It wasn't super huge, but it was just this perfect combination of meaty, fat, soft and firm, in a way that was almost unbelievable... it didn't lose its attractive no matter how much you played with it.

His tongue at first was inexpert and had trouble keeping up with you, but he was learning quickly, at first imitating your movements, but rapidly growing more used to the kiss and even starting to actually match your movements with his own.

You squeezed his butt harder and pulled him closer, breaking the kiss by pulling back. He was flustered, breathing hard, his face was red, his fingers were touching his lips and his eyes were wide.

And as you looked down, his dick was clearly trying to burst out of his leotard. He was almost illegally cute, what a talented boy indeed... 

"Alright, I'm ready," you grumbled. "Are you?" you asked, looking up at Sieg.

He nodded, looking a little nervous but determined. "I won't shy away from any challenge anymore," he said, closing his eyes. You almost saw his muscles tense. "I'm ready!" 

"Alright..." you said, your hand creeping to the tail, grabbing it and beginning to play with it, twisting it this way and that way and pulling at it, getting cute little gasps from the bunny boy, a smirk drawing itself on your mouth unbidden, forcing you to catch yourself.

You tapped Astolfo's head, and he pulled up, letting your dick, now fully grown and stiff as it could be, pop out of your mouth with an almost humorous popping noise, licking his lips. "Ahhahh, how lucky Sieg~ You get to be dicked first, isn't that wonderful?" he asked. "Now you'll know what it's like to have your sanity evaporate too!"

"That sounds more scary than exciting!" Sieg chastised.

"It's scarexciting! Sexciting! Sexy!" Astolfo said, throwing two thumbs up. "I don't know English isn't my first language you know!"

"But you're English!" Sieg chastised.

"Ehh, I am?" Astolfo cried. "Wait! I am!" he responded with a giggle. "Sorry my brain's full of cock right now!" he said, "like your butt's about to be!"

Sieg hummed, and then took position. You gave him space, spreading your legs and making your lap more inviting, your rod standing proud like a flagpole. He looked at it and blushed even harder. "S-sorry I'm not used to doing this with men," he admitted.

Astolfo grinned. "You'll see it's amazing when you go both ways~" he said. "Come on I'll help!"

"Wha- I can do this on my own, Rider!" Sieg cried as Astolfo lifted him from behind, a hand on the back of each of his knees, spreading his legs and lifting him perfectly, showing you the curve of Sieg's rounded butt, and more importantly, giving you a great angle to pull out his fluffy cotton tail, a satisfying noise coming out of it, both from his butthole, and his mouth, a sweet moan that had your dick tingling as the slightly slimy, well lubricated buttplug came out, leaving a winking wet butthole behind.

Astolfo then lowered Sieg down onto your cock, slowly, teasingly... somehow managing to accurately and perfectly line up Sieg's still slightly gaping butthole with your erect, stiff prick... inside, Sieg was still filled with lubricant, he was tight, hot, wet and slimy in a terribly satisfying way.

"What a talented asshole," you said, grinning, Sieg's hands going to his face, his cheeks so red they were glowing. 

"This is embarrassing, ugh, I feel stuffed, it's weird..!" 

Astolfo giggled as he continued lowering Sieg onto your cock, the position helping you slide deeper and deeper, being swallowed in by his tight hot anus until his cheeks rested on your lap. The pink haired paladin then leaned against Sieg and visibly began to rub his own leotard bulge against Sieg's butt. 

"Ngh, nooo~ I'm cumming, I'm cumming already~!!" Sieg shouted, his hips twitching and rocking and his ass going crazy on your cock.

You didn't hold it back at all yourself, Astolfo's extremely expert blowjob had already primed you, and Sieg's orgasm only had to milk you ever so slightly to set you off, but they went full hog anyway, constricting in a delicious, mind boggling way, and squeezing you just oh so perfectly to drain your balls.

"Here, take it!! Your first creampie!!" you growled as the cute trap bunny collapsed onto your body, unable to hold himself up and Astolfo pushing him onto you, your balls retracting and pushing all that thick stored up semen into Sieg's bowels.

"Oh- Oh woooow! That's soooo much! So much cum going into your butt! Sieg your butt's so cute, I knew you'd look amazing getting creampie'd!" Astolfo gushed, getting on his haunches, one hand on each of your thighs, and then diving between you and Sieg, licking up the semen that dripped out of Sieg's butthole and taking the opportunity to layer kisses all over your cock, balls and Sieg's cheeks, the stimulation causing your balls to work overtime, producing and squeezing out even more semen, as Sieg twitched and shook and trembled, filling up his leotard some more, the semen leaking out as he overfilled its capacity.

You held him in place as he came back down after the high of his orgasm.

"See? How was that?" Astolfo asked. "Amazing, didn't I tell you?"

You grinned at Sieg and turned him around. "You know what's even better?" you said. "How about you put that mouth to better use, Astolfo?" you called, using your hand to pull Sieg's leotard out of the way and releasing his cum coated member to the air.

It was... actually cute. About the size of one of your fingers, slim, with a dark pink tip. Even his balls were small and cute, and as you held the dick in place, you played with them, smooth, soft and bare. He wasn't shaven, he just didn't grow any hair... Honestly, it was almost better that he was born a boy, somehow it just made it all the dirtier, all the sexier, to dress him up like this and show him this immense, mind twisting pleasure.

Somehow the taboo just made it better.

Astolfo giggled. "Yeah! It looks so tasty and cute, I can't wait to eat it up!" he shouted. "Mhm... here I go!"

He dove down, and took Sieg into his mouth, the feminine boy immediately jerking as if he was just roughly woken up, crying out. "Ahhn, Rideeeer~!" he shouted. "It's too much! It's too much, I feel so full, I can't take it! P-Please-" he shouted, eyes rolling up, as you began to move him. He was light and you were far stronger than you looked these days, it was no wonder that it was easy to move him, and Astolfo pulled back, holding in place so that when you moved Sieg and pulled him off your cock, he would bury himself into Astolfo's mouth, and when you brought him down slamming him onto your lap, he'd pull back.

Astolfo was audibly and visibly swallowing, and Sieg was shaking like a leaf, he was cumming again! And again! It seemed like he had a small orgasm and spurted out more of his milk every time you thrust in, his butt was insane as well!

Overwhelmed as you increased the speed and thus the rate at which Sieg was letting out spurts of dick milk, Astolfo pulled back just in time for you to once again cum inside Sieg, his greedy ass eating up your dick and your eruption, triggering a major orgasm for him as well, his dick twitching for a moment, his cute balls trembling, and then a large spurt of thick and viscous looking dick milk arcing through the air, over your desk, and past the door that'd been left open.

"Sieg! I heard you shout, are you oka-"

Blonde, big chest, armor, headgear... yep. Jeanne.

Open mouth, blue eyes blinking dumbly, a face of surprise... semen all over her face, her chest, and even on her legs. Wow, Sieg had cum a LOT. He was even still hard and twitching, semen was still dripping.

There was silence.

Jeanne blinked. Pointed at you. Pointed at Sieg.

"Oh hey! It's Jeanne!" Astolfo said, grinning.

"I'll... I'll talk to you later," Jeanne said, turning around and walking away. 

As she did, you swore you could hear "I'm not into ntr I'm not into ntr I'm not into ntr", whatever that meant.

Sieg was breathing heavily. "Ugh... whuzzat?" he mewled. 

"Nothing!" Astolfo said, standing up. "Okay~ Hey mister~ want to do some DP with me?" Astolfo asked, pulling his own leotard off.

"B-But, Rider, didn't you say it'd be gay if the balls touch?" Sieg asked.

Astolfo grinned. "Oh, Sieg," he said, "it's okay, it's the golden rule, it's not gay if it's in a three way!"

You snorted in amusement, but nevertheless, helped Sieg get into the right angle, pulling his legs up and giving Astolfo a better angle to penetrate him from. Soon enough, you felt Astolfo's dick, slimmer and smaller than your own, pressing against your shaft and starting to work itself into Sieg's surprisingly flexible asshole, lubricated with cum and jelly as it was.

Maybe you should've closed that door though... Oh, well, no matter.

Not your problem anymore, especially as Sieg's already narrow and tight ass became overstuffed, tighter than ever...


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