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The wild and mad cackling of a man on a mission could be heard all over the lab, from the offices at the top floor all the way to the sub basement that contained all the vats of potentially illegal biological weaponry. The department head of the most secretive department of the largest megacorp. in the planet was well known for spontaneously launching into mad laughter whenever he felt he was successful.

"This is the greatest coffee to have ever been brewed! Eat your heart out, coffee machine!" he shouted, launching into another barking laugh for a moment, before downing the rest of his cup. "I am FILLED with positively unscientific levels of PURE UNADULTERATED CAFFEINE-INDUCED EUPHORIA!" he screamed, throwing his cup into the air, raising both hands to the ceiling, and watching as the cup exploded into pieces. Some of the glass came towards him as it fell.

But he had no fear.

For beside him was his greatest and most important creation, and in a blur of green motion, her tail shifted form, from looking like a noodle, to being tipped with a large and wide net, opening up and sweeping all the falling bits of cup from the air, gathering them together by stretching and moving like lightning, nay, even faster than that, to collect the pieces, demonstrating speed, agility, dexterity and precision the likes of which a mere human could never imitate.

"Excellent work, Muffin!" the scientist said, sticking one hand on the pocket of his labcoat, under which he wore a black turtleneck and jeans, and stroking his chin with the other. "You've surpassed all my expectations."

"Thank you Master Scientist Doctor Awesome!"

Muffin, as she had just been called, was a dark green creature mottled with darker spots, that took a humanoid and feminine shape, and clearly had a very good idea of what kind of shape she wanted to take. Other than a couple tweaks here and there, she had settled into this current form fairly quickly, and it was obvious she had taken it from some rather racy images she had seen when searching for forms on the internet.

Starting at the bottom, she had modeled her feet to make it look as if she was wearing high heels, and tinted her skin to make it look like she was wearing thigh high stockings, covering slim yet visibly muscular calves. 'Exposed', or as exposed as it passed when everything she was 'wearing' was her skin, were her thighs, thick, fat, yet undeniably bearing the shape of strong muscle. She had also covered her crotch with a pair of black panties, though she had also made sure that it looked as painted on as her stockings, showing off her cameltoe.

Her abdominals were remarkably well made, looking almost like she was right out of an old school greek marble statuee, and she had chosen to make her breasts quite large and once again cover them up, though she of course took advantage of the fact that she didn't need any support and could just paint the bra on her skin, meaning she didn't need straps and instead just 'wore' a 'bra' that was clearly meant to enhance and bring attention to her breasts, rather than hide or support anything. Her arms were much like her legs, the biceps with muscles just big enough to make themselves seen, covered form about mid bicep to the tips of her fingers with a black 'glove' that was obviously part of her skin once you started to look closer.

She had also given herself a cute face, big expressive eyes, an easy smile, long pale green hair crowning her head, falling behind her head in wavy, impossible patterns...

Truly, she was a Masterpiece, no matter where one looked at her.

"You know you only need to call me Doctor Awesome when we're alone Muffin," the scientist said. "Or you can call me Dave, whichever you prefer."

"If it is all the same to you, my master," she said, "I would prefer to call you my master," she said, smiling brightly.

"Well, if it makes you happy," Dave responded, patting her head.

He went back to sit on his chair. From his office, he could oversee the entire department. He'd actually been shocked at the stupidity of his fellow scientists who sought to treat Muffin like she was a disposable piece of trash. Yes, she was an important test subject, the prototype for their Fighting Devil series... but that didn't mean she stopped being a living thing! Some of those guys wouldn't even treat their houseplants half as bad as they thought they could get away with treating Muffin.

"It makes me very happy, my master," she said, walking up to the scientist. The office wasn't too large, but she had enough space to give him a good view at the sashay of her hips as she went around his desk, and then, hopped up on top of it, sitting on the desk before him. In some ways, it was a very cat-like action, as she took up the space in front of her creator between him and his computer.

"Muffin I can't work if you're like this," he said.

"It's not time for work, my master," she said. "It's time for leisure. You are mandated fifteen minute breaks after every hour and a half of work," she said. "And it's only been two minutes," she added, raising her finger.

Dave scratched his cheek. "But work IS my relaxation," he pointed out.

"Mhm... I think we need to get you some hobbies, my master," she said, reaching with her hands,  their weird texture, almost like thoroughly chewed gum, feeling squishy against his cheeks as she tilted his head to look at her. "I'm the ultimate life form, you know I know best," she said with a wink.

"I created you to not have many of the weaknesses that plague my feeble and frail human body," Dave said. "I didn't program that into you."

"Mhm, I did some research. On the internet," she said.

"Who let you get into the internet? Was it John? Because if it was John I'm going to kick his ass," Dave responded.

"I got in by myself. You made me that way," Muffin said with a wink, her green noodle of a tail raising behind her. "But you also showed me that I can be more than just that, my master," she said. "Even when everyone else saw me as nothing but a weapon..." she said. "You... you alone, acted for my sake," she said. "I heard you even took a pay cut over it."

"A pay cut is nothing," Dave quickly responded. "They wanted me to get rid of your personality."

"Yeah..." she hummed. "Maybe you should have. They were right to be afraid" she said. "I came this close," she raised one hand and put two fingers so close to each other they almost touched. "Thiiiiiis close," she repeated, "to just... dealing with the problem. And then you punched Doctor Voher in the face," she said. "If you didn't I would've killed him, and then everyone else here, and just left," she said with a giggle.

"That's... that's not funny at all Muffin dear," Dave said, his tone a little agitated.

"I'm a monster, my master," she said. "But I'm your monster," she added, the tip of her tail expanding, then opening up, revealing a moist, slimy and sticky looking interior, the color of her insides similar but darker to the green of her outsides. Her eyes glinted, and Dave's clothes glimmered for a moment, before they were atomized, separated into nothing but dust that was blown harmlessly away by her power.

"Muffin!" he shouted, rolling back in his chair in surprise.

Her tail moved quickly, making a squiggly sound as it stretched and went direct for his crotch, the opening widening up a little more, then engulfing his penis and balls into it, immediately tightening up and molding to his penis and balls.

"Oh, fuck-! It's like- it's like I'm inside someone's mouth, a mouth made of millions of tiny tongues!" Dave cried, 

"Mmmhmmm... as I suspected..! You're so much better than the nutrient paste," Muffin moaned. "Just relax, my master," she added, bringing a hand to her mouth, sticking her purple tongue out and licking her fingers, her other hand going to her chest, her nipples poking through her 'bra' for her to play with, the other hand reaching lower, sliding along her abs, teasing along the slit that had become even more prominent and obvious now. "Ahhn, I could get used to this~!"

She then used the distance that Dave had created between his chair and desk to hop off of his desk and in front of him. Her tail expanded once more and then pulled away from Dave, revealing his now fully erect cock, the light reflecting off of the lubricant on it.

Deliberately and slowly, Muffing walked up to the doctor again, and climbed on top of the chair with him, the 'panties' and 'bra' dissolving into the green of her skin, her tail waving behind her, having once again gone back to the default shape, tapered to a point. Her pussy lips had a purplish tint to them, and she stuck her long, pointed tongue out, making a show of licking her lips.

"Love me, my master," she said. "You showed me love when everyone else only showed me contempt," she moaned, grabbing the back of his head and hunching over so she could meet him eye to eye. "Let me be your woman, and be my man," she said, capturing his lips in a lewd, erotic kiss, sticking her tongue inside his mouth and licking him up, not even teasing, just straight up going for it, for a good, long time, as she teased the tip of his dick with her wet slit.

They broke apart, Dave looked at her, eyes slightly watery. "How, how did, why, where, where did you learn all this- you don't-"

"Porn!" she chirped. "When I decided I wished to become your woman," she said, "I looked up porn, but most of it was obviously not real sex," she said, raising her finger. "Some of it looked like it wouldn't even feel good!" she protested, "but I learned a lot nonetheless!"

"This isn't right, I, I'm your creator," Dave said, strongly.

"Yes...." Muffin said, moaning, "and we're going to make a whoooole lot more of me!" she said. "After all, what's an ultimate life form, if it can't reproduce?"

Dave shuddered. "So you... are fixed on that huh?" he asked. "We couldn't figure out... a humane way so-"

"I know," Muffin said. "I know they wanted to just use me as a broodmare," she said. "I know you said no... but I want to make babies, as long as it's with you," she said, reaching with one hand under her to steady his cock, and then... slamming down in an instant.

Dave recognized instantaneously, that was not a human vagina. Everything he knew said it was impossible. Which made sense. Her form was very malleable. Closer to a humanoid blob of goo than a human. She didn't have any structural weakness in her body, and she could unform and reform and change and reshape every part of her as she deemed fit... including, noticeably, her insides.

It was like the single greatest creation in terms of onaholes ever conceived. Self cleaning, self warming, moved by its own volition, could change its shape to accomodate him, and of course, it happened to be attached to a smoking hot alien-looking babe. Oh, Dave wasn't a fool or an idiot. He knew Muffin was a sexy woman. She designed herself to be a sexy woman, and changed her body accordingly.

And now?

Now he knew why.

"Ahhn, yess," Muffin moaned. "Ngnh, but- but this isn't enough... I need more!" 

Her tail raised into the air behind her, and its tip transformed to look almost like a tube of some sort, then it moved again, going down now, and Dave only had an instant of panic before he felt it go into his anus, implacably, he couldn't even hope to resist, as she was secreting some sort of agent that was relaxing his anus forcibly, allowing her easy entry.

"Ngnh, I'll clean you out properly~ I can restructure molecules at will!" she laughed in a manner reminiscent of him. "And now- go!!"

He could visibly see a massive glob of something sliding down from the base of her tail down its length, over her shoulder as he peeked, heading towards his anus, and when it reached, he for a moment thought it would be horrible pain, but it was actually surprisingly pleasant. He didn't get filled and stuffed with whatever it was, rather, it seemed like it absorbed into his body as soon as it entered, and it- it made him feel better, for an instant. 

And then his body was on fucking FIRE! His nerves itched everywhere, and his balls were almost bursting, it was painful even!

"GHhkh, faukgh Moof, Muffin! Fuck did you do to, gjhak hahk, meee!" he screamed in horror and pain.

"I made you a little bit more like me," she said. "I can't change you completely... not if I want you to remain you," she said, "and my master, my love," she said, tilting his head up. "I can't imagine nor bear the thought of losing you... so I gave you a little bit of me," she said. "Even if you can never be an ultimate life form like me, at least I can get you as close as a human could get!" she giggled. "Enjoy it, enjoy my gift, so that you may be my master for as long as possible!"

Another, and another, and then yet another helping of liquid came, each seemed to douse the fires at first, then the stimulation escalated even further, and finally, on the fifth time, the biggest and most potent glob came down, and the moment it was poured into Dave's body, he reached his limit!

His balls withstood it no more, expelling the ridiculously huge amount of semen he had produced thanks to this treatment, more cum in that single solitary ejaculation than a lifetime of daily masturbation could ever produce. It was an honest to goodness straight up liter of cum, gushing so fast and so hard that it couldn't be stopped. 

Muffin's perfect body expanded to accomodate it, creating a little pocket, almost like a womb in one of those weird porn cartoons that opened up and swallowed the tip of his cock, just to provide a place to store the ever growing bounty of cum, her stomach expanding to show her progress, and as Dave finished cumming, Muffin sported a belly similar to a woman in her third trimester of pregnancy. With nonuplets at that.

She was... huge.

"Ngnh... ahhn, yeah... I knew it... your sperm is the best... so nice and thick and rich and delicious~ I could just live off of it~!"

Dave slumped on his chair, looking quite beaten. "Muffin... I... I don't know," he said, "I don't know if I could survive..."

Muffin giggled. "Don't worry! As soon as you get some more of my juice in you," she said, patting the base of her tail, "you'll be right as rain and better than ever!" she said, patting her huge belly. "But first, I'll get to work on making our babies!" she said. "You're gonna be a daddy soon, my master!"

Dave looked at her, and despaired at what his future held...

Maybe he'd been a little bit... too successful at preventing his own untimely demise, when he decided that only an idiot would create an ultimate life form and treat it like crap. 

Oh, well.

At least the sex was fucking amazing.


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