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You had been warned, well in advance, about the explosive temper of the young lady sat opposite you, behind your desk, sipping on tea with a heavy atmosphere, like the world was about to end, as if all of its weight was laying upon her all at once. She had requested to see you, and even gone as far as using the same system you used a lot more often once upon a time to request time with Ritsuka's many beautiful servants.

She had not been one of them, however, even when she had caught your eye, you'd been warned away.

You could kind of feel why as she put her teacup down on the coaster, took a deep breath and faced you, amber eyes glinting. Her long hair's color reminded you of the taste of fresh mint, her multipronged white horns crowned her head like accessories, and she wore a teal kimono that hid a figure you knew to be quite voluptuous. 

Ritsuka's principal stalker and one of her oldest allies in Chaldea, Kiyohime, had requested an audience, and after the pleasantries, introductions and niceties involving the tea you had served her - prepared ahead of time by Medea and brought in by a rather annoyed looking Koyanskaya - the silence had become almost threatening.

Until finally, she broke it by sighing loudly.

"My Anchin spends more time with you than she ever does with me," she said, closing her eyes. "Though I give everything of myself to her, I know I will never truly have everything of her for myself," she said. "I have made peace with this. My beloved Anchin, she never lies to me," she said. "She treats me kindly, shows me love and affection, she taught me so many things, showed me many more, and made me experience the gods' own heaven, right here on Earth," she said, bringing her hands together and clasping them to each other as if on prayer, looking up as if she was imagining her time with Ritsuka, whom she referred to as Anchin, for some reason you weren't quite privy to. "And yet- and yet..!"

You almost flinched.

"You..." she said, her eyes glinting dangerously. "It is you who took my beloved's attention from me," she accused. "Before, she would come to me, and we would make love, and she would enjoy herself with me, she would find completion with me... after she was with a disappointing client, I would bring her joy and take her to heaven, but now- now- now I am not enough for her anymore," she accused, a fan banded in gold manifesting in her hand, which she pointed threateningly at you. "This is your fault!"

For a moment, you thought about hitting the panic button. Mana was right outside your office, and Koyanskaya could get here in only a few moments. You knew you wouldn't last long if a Servant got it in their head they wanted you dead, but all the training and improvements heaped upon your body by now would surely allow you to survive long enough for help to arrive...

"This is why... I have to do something about this... I must do something about this, this cannot stand," she said, and your hand inched closer to the panic button, only for her to pull back the fan and slam it against her palm. "I will not allow myself to be an inferior partner for Anchin," she said. "If- If I am not sufficient to make her orgasm, then- then- I will begin my bridal training, all over again!" she said.

Your hand, reaching for the button froze. "You... uhm... what?"

"I shall once again undertake training. And seeing as you are Anchin's favored sexual partner," she said, "I figured that you would be able to teach me to pleasure and please her properly!" she said.

"I'm- I'm not," you sighed, letting your nerves drop. "I thought you were going to hurt me."

"I never would, that would make Anchin sad," Kiyohime said. There was a moment's pause. "Of course if I had reason to believe that Anchin would not despair over your passing..." she said, tapping her fan against her chin somewhat contemplatively. "No, it is not worth considering. Anchin would be sad. And you are not yet my enemy, regardless," she said. "You do not seek to monopolize her affections, do you?"

"I'm... not?" you offered. "I'm pretty good with the relationship we have right now as is, nor do I think I even could if I wanted to."

"Of course you couldn't, my Anchin's potential for love is unmatched, of course, of course!" Kiyohime said, giggling excitedly. "So what say you, Anchin's Lover, would you teach me how to pleasure her properly?"

"I... I mean, I can- but, there's a difference in equipment," you said.

"Fear not, for I possess the capacity to change my shape according to my beloved's desire!" Kiyohime said, her fan dismissed, disappearing in flames, as she clenched both hands and brought her close to her face, a determined expression going over her face.

Well, there were also the potions that Ritsuka'd had developed for, uhm, that kind of play. Surely it'd be fine.

"Soooo, do you want to get someone to be our training dummy or-"

"No, not at all," Kiyohime said. "In order to fully and completely understand your techniques," she said, standing up, her wheeled spinny chair rolling back as she did so, then she undid the sash holding her traditional dress together, and let it drop behind her back, showing decidedly un-traditional, extremely modern lingerie. Your eyebrows raised as the lacey white set, stockings, garterbelt with an intricate floral pattern, same for her panties and bra, all of the pieces decorated with a white satin ribbon. "You look surprised. Was this not the right choice in underwear? Miss Medb assured me that this, I believe she called it Tanga? Was in modern fashion," she said.

"It looks very good on you," you complimented. "I'm sure Ritsuka is going to love it."

"Oh! I'm going to use a different set for Ritsuka," Kiyohime stated. "I would not reuse the same set, this is a practice one."

You nodded. "That's thoughtful. Very good thinking," you agreed, not wanting to discuss the sense or logic of that at all. "A shame, she'd love this set-"

"Ah, the other one is very similar, I will just be using my ascended form, and black ribbons match my black horns in that form!" Kiyohime said with a happy smile. "Nevertheless, please do not hesitate, for the sake of Anchin, I've taken dozens, nay, hundreds of penises within my body, what is one more?" she boasted. once again giving you a confident smirk, pumping her fist high as if to demonstrate her valor and enthusiasm. "Do not hesitate at all, show me your full power, fuck me like you fuck my Anchin!"

You nodded. You had a Do Not Disturb button for important negotiations, and for when you needed to let off some steam and were taking either Koyanskaya or Mana into your office. Hitting that, you stood up and walked around your desk. "From this moment onward, I am going to start having sex with you, if you want to stop, at any time, just tell me, okay?" you said, putting a hand on her cheek. "Ritsuka likes it... well, I've yet to find a way she doesn't like to be fucked," you admitted. "This might be-"

She took your hand and looked up at you for a moment before she stood on her tippy toes - and you could swear she floated a little! - to kiss you on the lips, then you nodded seriously, and bent down to kiss her back, invading her mouth. Your hands then began to roam her body, feeling the unexpectedly high temperature of her body that was rising even higher still.

Her skin was smooth like silk, pale and lovely, all over her body, so soft and smooth and seemingly transparent that just running your hand along it left pink tracks, as if painting her with your touch.

Caressing your way down her back, you came to rest on her butt, feeling the soft fabric of her lingerie along the way, and slipping your fingers under it to feel her butt directly, squeezing and playing with it. You kept one hand on her face, holding her in place as you continued to kiss and tease her, then you took a step forward and pushed her onto the desk, helping her hop up onto it, giving you a way better angle for kissing, and making sure that her crotch was level with yours.

Sometimes, you wondered if you'd been given a desk that was crotch level with you on purpose. Other times, you realized that was exactly the case, not that you cared.

Especially not when such a ridiculously sexy woman wearing nothing but fancy and sexy lingerie was sitting on it, panting, cheeks red, raising a hand to brush her lips. "I see... so this is a proper lovers' kiss," she said. "I didn't realize I had so much to learn still... this is how a man kisses a woman..."

You frowned. "You... work at the hotel, right?"

"Ah! Yes!" Kiyohime said. "However, I have a hard rule, only Anchin is allowed to kiss me," she said. Then she stopped. "Do not worry, for today's purposes, you are allowed to do so. Anchin will not get jealous," she said. 

You didn't even question that, shaking your head, and crouching to the right height to have a good look at her crotch as you hooked your fingers around her panties' strings, the tanga, as she called it, sliding smoothly along her legs as you began to pull it down, only for the briefest of resistances to be found as you pulled past her thighs, the crotch of the underwear having become wet with her sticky pussy juice, a string of fluid connecting the fabric to Kiyohime's puffy lower lips that broke soon as you continued to pull them off.

Balling them up, you stuck them in your pocket, and undid the front of your pants, allowing your already mostly stiff penis to come out of containment. A combination of the relief from finding out the danger wasn't there and the fact that Kiyohime was hot literally and figuratively had given you most of a boner, and you were getting increasingly hard as Kiyohime sat on your desk, both hands gripping the edge behind her, legs spread, eyes a bit hazy as she looked at you, breast rising and falling, shaking her breasts ever so slightly in their delightfuly fine confinement. 

She didn't need any foreplay, she was ready to go. She was very quick to get aroused, and the sight of it was getting you the rest of the way through to a full stiff cock.

So you got back on your feet, stroking your cock to make sure it was good and ready to go, and then approaching her once again, holding your cock with one hand and putting the other on her leg to steady her as you began to rub the head of your dick against her pussy lips.

She was no blushing virgin, of course. She was a veteran at the hotel, and by her own account, and what you remembered of the data, not a lazy worker at all. But there was a strange innocence to her, as if to her, none of those men were anything more than a bug, no different than a temporary annoyance as she thought only of her beloved.

It was... a weird connection to make, but it helped to understand her, and her relationship with Ritsuka, a little better once the thought hit you... and then you dismissed the thoughts entirely, and instead, began to push against Kiyohime's cunt, spreading her lips as you began to insistently push your way into her vagina, opening up her love hole and pushing your way in. She didn't flinch but she did close her eyes and scrunch up her face as you spread her.

She might not -be- a virgin, but she sure as fuck felt like one, with how tight, narrow and stiff she was, and even moreso, her skin temperature was high, her internal temperature was off the charts. You felt if you hadn't been made more than resistant to temperature, you might even have a burnt cock right now.

"Ahn- this is..! I see!" Kiyohime moaned, biting her lower lip and releasing the edge of your desk, throwing her hands around your neck instead. "This must be..! Yes... this is- your penis is inside me," she moaned, "it's cold but- but effective..! I can feel you inside me, you're hitting all my sensitive spots, you're grinding into my weak spots- is this how you charmed my Anchin!?" she said, pressing her body to yours, her magnificent chest almost amazing enough to be felt over the tightening up of her pussy, which dominated your entire mind as soon as she began to squeeze.

But you couldn't give up just yet, so you moved your hands, grabbed onto her hips and ass, and settled into proper position... and then you began. Pulling back. A torturous process, she clung so tightly, the outside of her body was so cold, everything was terrible, difficult, horrifyingly so, but you did it, you persevered, you pulled yourself out, and then, you went back in.

And then again, faster this time, faster and faster and then even faster, until you began to hit a rhythm, to begin shaking your hips, changing your aim. She wasn't Ritsuka, she didn't have Ritsuka's pussy, but she had her own weak spots, and she was responding to your movements just the same, she liked it when you went for a little higher of an angle.

"Ngnh- yes..!! you're- looking for more, you're not complacent, oof, I see!"

You put a hand on each of her thighs and adjusted her position, at the same time, her legs raised and crossed over the small of your back, as you continued pounding her. 

"Ohh, now- now I get it," she moaned, "this is it..! This is a woman's orgasm..!! Something none of those bugs could ever give me..! This is what you've been giving my Anchin, what I am lacking," she said, throwing her head back, her tongue coming out of her mouth, longer, bigger, split and forked at the end, she was losing control, eyes wide open, "yesssh~ Dish ish eet~!!"

Your muscles were starting to burn, especially around your core and stomach and crotch, and even your balls felt the strain, her heat was increasing and she was starting to convulse on your cock, she was cumming, an intensely powerful orgasm that felt almost like you stuck your cock into a roiling and boiling pit of magma, but you would match her, if that was how it would be, then you would give her an erupting volcano!! You grit your teeth and held onto the last minute, even as she screamed passionately, and then when you could hold no more, you slammed yourself home, as deep and as hard as you could, fucking her the way she wanted and deserved to be fucked, before you unleashed everything you had into her, every last drop, erupting from your balls all the way down your cock into her insanely hot, high pressure depths.

It was but a moment, but it felt like an eternity, as if the earth itself stood still, as you came into Kiyohime...

And then it was over, and you pulled out, panting, semen gushing from her pussy.

"Ahhhn~ dash eeet~! ah geffid' nao~!" she moaned, collapsing onto your shoulder, resting her head on it, for a few moments.

You just held her, trying not to fall yourself, until she recovered, and pulled back, looking at you.

When you wanted to move, however, you found that she still held onto you, her legs locked behind your back.

Your erect cock twitched.

"My anchin likes it in her behind as well,"  Kiyohime said. "Please, do not neglect teaching me all about Anal as well!" 

You blinked.

Well... If she wanted it so badly, who were you to deny her?

Later that day, Medea would drop by your office, by the time Kiyohime was gone, both holes stuffed full of cum. She would even use her magic to clean up the mess, which was really nice of her... but as you were chatting, she grabbed at something that you hadn't realized was dangling from your pocket.

Kiyohime's panties.

"You mind if I take this?" she asked. "A dragon's vaginal fluids can be used to make a fairly potent tonic," she said, raising Kiyohime's panties. "I'll return them to her washed later."

You snorted. "I don't mind at all, they're not mine after all, you should really ask her instead," you said.

"What she doesn't know won't hurt her," Medea said, nodding. "Ah, right, I almost forgot what I came for. I believe two weeks from now, I might have a good opportunity to give birth to our baby."

"I- I'm not sure I get it," you said. "That's not really something you plan for, is it?" you asked.

There was a moment's pause.

Medea's long ear twitched, and then she began to laugh uncontrollably, holding her belly with her hands as she did.


Unbelievably powerful witch from the age in which Gods and Heroes walked the Earth. 

Well at least that matter would be solved. So two weeks from then...

"Just treat next week like it's a normal week," she said, "I'll just not be available since I'll be getting ready for the birth," she added, waving her hand. "Ah! If you need anything magical, don't hesitate to ask. Even if I'm unavailable, my... my teacher," she said with a little bit of amusement creeping into her voice, clearly amused over it, "will make herself available to you. Oh, she owes me a gigantic favor, so don't hesitate at all! She even promised to take my wifely duties, so to speak," she said with a wink.

"I'll keep that in mind," you chuckled, and so the day would end, with no further incident.

You would receive a report, near the end of the day, about how things went for Kiyohime, from Medea as she came to rest with you. She had indeed returned Kiyohime's panties to her, and all seemed to be going well on her end too.

Funnily enough, the "thank you" note the next day came from Ritsuka, not Kiyohime. She'd have to work on her stamina you guessed.


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