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In a space about fifteen minutes to the south of the future and about fourteen degrees from the past, there was a tropical island. 

It was a paradise of white sand beaches, a bright blue ocean, lush green trees, and bikini-clad beauties.

On one of said beaches, a handful of said bikini-clad beauties, and a man in swimming trunks, were gathered around a large rock. In front of it, a woman in a pink bikini with hair the color of dark red wine, pointed at an extremely detailed diagram she had carved onto the stone just now, with powerful magic.

"To summarize," the Queen of the Land of Shadows, Scathach, in all her unbelievably sexy bikini-clad glory, "we have become unstuck from time and become a singularity unto ourselves in this island, serving to support and strengthen Panhuman History and the principal trunk of time, rather than as a problem. This means we must continue to exist and further expand this Singularity."

Ritsuka raised her hand.

"Yes, Master?" Scathach asked.

"What does that mean?" she asked. "How would we expand the singularity?" she asked.

"Well I'm glad you asked. The simplest and clearest answer, of course, is to have babies. Lots of them. Bring more life to the singularity, and it, and the island, will expand," Scathach spoke. "Which makes it convenient that he has come with us."

At those words, the startlingly sexy figure of Saint Martha, a woman who had once been the companion of one of the most recognized religious figures in the modern world, stood up. Her sizable chest bounced as she did, and she adjusted her jacket as if self conscious over it.

"I've received divine revelation that concurs with your words," Martha explained. "However - I don't understand and it was not revealed to me, how we would reproduce. Only Master and Mashu possess the ability to bear children," she spoke, "we servants cannot."

Scathach smirked. "I can fix that," she said. "In this world where the laws are relaxed and where our influence is far greater," she hummed, "I would even go as far as to say that I am as powerful, no, even more than I would've been in the Land of Shadows itself," she said, nodding. "It would be Child's Play to utilize the power of the Runes to incarnate us as living women once more," she said. "However, I can only do this one servant at a time and will need about ten months to be able to do the next one."

Attention was drawn to a pair of women in pirate themed bikini, the bombshell that was Anne Bonny, overwhelming sexiness spilling from her bikini all over the place, and the much slimmer and more svelte Mary Read, who combined deceptive cuteness with a rugged look thanks to her scars. 

"The fact that you knew exactly how long it would take is fishy," Mary said, sending a suspicious glance at Scathach.

Anne laughed in turn. "It's almost like you were prepared for this."

Scathach cleared her throat. "I am prepared for anything at any time," she said.

"What about Master?" 

Eyes were moved to where the two Britons were sitting. Or rather, where Artoria was sitting on a log, while Mordred stood at attention behind her. Both of them were physically identical to one another save for their bikini, white and red respectively, and their faces and hair, Mordred's slightly wilder look in both expression and hair contrasting with the cool, calm and collected Artoria, whose hair was carefully arranged into a tight bun. With a flower set on as decoration that Mordred had stuck there while Artoria wasn't watching.

Artoria continued to speak. "She is but a young girl - while we are adults."

"I'm 19..." Ritsuka complained. "And I would be 20 if we counted time dilation..."

Marie clapped her hands. "Perhaps it would be best to wait until Master is a full grown adult then?" she asked, smiling brightly at Artoria.

"This is because I rejected your offer for a drink isn't it," Ritsuka grumbled.

"Next time find a better excuse than lying about your age," Mordred said with a grin.

"Quiet you," Artoria snapped. "You're also in trouble young knight," she said.

Mordred did indeed shut up.

Then it was time for the fox lady of the bunch, a stunningly beautiful woman in her own right, clad in a tiny blue and orange bikini, which hid absolutely nothing of her body."But I don't have any interest in having babies by anyone other than my husband," Tamamo huffed.

Kiyohime looked askance at her, adjusting her outer summer half kimono, which did absolutely nothing to hide her body either, her chest barely contained by her yellow bikini and her butt almost bursting out of her bottom. "Well I don't have a problem with it as long as Anchin is okay with it," she said, raising her fist. "Are you Anchin? We can't be Adam & Eve, but it's okay~!"

"You kidding?" Ritsuka snorted. "Oohh, I want to hold your hand while you're doing it!" she told Kiyohime.

"Ahhn, my heart will explode!"

"Refused!" Mashu said. "I'm the only one who has handholding privileges!" she said, standing up beside Ritsuka, forced to adjust her glasses. She blushed, from her cheeks to her neck, and the red continued under the water dress she had chosen as her swimsuit. 

The smack of skin on skin and the yelp Mashu gave broke the silence.

"Don't be greedy love," Ritsuka said. "I promise I'll hold your hand too when you get preggers!"

"You better," Mashu grumbled.

"Alright then, if you're in agreement as well," Scathach said, looking at you, and not even waiting for a response. "How about Master decides who goes-"

"Tamamo!" Ritsuka said, quickly.

"Mikooon!? Why me?" Tamamo complained, standing up from her log seat.

Ritsuka blinked, then raised her hand, four fingers up, her thumb curled into her palm. She put her finger on her pinkie, and began to count off her reasons, curling her fingers as she gave them, one by one. "First, the thought of you making faces of shame and disgrace as you cum your slutty brains off is already turning me on. Second, the thought of you with a biiiig preggers belly turns me on. Third, I want more fluffy fox tails to snuggle with. Fourth and final, I thought it would be funny, and it totally is."

"That's so cruel!" Tamamo complained. "But I can't go against my husband's wishes!" she said. "I'll go get prepared."

"Alright, cool, come with me then," Scathach said, and dragged Tamamo off.

Ritsuka hummed and as soon as the two were out of earshot, she giggled. "This is what she gets for trying to make me jealous," she said. "Joke's on her, I'm into that!"

"Alright then," Artoria said. "Then I will lead the others to prepare the living spaces and collect food. We will make sure we welcome these new inhabitants into this singularity of ours as best as we can," she said. 

"As the only one here with experience ruling over living people, I suppose that makes sense," Martha said, nodding. "If there is no objection."

"Well I obj-" Mordred began.

"I will begin with disciplining this unruly knight for stealing my ship," Artoria said. "Please do not come to her aid, and do not worry if she walks funny later. I will show you, you are not too old for me to bend you over my knee and spank you. It worked with your brothers and sister, and it will work with you too," Artoria said, grabbing Mordred, tossing the bikini clad knight over her shoulder, and walking off. 

"I am going to go watch that and masturbate to it," Mary said. 

"I'm going to join her in doing that," Anne agreed. "That sounds hot."

"I am going to go pray to the Lord to remove that image from my mind," Martha said.

The three walked away after that.

Marie Antoinette giggled. She hadn't drawn much attention, which was rare for her. She was as beautiful as ever, but in her cute red one piece, and busying herself by playing with a crab using a shellfish, she didn't stand out too much. Flicking her hair back, she stood up. "Mashu, would you come with me? I don't want to be wandering alone in case there are monsters outside the safe area, but I want to look into an area my little friend might be leading us to," she said.

"Alright, I'll accompany you," Mashu agreed.

"I suppose I'll just rest here then," Ritsuka said. "Have fun you two!"

You sighed. "I guess I'll go see-"

"We're ready," Scathach interrupted you. "Now, my student," she said, then she pushed a slightly surly looking Tamamo, "impregnate this fox," she said. "It's your first task. I will join you two," she spoke to Mashu and Marie. "Have fun!"

And with that, you were alone with Tamamo.

"Masteeer," she spoke, "do I really-"

"Yes you do," Ritsuka said. "No turning back now."

You snorted. "This is a mess..." you admitted. "Let's get started. Ritsuka if-"

"Can I watch?" she asked. "I want to see Tamamo getting fucked. Hey, remember when you tried to make me jealous by pretending you were interested in an intern?" she asked Tamamo. "You shouldn't have put the idea of watching you getting fucked by a man in my head then," she said. "Because now I can't wait to see you with a big round belly."

"Mikon!? Am I getting punished by my temptress harlot ways?" Tamamo asked. "Wait, no, I haven't even been that bad in this life!" she said.

"Call it Karma, you understand Buddhist concepts right?" Ritsuka said. 

Tamamo's jaw dropped, and her ears twitched. How, exactly, she had gotten them through the straw hat was beyond you... but eh, whatever. 

"Alright," you finally agreed. You worked your way out of your trunks and then walked up to Tamamo.

"My heart is not ready," Tamamo said. "I-"

You smiled and then placed your hands on her hips, turning her around to face Ritsuka instead, and then you pushed her, she fell on her hands and knees, her hat toppling off her head and onto the ground. Her big, bushy and very fluffy tail was standing straight, allowing you to see her fat ass. You pulled at the strings that held her bottoms together, and then pulled those bottoms off, tossing them away. 

"H-hey, that's-"

"You know how horny you make every man in Chaldea?" you accused. "We all know you're just a cocktease looking for attention," you continued. "And now... now I'm going to fulfill the dream of every worker you've disturbed with this ridiculously sexy body of yours," you said. "I'll show you discipline, you harlot fox!"

"Ooh, yesss," Ritsuka said. "Isn't that amaz- err, I mean, no! Don't do it! Not in front of me! My wife, my beloved, she'll fall for cock and then she'll never be satisfied with lesbian sex ever again!"

"M-Master!? What the hell are you- stop this!" Tamamo shouted, doing all of nothing to get out of your grip as you got on your knees behind her. You had become used to a semi permanent state of arousal, the servants on the island literally had nothing but their sexy bikinis to wear, and you were stuck here with them, and it was no wonder the instant you got a chance, you immediately wanted to let go of the pressure.

You put the tip of your cock at Tamamo's entrance. "You're not even trying to run away. Do you really not want this?" you asked, laughing, pushing your cock against her sopping wet slut hole. "Sheesh, you REALLY want this!" you accused. "You're flooded down here!"

"Nooo! That's just- the effect of the spell!" Tamamo protested. "I'm loyal to my master, I only want my husbaaand!"

"Lies! You're lying! There's no way my total slut fox wife would get horny for someone else!" Ritsuka spoke, injecting emotion into her voice in an almost humorously awkward way, "there's no waaaaay!" 

"Believe it!" you called, "I'm going to push my cock into your precious breeding hole and put a baby in you while your husband is watching!" Man it was weird referring to Ritsuka as a 'husband', but if this was the game she wanted, it'd be the game she was getting.

Besides, playing the bad guy was fun.

"You're both irredeemable perverts!!" Tamamo whined.

"Says the woman who's about to cum just from the idea of cheating on her husband! You really are a harlot aren't you?" you accused, pushing your dick past her lips and into her hole proper, the vaginal walls clinging to you as you went in. She showed just how much of a slut she truly was, there was zero resistance whatsoever, her cunt pretty much sucked you right in. Tamamo was a slut and a whore and a bitch and a half, but anything and everything could be forgiven if she regaled you to such intense pleasure as the sun-like heat of her internal walls collapsing around your cock.

Her tail stood on end, puffing up, and you actually couldn't resist hugging it and pressing it against your chest, the scent of a fox bitch in heat filling your nose.

"Noooo! Mastaaah, he's inshiiiide!" Tamamo said, her tongue slipping out, "My taaail is weak! Shtahp eet!"

Ritsuka covered her face as best as she could, while making sure to keep her eyes wide open and uncovered, with one hand, while the other reached for the striped orange and white bikini bottoms that hid her pussy from view, clearly beginning to tease her lady parts.

With a grin. "Look at that! She's eating me up! This bitch was desperate for some cock! She'll never be satisfied with just carpet munching ever again!" you taunted, laughing, "isn't that right bitch?"

"Nooo, I 'nly wan' my mashta!" Tamamo whined.

Your hand raised, then blurring with speed, landed on Tamamo's big fat pale asscheek, leaving a red imprint. Oh damn that felt good, you could feel the vibrations all the way to your cock, and she tightened up harshly, giving you a mighty pleasurable squeeze. 

"Ngnh!! Nyooo~ Dun' spank meee!" 

"What a f-fiend!" Ritsuka called, breathing heavily. 

"That's right!! This ass is all mine now, your pussy will get drunk on my cock!! Drop the act and just let your inner slut out, bitch!" you shouted, grabbing onto her hips, making sure you had good leverage and digging your feet and knees on the sand to make sure everything was in place... and then you began to pound her in earnest.

Tamamo needed no further foreplay or help. Hell, you were having trouble keeping up with just how greedy her cunt was.

It was incredibly hungry for cock. You were kidding before but it was almost scarily true how much Tamamo seemed to need a cock. She might talk a lot, but her body told no lies. You leaned forward, pressing your chest onto her back and tail, and grabbed at her tits, pulling her up by them, playing with them, sinking your hands onto her titflesh, the cups of her bikini doing absolutely nothing to contain her tits.

Your powerful thrusts caused her body to shake, and in the motion and chaos, her tits slipped out of her bikini, your hands moving up with the top, you had to reposition, and the sight clearly aroused the fuck out of Ritsuka.

"Ngh, Tamamo, Tamamo, does that cock feel good!? You look amazing, you look like you're gonna cum, are you gonna cum? He's going to cum inside you soon," Ritsuka moaned, "a man who's not your husband is gonna cum inside you while your husband's watching, and it's only turning you on even more!! You slutty fox wife bitch, you really love cheating on me huh?!" Ritsuka said, getting incensed.

"Nyyoooo! Mashtaaa, purizuuuu!" Tamamo cried, "Buh, bahleev, mieee!" she cried, "I luv, wuv yooouuu!"

You laughed. "Your mouth keeps saying that, but your pussy doesn't wanna let go of my cock!" you taunted, "fucking shit, it's so soft and hot, it's made for cock, this is truly a slut cunt that can't live without gobbling up dicks!"

"What a whore, what a whore of a woman," Ritsuka spoke, panting, "ngh, I can't stand it!! Cum, you bitch fox, cum for someone else's cock!"

"Noooooo! Dun wanna, dun wanna, but imma, cumm, cuuuum, cummiiiiingggg!" 

Tamamo's screaming orgasm was powerful, like lightning charged her, her insides went haywire and desperately began to milk you in a way that you didn't even imagine was possible, somehow coming at you from every which way at the same time, with heat as intense as the core of the sun and power overwhelming, until finally- 

"Here it is, bitch, here comes the cum you wanted so bad, I'm gonna cum inside you, I'm going to fill your womb with my seed and get you pregnant! Have my babies!" you roared.


"By my command seal!" Ritsuka screamed, "Get pregnant you slut!"

"Fu, fuuuuuhhhjjjj!"

You slammed your hips in as deep as you could go, kissing the slut fox's deepest spot, and then unleashed your cum within, flooding her insides! Your hips did an involuntary thrust every time you came, but you couldn't even fucking move inside her, she was clinging to you so tightly you were almost afraid she might crush your cock, she did not want to let you go, she had latched onto you and was making sure that not a single droplet of cum went anywhere but inside her.

And then the moment was over, and you were panting, almost disoriented, a little bit out of it, until it all came back into focus.

Ritsuka was panting, the rock she was sitting on was covered in liquid, she had overflowed from her bottoms... she pulled the panty-like bikini bottoms off, and while Tamamo was panting from her own experience, mouth open, she shoved them right into Tamamo's mouth.

"There, feast on my juices while he gets you another dose of the cum you love so much," Ritsuka said, bending down to look her in the face. "I love you," she said, kissing Tamamo's cheek.

Tamamo spoke through the piece of clothing in her mouth, what she said was undecipherable.

And so things went...

Eight months later, a very heavily pregnant Tamamo bounced on your well lubricated cock, going in and out of her ass. "Ahhh, nooo, I've truly become a cheating whore wife~!" Tamamo said. "I can't live without this cock anymore~ I'm sorry my master and husband," she said, "your slutty fox wife can't live without her lover anymore~!"

You roared your orgasm as you came into her infernally hot, supremely tight behind, triggering Tamamo's squirting orgasm, the two of you basking in the afterglow of the orgasm. You were seated on the latest in jungle hammock innovation, between two palm trees, and now, Tamamo rested against your chest.

Ritsuka, who had been showered by Tamamo's squirt, closed her mouth, licked her lips and smirked. 

Tamamo's ears drooped. 

You kissed her cheek, and she perked up a little. 

"You're beautiful," Ritsuka gushed, "but you're even prettier when there's a cock inside you," she said, standing up and kissing Tamamo in the mouth, trading spit with her, tongues mashing against each other.

Tamamo sighed as she rested her back against your chest. "Somehow," she said, "this is still better than the imperial court," she spoke. "I love you, my husband," she said. "Even if you have really weird fetishes."

Ritsuka hummed. "And speaking about which..." she spoke, her face twisting in a particularly dirty way.

"That's a bad look on you, that's the 'I have a new fetish I want to try' face," you said, fear filling you.

"Okay, hear me out, how about-"


Oh, well.

At least you'd never be getting bored even without modern entertainment...


Benjamin Lawton

…Does this mean we WON'T be getting the cute talking piggies after the timeskip?


Gotta keep "Human Order" as the dominant in this singularity, so no. Maybe if Circe was around...