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Lounging on her seat, Karina didn't strike the image of a doctor in the least. She wore a black miniskirt that clung to her like a second skin, showing the swell of her hips and the shape of her waist, a white button up that you could see her bra through, a stethoscope around her neck and a white coat that almost screamed "fake doctor". Apparently she dressed like that because that's what people expected of her.

I, personally, thought she dressed like that because she liked the attention, the "look but don't touch" kind of attention. I've known her for over two decades now and she's always been a bit of an attention whore, always wanted eyes on her, throw in her double Ds, her nice and thick ass, her cute nose, and that sexy beauty mark just under the left side of her lower lip...  And she had eyes on her right up until she started to lose a lot of those traits.

Luckily I'll never have to see her like that again.

She ran her hand through her hair, a gesture she used to try to rid herself of frustration, the brown strands getting a little tangled. It was down to her shoulders now, when just months ago she had been bald... I couldn't deny the fact that I felt a little bit of a heartwarming sensation spring through me at the sight.

"I guarantee you, ma'am, that I am speaking the truth and nothing but the truth," Karina said. 

I felt a little awkward. We weren't meeting in her office. She was a GP, a general medicine doctor, she was usually the first and last person to be seen by her patients in the hospital. 

"But, but that just- you can't expect me to just believe you outright!" the woman seated opposite her said.

We were at Karina's home. As a doctor, she could afford a pretty decent place, an apartment near the center of the city, and her living room had a lush carpet, a couch and two armchairs, around a very fine mahogany coffee table, which currently had a few tasty sweet and salty treats and our empty tea cups.

To my right, Karina.

To my left, Karina's current patient. 

Sophia, I didn't know her last name, was a young woman in her early to mid twenties. She had long dark hair, clearly dyed a shade of red, the bright lights making it obvious. She had a more svelte, athletic body than Karina, and it was obvious she'd come from the gym, as she still wore her spats and exercise top.

Karina nodded, got up from her chair and from a nearby cupboard, fetched the papers for her own medical condition. A deadly, incurable disease with a name I couldn't pronounce, a form of cancer I think, that required radiation treatment that had failed. She had all the documents to prove that she should've been dead weeks ago. 

And yet here she was, healthier than ever. Even old scars from when we were children were gone, I can no longer make fun of her for that penis shaped scar she got from falling off the swings when we were twelve, and it's technically my fault.

Sophia had the beginning stages of her own deadly disease developing in her, I'm not a doctor, I don't know the first thing about it, the only thing I know is that Karina said it's deadly and incurable and it's going to cause Sophia's body to start failing her very soon.

"Here, check it for yourself. You can see," Karina said, grabbing at her brown hair and pulling at it, "this isn't a wig and you know how this goes."

Sophia frowned. "This could be- a coincidence. A miracle!" she said, shaking her head.

"It could've been. We've been... reluctant to test it," Karina admitted. "But you were a perfect choice. There's still hope for you, regular treatments could give you two, maybe three years," she said. "Or you can take one chance," she said, gesturing to me, "and see if my theory is correct."

"And you're certain of this?" Sophia asked, turning to me for a moment. "No offense but-"

"No, I get it," I said. I didn't need to be told twice that she would normally not even talk to someone like me. I'm just an average guy, and she's a promising athlete, from a wealthy family, and extremely good looking. Then again, most people would've said Karina is way out of my league. "You don't have to worry. We're pretty much... hoping as much as you are that we're right."

"So far the tests are inconclusive. Everything we've tested between ourselves has worked, but this is the first time we test on someone else," Karina said. "In the worst case scenario, the only thing you lose is... time, I guess. I can at least vouch for his training," she said, giving Sophia a thumbs up.

Sophia frowned. "Time's what I don't have much of right now," she muttered, shaking her head. "Fuck it," she said, "I don't wanna be a coward. I'll take this one shot, even if it's small, hope is hope right? I've never been afraid to fight the odds!" Sophia spoke, clearly convincing herself, raising her arm, clenching her fist, and then slapping her knee, standing up. "I'll-"

Karina gestured with two fingers towards the guest room. "It's prepared for you," she said. "There's everything you need. Lube if you want some. Pills if you need them. Water bottles. Snacks. He knows where everything's at."

I nodded. "Do you want a moment to get ready or-"

Sophia shook her head. "If I give myself time to think I might chicken out," she said. "So let's go now. Let's do it quickly before I lose my nerve."

I nodded and accompanied her to Karina's guest room.

It was a really normal room. A normal bed. A dresser for clothes. An attached bathroom with a shower. Neither of us needed a shower, of course, she was fresh from showering at the gym, I was fresh from showering before she arrived.

She shivered as she walked towards the bed and sat on the edge, sighing with a slight tremble to her breathing. Her voice was small and hesitant. "This is- not what I expected for my life you know?" she said. "You're chugging along and then some day your doctor tells you you've got a really weird and incurable disease that's gonna need treatment that makes me unable to walk at a brisk pace, let alone run Track," she said, clenching her fists over her legs, furrowing her brow and biting her lower lip, shaking her head. "And then this happens. Is it true? I half want you to tell me this is all a setup just because two weirdos want to fuck me," she said.

"Everything we've said so far is true, including the bit where this is an experiment. There's a good chance it won't work, that it's just something that's special between me and Karina," I said, tentatively. "But if it works-"

She nodded. "We should get started then," she said. "I can't doubt myself anymore."

I nodded. "I'll help you get started... scoot over," she said.

She nodded and did as I asked. She was more than a bit inexperienced, a woman who worked out and had a great body but didn't pay much attention to men. I got on my knees in front of her on the bed, and while looking into her eyes, I hooked my fingers under her spats and began to pull them down, along with her fancy exercise panties that matched her top, revealing her pussy. 

She blushed as I noticed she was bald.

"I- I just don't like being hairy," she said, the pink color looking nice. Now that we were under better light, it was interesting to note she was quite tan from the sun, and the contrast between her slightly bronzed skin, where it was exposed, to the pale pink of everything that was covered by her spats was very sexy. "It's uncomfortable..."

I snorted. "I don't like hair in my teeth so I approve," I laughed. "Now relax, let me take care of everything," I said, placing my hands on her thighs.

She flinched momentarily but nodded. I pushed her legs to spread a little further, catching a whiff of her pussy. Her scent was... nice. Only a light whiff of her natural scent, mostly just soap and deodorant. 

Her pussy was a beautiful little peach, though her excitement and arousal were at floor level. But that was okay. I would be soft first, I started laying kisses on her thighs, going back and forth between them, smacking my lips loudly, giving her every chance and opportunity to stop me.

She gasped as she started feeling my kisses. Her skin was a bit on the rougher side, she took care of it but not to the extent Karina did, and applying the slightest bit of pleasure let me feel the powerful muscles under her skin, and I squeezed her thighs with my hands just to get more of that feeling. So different and new, I quite liked it.

She was breathing a little more quickly now, and she let out a cute little gasp when I began reaching her groin with my kisses. "This- it's new," she muttered. "Most guys just want to put it in."

I can't speak for her previous partners obviously. "You're dry, we have to get ready first," I said. Fumbling things now would be a terrible way to start. Luckily, I was already getting hard just from the scent of her pussy, growing stronger and stronger as I approached her and as she became aroused. What can I say? I'm an easy man.

Getting her ready though...

She was a little bit aroused now, her blood was heating up and was flowing, I could see the pink color of her lower lips getting slightly darker with every kiss, but I would absolutely need to go in.

I can never get used to the slightly fishy taste, much less so with the slight aftertaste of the body wash she had used, but it's very easy to ignore it. She only had the barest hint of a taste of sweat, not quite the same as being super fresh off the shower but close enough... I dragged my tongue from the bottom of her pussy to the top, her clit wasn't quite exposed yet, but it was only a matter of time. 

My lips sealed to hers, and I began teasing past them with my tongue. The soft, wet muscle was pretty good at softly and gently caressing her insides, much more so than my fingers, and for someone who was inexperienced with foreplay like Sophia it was definitely the right way to go, softly licking at her insides, her pink, soft and ever wetter insides. In contrast with the rough and harsh outside, of the strength and muscles she displayed, in here she was soft and vulnerable.

My hands crept up her strong thighs, along her waist and onto her abs. 

Damn, these were TIGHT. As a man it's almost a little too much, enough to hit my insecurity, but I also couldn't help but run my hand along them. I sort of understand the women who say they quite enjoy their men having abs now, this is a really interesting feeling, but alas, I cannot dawdle. I moved my hand up to her chest, and while licking her pussy, I began to tease her chest through her top as well.

She gasped. "Ogh, that's intense..!"

She wasn't super gifted up top but she had a decent enough pair to fill her top and they felt quite nice, the contrast of her hard muscle and soft breast tissue, as I played with her chest, and then finally, she was ready, her pussy was relaxed, wet and ready to take something inside it.

I removed my mouth from her lewd hole, and instead moved to her clit, now very easily identifiable, and began licking it intensely, flicking it with my tongue, hearing her moans come into my ears like audio sex, and then used my free hand to slip first one, then two fingers into her, working her insides, helping her get nice and ready for something even bigger.

As expected, she was no virgin, but she was so inexperienced she might as well be. Probably had never had much in the way of good sex, I can imagine her experiences were as fumbling as my first few were.

I curled my fingers this and that way, I rotated my wrist to get to even more spots, I even spread and did a scissor like motion with them to make sure she was as ready as she could be, and then I pulled back entirely, getting up on my feet and leaving her a panting, sweating mess on the bed as I took off my pants and underwear, revealing my erect cock.

Very erect.

Probably my best, most redeeming feature, I'd say! 

Eyes half lidded, she was out of it for a few moments, but then covered her eyes in embarrassment. "I- ugh, I- I think I just came," she said, "is this what it feels like?" she shook her head and covered her entire face now. "It felt like I was floating and then- and then-"

"It's about to feel a whole lot better," I said, "relax, you're in good hands."

I'm getting excited. This is way different than with Karina. I placed the tip of my penis onto her entrance, slipping past her lips, making sure to aim at the correct hole. Luckily, I had plenty of time to identify it before. 

"Here I go," I spoke, nodding to her, as she laid back and continued to keep her face covered, even as her legs raised a little, her body instinctively curling up as if to cover her shame, "I'll put it in now..."

I did as I said, applying pressure and pushing into her. She was soft, wet, relaxed and ready to go, but that didn't at all mean she wasn't super tight. She might not be a virgin, but for all that I'm experiencing right now, she might as well fucking be. She was narrow and her pussy had trouble adapting to my cock, gasping, panting and running short on breath, it was evident that I wasn't the only one feeling the pressure her, she was a little bit too stiff and tense.

I leaned down and kissed her while playing with her chest, stopping my movement. "Relax," I said, "I'll give you time to adjust," I spoke before kissing her again, and some more, playing with her chest a little and then moving my hand down to her clit, applying direct stimulation, rubbing it softly with my fingers, only enough pressure to give her pure pleasure and distract her from the pain.

"Ugh, you're much bigger... than- oof," she moaned, "I'm, okay! You can, move now," she spoke, panting between words. "G-Go, b-before I lose, my miiind!" 

I nodded, kissed her once more, and then began to pull back, the half of my cock inside her slipping out until only the tip remained, and then I began to push back in, moving slowly. The rhythm was a two way street, she needed to breathe and relax at the pace I was going at. "That's it, don't forget to breathe, just relax and let yourself feel good..."

As I instructed her, I began working deeper into her, first two thirds, then three quarters, then finally, I could plunge my entire cock into her, though she never stopped feeling like I was being strangled...

She panted, screwing her eyes shut.

"Are you- does it hurt?" I hurriedly asked.

"Ngnh, I'm, okay..! It feels good, you're so hot and hard inside me- this is... real sex..!" she moaned. "Don't stop..!"

I nodded and began working myself in and out again, slowly but surely sawing in and out, working myself up as well, relaxing. I didn't need to hold back, we were both slowly growing closer to completion, though it was evident to me that she was barely even conscious as I reached my limit.

Her eyes were watery, and blinking caused tears to slip out the corners of her eyes. Pain and pleasure was an inevitable combination for the inexperienced, but it seemed I've done my job well enough, her gasps and cries of pain were fading and her moans of pleasure and words of encouragement were becoming more common.

I picked up speed only a little, finding the rhythm we both enjoyed best, the closest we could to it anyway, feeling the pleasure mount inside me, accumulating, the tightening of my muscles and my instinctive drive to hold back the orgasm the only warning I needed.

She didn't hold hers back and when she exploded, crying out, arching her back and screaming, it caught me by surprise, and the tightening of her pussy that accompanied it, a single solitary moment of tension, was enough to carry me away, swept by her orgasm like a tidal wave, I came inside her, barely able to scream out a warning that became a garbled nonsense shout as I poured my semen inside her.

Panting, I pulled myself off of her, and seated back on the carpet of the bedroom. I reached for the  bedside table and opened the drawer, pulling a box of tissues that I used to wipe the remnants of cum and vaginal fluid from my cock.

Luckily, these sheets were set to wash, because she was dripping some of my cum on them. Ah, right, I went to fetch the water bottles we'd prepared, from the cooler we hid in the dresser.

I got one for myself and one for her. After a short break, we'd get started on round two. After all, we don't know how much is necessary.

You might be wondering what all of this was about right?

Well, it wouldn't be until next week, after Sophia's next medical check up, that I would have an answer.

You see, not too long ago, my friend Karina was dying. With only months left to live after rapid development of a deadly disease, she had come to me with one simple request. As her most loyal friend, the only one who stuck with her and the only one who told her she was still beautiful even as she became more afflicted by her disease and its treatment, she had come to me with one last request.

Karina had asked me to have sex with her, because she didn't want to die a virgin. My cocktease of a friend being a virgin had been a shocker to me, but I would never deny her this last request, while she still had enough strength left for it, we made love, as much as we could...

And then she had a sudden and extreme recovery. Miraculous, no, beyond miraculous even. Her doctors were baffled, she herself was medically baffled. And then we kept testing. Cuts, bruises, even the common cold... we would have sex, and then the next day, she'd be totally fine. After weeks of testing this, we had decided we needed to test it with a third party.

That was where Sophia came in. Karina's connections allowed us to find her. A woman who was facing the end of her life, who would cling to any hope. Call us opportunists, but... maybe it was just the similarity of the case that had prompted Karina to choose her as our first trial subject. 

Giving hope to someone who was losing it, in the same way she had recovered miraculously.

A week after that day with Sophia...

It was official.

She was healed. The malignant tumor detected inside her, tested and doublechecked and diagnosed and whatever medical terms Karina had used... gone. Not a single trace.

Hell, even old injuries. "I've never felt better," Sophia said. "I'm... it's weird, I'm stronger, faster and I even feel better mentally."

"We accumulate injuries of all sorts," Karina said, "especially someone very active in sports like you, it's actually really good to get confirmation that this sort of stuff is healed as well, I couldn't notice a difference but..."

"H-Hey," Sophia said, "I'm, I'm super thankful, and anything, anything you want, I'll give it to you. You gave me my life back, I can never thank you enough," she said, "but- but if you can find it in the goodness of your heart, I know, I know you probably want to keep this secret from everyone, it'd be... probably really bad for you if it was known," she said.

She'd signed the NDA, she understood we wanted privacy for this. As amazing as it is, I do not think it bodes well for my future if it's widely spread. 

"Look- I, I've got this friend," she said. "She was one of my old buddies, she plays for the national Soccer team," she spoke. "But she's got a real bad injury, the sort that doesn't heal ever, and which is- well she's gonna get kicked out of the team if she doesn't recover," she said. "So I was thinking..."

I looked at Karina. And she looked at me.

Technically, more trials would be necessary. Test more people, test different kinds of injuries. Get more information. 

"How's- how's this sum for your help?" she asked, passing me and Karina a piece of paper.

Needless to say...

That sum was VERY good. Myself and Karina started a new life... We'd learn more about this mysterious power that my semen seemed to have, and we'd be making a killing from it. Or in this case, I suppose, a healing!


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