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"How's life treating you?"

"Oh, same as always, hard work, great rewards, good pay, and a satisfying day to day - oh, may I have some extra sugar, miss?"

"Certainly sir!"

Chaldea had... many restaurants, of many different kinds, ran by and for many different kinds of people. While the most private services it offered were kept reserved to the most important and secretive of clients, and were so expensive only the wealthiest and most elite in the world could afford them, other services, such as the several resort spots that had opened up over the years? Those were a little bit more public.

Not tied to the super secretive security organization, and much less so to the even more secretive and ghostly Hotel Chaldea, but some of the weight of the name still carried through, but most importantly, the restaurants had an incredible advantage over most places in the world.

They were staffed by servants, and that included the unbelievably beautiful women that had made your life most interesting.

Not least of which was one whom you hadn't seen in quite some time - owing to her peculiar set of skills, she was frequently on tap for the less... savory aspects of Chaldea's services. But today? Today she was moving around, with incredible agility and almost preternatural grace, the floor of a restaurant, going from table to table, offering drinks, a kind word or two, and delivery of delicious food.

This was one of the relatively few businesses where Servants could be found, and you had come to this one specifically with a mission in mind...

As your eyes followed the blue haired, dark skinned babe, in her black leotard, fishnets, high heels, bunny ears and the white cotton tail accessory, you thought back to the conversation before you came here, the conversation in which you'd obtained the tool necessary for this job.

You took it from your pocket. A medallion engraved with... of all things, the stereotypical "trenchcoat, glasses, hat" look of the Incognito Mode on a browser. An almost hilariously conspicuous image by itself that arose suspicion in anyone who observed it.


You remember when Ritsuka, with a grin on her face, handed it to you. "Here's what you'll need, as long as you've got this on your person, nobody, not even other servants, will be able to detect you unless you act with intent to harm," she'd said. "It's very specific!"

You had then turned to the blue haired babe who had made it all possible, who was looking even more excited than Ritsuka. "And you're okay with this?" you had asked.

"We replaced all the surveillance equipment with Ultra HD recording cameras that should be able to capture every possible angle, all of which are equipped with magical technology that will key them into the Charm's effects, making it so you are visible in the recording, but no one watching the cameras will see you," she responded, giving a thumbs up. "I can't wait to watch the video."

"This is weird," you remembered being confused about this all. You knew Medea was... more than a little bit of a pervert, but this...

"It's fiiiiine!" Ritsuka said. "This is just to give the poor girl some excitement in her life, she's been working so hard, and since I'm so busy with work and the babies I don't get as much time to spend with my servants as I'd like," Ritsuka then added, clapping her hands together, "she likes you, so, please act as my proxy, and fuck her little brains out for me!"

"Ugh, fine, but does it have to be in this weird way?"

"It doesn't have to be this way, but we want it that way," Medea said. "Please? I'll bake you a cake if you do."

"You'll bake me the cake anyway," you countered. "Because you're awesome."

Medea nodded. No point in denying that.

And now... you observed as Serenity, one of the most talented and dangerous assassin's in the world's entire history, former master of the order that gave birth to the very word "Assassin"... was serving a young man in a bunny costume, while he quite visibly drooled at the sight of her sexy body.

Well then.

Let's give the lad some more service, huh?

You navigated the maze of tables, not as deftly and expertly as Serenity did of course, but certainly with purpose and aplomb. Your steps made no noise, you didn't disturb the wind as you walked, it felt as if the world itself was helping to obscure your presence. Even when you actually brushed against the white tablecloth of a table, nobody noticed. 

Their very perception of you was blocked.

Passing some couples, passing some more drooling young men, and walking around a rather rotund man who pulled his chair back just as you were passing, you finally reached Serenity, who had by now moved on to another table, striking friendly, bland and insipid conversation with a young man who was looking at her chest openly and with disregard to propriety.

And as Serenity leaned forward, bending at the waist so that she may more easily place the objects she'd taken to the table on a silver tray, you stepped behind her and, with neither fear of failure nor regard for the situation, you put both hands on her nearly completely exposed ass, the soft, squishy skin, such a dark color it was almost gray, sinking ever so slightly, letting you feel the firm, powerful and well shaped muscle underneath.

Oh yeah. That was one nice, grade A Ass, truly befitting of being mentioned twice! And you certainly could not wait to go in! 

Serenity briefly hitched, almost dropping her tray, but sheer professionalism and a mind trained to withstand disturbing situations that would cause another panic allowed her to keep moving, ironically playing against her - she dismissed everything but her mission. Perhaps if she hadn't, she would have noticed that you were touching her even as she very graciously filled a cup of tea with perfect precision.

"Please enjoy our biscuits, we've especially selected them to pair with your tea and the weather today," Serenity said, injecting the fake cheer that only a master actress could into it. You noted that though most of her skin was exposed, her hands were covered in thin black gloves, with thin lines of a slightly lighter black scrawled all over them... no doubt suppressing the poisonous effects of her body.

Not that you needed the help.

Medea had joked about how you could probably chug bleach and not even get an upset stomach thanks to all the, ahem, improvements that your body had accrued over your time in Hotel Chaldea, and even Serenity's supernaturally powerful poisonous body only made your hands tingle.

In a fantastic way, at that.

Your fingers squeezed her exposed cheeks for only a moment, your right hand crept up her body, roaming along her smooth, soft skin. It was a pleasure to run your hand along it, only yourself and Ritsuka had ever actually touched her, and she shivered under your touch, like your hand was an electric current.

She couldn't perceive you, not consciously at least, but her body could tell that you were touching her, her body even seemed to remember your touch, because she leaned into your hand, a light little gasp leaving her sweet lips, her purple hair fluttering a little, kept in place by the headband that her ears were attached to.

"Are you okay miss?" the client asked.

"Y-Yes," Serenity replied, as your hand reached her chest and you began playing with her chest through the leotard. It was interesting to think that the magitech that went into her clothes was the latest cutting edge... just to make sure the leotard actually stayed on her, without any glue. In fact, you could even sneak your hand under the breast cover, playing with her svelte body, feeling her perky nipple against your palm, and it didn't even disturb the rest of her outfit! "Please tell me if you need anything, we're here at your service at-"

Squeezing her ass hard with your left hand, and pinching her nipple with the left, while she finished saying the name of the restaurant, her voice trembling as she did, and yet, admirably, she hung on, finishing the spiel and standing back up. You let go of her, and she moved back into the kitchen.

For a moment, you felt a little bit... bad about it, but nobody had noticed anything off. Nobody could see you. And even if they could, they'd forget it instantly. So...

Once more, Serenity came out of the kitchen, and once more, went up to a table, and this time, she was carrying a cake, multiple small plates and the cutlery to serve it. And so you approached her again, this time, it was a pair of women who were seated at the table, and they were even more blatant in their ogling than the men. You couldn't really focus on them much, though - not with Serenity's juicy ass, nearly naked, right in front of you.

So you unzipped your pants, pulled your already hard cock out, and moved Serenity's leotard aside. Again, Chaldea's engineering shining through, it managed to move aside without disturbing the outfit's fit at all, the high leg leotard showing it was truly the height of lewd clothing technology.

"I will serve you in a moment," Serenity said, grabbing the knife as you grabbed her hip with one hand, and your cock with the other, immediately, pushing your cock into her eagerly waiting pussy. She was wet. Strikingly so. In fact, she was so goddamn wet it was hard to believe. A moan escaped your lips as her cunt swallowed you down to the base in a single, solitary thrust, totally unexpected.

She suddenly went absolutely stiff for a moment, and your heart stopped, almost afraid that you'd been detected- but the ladies continued talking like nothing was wrong, Serenity explaining the properties and flavors of the cake as well as its layers as she cut it into portions for them.

Of course, Medea's work was impeccable.

Settling onto a firm stance, you put both hands on Serenity's hips and then mercilessly began pounding her, the sound of slapping, the feel of the motion, and even the shaking of the table in front of you, they all went to tally ignored. The ladies started to ask all sorts of questions, speaking random nonsense, towards Serenity, who did her best to, with a shaky voice and a trembling thrill that kept growing, answer them.

Her cunt was growing tighter by the minute, her internal walls strangling your cock, fucking her was just as amazing now as it was the first time, and you had to grit your teeth and tighten up your muscles just to withstand the intense pressure of her heat and desire pressing down upon you. As if by instinct, she leaned forward more, bending in just such a way that her chest became a little bit exposed, and the ladies clearly went nuts for it.

Both of them were chatting even more animatedly, and were becoming as flushed as Serenity, her dark, nearly gray skin becoming darker with bloodflow and heat increasing.

But you couldn't hold it forever, and it was obvious that you were pretty close to reaching your limit, even clenching your every muscle as hard as you could wasn't enough to get through this torturously pleasurable fucking - and just about when you were about to pop like a balloon, Serenity moved, standing straighter.

"Hold on a second," she called, and the ladies stood there, puzzled for a moment, as if they had suddenly lost sight of Serenity.

The assassin, meanwhile, used her hips to push you back, her strength more than sufficient to shove you off of her, forcing you to take two steps back, but before you could take the third, she was already turned around, on her knees, legs spread, showing you only a brief glimpse of her erotic, excited body, before she grabbed hold of your cock with one hand, holding it firmly in place, then in a fluid motion, opened her lips, dove forward, and took you down to the back of her fantastically wet tight and hot throat, humming and thrumming and vibrating her throat in exactly the right way to get you to burst.

You came down her hungry, waiting throat, directly pouring your hot, thick dick juice down her desperate gullet, filling her stomach as she drank, and drank some more, and then began to swallow around your cock and even massage your balls, demanding more and more semen, matching the rhythm of your own body's efforts, swallowing as your cum traveled down your urethra.

Finally there was no more for her, and she pulled back, using her finger to wipe around her lips. She pulled her leotard back into place, got up, kissed your cheek, and turned around to finish serving the women she had been serving.

You accompanied her to the next table, and as she chatted with the couple seated there, this time a man and a woman, both of them blatantly ogling her once more, you took position behind her.

By the end of the night, she had made a fortune in tips, and as the last client left, she stretched and turned to you, bowing slightly. "Thank you for your help today," she said. "Please make use of me whenever you desire me," she said. "And send my regards and my gratitude to miss Medea and Master," she added.

You gave her a weak thumbs up, seated on a chair.

"Can I have some leftover cake though?" you asked. "Seeing those wonderful cakes all day," you said, "made me really hungry"

Serenity brought two fingers to her lips and acted a little bit coy. "I suppose I do have a hankering for a cream pie," she said. "How about we satisfy both?"

You raised an eyebrow. 

Turns out she really did want to eat a banana cream pie. It was delicious.

Actually giving her a creampie would have to wait until you were back at Chaldea, where you wouldn't get yelled at for getting a place where people eat dirty with cum.


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