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"Back to the good old days, huh?" Ritsuka asked. 

"Well, close enough. Back then you weren't holding our child," you replied. 

Ritsuka was indeed doing exactly that, holding your child in her arms. Little Haku looked like she'd had a mighty fine meal, and was now peacefully sleeping in her mother's arms. Ritsuka looked a little more tired than usual, but after a few moments, she got up and put the baby back in her crib.

"I'm surprised she's here and not at the nursery," you said, "did you-"

"There was a, uhm, mom argument," Ritsuka said. "Mashu is hiding somewhere with Romani as well."

"Ah. Good luck with that," you said, nodding sagely. You were not getting inbetween the many "honorary mommies" in Chaldea. Helpful and lovely though they might be, there was a reason why Ritsuka trusted none of them with childcare, and instead took her daughter with her to her office. It also neatly explained why there were usable cribs pretty much every place Ritsuka frequented.

"Speaking about good luck with things," Ritsuka said, as she turned around back to her desk, child safely resting and sleeping away, and then grabbed a familiar pad from the desk. "You've got a request for your time."

"A request for me?" you asked. "Like-"

"Yes, a request for sexual services," Ritsuka said, clearing her throat, "take a look at it. You are, of course, free to say no, but-"

You took the pad and looked the request over, as well as the image of the requester. "Did you really expect me to say no? I know the women in this facility," you said, chuckling.

"Well some might get bored," Ritsuka said, shrugging exaggeratedly. "You seem to just get hornier and hornier every day."

"And you love it," you said.

"Eh, I might have liked you better when you were all meek and doubtful. Nowadays I have to get my jollies domming people who think they've got an actual chance with me," she said, chuckling.

"Hm... Morgan?" you asked. "I feel like I've seen her chatting with Medea a couple times."

"Yeah, they're peers at the magical R&D department," Ritsuka explained. "Anyway, she put in a request for your semen - said she'd prefer it be freshly extracted, if you catch my drift."

"I get it," you responded. "So-"

"Lab 66," Ritsuka said. "You need an escort or-"

The door opened, and in walked Astolfo, dressed like a maid with bunny ears. "An escort, ready to take you wherever you need!" he said, striking a pose with two fingers spread like the > sign over his eye.

"Perfect," Ritsuka said. "Take him to lab 66, and when you're done, come back."

"Alrighty! Come on now, let's goooo!"

Astolfo grabbed you by the wrist and in a few moments, and after a very blurry and confusing journey, you found yourself in front of the door labeled "LAB 66 - APO"

Authorized Personnel Only, you figured.

You tapped the door, it chimed, a light turned green that you hadn't noticed was red before, and the door opened. You stepped into the misty confines of the lab, half expecting to find a medieval alchemy lab style place, but in reality, it was the same modern facilities that were in most of Chaldea. Except for the large cauldron that dominated the far wall anyway, everything else looked top of the line.

"Huh, is this place empty?" you asked, looking around. The ground wasn't visible, there was mist up to your knees but it was thick enough to be impassable under your ankles. You looked around, stepping into the room, and then the door closed and sealed behind you.

"Over here."

You turned to- "Was that bed there a moment ago? And you must be Morgan," you said.

Indeed, you were sure you hadn't seen that bed a moment ago when you scanned your eyes along the room, it'd been just a regular metal counter. For sure.

Morgan wore a- one piece, high leg racing-style swimsuit, with stockings underneath taht went up to about  herbelly button. A white front, black and blue sides, a Chaldea logo just under her neck- you shook your head. "Why can't I see you-"

"Apologies," her voice resounded for a moment, and she was suddenly no longer a blurry image, instead, you could see her beautiful face and her piercing eyes clearly, the slight glow of deep azure stabbing deep into your very soul. Her extremely long pale blue hair was held back by a large black ribbon. She was definitely astonishingly beautiful, almost ethereal, slightly inhuman even. "You must be the man who impregnated my wife."

"Who- uhh, Ritsuka or-"

"Ritsuka yes," Morgan said.

"If- if this is a jealousy thing I-"

"Not at all. I cannot impregnate her, and she, like most humans, possesses a drive for reproduction that in my current state, I cannot fulfill," she said, simply and openly. "Therefore I am nothing but grateful for producing children with her."

"And Haku is adorable."

"And Haku is adorable yes," Morgan agreed. She was serious and almost unreadable.

"So why, then- uhm, why did you ask for me? And, I thought Ritsuka was married to-"

"Irrelevant details, not important," she said, waving her hand. "And as for why I summoned you here, it is because you are my wife's favored sexual partner over even myself," she said, "but I have not had an opportunity to taste you and check your value for myself," she spoke. "Therefore, I shall serve two purposes tonight. The first, of course, is to ensure that you are a quality partner concubine for my wife," she spoke.

"Al-right I guess? And the other one?"

"I request your assistance to create playmates for Haku and Romani," Morgan said. "I've decided on creating homunculi, but as I require sperm to do so, I've decided it will be yours."

"And you decided on me? I imagine there's loads of guys willing to let you, uhm, collect some samples," you gestured vaguely with your hand at her general look. She clearly wasn't a prude or at all ashamed of her body, you didn't imagine her having any issues at the hotel.

"You need not remind me," Morgan stated. "I require human sperm," she said, "I have no use for that of pigs."

"Harsh," you said, wincing a little.

She was standing in front of the bed, and gestured behind it. "Please sit. I will extract the semen now."

"Before I go- what's with the outfit? You're amazingly sexy and all - I'm already getting hard just looking at you - but... you dressed up for me?"

She looked at herself, a slight dusting of pink under her eyes.

"Sitting," you said hastily, before she responded, moving onto the bed and sitting on the edge, scooting back only enough so you sat comfortably. "How are we doing this?" you asked.

She raised her hand and snapped her fingers, and blazing black and blue flames enveloped your lower body, but before you even had a chance to panic, they vanished, alongside your pants and underwear, leaving only your half chub. It felt oddly spicy for some reason. Like the sensation of eating something spicy, but over your legs and crotch instead.

"I am now going to perform fellatio," Morgan said. "Don't hesitate, cum as quickly and as much as you can, the more semen, the better - and worry not, cumming anywhere on or in my body will be sufficient, it will be collected properly," she said.

"Alright," you agreed, spreading your legs a little, allowing Morgan sufficient space to get in between them, crouching a little.

Leaning back, you rested your hands on the slightly hard mattress and then adjusted position so you could rest your weight on your hands as Morgan took position, one hand grabbing onto your cock.

She seemed a little surprised. "This... is the cock that enchanted my wife more than any other... there is a powerful aspect to it..." she muttered. "I can see Medea's work all over it... enhancing only what was natural, how quaint," she muttered. "You should appreciate your wife more. She has made you the very picture of health," she explained.

"Oh, I'll thank her quite thoroughly tonight," you said, cheekily. 

"Not tonight, I will make sure not one drop of semen is left tonight," Morgan said, firmly, then she opened her mouth, slightly glossy, full lips parting, and a pink tongue slipping out, and she took your half hard cock into her hot and wet mouth, the small, tight confines becoming even smaller and tighter as her tongue got to work, lavishing attention on your rapidly hardening cock.

It was hard to think as soon as she got started. She was no novice. Morgan le Fay, a vague recollection of her story passed through your head, she had mutliple children, and she certainly showed that she was no innocent little maiden. She was not the best blowjob you'd ever experienced, but she combined a certain enthusiasm with experience and a natural talent, she must be someone who was an expert at anything she tried, because she was almost learning your cock by the second.

Her tongue started haphazard and random at first, but it was obvious she was narrowing down the techniques and areas she needed to focus on, giving you languid licks into strong teasing with the tip of her tongue, and the moment you were hard enough for her to do so, she immediately began rapidly and furiously bobbing her head up and down the length of your shaft, sucking powerfully.

Her cheeks almost hollowed out when she pulled back, and they inflated like a chipmunk's on the way down, her hand held onto your shaft, just past her lips, pulling back and going back down alongside her head. She wasn't taking you all the way down the back of her throat but the tightness of her hand and the turning of her wrist, it all added its own unique charm.

It wasn't long until the sound of her swallowing, harsh breathing and moaning was replaced by your gasp and cry of pleasure, only a handful of minutes after she started, she was inducing your first orgasm, forcibly, demandingly, and you didn't even bother to resist. This is what she wanted, and who were you to deny a woman that was sucking you off this determinedly?

"Guh, cumming..!!" you moaned, gritting your teeth and then letting loose, your balls working hard to supply Morgan the prize she had worked so hard for, she sealed her lips around your glans and dedicated her mouth to just sucking you off, while her hand was stroking the length of your cock rapidly, clearly working on extracting whatever she could, it almost felt like she could perfectly time her sucking and stroking to each spurt of semen that erupted from deep within, pouring directly into her mouth and down to her stomach.

The orgasm was exhausting, but it ended, and you breathed a sigh, air you didn't know you were holding in escaped you as you relaxed.

"Damn, that was- incredible," you said.

"Your semen was... quite acceptable," Morgan agreed, nodding. "However-" she looked at your cock, and flicked it with her finger softly, a stinging sensation reminding you of how sensitive you were, the orgasm still fresh and the nerves still a little raw. "It's obvious that wasn't enough for you, and certainly, not enough for me," she said. "I require more... samples," she said, "for my work."

You nodded. "How about you show me how good you are with that chest of yours?" you asked, giving her your best cheeky smile.

Morgan nodded. "You're not the first to be interested in them," she said, bringing her hands to her chest, fingertips and nails poking her swimsuit where it was stretched over her underboob, and then with a flash of blue and black vapor, the swimsuit parted. She used her hands to adjust her breasts' position on her chest, and made sure they were nice and snug.

"Damn, that looks amazing," you let slip out.

"I will melt you until nothing remains with this chest of mine," she said, holding her chest with her hands as she raised her chest, squeezing it a little, over your cock. She shifted position to have one arm slung over her chest to keep it tightly and firmly in place, which freed her to hold your cock with the other, and then she came down, sandwiching you between the sizable breasts barely contained by her swimsuit, going directly into that most deliciously soft and hellishly hot valley, the friction of the dry contact softened only by the sheer heavenly feel of her bosom.

Truly, she had the body of an inhumanly sexy creature, and she sure as hell knew how to use it!

"Ngnh, bigger than it seemed..." Morgan muttered, as she kept going down until she fully engulfed your cock, the tip of your cock poking out from between her cleavage, and stretching the nice and surprisingly cool fabric of her swimsuit, the contrast of her hot breast flesh and the cool, slippery swimsuit was fantastic.

Morgan closed her enchanting eyes and grabbed at each of her breasts with one hand once again. You could visually see the glow around her chest, and a moment later, felt like something was flooding from within her swimsuit - a slimy, sticky substance, thicker than usual but you still recognized it as lubricant jelly. 

"Alright..! Hold nothing back, ejaculate into my chest as if you were trying to impregnate me!" she shouted, and then began to move, almost causing your mind to go blank from pleasure. "Experience!! The breastjob!! Reserved only!! For!! My wife!!" she shouted.

You moaned out loud as she began to move, punctuating each pause in her speech by squeezing her tits and moving her chest and arms to stroke you with her tits, first going up, then slamming herself back down in such a way that made your tip become submerged in her lubricated, wet chest, and then poke right back up, making a stain on the front of her swimsuit.

There was no time to feel honored, there was only presence of mind to feel the incredibly intense waves of pleasure radiating from your cock, and as she intensified the pressure and hastened the movement, you knew you wouldn't last long, the pace growing and growing and the pressure becoming ever more unthinkably heavy, until finally, almost like a dam had burst or a balloon had popped, it all came flooding out, an even bigger, heavier and more plentiful load of cum bursting from your balls down your cock and exploding over her chest, rapidly overflowing from  her breasts, staining the white front of her swimsuit dark, and oversaturating it, semen filtering past the fabric!

It was a ridiculously and delightfully debauched image...

But it only made you want more.

Morgan was panting heavily as she pulled out, staggering a little. You were still throbbing, hard and unrelenting... and she did nothing to stop you as you hopped off the bed, and pushed her onto it, shoving her until she was bent over. If there was one family trait she shared with Artoria, it was this peachy, wonderful behind. She wasn't quiote the same, her hips were a little wider, her thighs were a little less muscular, but that ass... that ass was definitely the greatest family trait they all shared.

You put your hands on her, moved her swimsuit aside, the white crotch already stained with her fluids, and found that there was a hole cut out on her stockings already, revealing her puffy cunt lips and the overflowing arousal that spilled from them.

She turned her face to look at you, a smoky haze to her eyes.

"My wife said that you would not be satisfied this easily... I was a fool to not have trusted her," she said. "Take your fill of my body.... give to me what she has experienced. Fill me with your semen, allow me to become even closer to Ritsuka by proxy," she said. "Fuck me to your heart's content," she said.

"Next time," you chuckled, "just ask for a threesome, you horny minx," you challenged.

"Then I shall," Morgan said, "but for now -"

You shoved your cock into her waiting pussy, and she welcomed you right in, like an expected guest. Oh, you were going to enjoy yourself with her, all night long...

And well into the morning! By the time you were done, you'd make sure that she had enough in her for an entire army of homunculi, if she wished! Not that she even remembered the excuse by the time you were done with her of course, but it was the principle!


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