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"Congratulations, young man!" 

The confetti poppers went off as soon as I opened the door and heard the woman call out to me, the sound was loud and I almost stepped back, but even so, I got covered in confetti. Three people were at my door. A woman in a dark blue miniskirt suit and two bald men about two heads taller than me wearing black suits, sunglasses and earpieces.

"What's going on?" I asked, shocked.

"You have been approved for a breeding license!" the woman said, raising her hands and doing quick short claps near her face, giving me a closed eye smile. She had brown hair cut down to her neck, and a smile that came easily, but something gave me a strangely... off putting thought when I looked at her. She was maybe a bit too... perfect?

Odd thought.

She stuck her right hand out to the man beside her, he pulled a case out of his jacket's inner pocket, about the size of one of those old school fat wallets, and the woman presented it to me, before opening it.

Inside, resting on a lush looking cushion like it was a ring box, was a silver card, emblazoned with my name, a number like a credit card's, and a logo.

"Once again, congratulations, young man!" she said.

"What's going on? Who are you?" I asked, a bit miffed.

"Oh, silly me! I am Kamishiro Tsukiko," she said, "I work for the Federal Union of Registered Breeding Youngsters and-"

The man to her left cleared his throat. 

"Oh boo. Fine, I work for the newly formed Ministry of Reproduction," she said, "I've come to personally hand deliver your breeding license," she said. 

"For real?" I asked, my eyes widening.

My breeding license! I applied for this what feels like ages ago! Nearly a decade ago, a man had made revolutionary advances in psychology and social sciences and started something of a cultural and social revolution across our country. Back then, we had been in a population decline, and it was said that it was thanks to that man's work and the work that he inspired that we were starting to turn the situation around.

For some reason everyone just called him Doctor, I could never find his real name, a shame.

"For realsies!" Miss Kamishiro said. "Double realsies!" she added, then cleared her throat. "Now, please let me explain to you what this means!" she said. "First of all, this means you've been selected as part of a special elite, one of the very very few who shall take the mantle of heroes upon their shoulders, and take on the burden of solving our country's crisis!" she said, gesturing at the card. "Take your card, young man - you've earned it!"

I did so. "Why do you keep calling me young man, you don't look much older than me."

She laughed. "Foolish fool, I am an immortal witch of incalculable-"

"She's twenty one," one of the bald men in suits said.

"Ack- don't do that, I'm trying to be cool here!" Miss Kamishiro responded,  then cleared her throat. "Right, whatever. Look I just want to talk funny, okay? I've been stuck in a car with the humorless twins for the past two hours, just let me have this, please?"

"Please continue," I said, not wanting to take away her one source of fun in what must've been a rather miserable roadtrip.

She cleared her throat. "Rejoice, young man! You are now eligible for all the privileges and benefits of a Silver Card bearer! First!" she said, doing a twirl and tossing the fancy box away. 

One of the bald men dutifully caught it, passed it to the other one who stored it in his suit jacket's inner pocket.

She finished the twirl and poked my chest. "First," she repeated, "you of course now have the right to request immediate breeding anytime, anywhere - except on public transport during rush hour" she said, "and in areas where engaging in sexual intercourse would present a credible threat to your own or someone else's safety and health!" 

I nodded. I knew that, of course - but only vaguely. I actually hadn't known the restriction on public transport only applied to rush hours.

"Second," she said, "you are now completely exempt from all public indecency laws, and you cannot be denied service in any business for those matters," she explained.

Not that it mattered, most business wouldn't commit the suicidal action of refusing service to people generally seen as heroes for combating the decline of population.

"Third," she continued, "you will be given an allowance in accordance to the effectiveness of your breeding activities. The more women you breed, the greater your allowance. Successful impregnations will result in a permanent boost to your allowance. Keep trying, and remember, a creampie a day keeps the auditor at bay~!"

I nodded, raising a hand to my chin and stroking it briefly. Honestly, this is a silly thing for me. It's not like I'll be short of a will to breed sexy women! This card really solves a lot of my problems and quickly too, I nodded to myself as she raised both hands.

"Fourth!" she said, getting excited, "by scanning this card with the Breeder's app on your phone," she said, "you'll be able to unlock an all new set of features that allows you to obtain information on the women you wish to breed. Make sure you log in your activities on the app as well!"

I nodded. Any Breeder hopeful knew well to use the App to track their activities. 

"And finally," she said, "last but not least, you are automatically added to the Breeder's Healthcare Program," she explained, smiling at me, striking a pose with her hips cocked and winking while pointing with her right hand at me, mimicking the use of a handgun. "Anything you need, no matter how minor or major, will be taken care of by the greatest medicine experts in all the country, totally free of charge! However, you can only receive these benefits if you are an active Breeder in good standing, so make sure not to fall behind on your quotas!"

I nodded. "Thank you, thank you a lot," I said.

"Alright, your obligations are straightforward and simple! If you log in sufficient breeding activity at your application, you won't have to worry about quotas or requests, but of course you can always take the bounties and requests offered by the system as well," she said. "As long as you meet your quota  you don't have anything to worry about! And before you ask - yes, we will periodically audit you and make sure that you're not scamming the state!"

"Has anyone actually tried that?"

What kind of person would register for a breeding card and NOT use it to fuck the wonderful, beautiful women of the world, with all of its advantages and benefits? 

"You'd be shocked how many try to cheat us! It's why we had to tighten up the system checks you know! We even had to implement merciless penalties - but don't worry, you tested so well, I'm sure you'll never have to worry about it!" she said, now giving me fingerguns with both hands and winking again. "That would be all!" she said, "now if you will excuse us-"

I admired the card for a few moments, then-

"Oi," I called as the woman and the bald men began to retreat, going down the aisle towards the elevator that would take them to the bottom floor.

This entire time, they had been at my door. The apartment building wasn't particularly huge, but it did have thick walls, so most likely people hadn't heard this whole thing going on. I knew I'd have to clean up the confetti that had been spilled, and while a part of me was irritated about it...

"Are you guys just going to leave this mess here?" I asked.

"I- err- well our job is-" Miss Kamishiro began.

"If I can borrow a broom I'll clean it," one of the bald guys offered.

"I'll help. I like household chores," the other bald guy said.

"You guys are great," I said, nodding. 

"Alright if you guys are going to take care of that, I'll wait in the car," Miss Kamishiro said, "my job here is done," she said. "Goodbye Mr. Breeder, I-"

I raised the card.

She looked at it, eyes wide. "Wa-wait, you don't mean-"

There was a momentary silence.

The bald guys cleared their throats. 

"The supply closet with cleaning supplies is at that end of the hallway," I pointed out. They went to get it.

Meanwhile, Miss Kamishiro looked at me. "R-Really? Me? Little ol' me?" she asked. "Young man, you-"

I grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her into my place. Despite her hesitance, she didn't resist at all as I took her past my small living room and into the bedroom. I didn't even actually push her towards the bed, she launched herself onto it while pretending I did.

"You, you fiend, you beast," she said, "you sexual animal," she moaned, writhing in place, "you'd abuse your card as soon as you got it, to ravish me," she moaned harder, deeper, faster, her hands exploring her own body through her clothes, "agh, you think I'm going to be so easy, like all the others? No, I know your lot, I know how you think, I won't let you," she said, "I won't let you turn me into a breeding addicted sow!"

"Holy shit you're really into this aren't you?" I asked, before I even thought those words they just spilled out of my mouth.

"Like you wouldn't believe," Miss Kamishiro said, "did you think it's a coincidence that I delivered this in person?" she asked. "Err- please be gentle. It's my first-"

I snorted, and got on the bed with her. We'd moved so quickly she still had her shoes on, and I removed the sensible slippers off and marveled at the soft feel of her black stocking clad leg, running my hands along her foot, past her ankle, down her calves and shins, 'round her knees and up her thighs, where the stockings ended and her soft, peachy pink skin began... I could see a slight discoloration of her skin as I hiked her miniskirt up, a woman who worked in the sun and had the tanlines to prove it. I licked my lips at the sight, hiking up her skirt until I revealed her satin red panties, a bikini cut pair that looked positively enticing.

She shuddered as I did this.

"Ahhn, I'm- new to this," she said. "I've always heard from my superiors about how this is the best part of delivering a new license," she gushed, "I'm feeling super hot already!!"

I grinned.

I couldn't wait either. I pulled my sweatpants down to my knees, couldn't go farther than that as I was kneeling on bed. My dick was rapidly growing stiffer, and within moments I'd be fully erect, as I grabbed my shaft and began pumping it. "You're a damn fine woman," I said, looking at her legs. She didn't have much up top, probably B cups at most, and her suit made her look straight up flat, but she had a magnificent flare at waist level and under, her hips were rounded in a fabulous way, and her lower lips were nice and big enough to form an amazingly delightful cameltoe, stretching her tight fitting satin panties as they did so. 

She was easily as excited as I was, a wet spot of darker red forming at the front of her panties, her breathing coming in heavy as she observed me get myself fully hard for her.

She reached for her panties and moved them out of the way. "H-Here," she said, splitting her lower lips in half. "I'm ready for you," she said.

And she was. Her pink insides were drooling already.

"You weren't just hoping I would stop you before you left, you knew I would," I accused her. "Yeah... you're a dirty little slut and you came here to be bred..."

"Yyyesss," she admitted, "I was following my superiors' advice!!"

This was undoubtedly why she had been hired for this delivery. On some level, it's pure manipulation.

But I could not find it in myself to give a shit. Miss Kamishiro... Tsukiko, I'll be sure to fulfill your expectations of me!

I've only ever trained with this, but I've been looking forward to this day since the day I learned about the program, all those years ago... that's right!! This is it! The beginning of an all new life for me!

I put my dick into the hole indicated by all the training videos and reference material I had consumed, all of the tutorials I'd followed, all the practice I had done with silicon toys, onaholes and such, all of it has been to prepare myself for this moment!! I began to push forward, slowly, gently, but implacably, and I began to sink into the veritable vice grip of a woman's body, the velvety smooth feeling of her lips rapidly giving way to the harsher grip of her hole's entrance, and then, the blazing hot pressure of her vagina!!

This was nothing like anything I'd ever experienced before, nothing like my hand, nothing like an onahole no matter how realistic it was vaunted to be, nothing like that at all, it was different and... so, so much better, so much more real, so much more amazing! Putting my dick in a real woman is so much better than I'd hoped it would be!

It was like a part of me finally became satisfied, a part of me that had always been reluctant to give in fully, a part of me that had become fulfilled as I finally started the process which, arguably, humans were born for to begin with.

As I slowly but inexorably entered Tsukiko, I realized that this was the fulfillment that I'd never had in life. Not the sex, itself, but finally discovering a purpose I can dedicate myself fully too.

Oh, and the sex felt absolutely fucking fantastic too, this woman's body was amazing! All other things don't matter anymore!

I finally entered her fully, my glans passing fully into her, and then I went in, easily burying half my length inside her, only then realizing I was holding my breath, and letting go of it.

I opened my eyes and looked down at the woman on my bed, she was shaking, breathing hard and heavy, her hair was in disarray, her cheeks were red. I hadn't really looked at her properly, hadn't realized how cute she was, she had a cute, slightly upturned nose, brown eyes that had an almost mischievous look to them even in this state, and though not big, her chest had a definite swell to it that gave her the appearance of a petite but sophisticated woman.

Oh, and she had succesfully undone her jacket and popped her button up shirt's buttons open, revealing a red satin bra that matched her panties.

She looked up at me. "Is- is it, fully," she panted, "in yet?" she looked at me with slightly wet eyes.

I looked down at her, then at my cock, only halfway into her.

"No, not even close," I said.

"Oh gods," she moaned, "this is way more than I bargained for," she moaned, screwing her eyes shut.

"Do you want me to stop, o-or, take a breather, or-"

"What I want is your cum inside me," she snapped, "you're a breeder, young- guh- man!" she called. "Now act like it and BREED ME!"

I nodded, firmed my knees on the mattress, and then I shoved the rest of my cock into her, dragging a long, pained moan from her at first, then it trailed off into untainted, pure and blissful pleasure as her insides went absolutely wild, squeezing and stroking me in an unbelievable way!

I couldn't resist.

I lost control, my hips didn't respond and my brain was becoming consumed by a haze of berserk pleasure, as she showed me the true pleasure of a real woman, I began thrusting into her, slamming my hips into her, again and again, each thrust feeling like it brought me even greater pleasure than the last, almost like I was losing a bit more and more of my sanity every time I plunged into her, sinking into the same ocean of pleasure she was lost in, her voice coming out in screaming moans.

I don't know when I started playing with her chest as I laid into her, the bed protesting, creaking and threatening to break apart as I continued to fuck her into it, as my hips pulled back with a slick move, then pushed back in with a wet and squishy noise that was covered by the powerful slap of skin on skin.

With no more space to think, all my brain was consumed by Tsukiko's body, until finally, I could hold it in no more, and finally slammed myself, finding there was no place that had ever felt as much at home as the greatest depths of her body, and as if I was seeding her womb itself, I unleashed the torrent of semen.

Everything I've worked for was for this moment, and a bone deep sense of satisfaction and fulfillment accompanied the infinite pleasure that stormed through my very being, as my entire body was put on autopilot while I floated gently through the sea of pleasure and orgasm.

I came back down what felt like centuries after, but was but a few moments in time, and breathing heavily, I looked down upon her, and she looked up at me. I was still hard. Still inside her. Semen was overflowing from where we were joined, but I didn't care.

I would probably have to get used to cum now, but fuck me I couldn't find it in myself to care.

"Was that everything you'd hoped for?" I asked.

She offered a cheeky smile back up to me.  "Was it as good for you as it was for me?"

"It might've been even better," I responded, exhaling out of my nose. "How about some... frame of reference... for comparison?" I asked.

She looked up at me.

"What're you waiting for?" she asked. "Breed me more~!"

Oh, if she was going to ask so lovingly, I had no other response than to oblige!

I just hoped that the bald guys were ready to wait a long, long time, because I'm not letting my first partner go until Tsukiko has been thoroughly and completely bred.


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