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Blue watched, rather upset, as Johana's head bobbed up and down, rhythmically, steadily, the sounds of sucking, slurping and swallowing reaching her across the small campsite. Blue's eyes tracked the Contest Idol's butt as it swayed gently, to the right and to the left and back to the right, then went back to looking at her face.

Red cheeks, sunken in as she vacuum sucked, eyes turned up, makeup slightly runny, an expression of sheer, undeniable and sensual pleasure.

What Blue couldn't believe, of course, was that she was jealous about Johana winning the privilege of not being stuck with preparing dinner and minding the pot as it heated over the fire... and of course, because Red was Red, after the day's training was done, and they set up camp in Mt. Moon, it was time for fun.

After painting the tunnels of Mt. Moon with the blood of a million zubats and leaving behind the remains of half a million geodudes, Red had been in a bit of a foul mood, for two reasons primarily. The first, of course, was the fact that Zubats were shitty for training.

And the second?

Since they'd been traveling and the Zubats hadn't given them a single moment of rest, they hadn't had sex in three days. None of them. Blue was actually starting to get a little frustrated herself, but the tunnels were infested, the tall grasses and woods around the mountain were infested, everything was infested, and there was absolutely no way they were going to take the long way around the mountain, so it'd been a very long time until they managed to find a little hidden alcove, which they could easily prevent entrance to.

It was an underground pond, and clearly, a campsite used by hikers and fishermen.

Johana had won the privilege of the first round with Red, and she had already discarded her clothes and was going at it, sucking his cock with wild abandon. She clearly had been raring to go, just as much as Blue had been, though probably not as much as Red.

He had one hand on the rock he was seated on, and the other was gently guiding Johana as she bobbed her head up and down on his cock, the sound of her devoted sucking filling the room, only matched by the dripping of the water that flowed from a crack in the rocks into the underground pond.

His breathing was growing quicker by the second, and it was clear that he wasn't going to be holding back. For a guy who went from having sex whenever he wanted to going for three, nearly four, days without getting any, 'backed up' was a massive understatement.

In fact, he was quickly approaching his limit, because he grabbed her head roughly with both hands - it was at these times that for all that he was on the short side, he was still a man and it showed - and shoved her down, making her deepthroat his cock as he planted his feet, arched his back and came explosively down her throat.

Blue stirred the pot with the stew they'd be eating, bit her lip, rubbed her thighs together and pretended not to be turned on by the idea of getting a thick helping of thick cream poured down her throat. It was really strange to think she'd be this upset about not getting to suck a cock, but if she thought about it as getting to do some physical bonding with Red, it felt better.

Johana swallowed and swallowed and swallowed, and Red came and came some more, until they were both done, and the dark blue haired lady pulled her head back and smirked. "It was so thick and creamy I almost choked, you're REALLY backed up, huh?" she said. "I guess next time it might be worth risking it!"

She rubbed at her mouth. "Mhm, I might wind up skipping dinner with loads that big!" the contest idol spoke, trying not to burp and failing.

Red grabbed at a water bottle from the luggage and downed about a third of it, screwing the cap back on and then immediately going into alert, grabbing his first pokeball, ready to let his Charmeleon out. 

Jumping into alert, Blue pulled the laddle she was using to stir out of the pot, and wielded it in front of herself while at the same time going for a pokeball at her waist.

Johana for her part grabbed one of her pokeballs, from the small pile of clothing that she had made when she discarded hers- 

And then a young girl entered through the opening. "Oh, it's occupied," she said, bringing her lantern up and illuminating herself. She was a young woman, slightly below average in height, a redhead with bright blue eyes, and who wore extremely tiny denim shorts held up with suspenders sling over her shoulders, and a small yellow top. "You guys don't mind if I go for a swim, would you? I've not had an opportunity to get wet in a while."

Red blinked, then pointed at her, then made a gesture with his hands.

"Oh- you-"

He then pulled out something from his bag, and... then a pen? he unrolled the thing he pulled out and it was a magazine. The girl in front of them was on the cover of said magazine, wearing clothes very similar to the ones she was wearing right then and there, except with visible thong straps and a much tighter top that let her nipples poke through.

"You're a fan huh?" she said, and her expression damn near immediately changed.

For a moment, Blue thought she might show contempt- but instead, she was actually delighted.

"I can't believe I actually have fans," she said, fondly, "you want me to sign this for you?" she asked, as Red passed her the magazine. "Wait- why are your pants off? Were you- were you, uhm, am I interrupting something intimate or-" she turned to look at Johana, who was naked. "Oooh... this is awkward."

There was a moment's pause.

Red looked up at her. She signed the magazine. "I, I'll pass on swimming I guess, you guys can have the privacy I-"

"Why don't you join us? Honestly I feel like a swim, the heat's awful even this deep in the mountain," Johana said. "What about you Red? Blue?"

"Well someone has to cook, and I didn't bring a swimsuit," Blue said.

"Swimsuits are for the weak, we're going skinny dipping," Johana said, pumping her fist.

Red nodded.

"Besides drying our clothes would be a pain," Johana said.

"I- uhm, you guys don't mind if I wear a swimsuit right?" the girl asked. "Oh, right - I'm Misty, though you probably know me from the Gym in Cerulean."

"Yeah I do. We're on our way to challenge... you I guess," Blue said. "Me and Red are on the league challenge, she's focused on training for Contests though."

"Oh, contests, huh? I've heard it's a growing trend even in Cerulean. There's a small meet you can probably go to, I'd love to see some more people having fun with Pokémon!" Misty said, with a smile.

She removed her suspenders first, then pulled her pants down, revealing that she wore a goldeen themed bikini bottom, and she pulled her top up, revealing a matching top. She was not particularly busty, but she had a nice pair of C cup breasts, enough to fill someone's hand with fun. 

Her body was lean, athletic, a swimmer's body, definitely well groomed, cared for and worked on. Tight, trim tummy, powerful legs with strong thighs, long, lithe arms... she was immaculate, and as she pulled her hair into a ponytail, striking an unintentional sexy pose, especially when she was only wearing a swimsuit and sandals.

Red was, of course, hard as a rock. Within moments, he was fully naked, ready to go skinny dipping.

"Oh, dear, you're not gonna be able to swim with that," Johana said, licking her lips as she looked at Red's erection. "I guess meeting your favorite magazine model was too much huh?"

Red shrugged.

"Fair enough," Johana said, "you don't mind if I ah, deal with this right?" she said, looking at Misty.

The redhead face was redder than her hair. "I... uhm... can I watch?" she asked. "I'm not a weirdo or anything it's just- you know... I've never, never seen it up close so..."

Johana laughed. "Oh, you're a virgin huh?" she asked. "For someone who's done an erotic photoshoot, you're pretty innocent."

Blue snorted. "Everyone's innocent compared to you, Jo."

"Oh, I think I like that..." Johana said.

"If you don't mind me asking, uhm, the rumors about Contest Idols..." Misty trailed off.

"If you mean the ones where the big time producers, representatives and officials are absolutely hitting the up and coming idols. Can never recommend anyone to go into the Idol circuit in Sinnoh, at least not until there's a big cleanup. The producer system is a disaster waiting to happen."

"Oof," Misty winced. "I guess it's the growing pains of the system-"

Red raised an eyebrow and looked at Johana, and gestured at his still hard dick.

"Ah, right, my bad," Johana said. "Sorry Red, you don't mind if she watches us right?"

He gave her a thumbs up. 

"Good... You're hard and I'll only need a little help, you mind getting me ready? I need it so bad, myself," Johana said, turning around and offering her behind to Red. She had wide hips, of the three, she was the most visibly and obviously mature, as she was heading into her mid twenties. 

It was very evident and obvious that Red liked what he saw as she presented herself to him. He got down on his knees and leaned forward, and then pried her asscheeks apart, revealing her hot, juicy pussy, which he immediately dove into, licking her from behind with wild abandon, noisily slurping on her juices, and visibly tonguing her all over. 

"Oh man," Blue muttered, "I guess he missed that too..." she said, biting her lower lip, spreading her legs and reaching underneath her skirt, only to remember they had a visitor, and in almost a panic to be seen masturbating to her friends having sex, she chanced a glance towards Misty.

Misty, who was currently looking in enraptured fascination at the duo putting on a show, with one hand stretching the front of her panties, her fingers moving swiftly but steadily, up and down, along the cleft of her lips, giving herself pleasure to the image of Red eating out Johana.

Blue turned back to Red and Johana, to see the short lad step back, face positively covered in juices. He wiped his mouth with the back of his left hand, and reached between Johana's buttcheeks, and along her pussy, collecting juices with his right hand, which he then used to coat his dick with. She was flooded and he wasn't exactly enormous, so he had more than enough. 

Red guided himself into place, and slipped his well lubricated member into Johana's cunt, spearing past her lips and immediately dragging a long, drawn out moan from her.

"Ngnh, you always fuck me so good," Johana moaned, "ahh, it's been too long since we could do this..!"

"Ngnh... he's small but..." Misty moaned, "she looks like she's loving it..!" 

Blue hummed in agreement, her own hand reaching into her panties, two fingers dipping past her own labia, and into her vagina, her internal walls clinging to her fingers, as if trying to fool themselves into thinking it was red's dick.

Red grabbed Johana's hips and began to lay into her, powerful thrust after powerful thrust, the slap of skin on skin, the squish of their sexual organs melding together, quickly taking over the little underground space, joined by the schlicking sound and the moans from the two spectators, enjoying the show.

Red gave Johana no mercy and spared her no quarter, but he was also still very backed up and needy, it was really no wonder that as he drove Johana to her first orgasm of the night, he himself was kicked off the edge of his, and as he did, he thrust hard, pouring another big fat load of cum into the contest idol.

He pulled his dick out, half covered in semen and pussy juices, panting. 

"Ahng... so refreshing..!" Johana moaned, as she slowly, carefully, let herself down, lying on the thick picnic blanket that they'd spread out, which was now stained with the semen dripping from her cunt.

Red, however, was still as hard as the rock around them.

Blue looked at Misty. "Could you mind the pot for me? I've gotta, uhm, help Red with that."

Misty faintly nodded, taking Blue's seat, as Blue made short work of her clothes, and captured Red's lips in a kiss.

By the time Red was done with Blue, Johana was up for another round, and so the night went...


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