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"Throughout all this time, I still have yet to explain the immensity of the improvements of modern marriage upon what passed for it in my time," Medea said, as you kissed her cheek and sat beside her.

Putting your arm around her shoulders, you pulled her closer to yourself, and she leaned her head against your shoulder. Your other hand went to her swollen belly. She was not human. Not even now, after incarnating. As a descendant of a God, she had never truly been wholly human. Her pregnancy, as such, didn't follow the normal logic you expected. In contrast with the consistent, slow but progressively more noticeable growth of Ritsuka and Mashu's bellies, she'd had a flat tummy for almost the entirety of the pregnancy, and now, a couple weeks ago, suddenly she grew quite a bit. 

You met her damn near daily, these days, and it was still staggering, one morning you greeted her just like normal, shared tea and some homemade biscuits, and then the next, she was waddling with a belly that looked like she was about to pop. The long, elven ears were only a sign of just how different she truly was.

You brushed a bit of her blue hair off her face. "I'll make sure to show you more of the best parts of a modern relationship every day," you said.

"Are you holding out on me, dear?" she asked.

"No, I'm just better every day, just for you."

"Oh, you two are adorable!"

And then there was the, well, calling her a third wheel was a little mean. After all, Medea had been the one to invited the white haired beauty seated opposite you. 

The room was a relatively small one, designed to look a bit like a Japanese private karaoke booth. Cushioned seats in a U shape, enough space for someone to get up and sing their heart out in the middle, or maybe two if they squeezed for a duet, and a wall mounted screen right beside the door. The sound system was worked into the wall.

Of course, the two beautiful women in the room would've stood out massively in a regular Karaoke place. Medea was her usual self, purple gown and long blue hair, though she didn't have her staff with her, and she had foregone the darker purple sleeves and the jewelry that went with the outfit, leaving her gown looking a lot more casual than her almost formal attire. She wasn't even wearing her usual gloves.

For her part, Irisviel was not shabby at all, wearing a white microskirt and a rather lewd looking top. You remembered her wearing something under that top to contain her rather... sizable breasts, but she'd foregone it for some reason. Her long white hair was let loose, unlike Medea's braid.

They were a rather regal and aristocratic looking pair, and a most odd one.

They never would've even really spoken to each other, were it not for their one crucial similarity... both of them were part of the same "club", so to speak.

"It almost makes me long to have that sort of relationship for myself," Irisviel sighed in despondent despair. "Even just getting an echo of another timeline's version of myself, the feelings were... a harsh slap," she muttered.

"Did you manage to speak with that man?" Medea asked.

You frowned. You'd encouraged her to try to reach an understanding with him, but...

"I guess I did. We're both not the people that fell in love with each other... though a part of us longs for the other, we're just- fundamentally incompatible," she said. "I tried... no, I was wrong," she said, shaking her head. "I had nothing else, so I tried to force it to happen anyway, but he was right- we're not those people, and we can never be those people. These feelings aren't mine, they're just an echo I heard across worlds..."

"That's really heavy," you responded. "But at least you could clear the air. Did you feel better?"

There was a moment's pause.

Irisviel grabbed a tall glass from behind her - a flat, wooden surface behind the cushions to put drinks and other stuff you wouldn't want to lose on, and then downed it. Servants, all of them, were immune to all mundane poisons, as a matter of fact. This, unsurprisingly, included alcohol - considered by their bodies as a harmful, but mundane, substance. 

Of course, for Chaldea's resources, creating means for servants to get drunk off their ass was child's play!

"Puahj!" she cried out. "This is horrible!" she laughed, then downed the rest of the glass. Her cheeks were rosy. "No more sadness!" she declared, putting the glass back into place. "From now on, I'm a woman reborn! I won't be chasing after someone else's love anymore, and I definitely won't be trying to be a woman I never could be!"

You and Medea clapped for her, as she got up from the loveseat and pumped her fist in the air, triumphant and animated.

"Congratulations on your resolution," you said, dryly.

"Congratulations," Medea agreed. "I'm really glad you could move on, like I did!"

"Like you did eeehhh?" Irisviel said, a perverse grin stretching her lips. "Yeah... I should, I should do like you did!" she said, putting her hands on her hips, standing in a power pose straight out of a comic book. "That's riiiight! I'll, move on for real!"

"eh?" Medea blinked. "Did I say something wrong?2

"No! Noooouh, not at aaaall!" Irisviel spoke, "you shed', said," she said, burping, shaking her head, face going even redder, "exactly dah, the right, thing!" she said, then she pointed a finger at you. "Do for me like you did for her! Er, what you did for her!" she said. "Please!" she added, almost as an afterthought.

For a moment, you had an image of her as a rich family's spoiled princess, for the first time in her life stepping out of her family's shadow... and going a bit crazy. 

"Ah, you should- you should probably still look for someone-"

"Noooo! Dun wanna!" Irisviel cried, shaking her head. "I'm not gonna go lookin', eguh, f'r fairy tale love, 'nymore!" she said. "I wanted- hick- wanted a happy story where t,ghk, two people fall in love, easy! And happily ever after!" she said. "But that doesn't exist! It's just tragedy in the end! He was right!"

"Irisviel, you're drunk, you need to-"

Irisviel huffed, raised her hands and was bathed in light. "T-There!" she said. "Now I'm not drunk anymore!" she said. "Now I'm just embarrassed!"

You let out a nervous laugh. "That's right, we can just pretend none of this ever happened, sing a song and-"

"Medea, please!" Irisviel pleaded. "I need this. I promise I won't get in your way, I just- I just need to feel what it's like to be affectionately embraced, just this once, I swear I-" she dropped to her knees in front of Medea, hands clasped, eyes watery, "I just want- These memories of a man who loved someone else, I just want them- replaced... with something better!"

Medea placed her hands on her shoulders, and looked deep into her eyes.

"Say no more," the former princess said, then she turned to you. "Please - if not for her, then for me. I can't let a fellow woman suffer the way she's suffering... I know that pain, and I don't wish it on anybody else, that's why- my love, if it has come to this... please give her everything you've got!" she said. "I'll be right here with you, supporting you..."

"This is... this is somehow not the weirdest thing you've asked me for," you said, "but it feels different somehow. Like I'm doing something wrong and forbidden, like this is taboo..."

Irisviel looked up at you shyly. "Please," she said. "I need this. I need to have my own experiences, so that echo of another world isn't so dominant anymore."

You sighed. "I don't feel right about doing this just as a transaction," you said, crouching beside Irisviel and cupping her cheek. "So we'll do it... as friends instead," you said. "That good?"

"Y-Yeah," Irisviel said. "This... is also a new relationship for me. Saber- Artoria was my only friend until I came here so... Friends with benefits?" she asked.

Medea nodded.

"A-Alright. Please take care of me," Irisviel said.

"I will," you agreed, and then you tilted her head slightly, and went in for a kiss. Slow, methodical and systematic, you went through the entire process. Unsurprisingly, she was a total novice. Never had kissed anyone like a lover before, but at the same time, she had an odd sort of... adaptability. Almost like she was remembering lost skills, rather than learning new ones, as she rapidly acclimated to the kiss.

Your hand reached for her exposed side. Her top covered very little, only her breasts and cleavage, and then it was attached to her microskirt with golden rings, leaving her underboob and sides quite exposed. Her skin was soft, almost softer than anything you could ever imagine. In fact, she was as soft and smooth as the skin of your babygirls when they were newborn, it was an oddly wonderful feel... not quite the same, slightly more velvety, fine, but not fragile.

As a servant, she was supernaturally strong and tough and durable, but no less soft for it, the feel of her skin was strangely addictive as you explored it.

She moaned into your mouth, and you pulled back. "This is your last chance to back off of this," you said, "if you don't want to continue," you continued, looking into her eyes, "then all you have to do is tell me to stop and-"

She kissed you, cutting you off, and her hand was on your crotch. 

Medea giggled. "Stop being so cautious, husband," she said, placing a hand on your shoulder. "I'm here to help. Leave the support to me, and just concentrate her on showing her how to truly make love!"

You looked at her, and then you nodded, in respect of her request, and of Irisviel's determination.

The albino looked at you, red eyes full of determination. She got on the cushioned booth seat beside Medea, and spread open her legs slightly, her microskirt hiking up and revealing her white panties. "That's right... This body of mine- it's never been touched by a man. Some would say... I'm still a maiden," she said. "But thanks to that echo, I'm suffering from abstinence of pleasures I've never experienced!" she said, her voice dripping frustration. "I couldn't find the love she found, but at least, let me find pleasure just as great or even greater!"

You nodded. Your hands went to your pants, undoing the button and zipper at the front. You pulled them down and let them fall, and then kicked them off. Medea put two fingers to her lips, blew a kiss into them, and then gestured with them to your cock, an almost cartoony pink heart shaped light shooting from her fingertips to your cock, immediately causing it to grow fully erect.

"You can just do that?!" you cried out in surprise. 

"Mhm," Medea hummed, "I have... very in depth knowledge of that part of yours," she said with a wink. "I'm intimately familiar, you could say!"

Irisviel giggled. "This is why I keep coming back to the wives' club," she said. "I've learned so many cool and funny things!"

"Somehow, that just makes this feel wronger, but ah what the hell," you said, reaching under Irisviel's skirt and hooking your fingers around the waistband of her surprisingly old style string panties, pulling them down. 

She gasped, and you saw they were positively soaked. Irisviel really couldn't wait anymore it seemed. Once the panties were off one leg, you let them hang off her other ankle, and got into position, placing your cock against her entrance. 

No more words needed to be exchanged. As you pressed into her drooling vaginal opening, she placed her hands behind your neck, linking them for support, and then you pushed in.

She said her body was that of a maiden's, and she wasn't lying. Virginal tightness was always a staggering experience. A gasp left your body. She was positively soaked, and extremely aroused, but even that wasn't enough to fully prevent her from feeling a little bit of pain, just from being so tight and narrow. She gasped in pain, but Medea came to the rescue quickly, hugging Irisviel from the side, and shushing her, kissing her cheek and rubbing a thumb on Irisviel's lips.

"Just let it go, don't endure it, let it go- that's right," Medea cooed, as Irisviel cried out.

"Ngh, Irisviel- you're-"

"Iri..!" Irisviel cried.

"Wha-what?" you screwed up your face as a tightening of her muscles caused untold pleasure to strike through you.

"C-khk-call me, Iri!" Irisviel cried out. "N-Now we're, ghu, true, friends, with b-beneeehfits!"

You grunted, trying to hold your own reins. "O-Okay," you said, huffing, your lungs were stubbornly trying to maintain a regular breathing pattern, but it was hard, "Iri, you're so tight and narrow..! It's amazing, you're... great..!!"

"Aahhn, thank, yhoou!"

"Ah, my husband, you seem to always fall for whatever pussy you're presented," Medea said dryly. "Perhaps you're too easy to please."

"Not my fault..! This place is full! Of wonderful and amazing! Women!"

You pushed in until three quarters of your cock was inside Irisviel.

"Oooh, Iri dear, look how much of him you can take inside you!" Medea said in almost gleeful wonderment. "And it's your first time, too... you know what, let's make this better... just adjust this, put this here," Medea hummed, her finger tracing lines along Irisviel's stomach.

"Nhn, M-Medy, Medea, wha, what are you-"

"Ooh, don't worry, just changing some things and- there! Okay dear, go all the way in now!"

Somehow she didn't relax at all, but you still felt- there was more... space? You pushed in, feeding Irisviel more and more of your cock, and yeah, indeed, it felt amazing and just as tight, but she was taking you in even further, it was more comfortable, without being any less pleasurable.

"And now..! Go!" Medea called. "Fuck her the way a sexy little milf body like hers is meant to be fucked, my husband, show her the same intensity and pleasure you've shown me!"

"Iri! Iri, I'm gonna fuck you, I'm gonna fuck you hard- are you ready..?!"

"Yesshh, goooo, sho goo'~!" Irisviel said, as her face melted, her mouth hanging open as her eyes rolled up.

You put your hands behind her, above her shoulders, using the seat to brace yourself and get leverage, and then you began to pound her into the seat, powerfully, rapidly, a frenetic, frenzied pace, you couldn't contain yourself, grunting and groaning in pleasure as soon as you began, though your voice was covered by Irisviel, barely half a minute after you began she lost control, bawling, mewling, crying out in pleasure.

Tears rolled down her cheeks. "Ahngnh, sho a'ppy~ I can' feeill 'er weeshpah, anymoar~ quieeet, quiet at lassh~!"

"Ngnh, that's too hot..." Medea moaned. "Here, another gift from me... this time it's a buff, I don't usually do these, you know!" she laughed, as she moved her hands and cast some sort of spell on you. Rather, it felt like she was activating something.

Within, heat and energy surged, and you redoubled your speed, a slightly prickly sensation on your skin, and a powerful but momentary sensation, almost like your balls were swelling, as you pounded Irisviel furiously.

"NAgnh, Iriiii, Imma cum, imma cum!!"

"Where do you want it, Iri!?" Medea laughed.

"Inshaaaaid~!" Irisviel cried. "Kglh, ah wan' eet, inshaid meee~!" 

"You heard her, darling, make sure it's a big one, she deserves it!" Medea said.

You roared, and slammed yourself into her, as hard and as powerfully as you could, hitting her deepest reaches, her undulating, shaking and twisting insides capturing you, sucking you in, and then to cap it off, clenching as if to milk your cock for all it was worth, the last bit of pleasure you could take, the last bit of force that broke your dam and let loose a flood within Irisviel's insides.

Lots and lots of cum filled her, enough to paint her from within numerous times over.

"Anhhnh, ish, in mah woom~ Annh, eef, I wash, 'live, I'd- I'd haff a babiee~!" Irisviel moaned out happily.

Medea rubbed at her tummy. "Yess..." she said happily, "that's a rare joy..." she muttered.

Giggling, the white haired woman relaxed at last.

You panted, grunted.

Medea hiked up her gown, spread her legs, and then you descended upon her. She was even wetter than Irisviel.

"Aahn, you twoo..." Irisviel muttered, her hand grasping Medea's. "Me next okay?"

Medea giggled. "Of course!"

You snorted.

What horny women.

But would you even want them, any other way?


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