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Having sleepovers as children attending the academy? That was all fine and dandy.

There was something that was a little bit... unusual about having sleepovers among working adults. But if nothing else, it was at least in character for my lady Katarina, who had apparently decided that growing up was for other people. Well, not that I particularly mind her building bridges and increasing her political influence.

I just wish she was a bit more aware of the fact that she is an engaged woman, and that Prince Geordo is getting increasingly more protective and defensive of her, the more she wanted to push him away, the more firmly he would try to hold onto her. My lady was usually an easygoing and brave woman, a tiger really, but she turned into a shy little kitten when she was on the receiving end of the same affection she gave out freely.

I slapped my face and got rid of that image that crept up into my head of Katarina wearing nothing but fur-lined lingerie, cat ears and a tail. Katarina dressed like that was a dangerous beast indeed.

My steps were the only thing that could be heard. The townhouse we were at was officially Keith's property, one of many, but it currently didn't have anyone leasing it. It was still kept clean and maintained regularly, so we had decided to make use of it thanks to its central and accessible location that would allow Mary, Maria and Sophia to attend this sleepover, while at the same time, being close enough that the boys were only a moment's sprint away.

Katarina was only as safe as her next kidnapping, after all, and I am not so arrogant and proud that I believe myself to be all the protection she needs. If the Princes, Nicol and Keith were willing to help, who was I to deny them.

The servants had gone to sleep in the servant wing, the ground floor level of the east wing. The Master Bedroom, on the west wing's second floor, was more than large enough to host the sleepover. Honestly, it was almost unreasonably large, but that's nobility for you, if it's not the biggest and the largest and the most luxurious...

I made a mental note as I passed a dusty vase, pushing the trolley I was taking to the master bedroom, and then I finally reached the end of the hallway, the grand, varnished oak doors inlaid with golden designs only partially muffling the laughter and ever increasingly louder talk from within. I hummed, stepped between the cart and the doors, and then opened them, throwing them open fully so as to give me space to come through.

"Here she is!" 

Ever food motivated, my lady was the first to notice my arrival.

"Tanya save meeee!"

Every sense I had kicked into high gear the moment I noticed the panic in my lady's voice, and I immediately turned from the trolley with the sweet treats and biscuits to face the women within.

The first thing I noticed is that Sophia Ascart might have the looks of an innocent fairy, pure as the driven snow, but her taste in underwear was anything but pure. Lascivious wasn't even enough of a word. Her taste in underwear was straight up erotic. Her slim body hadn't changed much from her teen years, but she at least knew how to bring up her small chest so that it looked a lot more inviting, with a green lace bra that gave them a little bit of a lift to make them look slightly bigger, banking on their natural perkiness to enhance the look.

Her butt was almost fully exposed, only green strings coming together to form a ribbon just above the buttcrack that was nearly completely exposed. As Sophia turned around, I could see that the front was sheer green lace, it was see-through enough that I could tell she was among those who thought that a lady ought not have a single hair out of place.

She was straddling Katarina's waist, Katarina herself was wearing an infinitely more sensible pajama set, light blue silken pants and a button up that was partially open, revealing Katarina's blue bra, a rather unsexy one that was only meant to be comfortable and support her chest.

"What is the meaning of this?" I immediately asked.

"Dish ishn't, uhm- hic!"

I turned to face the only fellow light user I knew of, although of course she was my direct opposite in many ways, and I'm not talking about the fact that she grew a chest and I didn't, I'm not bitter about that at all - what use would I have for a large chest..? - but rather about... well almost everything but our coloration I guess. 

Normally I was the one who was bent towards destruction, but wearing that, I would argue that Maria was herself a weapon of mass destruction. She was... a beautiful woman, in an almost homely way. The sort of woman a soldier wants to come home to after a war. The sort of woman that would've inspired my merry band of idiots back in the Imperial Army to do feats of great renown. Though her skin was darker than mine, it wasn't by much, and unlike me she was flawless and smooth from the tip of her toes, toenails painted pink, to the tips of her fingers, fingernails also the same pink.

Her underwear was basic and simple, a white bra and panty set, but it was of nice quality, and it had some slight accents in lace. The peasantry hardly could afford the erotic underwear that the ladies of the higher classes seemed to prefer for some reason, but she filled her set quite well, and in fact, her butt was straining the panties.

"Godh shyoou!"

If she hadn't given me a warning, I might have had to actually try to dodge Lady Hunt, but as it was, she had given herself away with enough time that I could step out of the way of the drunken woman as she tumbled face first, ass up, onto the nice rug that covered the ground. Lady Hunt, as always, was a phenomenally sexy woman. Ever ahead of her peers, she was wearing a yellow panty that was clearly a size too small, detailing every contour of her butt, and a babydoll that didn't even try to hide her spectacular chest.

I refuse to spend much time focusing on her, or dwelling on that magnificent pair of breasts that sits on her chest, her bosom is definitely not something I should be thinking about, much less thinking about how they bounced as she turned around, or how her sheer babydoll did nothing to conceal their amazing form.

"What in blazes is this?" I asked, resisting the urge to flee. A chill ran down my spine. 

This is what it felt like to go into the command room to report a successful operation, every time, the reward for a success would be the opportunity to work more, to work longer and to work harder. I wish I was working back at the mansion, at times like these.

"They- they brought out a bottle of wine and, well-" Katarina said, though Sophia shut her mouth with a hot and heavy kiss.

The two ladies parted, and Sophia let out a sigh. "Ahn, you're such a good kisser, Katarinaa~!" she mewled, "I could kiss you aaaall day!"

"Noooou," Maria whined, "L-La, hic, Lady Katarina ish, ffor, for all!" she cried, raising her fist and pumping it as if protesting the tyranny.

Sophia giggled in response.

"You have to save meeee!" Katarina whined.

Mary giggled. "Sha, shave'r?" Mary said, her eyes gaining an unexpectedly sharp focus, despite the veneer of drunken revelry, "Ta, Taanayaaa," Mary started, then a burp interrupted her, and she giggled drunkenly, "dun, dun yew wanna," she muttered, turning her head to Katarina, "jo, johin ush?" she asked.

Looking at the three, Tanya was totally, utterly and absolutely horrified.

Not at the fact that they were doing this.

But the fact that for a brief moment, she considered it!

This had to stop, right here and now. This had to stop, before she lost her will and actually joined in on the revelry. It wasn't her faul! It was her stupid body's fault! Being X had damned her with this body that was perverted and sick and terrible! She hadn't had a chance or reason to curse Being X in quite some time, she'd honestly thought she was getting over it, but right now she was definitely feeling very much the hatred for the being that had put her in this world.

It seemed like Being X didn't like the fact that she escaped the life of misery that it had prepared for her in this world as well, and so she was being set up like this... it would try to make her betray the trust of her master, and abandon her in her time of need!

Tanya had two impulses here, to join or to run away, and neither was acceptable!

Her master had demanded help! She had to get those floozies off of her lady's body and rescue her!

Tanya stepped forward, but she didn't see the band of light magic that had been put in front of her feet, concealed under the thick black dress of her maid outfit, and so she went tumbling forward, and Sophia moved out of the way just in time so that Tanya landed right on top of Katarina.

Their lips met in a rather unlikely kiss, and before Tanya even knew what was going on, she had her arms around her mistress' waist, and her mistress had her arms around Tanya's waist. Though it felt like only a single momentary and solitary instant, in reality they kissed for a good few minutes, without stopping, making out in the same way they had many times before, when Katarina had been interested in learning how to kiss...

"W-Woah- this is- too sexy," Sophia giggled. "I'll have to report it to Nicol later!" she added, causing me to make a mental note to kill Nicol when he next showed up for training.

"Sho, jelush," Maria whined loudly, one hand raised up to her mouth, biting on her finger "I wanna kissh Lady Katarina too!" she protested.

Mary hummed and wiggled in place. "Ahhn, dey, sho bootiful toge, togedah~!" she muttered. "Mmmh, ah want shom, toooo!"

The lady and I were immediately swarmed by the hungry harpies, but I had my duty. I couldn't save Katarina, but I could offer up my body to protect her. As they continuously grabbed at me, tore off my clothes (with surprising dexterity and accurate, gentle hands, not a single article of clothing was ripped, impressive for a trio of drunken idiots) and then left me in nothing but my panties, right on top of my still partially dressed master.

"I'll protect you with my body and life, my lady," I said, trying to affect the most serious tone I could. "Just stay behind me, and we'll endure this."

I felt my lady's hand grasp mine.

"If we survive this, let's make sure nobody ever hears about it again," my lady said, looking into my eyes, begging me, and I nodded.

Together, we faced the three drunken harpies, and though our combined efforts would spare our innocence that night, as we managed to make sure the underwear stayed on for both ourselves and the drunken trio, both of us would have nightmares long after the fact.

Nightmares of extremely attractive young women, putting their hands all over me, kissing my body all over, while my mistress holds my hand, and pats my head, and tells me I've done a good job and that I deserve a long vacation with all expenses paid, and a raise.

Nightmares that left me hot, bothered and wet in all sorts of places.

They are definitely nightmares. I'm too old for wet dreams...

At least my mistress remains the same as always, and the drunken three do not remember anything that happened. I could never face them if they remembered seeing me make the faces I made when they touched me...


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