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It's really amazing how far the human asshole can stretch, the thinnest point of that ogre's dick was about the size of a pineapple, and it only got wider from there, and yet the human girl between the two ogres only looked like she had completely foregone reason and sense due to all the pleasure she was under.

Mara almost felt sad about putting an end to the revelry, but based on the fact that the others were nowhere near as okay with the whole situation as she was, she didn't let the thought slow down the attack. First, Cupcake would barrage the ogres.

"Ready..." Mara muttered, looking at where the gnome was readying her assault. The breeding chamber was a wider open space than usual for this floor, and the rocky walls provided little cover for the monsters, which had only raised a tarp on a couple of sticks to block out the glaring fake sun from above so they could fuck in the shade.

Cupcake let loose her payload, first six knives, which were launched accurately, precisely, and most important of all very unexpectedly. One of the ogres caught two to the noggin', one had it go right in his eye, and a third had three knives embedded in his chest, though it clearly didn't bother him much.

One Eye Ogre pulled out the knife from his now bleeding socket and ate his own fucking eye, and while Mara was marvelling at how that was badass as fuck, the ogres were turning to the source of the knives, the two that were doubling up on the human girl letting her go, causing her to fall to the ground on her belly, the impact causing a gushing geyser of semen to erupt from her cunt.

Mara observed the ogres as a second wave of knives struck at them. Thirteen ogres in total... four of them had noticeably lighter skin than the rest. Recently born, no doubt, the breeding chamber would see to the repopulation of the floor's staple monsters very soon, if they were allowed to continue making use of the young adventurers.

Three women, two men. If nothing else, Mara could at least sympathize with them. To Monsters, it made no difference whether you were a man or a woman. With a frown, Mara observed as the thirteen ogres began to rush out, with good ol' One Eye leading the charge, as soon as they spotted Cupcake, who threw a third wave of knives at them.

As they approached the narrow pass that Cupcake was waiting in, Benny moved into action, springing past them with a mighty leap that gave him enough momentum to run up the wall, and then slammed the metal mace he wore on the wall of the narrow passage, causing it to come crashing down in an avalanche of the crumbly rocky material the walls were composed of.

The ogres were caught in it, and almost instantly, two were crushed to death, but One Eye and Chestknives survived, being slightly ahead of the pack, without any injuries, while three caught injuries. Not the numbers she'd like to have separated them by, but Mara could work with this.

After all, the two ogres that lost an arm and a leg each would not be much of an issue in a fight, and the third injured one was on death's doorstep with a caved in skull, only the virtue of a small brain inside a thick skull saved him.

Or her? Hard to tell. None of the ogres were wearing loincloths... yep, definitely a her, unless the ogre also lost its penis.

"Alright, take care of those two! I'll handle things over here!" Mara shouted.

"On it boss!" Cupcake shouted back, and the sound of battle being joined on the other side was Mara's cue to move.

She moved like flowing water, running along the wall like it was the ground, her cowl fluttering behind her as she landed on the ground, dust exploding behind her as, before the ogres had a chance to even get an idea of what was going on, she immediately sliced one of them in twain, the upper half falling forward while the legs tipped back.

Still in motion, Mara immediately called attention to herself, making sure the Ogres weren't working on breaking open the way to their allies, and began dashing between them, avoiding large, lumpy, muscular arms swinging like clubs, and also the odd swinging gray meat log as she dove between their legs, and swept her sword around like a whirlwind of death, blood and sliced tendons.

Within moments, she had given scratches and shallow cuts to all of the ogres, and had reduced another one to the point of being incapacitated, slicing the tendons on the back of both of its legs, causing it to fall to the ground, unable to walk on its own two feet anymore.

At the end of her rampage, she slid away under one of the ogres, who collapsed trying to catch her, and retreated towards the place where the adventurers were being violated, getting back on her feet and running quite quickly.

A single glance back confirmed her enemies were chasing her.

Four ogres were running towards her, a fifth one was limping on one leg, and the sixth was the one whose tendons she cut. Tenacious motherfucker, it was even crawling on the ground with an expression that swore bloody murder as it moved towards her. Luckily, they were slow, much slower than her, and she was able to reach the adventurers first, reaching for the secure pouches she carried with her and pulling out a canteen with some restorative potion, diluted in water.

She passed it to the one who looked most aware, a thick set and very hairy dwarven woman. "I'll need some backup, there's some equipment over there, grab a weapon and take care of them while I'm playing distraction."

The dwarf took the offered drink and downed it in a single big gulp, clearly getting back some stamina and refreshing her mind. The drink wasn't much in the way of a potion, but it was enough to make do in Kamadeva. The dwarf nodded. "Aye, I gottem gel," she said, gargling and then spitting out a glob of phlegm and semen ,"I got them, girl!" the dwarf repeated.

Nodding, Mara turned to the incoming ogres, already almost on their position, the monsters clearly smart enough to slow down and try to arrive as a group rather than trickle in one at a time, and then dashed forward, once more swinging her sword like a madman. Luckily they hadn't grabbed weapons, this'd be a lot more dangerous if they had, but their strength was definitely no joke, as when they tried to hit her, sometimes they struck the ground and actually cracked it.

Not looking forward to what those punches would do to her, Mara weaved and dodged around their attacks, retaliating with blindingly fast sword slashes, until she stood up to jump over an arm sweep from the ground prone ogre, only to find that a healthy ogre had managed to sneak up behind her, and as she turned around, was about to punch her into paste.

Mara prepared to parry the blow, but the ogre was stopped entirely when the dwarf Mara'd just rescued skewered the monster from behind with a pike, which went right through its chest and then some.

"MOVE!" the dwarf shouted, and Mara did, leaving out of the way, only for the dwarf to crash onto the back of the ogre, both feet first, and then push it to the ground, causing it to impale the ground-bound ogre, killing them both in that swift movement.

The dwarf panted, rolling off, and grabbing at a hand axe that looked like a two handed weapon in the short, stocky woman's grasp. "Them's some moves, lassie," she praised.

Mara panted, raising her sword and putting her back to the dwarf's. They still had four to go, although one was injured and the others were starting to feel the impact from all the cuts and scratches Mara had given them. The ogres encircled them, surrounding them on all sides, cutting off obvious avenues of escape.

"Can you handle two?"

The dwarf grinned behind her. "Y'think my breath would stink of ogre cum if I could?" she asked. 

"It's okay, I brought backup," Mara said, as the ogres approached, closing the distance in the circle. "We just need to-"

And then a bunch of knives stabbed into an Ogre's face, blinding it entirely, one of them going into its ear and likely into its brain, it was probably dead before it hit the ground.

"NOW!" Mara screamed as the ogres were getting their bearings and wondering what the fuck had just happened, both her and the dwarf leaping onto one of the ogres each, the dwarf hacking away at the ogre's neck, while Mara shoved her sword into its brain through the roof of its mouth, the two of them ending their opponents and accompanying them on a trip towards the ground, landing with a resounding thud.

The final ogre screamed bloody murder and raised its hands, ready to bring them both together down on the dwarven woman...

And then it was made considerably shorter and more squat, because Benny landed a jumping attack once more, hitting even harder this time, in an incredibly impressive display. The fact that it hurt him was also evident because he was immediately rubbing his arms and flinching as he moved them.

"Fuckin' A'!" The dwarf shouted, then coughed. "I mean- good! Good job!" she said. 

"No no, that's cool, definitely my kinda gal!" Cupcake said, shooting her a double thumbs up. "Shortstacks unite!"

The dwarf looked at her. At her tits and at her ass. "I think we're different kinda stacked," she said.

"I'll have you know these are totally muscle and not just fat!" Cupcake said, "unless you're into that," she added.

Mara groaned. "Can you not flirt with every remotely attractive person you find?" she chastised. "We'll tend to these guys first, and then we'll joke, okay?"

"Fiiiine," Cupcake said. "Oi, Benny, you feeling alright?"

"Y-Yeah," Benny said, turning to the dwarf. "W-Woah, it's, it's a real dwarf," he said.

"Aye?" the dwarven woman said. "There's thousands of us," she said. "Not common in your area huh?"

"Y-Yeah, there's only the, uhm, the lord's harem," Benny said.

"Ah, a man of culture," the dwarven woman said, reaching for her beard and stroking it thoughtfully. "Anyway, the name's Meela, can't say we've got much to return the favor with on us, all I can do is say thank you for the service, though Narda might disagree," she said, turning to where the woman who had been getting double penetrated lay, still looking a little delirious.

"Is this her first time getting caught?" Cupcake asked.

Benny flinched. "First time's the worst time," he said. "It's too intense."

Meela nodded. Her hair was a very dark black, it seemed almost to absorb the light, and her beard and chest hair were only slightly lighter. "Ah damn they even took my beads," she said, angrily. "I s'ppose you folks wouldn't have some more healing juice you can part with yeah?"

Cupcake nodded, pulling out her own canteen. "I can spare this," she said, "but in return if you guys see us in the same situation..."

"Aye aye, we know the adventurers' code," the dwarf said.

Mara snorted, crossing her arms as she looked at the adventuring party that was recovering after getting so thoroughly beaten. Soon enough, the two parties would part ways, after Mara, Benny and Cupcake took their fill of the bigger party's loot.

And as they left, Mara played with the Ogre Skull. "You think you can make something interesting with this?" she asked, looking at Benny, and at Cupcake. Even after recovering the knives, it was obvious this wasn't going to work much longer. They were all either bent or outright destroyed, only two were salvageable, with Benny straightening them out for future use, and the rest would only be usable as distractions. 

Benny nodded. "I think I can make a full set of knives," he said. "I can also make a new handle for your sword with the rest of the bones," he said.

Mara blinked, raised her sword and opened her hand, only to realize the handle was almost entirely gone, and she was holding the weapon by the metal. Maybe more equipment upgrades were necessary than she thought.

"Alright, then let's get the most we can out of this trip, and then we'll go back for some more new gear."

The other two nodded. 

Returning to normality, if only by a little, was good for her heart. 

She remembered all those swinging, massive ogre dicks, and thought about what they were going to do soon.

Killing Ogres was profitable, but if they wanted to grow in power quickly... Her eyes were cast to where the breeding chamber once was. She had to give Kamadeva what it wanted, and it would give her what she wanted. A give and take.

"Guys, this proposition might sound... strange to you, but-"

The other two looked at her, and she knew they understood.


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