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"Is it recording?"

The screen was black, but for the date at the bottom left, yellow letters with a black outline stating "07:44 February 14th, 2023" for a good fifteen seconds, before vanishing.

The sounds of shuffling and of something plastic being unscrewed came out from the speakers, the black screen quickly being replaced by the image of a tasteful but ostentatious bedroom, and someone then responded. "My bad! I left the lens cap on!"

Musical giggles followed the statement. "Alright so it's going - I can see it, we're good to go!"

"Excellent! Everything okay over there?"

A masculine voice responded. "Yeah, I'm ready too, we can start rolling!"

A splash of crystalline roses appeared in front of the camera, quickly covering all vision of the bedroom itself, and with a flash of smoke, a pair of women appeared in front of the wall of roses, both of them beautiful, and both of them exposing their beauty to the world.

To the camera's left, Marie Antoinette, last Queen of France. For once, she was missing her iconic humongous hat, and instead, her hair was let down, flowing behind her. Anyone who looked would've thought her hair was liquid, for how smoothly it moved behind her. She was also light on makeup, but her eyes were still soulful and expressive, and her lips an enticing pink. She opened her arms as if for a hug, demonstrating her body to the camera. Slim, petite and cute, but with the unmistakable charm of a grown woman...

For all that she may appear otherwise at first glance, she had the wide hips of a mother, and her breasts though small were plenty sufficient. She wore a sheer, transluscent red blouse, clearly designed to be lingerie and not clothes, which clung loosely to her body, and matched with the rose design of her high cut underwear, designed to look like a series of pressed red roses attached to one another, highlighting the curve of her hips and thighs, rather than hiding anything. Only the top of her stockings was visible, at mid thigh, the same design of her panties fading into pure white smooth fabric.

 "Hello there, my dear audience! I am Marie Antoinette, but you may all call me Marie if you prefer!" she spoke, doing a little twirl to show the back of her panties, and how little of her ass they covered.

She gestured to her left, and giggled a little as her fellow presenter shook her head, voluminous blue hair swinging about before she, too, struck a pose, with a hand towards the camera.

To the camera's right, Medea of Colchis, a princess and witch with elfin features, including the iconic long, narrow and pointy ears of the mystical and fantastic race. Her lingerie was of a more simpistic, yet just as sexy design, a black lace top embroidered with designs in golden thread, which glinted when the light hit it, and sparkled almost with the same intensity as the crystaline rose wall behind her. Medea's bearing was different, they were of similar height, but Medea filled her top much more noticeably.

Both expressed the blooming of their beauty in different ways, and for Medea, it was in more noticeable development of her curves, trailing down the exposed muscles of her front, even her arms and shoulders, and the fullness of her lips, every part of her had more delicious looking meat to the grabbing, and even more so, her panties were of exquisite design, a black ribbon at the front, golden designs like flowers stitched in golden thread.

"And I'm Medea, we've come here today, so we could help all of you," she said.

"That's right, Medea!" Marie said, smiling. "And to help with what, you may ask? Well, it's fairly simple! We, as you all should well know, understand and have shared your pain. The loneliness that never goes away..."

"The feeling of betrayal," Medea spoke, "when someone- no, the person you trusted most in the world, is not who you thought they were," she spoke.

"When you thought you had everything you'd ever want, but it slipped past your grasp, and now you're lamenting what could've been!" Marie spoke, heavy conviction in her voice.

Murmurs in the room, some of agreement, some of denial.

"But suffer no more!" Medea said. "Ladies, I, too, was once a woman caught by my past, incapable of moving on, but today - today I bring to you the news that there is hope!"

"Indeed!" Marie agreed. "We can move on! We're more than just wives!" she said. "And today, to honor the day dedicated to love more than all others in the year," she said, "I'll be officially moving on with my life, and- and progressing beyond the  rut I've been on since I answered the Call to the Grand Order!"

Medea clapped, and some of the women in the room did so as well. "And how, pray tell, will you achieve this, in this day?"

Marie grinned. "Well I'm glad you asked, I'm sure you're all curious," she said, gesturing behind her, and then snapping her fingers, the crystalline wall behind her shattering, and a bunch of candles on candelabra suddenly bursting to life, illuminating the bedroom to show that the bed was not empty and, in fact, there was a man there.

A man quite a few of the ladies gathered recognized. 

But what was most impressive was...

"Oooh, that looks like some tasty chocolate," Medea spoke, her cheeks flushing.

Indeed, the man's crotch was... well, he was erect, impressively so, he stood quite large, towering and somewhat intimidating, but most importantly, he was covered, from glans to testicles, all the way, in a layer of melted looking chocolate.

Marie giggled a little, playing with her hair. "Well - we had a little bit of leftovers after I finished making and distributing my chocolates," she said, "and- well- I did not wish for them to go to waste, so we're going to be eating these! Together!"

Medea nodded. "That's right, ladies - remember, this is not a competition, at the end of the day, we're all working together to attain our happiness!" she said, pointing at the camera. "So no matter what, never allow yourself to be consumed by greed and selfishness, otherwise the path to happiness will be closed forever!"

Murmurs of acceptance were shared across the room, as the ladies approached the male, getting on top of the bed and crawling on all fours, pointing their asses at the camera so the magnificence of their behinds could be witnessed, appreciated and savoured, both of them having magnificently shaped butts that shook and jiggled ever so slightly as they moved, and then the camera zoomed in as the two of them converged on the large, slightly twitchy pole covered in chocolate.

A moan from Marie's throat reached all the way to the room, almost resonating across it, as she opened her mouth and stretched her tongue, planting it on the male's balls, and then licking up the shaft, spilling melted chocolate everywhere, staining her face quite noticeably.

Opposite her, Medea did much the same, her own pink tongue rapidly becoming the same dark color of the chocolate as she collected quite a lot, and the rest spilled from her mouth, moaning out loud and even noisily swallowing along the way.

Soon enough, the two beautiful ladies, formerly married women, meat the tip, and they kissed, their lips meeting around the head of the cock, parting only to demonstrate that they were pleasuring and cleaning up the glans of the cock they were worshipping even as they kissed. 

Together they gave the cock a thorough and unrestrained tongue bath, going up and down over and over again, dragging their tongues along the large shaft, paying special attention to his balls, laying kisses on it, sucking on particularly stubborn patches of chocolate, visibly licking at it until it disolved into their mouths, taking his balls into their mouths to suck on them, moaning, mewling and groaning as if they were enjoying the act even more than the man they were servicing.

"Ahhn, this penis... it'll be the first to be allowed in... in there, since that time," Marie moaned. "I can't wait for it to mess me up, I'm not ready at all," she giggled, reaching to the top, and kissing the now almost sparkling clean glans. "Thank you for the delicious chocolate, it complimented your flavor really well," she giggled.

The male did not audibly respond at first, but a hand reached for Marie's face and caressed her cheek, which she leaned into.

"This affection," she murmured.

"I'll love you the way you deserve to be loved," the male's voice spoke, and though it was ever so slightly distorted, most recognized it instantly.

Marie let out an almost nervous laugh, as if it bubbled from deep within, then she opened her mouth, made sure to move her hair aside so the camera could capture the moment, and then she took the large, formerly chocolate covered cock, right into her mouth, and proceeded to take it down, her throat bulging a little as it slipped past her mouth and down her gullet.

"My, my, how delightful," Medea said. "To once more be able to give your everything for your partner, a feeling all of us have been missing," she said, "to trust your heart completely to someone," she spoke, "it's a treasure in itself."

Marie took three quarters of the shaft down, but could take no more, pulling back and then beginning to bob her head up and down, dragging heavy, needy moans from her partner. Medea, meanwhile, began to lay kisses down on the man's thigh, near the knee, going up and down the inner side of his thigh until she reached his balls, which she then began to suck and lick with devotion and dedication.

With the two pronged assault, the male could not be blamed for finding his limits within minutes. "Guh, I'm- I'm coming..! I can't- hold it back!"

Medea and Marie both fell into rhythm, the two of them returning to the initial service they'd given him, first kissing his balls, then licking up his shaft, as if squeezing the semen out, their tongues tracing a line all the way to his glans, and when they did, it was like flicking a switch, and he exploded on their faces, covering them almost like it was a sweet glaze.

The two of them accepted the shower of thick, almost fully opaque semen, sticky enough that it only dripped a little, with joyous expressions, and when the ejaculation finished, they wasted no time in beginning to lick each other's faces, until they, too, were fully clean.

Naturally, their partner was as vital and energetic as ever. "I'll be going first, for my first time since I was given this second chance," Marie said, nodding, "please- accept me, all of me, and show me what I've been missing!"

"Of course, come here, Marie," the male spoke, his voice sending shivers down the gathered ladies' spines, as Marie, on all fours, showed her butt to the camera. Medea, helpfully, came by, and pulled down Marie's panties.

"Such a neglected woman," she muttered, "your patience... will be rewarded," she said, slowly, but dutifully, sliding Marie's panties down her stocking covered legs, until finally, she pulled them fully off of Marie's legs, tossing them away.

At last, it was time, and Marie straddled her partner, while Medea held his cock firmly in place with her hand.

"Are you sure of this..? Sharing the man you love, with a woman like me? One who can fall in love so easily..?" Marie muttered, looking at Medea.

"Maybe a long time ago, it'd have been inconceivable," Medea said. "But if my lover wasn't the womanizing and insatiable man he is, we would never have gotten together... I've come to accept and enjoy this," she said. "Love is not zero sum, is that not right, my love?"

"You're right... the more you love, the more you want to love," the man spoke. "There'll always be room in my heart for you," the man said.

"I've entrusted my heart to him, and he his to me," Medea said, "and he makes me so happy that I can't help but want to share this happiness with the others who've suffered like me."

"I see... you're an admirable woman, and I can only be thankful, and hope to be worthy of your trust and your love," Marie said. "But for now," she turned to the man, the camera seemingly forgotten. "Let us go to heaven together..!"

She slipped his cock into her, and immediately went down about halfway, but had to stop, throwing her head back and letting out a shriek of passionate pleasure, shaking in place, as she was wracked by a sudden and unexpected orgasm, as all the events had caught up to her.

Medea held Marie through her shaking orgasm, hugging her close, kissing her cheek and whispering inaudible sweet nothings into her ear, only snippets reaching the camera of mushy and lovely compliments, and only after a good two minutes of Marie acclimating to the manhood inside her did she begin to move, shaking her hips on top of him, slowly at first, working until she could take the full extent of his shaft inside her.

And only when she had, did she plant her hands on his chest, and begin bouncing her hips, up and down, the camera zooming in to catch the specific point of their union, giving a sight of ever greater detail, every droplet of her fluids that was overflowing from their connection, every lewd, wet sound produced when he slid back out, and the noisy slurp of her cunt devouring him when he went back in... 

The longer they went, the wetter she became, and the more she was losing her grip and her ability to push herself.

"My love, show her the true pleasure you're capable of," Medea said, her tone equal parts amused and aroused, as she moved from Marie's side to closer to the headboard of the bed, slipping one hand under her black panties, and beginning to stimulate herself.

The man below Marie grabbed at her left hip with his right arm, and her right breast with his left hand, immediately beginning to play with her through her thin blouse, catching her attention and disrupting her rhythm just long enough for him to immediately take control... his rhythm was considerably more intense, the slap of skin on skin immediately coming to the camera, his large cock disappearing into her, only to be pulled back out again, as he pulled her up, almost the entirety of his cock pulled out for yet another long stroke to go all the way back in.

Marie's moans and sighs became cries and pants, and soon enough, became screams of pleasure and passion, as she was unable to hold it in anymore, and even more so, she was given no pause and no quarter, being fucked through the orgasms as she began to chain them together, unable to settle into the pleasure, visibly losing her mind until the hand playing with her breast went to her other thigh, and then she was slammed down with a lot of strength, as the male roared and the camera focused on the point of their union, at the sight of his balls retracting into his body, and his cock almost visibly bulging as it pushed yet another massive load of semen out, this time into Marie's privates, flooding her inside with so much cum that it overflowed, dripping out of her pussy, down her thighs and his cock.

Marie was out like a light.

Medea giggled, and addressed the camera and thus the audience. "And that," she said, "is how you get over your ex husband," she said, hugging her partner. "Thank you for the demonstration, my dear... and if any of you ladies wishes to forget about your ex husband for a night, Miss Koyanskaya will have you penned in for a visit as soon as the schedule allows!"

The man chuckled a little.

Another female voice, one that'd been quiet up until now, interrupted. "Uhm, is- if we're done..."

Someone walked into frame, a rather familiar someone, causing more murmurs from the room, and some to exchange glances, as a very familiar butt, wearing a one piece swimsuit in white, black and blue, wandered into frame. "C-Can I have a go too?"

Medea smiled. "Of course... come here," she said, gesturing at the former cameraman. "Oh, just turn the camera off, we're done filming!"

And then they did, and the film was over.

As the credits rolled, the first to comment was a lady in a rather ostentatious white outfit, one that was both sexy and holy at the same time. "Can I have the first turn?" she asked.

Medea, who had been at the front of the classroom-like room, smiled, and gestured to the door, where Koyanskaya entered holding a digital pad, smirking. "The NFF service is proud to partner with you ladies to," she cleared her throat, "take care of your health. Please, follow me, and we can discuss a plan and a method of approach..."

As many of the ladies followed after Koyanskaya, Medea smirked, watching the room clear out, until only two women remained.

"How's that for a Valentine's gift?" she asked.

Ritsuka, one of the two who stayed, laughed. "I think he would've preferred some homemade chocolate, but I don't think he's gonna complain about what he did get."

Mashu seemed a bit embarrassed. "Uhm, since we're becoming mothers, do we have to sign up as well?"

Stepping closer to the lilac haired woman, Medea hugged her. "Of course not," she said, "you can always ask for a night of fun whenever you want," she said, then reached for her belly. "After all, we're gonna be family soon, even if I never thought this'd be how it happened."

Laughing, the redhead, joined the hug, turning it into a group hug.

"Too bad we didn't coordinate," Ritsuka said, "but I'm sure that child won't mind having two older siblings to look after them, huh?"

Medea smiled.

"Nothing ever goes past you, huh my master?"

"Not when it's about the people I love," Ritsuka said. "For now, let's just go to the cafeteria, getting turned on made me hungry instead!"

The other two laughed, but did indeed follow, and life continued on. 


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