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The door to your office opened suddenly, and you almost jumped, grabbing onto your desk and clenching your muscles as you did. You shuddered in place, as the door opened up.

"He~llooo there, little bro!"

Ah, Jeanne d'Arc... right. That was the actual, for reals, person. Or rather, an approximation of the real thing. Honestly the way servants worked as still really really weird and you weren't entirely sure you understood, but by Ritsuka's own account, she didn't understand it either.

"I- ur, hi?" you tried.

She was wearing a jacket with a hoodie, which was unzipped down to just under her belly button, showing the black bikini top she wore underneath. Her long braid trailed under her as she stepped into the room in a hurry, the door closing behind her. 

She was sticking her chest out, and it made it even harder to think of her as, well, a saintly figure who was supposedly free of sin, whatever that meant. She put her hands on her hips, balled up into fists, and offered you a bright smile, illuminating the room like the morning sun.

"Today, I've come to handle your relaxation for today, since I've been reliably informed, you've not taken a break in too long!" she said. "You should take frequent breaks, your health is important, but that's okay, your big sis is here to pamper her cute lil' bro and make you feel refreshed, good as new!"

You grunted. "I, I'm a bit-"

"Worry not," she said, "Miss Mana, if you would please let go of my little brother's penis, I have a reservation!"

You felt your second assistant's warm, wet mouth let go of your cock, and you shuddered in the pleasure you were trying to hold back, both of you had been pointlessly trying to keep quiet and subtle about what was going on underneath your desk.

Mana crawled out from under your desk and straightened out her clothes. "How did you know?" she asked, running a hand through her long blond tresses.

Jeanne smiled, then pointed a finger in the direction of- oh. The big blue floppy hat!

You sighed, it was hard to tug yourself back into your pants, but you did, pushing your chair back, zipping your fly, and standing up. You could decide not to go along with this, but... truth be told? Spending some time with Jeanne sounded good. Getting your dick sucked was great but there was only so much you could concentrate on work while getting a blowjob.

Mana cleared her throat and wiped at her lips. "Right, why don't you go ahead and spend some time with Jeanne, Master?" she asked.

Right. That. To think you had a servant of your own, and you hadn't even know. Chaldea was taking care of Mana's, well, mana supply, and your contract was a weird one, made through the card that Mana's previous master had left you. She was the Beloved Magician Girl's card spirit, and as long as you possessed her card, she'd be bound to you, and as long as she was bound to you, her card would answer your call. Weird, circular, and confusing, so you just accepted it.

You shook your head. "I- what've you got in mind?"

Jeanne smiled. "Indoor beach!" she said. "We're testing out a new system that would allow us to have everlasting summer! Also Master said that it would allow for a special party she wanted to do but couldn't because summer gets... wacky," she said, waving her hand, "but mostly everlasting summer! Emerald seas, blue skies, white sands, all of it, within our facilities!"

"I... alright, you know what, a day of fun under the sun sounds amazing," you agreed.

"Excellent!" she said, then as soon as you moved around your desk, she snatched your hand.

"I'll take care of the work here," Mana said, giving Jeanne a thumbs up. "Take care of my master for me!"

"Please do," you said to Mana, "and tell Koyanskaya that the clearing came through," you said, gesturing to the holographic screen of your computer, "she can proceed."

"Will do!" Mana called, though her voice was already getting fainter, as Jeanne immediately began to pull you away, "have fun, master!" she called, as you were pulled through the door, open again, and then she cut off as soon as the door closed with a 'thwip'.

Jeanne carried you towards the new facility, babbling animatedly as she went along, mostly small talk and idle chatter, updates on how her little sisters - clones of herself in a way, but that was how she liked to think of them - were doing, and she even told you about how her job had been going. To think Jeanne d'Arc was stripping in a club...

And even more...

"Gloryholes?" you asked.

"Yep! A lot of servants use them," Jeanne explained. "Basically we can't see who's on the other side, but they can see us," she continued. "It's pretty exciting! Plus people don't really expect me to use anything but my mouth so it's fine if I don't want to use my intimate parts."

You nodded. How saintly was it to insist on never allowing a man within your privates, if you had absolutely no objection to anal whatsoever, and would happily get down on your knees to suck cock? It was better not to think about it.

Jeanne ducked into a room and pulled you with her, and it lit up a few moments after you entered, revealing a mostly wooden changing room. She turned to you. "The beach is swimsuits obligatory from six am to ten pm," she explained, "from then until it starts again, anything goes," she explained, gesturing to a plaque near the door that led past the changing room, which stated the same. "Also transparent swimsuits, or swimsuits that become transparent when wet, count as being nude!"

You chuckled. "Medb?"

"Her and a few others," Jeanne responded. She went to a locker, produced a key from her jacket's pocket, and then opened it, pulling out what looked like a pair of swimming trunks, which she passed to you. "Please wear these!"

You had a half thought about pairs like these. Chaldea magitech. You undressed, caring little that Jeanne could see you doing so, and even somewhat amused that you still had a hard on, and then put on the trunks. After a few moments, they seemed to almost shrink, wrapping around your skin like they were painted on, even your cock was exquisitely detailed.

Jeanne licked her lips. "I knew, lil' bro, you really do look best like that..." she hummed. 

You felt a little weird, at first, it felt... oddly stimulating. 

She opened the door, and the two of you walked into the white sands. The confidence in her success in bringing you here was shown when she lead you to a space that seemed to be between two rock outcroppings, near one of the edges of the beach. You realized that past the second 'wall' of rocks, it was actually a screen, and the beach didn't continue.

"Ingenious," you muttered. The spot had a few towels and a basket already laid down, and a parasol to cover them. "Why bring me to this secluded spot?"

"This is a sex spot! Basically if you come here, you can have sex, at any time of the day! There's actually a bounded field-" you mentally noted to ask Medea what those were later, "that makes it so anybody under the age of twenty gets turned away and can't look into this area, even from above," she said, raising her finger. "That way, when we feel the need, we can come here, or bring a client here if they want."

"That's very clever," you agreed. "People are into that sort of risk."

Hell, your cock throbbed as Jeanne moved to the towels and bent over, showing the curve of her amazing ass. She then got on her knees, and patted the towel before her.

You nodded, and laid down on your front, relaxing.

"Aaalrighty, lil' bro," she said, "first," she said, opening the basket, and then pulling a bottle from it, a clear bottle with golden contents, it looked thick and oily. She poured some on your back, it was a bit cold, and then some on her hands, which she audibly and noisily spread all over her hands. 

"Cold," you muttered involuntarily.

She giggled. "This big sis is about to warm you right up," she said, placing her hands on your back, having warmed them up by rubbing them together along with the viscous oil, and then she pressed down, and you moaned out loud as you felt her put pressure on muscle knots. She giggled.

You hummed in pleasure as her hands moved, her fingers leaving trails of sticky massage and tanning oil along your back, further spread by her palms. She had an unexpectedly easy time finding the important spots, applying extra pressure and making sure to work the relaxing oil in, dragging more moans out of you, one of her hands going up to massage the stiff muscles of your upper back, the other going for the lower back, tracing your spine, and the lower back muscles, and then, as she dragged a long moan out of you with her right hand on your upper back...

Her left moved unexpectedly and suddenly, her hand reaching for your still covered butt, not that the speedo did anything to prevent the oil from seeping into your buttcheeks, especially as she worked it in.

Jeanne voiced her own pleasure then, sucking in air through her teeth. "Nnhg... little bro, your butt is so nice and firm," she muttered, her hands almost tickling your ass, ghosting along it, through the black fabric of the speedo, somehow enhancing and intensifying the feeling, rather than muting it.

"Ngnnh, this is new," you muttered. You'd gotten serviced in a lot of ways, but this kind of lewd massage was new. Usually, your massages were on the professional end, actually, even if the ones you gave almost always ended in lewdness.

Jeanne giggled, her right hand coming down to join the left, and moving around until they were both on your ass, one on each cheek, massaging and playing with your butt flesh. "Were you thinking we'd be having sex?" she asked.

"Maybe?" you admitted.

"Hm... if you ask me nicely..." Jeanne muttered. "Properly! Ask me properly! Ask me to pamper you even more, little bro!"

You chuckled, and then turned around, facing her. She was positively radiant, it was obvious she was having a lot of fun. You laid your back on the towel, and smiled up at her in turn, trying to block off the sun by using a hand. "Big sis, please pamper my dick too," you said, simply and easily, "let's have lots of lewd big sis lil' bro bonding," you added.

Jeanne giggled. She moved swiftly, swinging one of her legs over your own legs, and raising her hoodie slightly, revealing the matching bottoms to her black top, then lowering her crotch down until she was touching your cock, swimsuit to swimsuit. She leaned down, until she was almost touching your lips with hers, her brilliant blue eyes sparkling as she focused them on yours. "Wanna know a secret, little bro?" she asked.

"Yes, big sis?"

She shuddered. "I cum a little every time you call me big sis," she said. "I'm a lewd saint, after all," she spoke, "and I can never go back to being a boring girl like I was before..."

You moved your head ever so slightly, pecking her lips.

 "My lewd big sis is the best big sis," you said with a wink, and she trembled in place, you even saw her bikini bottoms overflow, rivulets of vaginal fluid flowing down her thighs, and even staining your trunks.

She firmly put her hands on the towel, on each side of your body, and then began to move her hips back and forth, her chest was shaking as she did, because she started hard, and the moment the pleasure hit you, it hit her as well, and she just went even more frantic, panting and moaning. "Ngnh- little bro, little bro, your dick's the best, lil' bro dicks are the best!!" she cried, "ugh, you're amazing- you feel so good, touching me..! I can't stand it! Say it more! Call me big sis even more!!"

"Big sis, big sis, you're so warm, so hot and wet, even- even through the swimsuits, it's amazing, your big sis pussy is the lewdest of them all!" you cried, giving in even more into her fetish, feeding the loop of ever increasing excitation and arousal.

The pleasure of the contact itself was incredible, but as she moved and rubbed, a kaleidoscope of sensations went through you, the feeling of the slightly rubbery fabric of the swimsuits, somehow you felt her naked pussy on your cock, you felt her naked pussy on your cock through the swimsuit, and you felt her swimsuit clad pussy on your cock and at the same time you felt it through the swimsuit, this was the true power of magic and technology, working together to produce the ultimate swimsuit for sex, giving you the lewdest, wetest dry humping session of all time, especially as Jeanne's orgasms vibrated down onto you, feeling almost like they directly hit your balls.

It was incredible, it felt like you were swelling up, overcome with the desire to explode!

"I can't- big sis, I'm cumming, I'm gonna cum from your pervy, lewd big sis pussy!" 

"Do it! Do it little bro!" she cried, "cum all over your trunks, cum all over them, soil them, cream your pants!!" she cried.

"I'm doing it, cumming, cumming, big sis, cum with meee!"

She cried out in an extremely potent orgasm on top of you, the vibrations triggering your own, she crashed down upon you and you felt her very large, very soft and very amazing tits being squashed by her weight against your chest, feeling so much titflesh, and then the pressure relieved and you felt almost as if you'd stuck your cock inside a bowl of thick, hot cream, and the world went white for a few moments.

Panting, you relaxed down on the towel, and both of you came down from the orgasm. Your hands went up to work as a cushion for your head, and you allowed yourself to rest.

Jeanne didn't, however, and she was pulling your trunks off. She even giggled as she finished, showing you the absolutely incredible load you had filled them with.

She smirked. "This is a big sis' most favorite treat," she said, winking at you as she eyed your trunks with desire.

"Big sis," you said, "why don't you hand me your bottoms, and get me off with them, so I can give you another big treat?"

She giggled. You were still hard as a rock, and ready to receive even more lewd big sis pampering.

Jeanne did wound up keeping your swimming trunks, at the end of the day.

As you came back into your office after your well deserved break, you'd relieve your assistant, and she would crawl back under your desk for the rest of the day, both of you attacking the day with renewed enthusiasm!


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