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"Is my hair alright? You think I should've gone with the spray?" 

People really underestimated how much work went into cosplaying. Sometimes it wasn't just about making the costume, though there was a lot of work and expense involved in that as well, but it was quite a bit of an issue sometimes to just put the damnable costume on even when it was finished, and on top of that, doing the right makeup to look the part.

"You're fine, your costume's fine, your hair's fine, your boobs are fine!" Amanda reassured her, brushing her own hair. Dyed an eyecatching pink, not the first time you'd seen her sporting that color, she certainly called attention to herself, especially with the flashy red shirt and spats she wore. 

Meanwhile, Janine was wearing a much more conservative lavender hoodie and dark leggings combo, and her hair was a very dark blue, it was a rather high quality wig, but it was worth it, considering how versatile it was. A lot of characters in fiction seemed to have that kind of long dark hair.

It wasn't exactly the same color as the picture of the character she was cosplaying at, a little bit darker than the character's, but it was close enough that most people wouldn't care. Besides, you had a feeling people wouldn't exactly be focused on her hair color.

Amanda grabbed at her chest. "At least you're not, ah, overqualified for the position!" she said, laughing. Her breasts weren't exactly humongous, but the character she was playing was on the flat side and so there had been a few adjustments made. 

"For once!" Janine laughed, linking her arms underneath her prodigious chest. "Is everything ready on your end, love?"

You gave her a thumbs up. The cameras were set, the bed was ready, decorated with the stuff they had asked for. You'd even gotten the temporary tattoos to look the way they wanted you to - granted, you didn't exactly look like the character you were supposed to be portraying, but that was fine.

After all, you were essentially window dressing... a prop, so to speak. The videos were better that way, if you understated your presence.

"Alrighty," Janine bounced nervously, and parts of her bounced joyously. She wore nothing under the hoodie, of course. "So you know how it goes..! Just remember the safe words, and we'll all be fine!" Janine said, giving a thumbs up.

You nodded.

After that, you went behind the tripod mounted camera, and the three of you began going through the final steps. Amanda and Janine got into position, and you raised three fingers.

Janine nodded. "On three," she said, looking at Amanda.

"One, two- three!"

And then they transformed into the characters they were playing. It really was a function of experience and professionalism. As professional cosplayers, they'd had to remain in character, not always pretending to be a specific fictional character, but always playing a character nonetheless, and they slipped into the role quite easily.

Certainly, you could tell that even as Amanda dragged Janine by the wrist into the bedroom, their performances would never earn an award, but Amanda could seamlessly transition the smile she was cracking into an evil looking smirk, and Janine managed to get the exact look of a kicked puppy that the character she was playing seemed to frequently have on her face.

Amanda pulled Janine towards the bedroom, where a chair had already been prepared next to the bed. "Come here, you lucky bitch," Amanda called, voice harsh and unforgiving, "you think that just because you get laid every day you can just go out and brag to everyone else?" she spoke, sourly.

"N-No, I-" Janine's voice was trembly, but it wasn't fear, she had to conceal her laughter, "no way, I- just-"

"Stop talking," Amanda harshly said, "I don't wanna hear it, well, today you're gonna experience the same agony all of us experience!" she said. "Since you flaunt those cowtits of yours everywhere, and you make all of us feel inferior, today I'm gonna make you feel inferior!" Amanda harshly shoved Janine into the chair, sitting her down forcefully. Then, she immediately began tying Janine's limbs, with of course, only pretend resistance, to the legs and back of the wooden chair, using tape that looked firm and solid, but in reality would tear if Janine made the slightest effort to pull off of the chair.

"Stop it, I- I never meant to, my- my body is only for my husband, I swear!" Janine begged, shaking in such a way that made it extremely obvious that she wasn't wearing a bra, her tits swaying for the camera, "please, believe me!" she begged, making sure she focused those eyes, weird as they were due to the contact lenses she wore, trying to make sure she appeared distraught even though it was quite obvious from her flush she was very excited.

"Well, I don't," Amanda said, harshly, her fingers hooking onto the waistband of her spats and pulling them down and off of her body, revealing her slightly stuffy, wet and hot looking cunt. You'd made sure to fool a round a little with her earlier, to make sure she was in the mood for this, not that she needed much more provocation.

"Noooo! Don't do this!"

Amanda grinned, and then in a flash of spontaneity that wasn't in the script, she grabbed her panties, wet with her fluids and a little sweat from the hot day, and bunched them up. "I don't wanna hear ya," she said, shoving the wadded up panties right into Janine's mouth, and then finished her off by wrapping some tape, sticking it on her cheeks, around her mouth to make sure it stayed in place.

Janine struggled, but found herself bound in place, not by her bonds, but by the nature of her submissive personality.

Amanda smirked, and then gestured towards the bed.

There, you were already waiting. Though it had been difficult, you'd managed to get yourself into the handcuffs, though one of them was a little loose, you just made sure not to pull on it, pretending to be firmly held in place.

Smirking, Amanda walked towards you, making sure her ass sashayed visibly from the angle the Camera was shooting her from. She licked her lips in a gesture visible only to you, her eyes focused on your crotch. Naked as the day you were born, and after getting a bit of a hand earlier and the erotic display just now, you were already hard as a rock.

"Look at this - your husband's already hard, for another woman! For all your bragging, it seems like you're not enough for him, huh?" Amanda spoke, turning towards Janine. 

Meanwhile, your girlfriend was shaking in place, letting out some muffled shouts, vaguely sounding like what you knew her lines from the script to be.

"Whatever do you mean? I would never employ such dirty tactics as aphrodisiacs, I'm just a sexier and better woman than you are," Amanda spoke, striking a sexy pose, showing off her ass. The character she was playing didn't have much of a chest, so she was de-emphasizing her own, and instead drawing attention to her butt, which was quite a phenomenal butt so you didn't exactly mind the spectacle either.

She climbed on top of the bed, and grabbed onto your cock near its base with her soft hand, stroking it lightly, the friction lightened by the application of oil and your dripping precum. "W-Whoa this is-" she gulped, missing her step and her line, as she got lost in just stroking you for a good twenty seconds of bliss. "I- yes, yes, so impressive, so much larger than-" she gulped, "ah- I can't-"

You brought attention to your bonds, as if to remind her that she was supposed to be acting.

"Oops, you're slipping out, can't have that!" Amanda said, noticing that one of the cuffs was loose, and immediately sealing it. "You're gonna have to wait until the show's running!" she said, then turning back to Janine, getting back into character as she raised one leg and very slowly, deliberately, moved to straddle your crotch, pressing her cunt lips against your cock shaft, then rubbing it slowly and methodically. "I'm about to fuck your husband, I'm about to give him pleasure like you never have, and all you can do is watch from over there," she said, "so sit back, and enjoy yourself!"

She reached down to your cock, lining you up with her lower mouth, adjusting a little to make sure she got the right hole, giving you, and by extension the camera planted on the headboard of the bed, a saucy, lewd smile. "I'm going to eat you up," she said, as she began pushing down, her cunt opening up and swallowing you, at first offering resistance that reminded you of how long it'd been since you'd last been with Amanda, and then, her experienced, well trained vaginal walls spread open and she swallowed you down to the base, as she slipped down with an open mouth and a gasp of surprise, followed by a long and lewd moan of pleasure.

Her hands came down to rest on your stomach and abdominals, and then she pressed down for a moment, before her arms failed her and she almost fell forward, catching herself on the bed. She disguised it by pretending to come down for a kiss, which you reciprocated eagerly, but soon she was pulling back.

"See? I've even claimed his lips!" Amanda laughed, planting herself into position, knees digging into the mattress, hands on your chest, and then she began earnestly bouncing her hips, slowly at first, letting you feel every agonizing inch of your cock being surrounded by and squeezed by her walls, as they desperately clung to you in an attempt not to let you go, almost lifting you from the bed, and then eating you back up on her way down, each inch feeling like her lower lips were giving you a welcome back kiss.

"Fu, fuuuck, too huge," Amanda moaned, "ugh, you kept this dick all to yourself, you bitch, you kept it to yourself for so long, I should've seen it, I should've knooooown!" she continued.

Janine grunted furiously and shook powerlessly in place, dragging the chair a little closer to the action.

"And now it's mine, it's all mine, this dick is mine and there's nothing you can do about it!" Amanda said, throwing her head back, pink hair flying about as she struck a good rhythm, going hard and fast and only growing more confident and bold. "Yes, just like that..! That's it! Your cock's so good!"

Before long her insides were starting to go wild, growing hotter and wetter with every passing moment as she was holding off her own arousal, her impending orgasm, which was getting you ever closer, with every bounce, with every gasp, every moan, every word of encouragement that spilled form her, every praise, every perverse snap at Janine...

Your eyes glanced at Janine herself, face flushed and red, eyes glassy, it was hard to even be able to tell her emotions due to the makeup, wig and lenses, but you could read her like an open book nevertheless.

You didn't need any more than that, your muscles reacted, already you were tightening up to try to prevent a premature ejaculation, Amanda had needed a fuck so badly that she was tripping you up from her sheer desire alone, and as she began to shatter into a stunning, mind numbing orgasm, you lost all composure yourself, your arms moving with such strength that the play cuffs that were binding you to the bed shattered like the cheap plastic they were made of, and your hands gripped onto her hips, quickly wrestling control away from her as you slammed her down, the tip of your cock feeling like it was kissing the entrance to her womb directly, as you grit your teeth for one final moment and then relaxed all of a sudden.

Amanda's eyes were screwed shut when you grabbed her, but the instant you felt the white hot magma gushing out from your balls and into her, she changed, opening her eyes and mouth as wide as they could go, in a wordless scream of indescribable pleasure, and one that was cut off as you gripped her hips and ass even tighter and took over the role of moving her on your cock.

This rough sex was one of pure lust and desire, and you were desperate to get even more of it, fucking her as hard and as powerfully as you could, giving her the exact kind of pleasure she'd been missing, and turning your eyes for only a moment to direct your gaze to Janine, and making sure that she saw that you were fucking Amanda the way Janine herself liked to be fucked best, giving her a smirk, and then turning back to Amanda.

That was only the first of several rounds, after all, before the video was complete, and even as you left your thick and creamy juice inside Amanda, you were already moving on to the second scene.

It would only be later that night that you would find out that you hadn't been using the safety tape, after all, and that Janine, crafty little minx that she was, had swapped it for much more durable tape while neither you nor Amanda were watching.

It was hard to be upset at her for making the experience a bit more realistic, especially considering the apology she gave you, but that's a story for another day...


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