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Left, right, hook, hook, uppercut, and then a kick to the chest.

Mara's breath came rushing out of her lungs and out her mouth, as she was sent flying back, from the staggeringly powerful and incredibly fast barrage of attacks she had just endured. 

The Orc Fighter was nothing like the other orcs in the third floor. Found only in a circular shaped room, and summoned by bringing the severed heads of ten orcs and declaring intent to challenge the Champion of the Arena, it was one of the strange entities that Kamadeva produced.

It was more similar to a very athletic human than a regular orc, though it was still about three times as wide at the shoulders as Mara was, and about half again her height, so it was a very athletic, extremely huge human. It had boots and greaves, gloves with steel plates on the knuckles. 

It also wore an extremely tight looking leather speedo, and it looked extremely tight because it had an extremely noticeable bulge stretching the front of its speedo. It would not be a Kamadeva monster, if it didn't have extremely overdeveloped genitalia. The only other clothing, so to speak, on its body was leather straps that linked together into a weird harness thing on its chest.

Big tusks peeked from very dark green lips, pointing up. A slightly upturned, almost piggish nose, and beady, dark eyes, intelligent and glinting with malevolent intent. 

It raised its fists, and weaved left and right, as if showing off its speed, stepping lightly despite its great bulk.

Fighting the Orc Fighter fulfilled two goals. On the one hand, it was a fistfighter type of monster, in contrast with most of the monsters in this dungeon that fought with claw, fang or some sort of improvised weapon. The Orc Fighter's fists moved like a blur through the air, and headed quickly towards Mara's face again.

Learning to defend herself against a fistfighter was an integral part of her training. 

And the other part?

The other part was the reason why she was this deep into the dungeon, far away from the entrance, and fighting this monster entirely on her own. She was not so dumb and delusional to think she could handle a monster on the level of a floor boss on her own. 

No, she was here because the second goal she had for this training session was to lose.

The longer she stayed in the royal capital, the more she learned, and more importantly, the more she learned about how dungeons, beyond just Kamadeva, functioned. 

Fists sailed past her ears, and Mara tried to buy herself some distance by swinging her sword, but the orc fighter easily stepped back, and then stepped forward again, punching her heavily and powerfully, sending her rolling to the ground, which she was able to recover from rather quickly. 

Not the first time she had been knocked down, and she was going to make damn sure it wasn't the last time she got back up either. She raised her sword and blocked a hard punch, which sent her sliding back, and then used the orc's own ducking and weaving, imitating its earlier movements, to dodge its attacks.

She needed to practice a lot, she was still getting grazed and hit, and actually stopping the barrage was more difficult than she thought. Left, right, hook right, and then it threw a roundhouse kick that she couldn't duck under fast enough, its meaty leg crashing against her arms. The orc didn't even care that it hit the edge of her sword, the tiny cut it got on its leg was nothing compared to the kick that sent Mara's world spinning.

She was thrown on the ground, and her sword flew out of her hands.

The first step of the plan was to fight the Orc Fighter to the best of her ability, and try to learn as much as she could from the fight. The second step was about to begin, and Mara hated her slutty body for looking forward to it as much as it had, through the entirety of the planning stage.

The Orc Fighter saw that she was defeated, and grunted, letting out a few wheezing sounds that might've been laughter. Mara could scarcely see anything, her world was still spinning, but she still had enough presence of mind to hear the sound of its armored gloves hitting the ground, and its footsteps coming towards her.

Irrational panic took her over then, and all the preparations she had made weren't enough to prevent her from wanting to crawl away from the approaching threat, no matter how much she tried to tell herself that she was going to be safe.

On a certain level, she was ready for this.

On a deeper, more primal level, the sound of its speedo ripping as it tore the only garment it had on off of its body was making everything else cease mattering, quite rapidly, within the confines of Mara's mind.

There was no escaping, however. She was near the middle of the room, it only had two exits, and she couldn't even get back on her feet. Trying to crawl away was useless, the Orc Fighter caught her by the foot and dragged her back, her fingernails almost ripping out of her fingers when she tried to dig them into the hard packed, stony soil of the makeshift arena's floor, creating rows that tracked the Orc Fighter's progress.

Its laughter echoed in her ears as she felt it grab at her cowl and tear it off of her body, thankfully Benny had modified it so it could be easily removed without needing to tear it apart.

Mara wore nothing underneath. She'd taken off her bottoms before coming into the room, and her top had been lost in a fight with a Hobgoblin earlier. She was now naked but for her boots, and it seemed the Orc Fighter approved of it. 

"Ngho, no, you stupid- brute..!" she glared at it as best as she could, trying not to show her fear.

It held her in place with one hand on her thigh, its immense strength put on display, she couldn't move a muscle and she feared if she tried too hard to break its hold on her she'd find herself with a destroyed limb. At the same time, its right hand raised high into the air, palm open.

Her eyes were open, wide as saucers, when she realized what was about to happen, and she now understood the warnings about her ass.

The Orc Fighter's hand moved fast, and traced a threatening arc in the air as it smacked against Mara's perky buttcheek, causing it to jiggle ever so slightly, the soft cover of flesh above the hard muscle moving with the impact. Mara could only hold it for a few moments, she cracked and screeched out in pain a second after the echo of the smack returned to her, bouncing from the hard walls.

The greenskinned beast laughed uproariously, raised its hand again, and brought it back down, right on her asscheek, intensifying the already glaring red of her ass skin. Her butt was flaming red, and feeling about as painful as if she was seated on blazing hot coals, and it was about to get worse, because a third smack came down.

"Ghuah, fuck, fuck youoooahhh!!!!!"

Mara's screeches, complaints, curses and angry screams would fall on ears that only enjoyed hearing them, because the Orc traded hands, holding her down with its right hand as it rained blows onto Mara's ass with the left, turning the left cheek as red as the right. 

Her ass was soon more red than a tomato, and though she didn't have anything broken, she was certain that she wouldn't be feeling able to sit for quite some time, as the smacks sounded, resounded and then thundered loudly, again and again and again, the beastly brute trading which cheek he was tormenting time and time again, eventually even getting into the habit of striking both cheeks with a single sweeping smack.

"You mother- fucker- stop- fucking- asshole..!!!"

Panic and fear had become anger, fury, and not a small amount of arousal and shame. She was furious with the Orc Fighter for humiliating her like this, this new form of torture was horrible, the monster was definitely enjoying the hell out of the act. She turned to look at it, and it had a dick about the size of her arm, if not a little bigger, that was swinging around, sometimes smacking her ass, that seemed to get bigger and bigger with every smack.

Until it seemed the Orc Fighter was ready. The cock was almost human, in shape, but definitely not in size. It was more like a rolling pin in size, one that a large bakery would use even. It was just humongous, threateningly so.

And worst of all, the orc was looking at her tightly closed anal entrance. Its cock looked slightly slimy, as if it had been dripping precum quite a bit, but it was still mostly dry along the shaft.

Opening her mouth to scream out a protest, Mara was cut off preemptively when the orc shoved itself past the resistance of her rectum and found and made a home in her bowels. She screeched in agony, an earsplitting sound that even made the Orc Fighter flinch, and it was only the glans that had gone past her extremely tight anal ring!

Her voice faded, stolen from her when the ridiculously immense Orc Cock went right through any sort of resistance, by pure and absolute miracle, her body got the message and got the idea despite her own mind not really wanting it to, and it seemed to relax, allowing the incredibly immense orc cock to go right through, spreading her wide open, so wide she felt she could fit an entire damn baby up there! 

It hit home, at the furthest reaches of her bowels, reshaping her insides, a massive bulge growing from her stomach as it reached her limits and went right past them. Then it began to pull back, and she felt like it was pulling out all of her internal organs, just dragging the rough, stiff cock flesh against her internal walls was enough to wipe her conscious mind, all thoughts reduced to nothing but pain, agony, shame, and mind shattering pleasure.

And then it was back, and she was gone, and Mara was breaking, and Mara was no more, and then it all came back, and then again, and again, and again, as that ridiculously, gigantically oversized Orc Fighter Cock ripped her apart and then put her back together, coming in and out of her anal passage and into her bowels and then out of them, and leaving nothing but a heap of destroyed woman in its wake.

Her defeat was complete, her defeat was absolute, her defeat was total, utter and humiliating, when the Orc hilted himself in her, causing spittle to fly out of her mouth as she let out a silent scream, and then erupted, her stomach expanding massively as it welcomed a torrent of cum that outclassed Mara's prior experiences by orders of magnitude.

Semen fileld her, and even though her tight anus was stretched to its limits, the Orc's continued movements made it so that its ludicrously thick and viscous semen managed to make its way out of her ass, even as it continued to furiously fuck her, bringing itself to another orgasm as it nonstop pounded her destroyed behind.

As her own orgasm subsided, she thought she was about to die right then and there, and terrified herself by the thought that she didn't even mind dying in such immense pleasure...

But then the Orc Fighter fell to the ground, its neck spewing high pressure blood, its head disintegrating before it landed.

"Woah, that was amazing, darling!" 

Rosie's voice was almost like a balm to Mara's abused body... and, well, Rosie's mouth on her ass, slurping all the excess cum out, was a surprisingly enjoyable, soothing experience. The golem's saliva did wonders on the red ring of fire that was her anus, and the potion enema that followed it was even better.

After ten minutes of rest, Mara found herself finally regaining her voice. Even her ass was not looking all bruised and battered. 

"I- how, how did, blegh," Mara shuddered, "how did I deuugh-" she bent over and then vomited a large amount of semen. "Wh, wha, how- how..?"

"The bodies of adventurers are, ah, adaptable," Rosie said, "in fact, that's what we're banking on. You finished the first step, you lost and were properly raped by a victorious monster, outside all control!" she said, clapping a little.

"D-Does it, guh, count, if I was, in, in on it, all, geh, along?" Mara asked, wiping her lips and accepting the glass of Lemonade that Rosie had produced from somewhere within her body.

"Don't worry, I made sure to plant an hypnotic suggestion in you that made you forget that part, we've used it before, Kamadeva doesn't care!" Rosie said, waving her hand. "We'll take a short break, and move on to step two."

"Will, will this really, help me, get stronger?" Mara asked.

"Well, you're a baseliner," Rosie said, "which means you don't have anything special about you, but on the other hand, means you're also reaaally versatile for all sorts of awakening ceremonies!" she explained. "If we can awaken your dormant potential, we could increase your power even beyond your level."

"That sounds amazing," Mara said, frowning. "But- how, how does this work?" she asked. "And why only me? Isn't Benny the same as me?"

"He doesn't have a combat related potential to awaken, you do," Rosie explained. "He already knows how to access his potential, for him it's instinctive, he gets flashes of inspiration to create certain things, doesn't he?" she explained. "But you... I knew there was something great in you from the start, and your rapid progress in Kamadeva, I know you're fit for this."

"Fit for what? You still haven't told me," Mara muttered. 

"And yet you've trusted me this far," Rosie giggled. "This is a masterpiece ritual, created by a long gone friend of mine. He couldn't use it before he passed away," she explained, "but I'll see to it that it's complete! You'll get to reap all the benefits! As long as we can see it to completion, and you bring honor to his name!"

"A-Alright. What's next, then?" Mara asked.

"Next," Rosie said, "we're going to have to gather a hundred goblin penises."

Mara blinked. "But they have a low drop rate..." she muttered. "Ugh, whatever, complaining won't get me anywhere."

"That's the spirit!" Rosie said, "let's go, before someone figures out I'm ditching work!"


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