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"Are you sure you should be working out in your condition?"

Even though that was, in part, what you wanted to say, you were still glad that it hadn't been you who actually said that. By sheer chance, you happened to come to the gym to work out and at the same time, Ritsuka happened to have just got there, and was starting to go through her warmup exercises.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine, I just feel a bit heavy!" Ritsuka said, stretching her arms behind her head. She wore skintight black spats, and a black and orange top. It really wasn't difficult to tell she wasn't wearing panties underneath. "Right?" she asked, gesturing at her tummy. "You can barely even see that I'm swelling up, even if I feel like I'm fifty kilos heavier!" she said, laughing. 

Well, there was one part of her that was definitely getting noticeably bigger. Ritsuka had never been exactly flat, but she wasn't massively gifted either, but it was obvious that motherhood was treating her well. She was definitely experiencing a growth period, and you couldn't deny excitement at the sight. Especially as she struck a pose, stretching her body and back, sticking out her chest. "Ahhn, I need a work out really badly, my back feels terrible."

Beside her was a woman in what... she probably thought was a set of workout clothes. A pink sports bra type top, and a shoulderless half jacket, which seemed a bit heavy, cumbersome and hot, but some women prioritized looks over practicality, and you couldn't really fault her for that. She looked really good.

Especially because below her belly button, her bottoms were basically indistinguishable from a pair of sporty looking panties, also in the same soft pink color, along with thigh high leg warmers and comfortable looking shoes.

Her legs were fully exposed, and even from behind, she was just... delectable. Her butt, on full display, was incredible. It reminded you a lot of-

"Lily?" you asked, confused, as you saw the familiar facial structure, those sincere, open eyes, and the almost innocent air she carried about her... but... something was off. Her smile wasn't the same, there was no recognition in her eyes. Lily always had a sparkle of joy and sometimes mischievous spirit behind her eyes whenever your gazes met...

"Ah, you must- yes, you must be that guy," the Lily Lookalike spoke, humming. "I've heard about you. Lily likes you a lot. I am Artoria Caster - you can just call me Castoria for short," she said, simply.

"You're probably confused, it's very confusing," Ritsuka said, laughing. "Don't worry about it, don't think too hard, they just look alike, but they're not really the same person at all," she explained.

"Oh... alright, I guess? So you're related then?"  you asked.

"In a way..." Castoria said, nodding. "I guess you could say we kinda share an original design or something like that."

You looked her up and down. There were some minute differences, here and there. This woman's musculature was different from Lily's, Lily had slightly less curves, slightly more noticeable muscles, her breasts were slightly perkier and smaller... Maybe this woman was slightly older? Her cheekbones were a little sharper and she looked like she didn't smile quite as much.

"I guess I can see it," you agreed.

"They're all very cute!" Ritsuka said, happily, throwing her arms around Castoria's shoulders. "Don't you think?"

"Yeah," you agreed.

The blonde blushed slightly. "Master... not here," she said. "We're here so you can get a light workout..."

"I've decided!" Ritsuka said, "I want to have sex instead!"

You blinked. "You... huh?" you asked.

"You can't! Master, you're past your first trimester," Castoria protested. "You shouldn't be doing physically strenuous activities!"

"Pshaw, I'm fiiiine!" Ritsuka said. "I was cleared by Mister Asclepius, wasn't I? He said as long as I don't overdo it I can work out just fine, and participate in training!" she spoke. 

"But- But Master, I'm really worried," Castoria said. "And don't lie, I know you, and I know what they say about that man," she said, pointing a finger at you, "you're both sex fiends! Deviants! Perverts!" she said, though it was obvious she was repeating lines someone else had told her. "And I love that about you Master but you have really intense sex... and that's bad for your baby."

"Boo!" Ritsuka whined. "Ugh, but regular sex is boring now," she complained.

"Uhm- you could... just do it softly?" you suggested.

"Nah, that's boring," she said, and then one of her hands blatantly grabbed Castoria's fat ass, squeezing it. "Aww, and I really wanted to wait until she was distracted stretching and just take a bite out of this cake," she said.

Castoria's face turned bright red, and her eyes and mouth opened wide. "Masteeeer!" she protested loudly. "He's watching..!"

"Yeah he is," Ritsuka said, licking her lips, forcibly turning Castoria around and pressing her body against the blonde's back. "Actually... since you don't want me to have sex, I'm going to have to ask you to sub in for me," she said, her hand slipping under the workout panties and teasing at her lower lips under them. "How about that?"

"What, what- sub in, master what do you-"

"What I mean," Ritsuka said, kissing her workout partner's cheek, "is that I want to watch you," she said, the hand that wasn't in the girl's panties now teasing her through her sports bra, playing with her obviously stiff nipple, which was visible through it, "getting this tight little cunny fucked, hard," she moaned directly into the blonde's ear.

"M-m-m-m-maaaahhhh~!" Castoria was about to protest but she moaned loudly.

"Hmhm, the thought  of getting fucked's turning you on so much," Ritsuka said. "How about it? Would you like to fuck my cute little sword?" she asked. 

"Hm. I've heard people refer to Mashu as your shield, does that mean this is your sword?" you asked.

"Haah, one's a bit more literal than the other," she replied with a wink.

"I don't want to do it with someone who doesn't want to," you said, carefully. 

"If my master wants to see it, then I want to do it... Master is everything to me, her happiness and joy is my happiness and joy... her sexual excitement and fetishes..." Castoria moaned, barely managing to get her words out through a quaky voice. "If- if- if I can be fucked with the same cock that my master is fucked with, that'd make me really happy..!"

You chuckled. "You really do have a way with people, huh?" you asked, approaching the duo.

The workout room had a soft, matted floor that made it possible to do a whole lot of things. It was probably not really intended for this, but... Ritsuka and Castoria both carefully lowered to the ground. Your workout sweatpants were easy to remove, you left them behind as you approached.

Castoria didn't take long to turn around, facing her magnificent butt towards you. Perhaps a few, one or two centimeters bigger around than Lily's, slightly fatter, rounder, softer... her skin was perfect, flawless, an enticing pale pink, contrasting with the much more colorful shade of her workout panties. While you were distracted by Lily, you heard a ripping noise, your eyes drawn to where Ritsuka had torn her workout spats.

You swallowed, as you watched Lily lay on top of Ritsuka, their hands linked, fingers intertwined. They looked into each other's eyes, and you were almost struck dumb by the sheer love that they shared for each other. Ritsuka was such a person, after all... it was almost enough to make you want not to interrupt that beautiful image... but then, Ritsuka was her own perverted self, and smiled with such a lascivous expression that you feared she might become a succubus on the spot.

Ritsuka's belly bulge was slightly more noticeable, especially in contrast with Castoria's own flat stomach. Their breasts, barely covered, pressed against each other, and then they kissed heavily.

"I want you to fuck my cute little sword," Ritsuka said, "I want you to fuck her as hard as you want, go crazy, her tight cunny can take it," she said, "but finish inside me."

"M-Master," Castoria said.

"Sorry love," Ritsuka said, pecking her lips. "But even if I can't have him pound me into the ground, I want it inside me..."

"M-Master... I love you," Castoria said, kissing her once more.

You gulped. Ritsuka winked at you.

While the beauties were kissing, you approached Castoria from behind, lining yourself up with one hand and grabbing hold of her butt with the other. Doggy style from behind, somehow felt appropriate. You moved her cute pink panties out of the way, and then rubbed the tip of your cock against her soaking wet lips, which parted to reveal her pink insides. Locating her hole, you pressed against it. "Here I go..!"

You pushed in, her cunt offering almost remarkable resistance for a few seconds, until almost like it was a pop, she stretched and opened up, allowing you to push yourself in, immediately being caught by a ridiculously strong pressure, coming from all over. It didn't feel like it was just your cock, sucked into her cunt, but almost your entire nervous system. She was so stupidly tight that you screwed up your face and tightened up your muscles, otherwise the surprise alone could make you lose control.

The ladies separated, and a lewd moan came out of Castoria's lips.

"That's it... Ahhn, you're so beautiful when you're getting fucked, love..! Do her hard!" Ritsuka begged.

You couldn't say no to her. Your hands grabbed at her hips, firmly, and then your knees dug into the mat, as you set yourself solidly into place. Then you began to fuck her. You didn't start out very slow at all, in fact, your pace started at a very fast, rough fuck, exactly like Ritsuka wanted.

"M-More..! Harder! Fuck her harder!" Ritsuka begged, holding Castoria tightly as the blonde thrashed and moaned. "Make her even more beautiful!"

"Pugh, puh--leeeze, hahdah~!" Castoria begged.

All control was lost, and wild, animalistic, passion took you over. This woman wanted you to fuck her hard, so you would! The slap of skin on skin came like a pneumatic hammer, and you brutally laid into her like her ass owed you money, you fucked her harder than you fucked over anyone who had skipped on their bills or misused Chaldea's services, you fucked that tight little bitch's cunt like it was Koyanskaya's cunt after she replaced your morning coffee with decaf!

"Nghaeyyeahh~!" the blonde cried, her eyes rolling over, "mashtahh, kisssh~!"

The two ladies kissed, though they had a lot of difficulty, because you were moving Castoria all over the place as you fucked her, displacing her, they licked at each other's faces, as their kisses missed.

Your body was starting to fail you, and your resistance was crumbling, between the frenetic pace and her incredibly tight, hot cunt, it was becoming difficult to hold yourself together... it was coming, you were about to burst. You didn't know if she'd cum yet, but as your eyes caught the two needy, desperate girls, you remembered your mission, you remembered what you had to do.

"Ugh, fuck- fuuuckk..!" you cried, as you forcibly pulled yourself out of Castoria, her cunt gushing its juices and some of your precum as you did, and then you slammed yourself home into Ritsuka, the insane compatibility of your bodies shining through, you made it in ridiculously easily, barely needing to guide yourself, just put your dick against her entrance, and then push down, hard.

"Ngha, cuuum, pleeshh~!" Ritsuka begged, "inshiiddeeee...!"

You let loose, all of a sudden, and actually almost lost consciousness, the intense tension fading all at once and waves of pleasure crashing all over you, as your balls worked overtime, producing as much semen as possible right as you reached home in Ritsuka's cunt. Within moments, you were overfilling her.

"Ngha, too- too much..! Shu-ghu, shwish!" Ritsuka moaned out.

You barely understood, but with little time and even less control, you managed to shove yourself right into Castoria's tight pussy once more, only a single spurt of semen shooting outside, staining Ritsuka's spats, her tummy and Castoria's thighs and workout panties, and then you shoved yourself back into the girl whose cunt had done most of the job of getting you off, your shots continuing, pouring a large helping of semen right into her.

The two girls collapsed, seemingly losing strength, locked into one more kiss, the sound of them trading spit and tongue only making your orgasm extend, a few moments, as you poured the last few spurts of cum deep into Castoria.

Panting, you pulled yourself back, still erect and stiff.

The two girls finished kissing, and Castoria moved aside, laying on her back, panting and breathing heavily.

You couldn't help the small chuckle. "She's almost as adorable as Lily when she's like this," you muttered.

Castoria blushed, covered her eyes, and pretended to be asleep.

"Mmhm, my sword is very cute," Ritsuka muttered. "I'm pregnant, I get to claim I have cravings, right? 'cuz right now, I have a pretty heavy craving for a creampie~!"

You chuckled. Ritsuka was eyeing the cream flowing out of Castoria's cunt. Your cock wasn't going to get soft anytime soon, but at least, with the edge off, you could now take it a little more slowly with her... 


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