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"And that's what banding means," Mana explained, gesturing with her finger. 

"I see, that makes a lot of sense," you agreed, nodding in a sagely fashion.

"Master, Master's Master, I have absolutely no clue what any of this conversation was about, but I am happy nonetheless!" the dark haired girl in red spoke. She called herself Apple, and she was one of Mana's own underlings, a team she had gathered not too long ago. She gave the both of you a thumbs up.

You didn't have the heart to tell Mana that banding still made no sense to you, nor did you really understand how she could keep track of three extremely complicated card games AND do her work without missing a beat.

Mana brightened up. "Ah! We're here!" she said, then she turned to what appeared to be an empty wall, cupping her chin, and nodding. 

"This... is just a hallway," you pointed out.

Mana put her hand on the wall, and then suddenly, there was a door there, opening up, sliding into the wall, with a quiet "thwip" sound.

"Huh, so there was a room here," you corrected, turning to Mana, who was... behind you now for some reason? With a scary smile on her face.

"Apple, initiate the Springfield Protocol!" Mana shouted.

"Aye aye, Master!"

"What are you two- Woah!" suddenly, you were grabbed and spun around and restrained, and two pairs of hands assaulted you all over, pulling at this and that and over there and there and here, you felt slim, womanly fingers all over your body, poking, prodding and pulling at you.

It didn't take too long to find yourself quickly losing clothes, your Chaldea uniform suddenly being torn from you, until you were right in the middle of a hallway, wearing nothing but your brand spanking new Emperor's Clothes, so to speak... and then, the two cruel and evil women grabbed you by the shoulders while you were desperately trying to cover up, and threw you into the room.

"Have fun Master!" Mana called. "And remember, they're both bad girls and they both deserve it!"

You were pushed into the room, and hit the ground. It was only slightly cold, but you still had to get up quickly, it wasn't exactly soft and warm either. You immediately turned around, and tried to go for the door, but it closed in front of you. "Mana this isn't fucking funny!" you protested, but as soon as you tried to touch the door to open it, it seemed to once more become a simple wall.

Chaldea technology was still astonishing... but even worse was that trying to trigger the mechanism again did nothing.

"I am rather appreciative of the view, and I am used to the sight of men running away scared," a familiar voice spoke, low, seductive, dangerous and attractive, catching your attention. You turned around to look at her, and as you expected, you saw Koyanskaya... laying on a bed, wearing a chinese style dress, breasts hanging almost menacingly as she brought attention to her, ears twitching a little, big, fluffy tail swinging... oh yeah, she was definitely on a hunt. "Ah, that's better," she said, licking her lips, eyes definitely focusing on your crotch.

Behind her, a similarly foxy individual was putting on her own display, albeit a more seemingly reluctant one. In her typical blue kimono, Tamamo cut a distractingly impressive figure of her own, no less seductive or beautiful than Koyanskaya. "Ahh... we're here once again," she said, "I won't forgive you this time!"

You blinked. "Ah, you guys were here... what's going on?"

Koyanskaya hummed. "You could call this a cursed room... You see, this one," she said, gesturing to Tamamo behind her, "has been a handful lately, and I got roped into her punishment."

"Don't talk like you weren't involved! Ugh, this is why I never should've bothered with the tails..." Tamamo spoke, slumping a little. Tamamo then gestured to the wall behind you.

You frowned and turned around, taking a few steps back when you realized there was a sign with writing on it. It read...

"You Cannot Get Out Of This Room Until You Have Mating Sex With The Fox Girls"

"It's as you can see," Koyanskaya said, "let's get this over with..." she said, turning around and laying on her back on the bed, extending her arms to you.

You chuckled a little, walking up to her. "I've been neglecting you, haven't I?" you asked, allowing yourself a rueful smile. "You could've just asked, you know," you said.

Koyanskaya hummed. "Don't get conceited," she said, "as if-"

Your hands reached her legs, entirely exposed by her dress, which had slits so high you could see the side tie of her thong. It also did a very poor job of concealing her crotch, and you just moved the flap up to expose Koyanskaya's crotchless panties. A sexy, lacy little number. This truly was a pair of 'fuck me' underwear. You approved, and already, were getting hard.

It was hard not to, when Koyanskaya was randy. Besides, it was your fault for ignoring her for so long. There was no more point in thinking about the situation.

"Wha- hey! Stop ignoring me!" Tamamo protested, and you could almost imagine her throwing her fists up and down, eyes in that stereotypical triangular shape of a cartoon character who was throwing a tantrum... but right now, your own eyes were focused on Koyanskaya.

"Stay out of this until it's your turn," Koyanskaya said, licking her lips, "dishonest harlots that talk back to their masters get punished," she added, then turning back to you, one of her hands, clad in a silken glove, grasping onto your cock. "Mmmhm... it's been too long since I've felt this heat... of all the men I've had, all the meat I've experienced, yours is definitely the most intense," she moaned, "use your big, hard cock to mess up this bunny cunt," she said, "until I can't even remember the lonely and cold nights I spent all alone!"

You chuckled. "You're feeling it pretty hard today, huh?" you asked, closing your eyes... it was not difficult to imagine she was playing it up to compete with the other similarly garbed woman. You understood these types were actually very popular, and since Chaldea had the power to make women with animal traits, it was no wonder at all that there were quite a few around. You leaned in close to Koyanskaya. "But you forgot one thing," you said, one of your hands on her thigh, the other on your cock.

"Hmm... What is... that?" she asked, her lips, painted a glossy pink, curling up slightly in a smug smirk.

"This is punishment for you too..." you said, "if you weren't guilty of something you wouldn't be here," you said, beginning to rub the head of your prick against her outer lips. They were already wet. "And trying to take control of this..? I think I need to teach you your place once again," you said.

"Eh- ehh!?" Koyanskaya's eyes widened, and as soon as you thought she was unprepared and not braced for it, you immediately plunged directly into her depths, going as far into her as you possibly could, in a single powerful thrust that had you spearing into her deepest parts and immediately assaulted by her soft and wet internal walls, the muscles of her vagina clenching down on you as the shock registered.

Koyanskaya immediately yowled, eyes opening wide as she was penetrated fully and completely. It almost felt like you were poking her womb even, as you hilted yourself, and immediately began pounding her into the mattress. You gestured at Tamamo. "Come here," you said, firmly.

"You presume to give me orders, even though-"

You didn't even turn to her, instead, you grabbed the back of Koyanskaya's knees and raised her legs into the air, then pushed them back to almost double her over, pounding her even more fiercely, Tamamo's words seemed to die on her throat, as an energy you weren't expecting, and a deep seated hunger, came over you.

You turned to glare at the other fox woman. "Come here," you repeated.

She was defiant for a moment, but then a surge of electricty went through you, and it felt like something burned for a moment, like a flash of red overcame you.

Tamamo began crawling towards you on all fours, on the large bed, and then approached your side. 

One of your hands held Koyanskaya's legs by the ankles, as you pounded her, high up. She was crying out with loud moans and lewd pants, her eyes seemingly rolling into the back of her head as you violently and furiously laid into her to satisfy the longing within.

The other went behind Tamamo, under her tail and under her extremely sexy blue kimono, grabbing onto her ass cheek. "H-How dare, you, this is, this is my husband's-"

You moved and captured her lips with your own. "How many men has this naughty ass seduced," you asked, squeezing her ass cheek, your fingers feeling her smooth, perfect skin. She was wearing a thong herself, which covered only the crack of her ass, and you could barely even find it, that was how small it was. "This is a perverted woman's ass, a harlot's ass," you spoke harshly, almost violently, like the words were poisonous barbs, spit from your mouth, and they all seemed to strike home, Tamamo shivering in your grasp.

"N-No, that's not- I'm- not anymore, I-"

"This body that seduces men," you said, "this fox harlot that strays from its master," you said, "it must be punished... this naughty whore's body," you licked your lips, and then claimed hers with a mighty kiss, and she resisted only for a moment, before her tongue submissively responded to yours, and then your tongues were dancing with each other, parting only for strings of saliva to still connect you. 

Tamamo looked quite a bit out of it, and Koyanskaya had seemed to recover.

"S-See, that's- what you- ghueeehhhhhhhhh!" 

You struck a deep blow, interrupting Koyanskaya by changing your angle. Her pussy was known to you, and it was molded to your cock. A perfect sleeve, pleasurable in so very many ways, but always with something new, something more, to discover and exploit. Koyanskaya was an incredible woman, and her pussy was incredible on its own, but your compatibility with her was out of this world. "Quiet!" you demanded.

Koyanskaya's words faded, and she shivered, before she began to shake and twitch violently, her pussy going wild, clenching around your cock.

Your hand slipped under Tamamo's underwear, and you began to finger her asshole, which greedily opened up to devour at first one, then two of your fingers, which teased her anal passage. "Even within you're a slut," you said, "you give it up for any man who asks, don't you?" you accused. "Even though your master loves you... Yesss... I know it, it pains Ritsuka you know," you said, "that you're so easy, that any handsome man that passes by, your eyes trail... you're a dishonest, cheating whore!"

"Nnnooooo! I'm- I'm a devoted, fox miko wife~!" Tamamo protested. "I haven't- I doooon't!" 

"Lies!" you said. "You're one of the top earners at this organization!" you shouted. "You're a woman who brings men to ruin and extracts every last coin in their pocket, and throws them away when you're done!" you spoke, curling your fingers in her ass and making her scream, while at the same time resuming your fucking of Koyanskaya. "That's what you want, isn't it!? You want to use Ritsuka for her power, for her influence- and then when you're done--!"

"Nooo!" Tamamo shouted. "Noo! Never- I would-"

You laughed. "And yet here we are," you said, your fingers slipping out of her ass, and going lower, following the curve of her crack, still within her underwear, caressing her perinneum and then finally, reaching her positively flooded cunt. "For this man, who isn't your master..." you said, and then when her watery eyes looked in your own, you struck, penetrating her with your fingers viciously. "Cum!" you demanded.

Again you felt the heat coursing through you, the energy flowing, and for a moment, it felt like you saw red, as Tamamo began shaking incontrollably, her body betraying her as she orgasmed all over your fingers.

She panted, clinging to your body for support, and you heard a sob go through her. "This- this isn't-"

Your fingers teased her more. "When I'm done punishing you, you'll never even dream of straying from Ritsuka again," you said. "As her friend and lover, I won't allow you to be a straying, cheating wife!"

"This is all wrooooooooong!" Tamamo sobbed. "I was supposed to-"

Koyanskaya gasped, interrupting her. "Ahh just shut up already!" she shouted, her eyes, so wild and unfocused, seemingly finding this one moment, "and cum in me, you teasing monster!"

You laughed, and while you were playing with Tamamo's pussy, you began to thrust into Koyanskaya with all your strength, speed and endurance, furiously and wildly mustering all your power to fuck her as thoroughly as possible, dragging ever more amazing sounds from her, tightening up your muscles to hold back, until finally, you could hold no more, and you hilted yourself as deep as you could go, one final time, right before the dam broke and you poured your babymaking juice directly into her, feeling very much like you were directly pouring it into her womb.

You shook and your body moved on its own, you were unable to stop from thrusting your hips a little as you did so, accompanying the spurts of dick milk that you poured into Koyanskaya.

As you did so, Tamamo, still clinging to your side, sighed. "Alright, with that-"

You turned to her, and pushed her down, immediately getting on top of her, already kissing her. You didn't care about much else, other than having furious mating sex with her, right then and there. Your legs moved and you used your knees, quickly enough spreading her legs and licking them in place, your cock rubbing against her pussy, covered still by her tiny black thong.

But it didn't last long, because even groggy, weary and fuck drunk as she was, Koyanskaya managed to be an active assistant, crawling behind you to move Tamamo's underwear out of the way, and lining up your cock with the entrance to her cunt.

And then you pushed down and into Tamamo, and your hips blurred into motion, as you fucked her furiously. You were absolutely not going to give this cheating fox, who got ridiculously wet for you despite her protests, any leeway whatsoever, nor were you willing to show her any mercy. You fucked her hard and fast, and you could feel her convulsing pussy as she orgasmed again and again.

She was just as much of a cock hungry slut as Koyanskaya was, and in many ways, she was perfectly identical, but what was most important was the sense you got of jsut how perfect she was for Ritsuka.

After all... you were entirely certain that this was Ritsuka's idea to begin with. That woman always knew how to punish and reward her minions, and these two masochist, cheating foxes?

Well, you happened to be their favorite punishment and reward!

And so you fucked Tamamo, as hard as you could, without care for anything other than mating with her, as per your instructions, heedless of the strange hunger that only seemed to be sated by her lovely voice ringing into your ears, until finally, you reached your limit once more, especially with the madly screaming Tamamo crying out another heavy orgasm.

"Ah shit, here I come..!" you shouted, as you once more poured yourself into another fox, taking her as deeply as you could, filling her up to capacity.

Finally, panting, you pulled off, staggering a little as you got off the bed and on your feet. You wiped the drool on your chin and lips, and tried to catch your breath...

Only to find the two foxes crawling towards you, knocking you over as they tried to cling to your lap. Without a word, the two cock hungry cheating bitches nuzzled your cock, and began licking it, their eyes clouded with lust.

The door chimed, sliding into the wall with a quiet 'thwip' sound, but neither of the foxes paid any attention to this fact, as they both indulged in their awakened lusts.

Eventually, they'd have their fill, and you would report the incident to Ritsuka, who would try very, very hard to pretend she didn't know what you were talking about, to no avail...


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