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"Well well well, what have we here?" 

Meg was held up from the ceiling, by chains that hung from a loop and went down all the way to her wrist cuffs. Her costume had been stripped off of her, with the exception of the domino mask that hid her identity. Not that it'd matter, to most, the fact that Meg's hair was brown and Blaze's was red would be enough of a disguise.

But not for me, of course. Never for me.

I made an obvious show of checking her body out. She was left wearing only belts around her thighs and biceps, as well as a sash around her body, hanging from her left shoulder to her right hip. Each of those was an ice pack.

Only one person in the world knew that Blaze needed to heat up to use her powers, to generate flame. Two, if you counted my alter egos separately.

"Y-Y-Y-You fff-fi-fiend-" Blaze said, shivering, moving ever so slightly. "y-Y-Y-yoo, y-you, w-won't, g, get, a-a-way, w-id" 

She was interrupted by a sneeze, which rocked her entire body and caused the chains to ring as they impacted each other. 

I smirked at her, crossing my arms. "Oh but I already did," I said, "the only person wh ocould've stopped us is, well, you my dear," I said, gesturing towards her, up and down her body. "Who would've thought the most fiery of all heroines the world over would've been taken down by dumping an ice box on her?"

Well, it took a tiny little bit more effort than that, and certain knowledge about her powers that only I possessed, but of course, nobody had to know that. Anybody attempting to use the same method I used without taking the precautions I did would find themselves learning that her powers are nowhere near as limited as I'm presenting them.

She snarled at me, and I hummed.

"You know, you're quite the hot one," I said, fanning myself, "in more ways than one!"

I brought out my Henchman Special phone, bringing up the web browser to show her one of the fan sites made in her honor. One of the ones I found to be... a bit objectionable, at that. I entered the gallery. "Even your fans agree," I mused as I browsed, then showed her. "Look, is that a thong line I see?"

Meg's ass was quite nice, and the angle that the picture was taken from, down low as she delivered a high kick, made it look gorgeous, as well as showing off the fact that Meg's skintight outfit required certain kinds of underwear in order to avoid panty lines.

Really, when it came to that sort of silly shit, the sisters were very alike, I mused, as Meg managed to blush the same lovely shade that I've seen many times on Jess' face.

I flicked through a few more pictures. Pictures taken in battle, with her stretching to deliver an attack, or her reacting to a hit. Pictures of her costume getting torn, revealing her skin, and even one where she had a nipple slip. She was growing ever more embarrassed as I did.

"S-Sto-- stop, e-eeet..!" she protested.

I chuckled. "These are the people you put your body and dignity on the line for, Hero," I said. "While you're busy fighting for their sake, they're taking candid pictures, and these pictures," I said, there was also a fanart section, much of which was very lewd. A lot of it was just of her solo, even more contained either an artist self insert or a bunch of ugly men, sometimes even myself in full costume, sometimes even Jess... but it was almost disturbing how much of it featured Meg on the receiving end of less than consensual sex.

I actually had to stop for a moment, but based on her reaction, I managed to play it off. 

She was looking pretty upset herself.

Maybe I should actually stop this, I only want to set the mood... yeah, this is probably too much. I chuckled. "On this side," I said, "we can get away with beating up the creeps."

She glared fiercely at me. "I don't care... I don't care if they draw, uhm, lewd fanart or, or take weird pictures!" she said. "Let them do it! In fact, I hope they do it! I hope they fap all over my pictures!"

I laughed. "Playing the-"


She was- she was blushing, but she wasn't embarrassed. What the actual fuck? "Are... are you actually turned on!?" I asked, in half surprise, half shock, all confusion.

"I- no, I-" she squirmed a little. I looked down at her chest... her nipples were erect, and that wasn't the cold, they hadn't been a moment ago. What the actual fuck Meg? "I'm- I-I'm, n-not, not!" she protested, hastily.

I raised an eyebrow under my mask, and then reached for her vagina, rubbing the cleft of her lips directly, I'd already taken my gloves off before entering, and- "You're wet. Holy shit you're wet," I muttered. "What is with you!?" I asked in shock.

"Noooooo!" she protested. "I'm noooooooot!"

She was wet! She was so turned on that she was actually heating up despite the multiple ice packs on her body! Holy fuck..! I might- okay, I had to actually turn her on even more, get her even hotter, because if she realizes she's heating up she might actually be able to break out of her bonds and then this entire thing is going to go tits up. And as much as I want to have a go at Meg's tits right now-

Fuck it I will!

I stuck two fingers inside Meg's cunt, and removed the facemask that covered my mouth, she wasn't paying enough attention to identify me from that anymore anyway. I latched my lips to her nipple and began teasing it with my tongue as well.

She was incredibly turned on, already moaning. "Nooo, nooo! S-s-to, stop iiiit!" she shouted, "I- fffuck, noo! I can't be turned on! Nooo! I- If you keep going- If- If you don't stop, I'll-"

I pulled back and began flicking one of her nipples with my tongue, while rolling the other between my thumb and finger, at the same time as I played with her vagina with my other hand. It was making naughty, wet and squishy sounds, even as Meg protested more and more, moaning wantonly.

"Noo, this isn't- this, this isn't riiiight!" she screamed, "I'm not, I'm not a slut, I'm not! I'm nooooot!"

I grinned, looking at her face as she shook her head, side to side. "You're blazing hot babe," I said, licking my lips, reaching up to her face and grabbing her chin, cupping it and making her look at me as I approached for a kiss, pressing my lips to hers-

And then being knocked flat on my ass when she exploded in flame. "No!" she screamed, "I won't- I won't let you, only- Only-" 

Flame burst once more.

I took off my mask, which was a bit too hot for comfort. "Meg, Meg it's me!" I said. "Babe it's me, you're okay, it's okay!" I shouted, raising my hands.

Blaze, Meg, blinked, shaking her head. "W-What, how- Nick!? What- What's-"

"Yeah I managed to sneak into Deville's base, and I found this henchman costume," I said, gesturing to my own costume. "But when I saw you like that I got super turned on, I'm sorry- you're-"

"Ah fucking- you fucking, stupid, stupid, fucking idiot!" she screamed, tears dripping from her eyes. "You, you asshole, I- I-" she wailed, "I thought- fuck youuu!" she cried out, though at least she wasn't flaming hot anymore.

I moved quickly, unbelting the ice packs. No need to keep her power suppressed anymore. "It's okay, you're okay- I was just playing, alright, I'll get these off-" I said, reaching for her cuffs-

But then she stopped me, pulling her wrists away a little. "Uhm..."

I blinked. "W-What... Meg, I know you're turned on but-"

She looked aside. "N-Nick..." she swallowed. "I- I- Now, now that I know it's you..."

Oh for fuck's sake... these two sisters are some serious big time perverts! 

Had I known this, I would've literally asked Meg to roleplay this! Maybe I still can. "You're as turned on as I am aren't you?" I asked.

"I- yes," she admitted, squeezing her eyes shut. "So, uhm- can, can you put the mask back on and, uhm- just, just-" she bit her lip.

"Who would've thought the heroine was so easy to sway, to abandon her beloved-"

"Okay no, not that, that- that feels bad," she said, "I- I don't like that! Not from you, please, never, never-" she said. "I- uhm, I would never, okay, Nick? I would never, really! I swear, I'd never, never, ever ever!" 

"I know sweetie, I know," I said, hugging her. "I know you wouldn't- I love you, we love each other, we respect and trust each other," I said, "and you should've just told me you're into this stuff earlier."

"Same goes to you..!" she scoffed. "If- if you wanted to do this we could, uhm, there's a club in Jordan & Jay," she said.

"The fact that you know that terrifies me," I said, dryly. "Fine- but now..."

She nodded.

I put the mask back on.

"You'll- You'll never break me!" she shouted, almost impishly.

I grinned under the mask, and moved behind her. "We'll see about that..! We'll see how long your love holds, hero!" I said, grinning as I pulled out my cock, already stiff and getting even harder as I began to rub it against her sopping wet cunt lips. 

"Look how wet you are, you got wet thinking about all those fans fapping to you, don't you?" I asked. "Or did you get wet thinking about getting all of that stuff done to you?" I pressured, whispering into her ear. "That's what you want, isn't it? You want to be handled, you want to be used, you want to be toyed with... you want a man to-"

"NOOO!" she shouted. "I don't want any man, I- I want Nick! Nick! I want Nick to do it!" she cried, "I want- I want Nick's dick! And only Nick!"

I grinned, swelling from within, and visibly swelling down there, as I stuffed my dick right into her, mercilessly. She was wet and turned on, her pussy already opening up to welcome me, swallowing my cock down to the base in a single thrust.

The sisters were equals and opposites in so very many ways, but in this, they were beyond synchronized. They were incredible down there, Meg was a little bit hotter, not as wet usually, befitting her powers, but she was so turned on that she was flooded anyway this time, and she was easily taking my length in as I pushed it in, yet at the same time, holding onto my cock for dear life as I pulled it out, dragging musical moans out of her.

There were no more words exchanged, I did my utmost effort in trying to make sure she couldn't talk even if she wanted to, and I could scarcely control my breathing as I, the villain's own henchman, fucked the heroine as hard as I could, while she was trapped in the villain's lair, awaiting her lover and partner's rescue!

"Fuck you're tight, shiiit, I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna stuff your cunt full of my cum, you'll be full of my seed, I'm gonna cum inside! Take it! Take it you slutty heroine!"


She actually came before me, unable to contain herself, I grabbed onto her hips so hard I almost worried I'd leave a bruise, and hilted myself, the slap of skin on skin resounding across the dungeon cell, and then I poured my thick and hot cum right into her, her fluttering, madly squeezing pussy going even wilder around me, milking my cock for all it was worth.

I panted, breathing heavily, as I came down, only for her to follow minutes after, unable to gain control of her own breathing until after I'd regained mine.

I grinned. "Well, hero? Was that good enough?"

She mewled. "Nick- Niiiick, I want you so bad, Nick, I want you inside me so baad..!" she moaned.

Well then... she clearly wasn't done, and as my erection returned, I knew neither was I.

Luckily, nobody would disturb us. They thought I was interrogating her, and I had the only key to this door.

I was going to enjoy myself down there. Setting up Meg's rescue with both of us having jello legs was going to be insanely difficult, but hey.

I've been doing this shit for months, it's not the most annoying thing I've had to do to maintain this charade... it was, however, starting to get irritating...

As I mounted my escape as Firestarter, alongside Blaze, I wondered if perhaps it had run its course already.


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