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Truth be told... it was pathetically easy to reach the height of his ambitions.

The sultan was a total and complete fool. Even if he had the inclination to be nice, Jafar simply could not be dishonest enough to say that the man was anything but a complete and utter moron. Absolutely incompetent beyond belief. About the only thing he had done that had been for Agrabah's benefit had been to essentially let Jafar have free reign of the place.

Eyeing the lamp, Jafar wondered what life had been like if he had been a more foolish man himself. If he had been unable to contain his disdain for the street rat, or if he had let the boy have a clue about his true plans... but such as things were, Jafar had not reached his place in society, the highest there was, without being an intelligent and competent schemer.

And so the Street Rat had walked away, with the wealth of a King and all record of his criminal activities erased, and left an artifact of phenomenal cosmic power in Jafar's hands. 

It hadn't taken long for Jafar to strike a deal with the Genie after that. A promise for freedom in return for power. Jafar's powers were mighty as they were, but with the wish upon the genie to increase them even further, he approached the point at which he was indistinguishable from the divine, and all he had to do in turn was allow the Genie his own freedom.

Parting on good terms after that, the Genie had left to pursue his own interests, mayhaps master his own land, and bid Jafar farewell.

The once desert lands that surrounded Jafar's seat of power were now lush fields full of life. Jafar provided the people with materials galore to expand his ever growing city, and most important of all, after a lot of work, the Sultan had finally agreed to Jafar's wish.

After all, in all the lands, there was no man more qualified to be the next ruler of Agrabah than Jafar, and for that to happen, he would have to marry the Princess. Officially become Sultan, succeeding the fool currently sitting on the throne...

And most important of all, of course, was the fact that he would have the stunningly beautiful Princess Jasmine as his bride. The blazing sun of the desert paled in heat and radiance compared to the gorgeous princess, and Jafar almost could not tear his eyes from the sight before him long enough to think.

For his bride to be was enticing him, and though he had wanted to play coy with her, it was useless.

Her smooth tanned skin had no flaws anywhere to be seen. She was perfect beyond reproach, and he could see everything from the cyan paint of her toenails to the silken nothings that served as her sole article of clothing, a dancer's getup that would make a prostitute blush, composed of a thonglike bottom riding high on her generous hips, an open middle revealing her trim, ever so slightly muscled abdominal region and the tasty belly button at its center, and a few straps of silk that hid her nipples, but allowed her breasts to swing and bounce, as she moved about.

Flowing, expert movements that traced beautiful lines in the air, allowing each and every one of her curves to be exposed in its most appealing configuration, from the nice and fat bump of her butt cheeks, to the slim, tasteful swell of her bosom, and the elegant, fair lines of her neck and face. She bore next to no resemblance to her short statured and overweight father...

Jafar licked his lips, letting his cock out, the towering erection causing Jasmine's breath to hitch and her to miss a step, though she easily recovered and returned to her dance. Jafar had not enhanced his cock at all, he'd been gifted since a very young age, and many a wench had tasted the might of his cock as he'd sought to relieve the stress of working for an incompetent.

Jasmine's golden earrings clinked slightly as she shook harder, swaying her hips as she approached Jafar, slowly but surely lowering herself, more and more, until she was gyrating her hips while on her knees before him, shaking her chest for his amusement.

Jafar stroked his long beard, perfectly trim and clean thanks to his phenomenal magical powers, and then raised his hand, snapping his fingers, a nice chill wind running through the throne room, Princess Jasmine's nipples perking up as if in response... her breasts swelled, ever so slightly, giving her an even more staggering figure.

He grinned. "My girl," he said, "service your husband," he spoke, "and worship your new god..!"

Jasmine looked up at him for a moment, but she could not defy him. "Yes, my master. Of course, my master," she spoke. Her mind was not gone, she was a bright and talented young woman, whom Jafar had hoped to make much use of. However, that bold, brash and rebellious attitude of hers, he could do without, and so he had taken care of that matter long ago, away from her father's notice. 

Even if he had not been able to deflower the young girl, he had been insidiously turning her towards him, making her seek him out for advice and help, and grooming her to be the perfect wife, strong willed elsewhere, but submissive to him, since she had become of courting age. Now, an adult and well developed woman, she was perfect, in so many ways, and any way in which he wasn't, he could simply... modify.

Jasmine looked with devotion at his cock. She had never seen it before. He had always made do with lesser wenches, and it was obvious she was quite... impressed by her master. She reached for him, and holding him in place with her hands, which could barely close around his mammoth shaft, she began layering kisses upon his tip.

She serviced him as her bridal lessons taught her. A royal woman had to know how to be a proper wife, after all, and Jasmine was no exception. Again and again, she kissed his cock, showing him her loyalty and devotion and obedience, from the tip, to the root, and even dipping down to kiss his balls as well.

Again and again, she went, and when Jafar was beginning to become impatient, she reached his tip once more, and then opened her mouth, engulfing his oversized, burly and threatening cock with her mouth, though at first she could only take a little bit past the head, and she was struggling for a few moments.

Jafar laughed, as her devotion forced her to try to go even further, to take him in deeper... his magic activated with another snap of his fingers, and Jasmine's throat instantly became more elastic, and her reflexes relaxed, allowing her to nearly unhinge her jaw, and take him down, forcing herself down, tears dripping from the corners of her eyes from the effort she was putting her body through... 

The white silken garb she wore became see through with her fluids, as she gushed them out. Jafar had decided to give her a little treat, for being such a good girl, giving her throat a royal treatment, making it as sensitive to pleasure as he thought prudent, many times more so than her vagina. She had no doubt just lost her mind, at the sheer pleasure.

Tighter, wetter and hotter than the vagina of any lesser wench, Jasmine's throat was something that only he'd ever get to experience, and it was an experience that no one could compare to. He put his hand on top of her head, the tiara that marked her station bothered him only for a moment before he tossed it away. She needed it no more, after all.

He began to move her head, to fuck her throat, rather than allow her the pace that she wanted. Jasmine had been taught and raised by the maidens of the palace, her father's harem, to know the dominance of a man as the greatest pleasure.

And so she was awash with happiness when her husband took her hard and mercilessly. Jafar grabbed her head with both hands, and forced her to kiss a ring around the base of his cock, and then pulled her up, until only the tip remained, before plundering her throat once more. Powerful thrusts that shook her to her core, that made gushes of vaginal fluid explode and stain the beautiful carpets...

Jafar laughed as the once bold, brash and rebellious princess, whom he had slowly but surely matured into a beautiful and submissive proper wife, went cross eyed, pleasure building up in him as he destroyed the last remnants of Princess Jasmine, and replaced them with his delectable woman!

"You horny little cunt, you're the greatest little slut Agrabah has ever seen... you're my woman now, you exist to service me, to do what I say, to act in my name, and to be a receptacle for my semen. You're a toy for me to pleasure myself with, and a rag to clean my cum off, that's what you are, aren't you?"

Jasmine let out a thrill of joyful happiness as he plundered her throat once more.

"Well said, Cunt Jasmine!" Jafar roared, laughing as he held her in place, he had made her able to take his cock, but he had only given her just about exact capacity. She was choking now, unable to breathe, and even so, as he looked into her eyes, starting to roll up, he could feel her throat, hard at work, and nothing but pure, submissive bliss.

He had succeeded. This, he knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt. He was victorious, everything he'd ever wanted, he would achieve, and this was only the start of the expansion of his power! He rapidly thrust his hips, forcing her head back and forth, brutally fucking her mouth like it was a cunt, harder and more violently than any wench he'd ever fucked.

"Here it comes, you stupid bitch, drink my fucking cum, don't spill even a single drop or you'll have to clean the carpet with your tongue!" Jafar roared, "I'm, fucking... fucking cummiiiing!"

Jafar forced her back down, taking as much cock as she possibly could and then some, and then unloaded his tremendously massive load down her throat, enough semen to make the studliest of horses feel self conscious flooded directly into Jasmine's stomach, warming her up from within, and feeding her for the foreseeable future.

A perverse thought, as he came, passed by Jafar's head, and as a function of his unbelievable power, it was made into reality, a passing wish granted in the throes of passion, as Jasmine's body was rearranged, changed, modified, so that she may desire and survive only on his semen, making her truly and absolutely an existence that was accessory to his.

Jafar finished cumming not a moment too soon, and he could already tell that Jasmine was beyond words. She was the best, bar none. There were no women in Agrabah, nay, in the world, that could compare to her, in beauty, or in sheer, raw sexual talent.

He panted, then with another snap of his fingers, wrapped her in his magic, turning her around and spread legged, her silken thong becoming crotchless. He stood from his throne, grabbed her hips, and then buried himself in her impossibly tight virgin cunt, roaring in pleasure from the word go. She did not bleed, much too physically active and aroused for that, but he got the joy of fucking a tight virgin all the same.

There was no mercy, no compassion in him.

There was only lust, and there were only screams of pleasure, ear piercing shrieks of lewd desire, moans and pants of lust and exhaustion... again and again, he thrust into her. Again and again, he unloaded massive load after massive load, her body breaking them down almost as fast as he poured them in.

He restored her virginity between orgasms, making her as tight as the very first thrust, making her the perfect cunt for him, making it so her cunt would never grow used to him, and the more he devoured her, the more he poured his desires into her, the more he wanted her.

Again and again, he took her on that, their first night, and the tale of their first night would pass into legend, for the night was stretched for an entire week, so that the God King could enjoy his woman even more.

Finally, with his desires sated, Jafar allowed Jasmine to crash to the ground, no longer holding her up wtih magic, and with his final load, painted her, glazed her in white, from her dark hair to her very toes, the biggest, stickiest and most pungent of his ejaculations, thick, off white, nearly yellowish cum covering Jasmine's barely clothed body, contrasting so very nicely with the dark chocolate of her skin.

At the end, Jafar summoned his maids. For no man would ever be allowed to set eyes upon any of his women, in their most intimate of states. Each of them wore a collar, chains and manacles. Decorative, for they allowed full range of motion, Jafar had no fear that any member of his harem would escape and even if they did, it would take but a thought to bring them back.

His women gathered around the princess, and began the arduous process of cleaning her of his seed, with nothing but their tongues.

He smiled, then, as he enjoyed the sight of his harem, servicing his wife. It really made all that effort and pain and stress worth it...


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