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Needless to say, invading armies of Noxian assholes had a way of helping one deal with their frustrations, and Akali really was no different than many others in such regards.

They also had a way of making for strange bedfellows, as those who would normally put their blades at each other's throat found themselves fighting side to side, back to back and most important of all, pretending to only threaten each other accidentally, even though everyone knew there were no accidents in that battlefield.

At least with the battle over, that would be that, everyone would go their separate ways, and then not have to worry about each other as they lived their lives, right?

"That doesn't account for being covered in... Noxian," Akali muttered to herself, as she made her way through the heavily forested area, she knew it relatively well, and even if she didn't, it wasn't hard to hear the sound of the flowing creek, not too far away from her position. The woodland creatures weren't particularly noisy... in fact, it was actually somewhat suspiciously quiet.

This meant Akali was on guard and ready, slowly, carefully and quietly moving through the foliage, closer and closer to the creek, watching out for any suspicious movement, or sound, or-


Or that.

A suspicious that. 

She moved quickly, it was very close, and when she reached the source, she only barely moved the bushes apart to see beyond them, still mostly covered by the multicolored leaves of the bushes, luckily their warm tones helped blend with her skin tone and the green of her outfit.

Her eyes scanned the source of the scream, and found-

She resisted the urge to whistle at the sight, because hot damn.

Once more, she repeated a thought that she'd had in passing... why must the hot ones be crazy, indeed. She knew him, Kayn of the Order of Shadows. Crazy was quite short of describing him. Crazy Stupid and Stupidly Crazy, in many ways. A natural enemy of hers, in others.

The adrenaline still pumping through her body, the hot blood rushing through her veins, was definitely not settling now. Truth be told, the battle had been unsatisfying. Easy, too easy. Too few enemies, ill equipped, of low skill, not prepared for the force that had descended upon them.

It had brought her no end of frustration... and there, the source of many of her frustrations was... washing the bits and pieces of the enemies he had brutalized off of himself. His clothes were nowhere to be found, and despite the fact that half of his torso and one of his arms were quite alien, looking more like the demonic weapon he wielded than anything else...

Akali couldn't lie to himself, much less so lie about the fact that her body was heating up at the sight of him. Every fiber of muscle that moved, tightening and loosening as he cleaned his hair, his eyes, glinting with a dangerous light, his well shaped, well proportioned, gloriously sized ass, droplets sliding down its curve..!

"Fuck, I am not getting wet from peeking on some asshole while he's bathing..!" Akali muttered to herself, shaking her head.

And then she opened her eyes again, and looked at him, and he looked at her, and their eyes met, and it was... awkward.

He didn't cover himself. Didn't care to. Didn't even seem to see her as a threat. At least, not at the moment, instead he simply turned to face her, a ridiculous, smug, overconfident smirk on his stupid smug handsome face, that made Akali's pussy moisten further and her blood boil in furious excite- anger! He made her angry!

She burst out of the bushes, in a quick maneuver that left her in a combat stance, ready to bring forth her abilities. Part of her remembered who he was, what he represented, and what that meant for the legacy she herself represented.

But then, she was not her master, and he was not his master.

He raised his right eyebrow, the left side of his face not cooperating. "You bathe with clothes on?"

She glared at him. Did he really expect her to give him a show, to get naked for him?

He snorted, turned around and continued to wash himself off. It was infuriating, he no doubt knew what he was doing. Taunting her. Offering her his back. Pretty much daring her to take the shot... or even worse, condescending to her, with a tacit promise that he wouldn't 'peek'.

She was being treated like a kid, and it was no doubt intentional.

Let it not go unsaid that Kayn was obnoxious.

She winced. Did she just make that pun? Even accidentally?

Her body protested, and the sticky feeling all over her body reminded her of what she came to do. Well then, she'd show him that she wasn't bothered at all, no more than he was. Because that made sense to her at the time, and the blood rushing through her body, the heat pooling in her intimate areas, definitely had nothing to do with that.

She worked her garb off, not that she wore much, and wondered if she should burn it. It was nigh unrecoverable, she decided, so she'd give them a quick wash in the stream and then set them up to dry... and now, naked, she began washing herself.

Both Kayn and Akali rigidly gave their backs to each other, neither taking the first step. They had been in this same position, earlier, surrounded by masses of enemies that had no regard for their impending deaths...

But there was something different now. They were naked. They were... not in battle.

And yet her heart still thumped furiously, her blood rushed, her instincts screamed... she was in high gear, and she was annoyed, and it was all his fault. "What was that scream about earlier?" she spoke, running her hands through her hair, dislodging bits of foliage that'd gotten caught on it.

"Wouldn't you like to know," he responded, and she could feel his nasty grin on his voice.

She huffed, and thoughtlessly turned around, only to find he had done the same, and- "oh"

'Oh' was right. Because holy shit it looked even bigger up close and personally. He was bigger than her, in many more ways than just shoulder width, but that thing? That thing looked like it belonged on a man three times his size.

"Damn," she muttered. "How does that fit in your pants?"

"Very carefully," he said, barking out a laugh, looking her up and down. "Can't say I'm disappointed, myself," he muttered, his lip curling upward in that damned smirk once more. 

She glared at him. "So what, you think that just because you've got a big dick, I'm just going to bend over for you!?" she shouted.

He laughed. "Aren't you?" he said. "I can feel it. I can feel the heat, I can smell you in the air, I can hear the sound of your heart, of your blood rushing, I can tell that you want it," he said, gesturing at his crotch, at his cock, "this is a real weapon, one that can't be beat," he boasted.

He believed his own hype, of course... arrogant assholes like him always did. He thought himself a power that could not be defied.

And truth be told, as she saw his cock become energized, as she saw blood rush into it, its shape transforming, its already impressive girth and length showing off their true extent... he was hot, he was damnably hot. Crazy hot, but also mostly crazy. Really fucking crazy.

"You're the most arrogant man I've ever met," she spoke, glaring at him, trying to ignore the feel of her own vagina's fluids flowing between her thighs, the sticky arousal she was dripping down giving her an almost itchy feeling, especially as her vagina demanded that she be honest with him, and with herself.

But she had her pride...

"Why don't you stop lying to yourself and do what your body's been demanding since you were touching yourself in that bush?"

And that pride meant that she refused to submit, and instead, the splash of water heralded her movement. She'd caught the arrogant bastard unaware, as she crashed onto him with the force of a thousand grudges, knocking him flat on his ass on the water, and mashing her lips to his to shut him right the hell up. She forced him down, and felt the ridiculous heat of his extremely stiff prick, settling between her asscheeks. It was so fat and big and stiff and hard and hot- she couldn't believe it.

He was playing it cool, but he was just as horny as she was. All that rushing blood, all that frustration, built up inside him as much as it was inside her. Her body was so hot that she could almost see the droplets of water running along the tattooed muscles of her arms, as she flexed them and grabbed onto his body, steam off.

But it didn't matter. She kept him locked in place, and he didn't even bother fighting her, but she was gracious and allowed him to maneuver her, so that the oversized tip, the very dark red, almost purple, mushroom-like, bestial appendage... it rested against her, it pressed against her lips, and she was so wet and ready that it didn't matter at all that it felt like it was the size of her goddamn thigh.

She pulled apart from him. "So much for the badass act, huh!?" she taunted.

He grit his teeth, glared at her, clamped his fingers on her thighs and ass, and then slammed her down on his cock, driving the air out of her lungs, with a powerful moan and gasp, though he didn't escape unscathed himself, groaning. 

"Fuck..! You're way too tight..!" he winced, "this puts the most skilled whore's cunt to shame!"

She panted, her fingernails finding purchase on his back, scratching him, causing him to hiss and grip onto her ass even harder. He began bouncing her, the water splashing, covering the sound of their wet sexes grinding against each other, their bodies slapping against one another, covering the music that hailed the oldest dance that the world has ever known.

It was no lovemaking, as their voices expressed their mutual pleasure and desire and overwhelming lust. There was nothing that could even remotely be confused with that. 

It was wild, bestial sex, born of need and desire, mating like animals, especially as the two fought for dominance, with their tongues, with their hands, with their sexes, chests pressed against one another's, coming together again and again, furiously repeating, his thrusting becoming more erratic, as well as her hips bouncing on their own, without even her own mind controlling them.

They became but beasts, animals, little else, simply letting loose the built up frustration and tension that had accumulated, and accumulated even more, building up like a spring, coiled and tightening up, more and more, between them, at the spot of their union, like a charge of energy, growing and growing, flowing over the two of them.

"Bitch..!" he growled.

"Asshole!" she replied.

"Fuck you!" he shouted.

"Fuck YOU!" she shouted, back.

In synchronicity, they opened their mouths, but neither was able to put their feelings to words.

Both of them closed their eyes, and whatever they wanted to say was lost in their own moans, their minds losing the capacity to form words, as they reached their limit, slamming against each other with as much force as they could, water exploding from the point of union as the two of them felt the other reach their limit, but unable to claim victory, as they came undone at the same time, shivering, shuddering and then pressing against each other, thick semen exploding from where they were joined together, still glaring at each other.

Neither wanted to give up first. Neither wanted to lose. 

A rivalry that hadn't started with them? No, it didn't matter.

There were no masters. Not there, not then, no.

There was just a woman, and a man, and a desire for more, and to be the best, to best the other, and attain victory.

And so they began the dance once more, one of many more dances they would dance, before the sun came down and they each parted ways, never to speak of the event again.

At least until they met again, but that was a story for another time.



Any doubt you had about not framing their personalities correctly wasn’t necessary after all, you did an amazing job