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Ringo's lips tasted sweet, but not quite like her namesake. Her ass was just as firm, however, as a ripe red apple, and holding it in your hand felt quite wonderful. An apple a day keeps the doctor coming back! Your lips parted from hers, and she smiled brightly.

"Thank you for that," she said.

You nodded. "It's okay, I'm here to help," you said, nodding. Even if she couldn't find time in her busy schedule for a full visit and a proper session, getting to make out with her and run your hands on her milfy body was definitely worth coming in to work.

Not that you would've really suffered much. Yukiko's freshly worn panties felt very good, and if that wasn't enough, her pussy was much, much better.

The milf grabbed the bag with the supplies she'd picked up, apparently she was having a day out having a picnic, some sort of school event she was invited to as her son was involved. 

"I'll be back next week," Ringo said, kissing your cheek. "Don't miss me too much!" she said, waving her hand briefly as she took off almost at a run. She had already said she was close to running late, even coming in, and you'd spent a good few minutes making out.

You hummed, looked at the time on your phone, and then nodded to yourself. It was time. You stepped out of your office. "Yukiko, I'll be out for a couple of hours," you spoke.

Yukiko yawned. "Yeah, okay," she said. "Do we have more stock just in case someone drops by?" she asked. "You didn't ask me for help today."

"There's some extra in cold storage," you replied. "I've got enough left to supply all the outstanding orders in the minifridge."

She nodded. "Cool," she said, "so I'll just be here playing games on my phone then," she said, waving her phone. She was playing what appeared to be some sort of dating simulator. Maybe those would be more common and socially acceptable in a world where people didn't date as much? "See you later."

"I'll be right back, if you need me for anything, call," you said.

Pleasantries concluded, you made your way out of the building and followed the directions you'd been given to the restaurant that Mizuho had called you to meet at. You didn't wait long, as she met you there about a minute after you arrived.

"Sorry, did I make you wait too long? We had an emergency and I had to stay through my lunchtime," Mizuho said, apologetically, one hand on her purse's shoulder strap, the other holding her phone, though she locked it and stored it in her purse quickly, offering you a bit of a strained smile, her breathing coming in as short, heavy pants for a good few seconds.

"Did you run here?" you asked. She was sort of speedwalking through the people walking past the town's only busy street, but...

"I- embarrassing as it is, yes," she said, "as I said we had an emergency, adrenaline is pumping," she spoke, swaying a little, adjusting her professional outfit, smoothing out a few wrinkles as she did. "Shall we go in?"

You gestured for her to do so. "Ladies first," you said. "I'll bring the rear."

She nodded. She was the one who'd made the reservations so it made sense in more ways than one. The restaurant was nice, had a good menu and the food that arrived was more than acceptable.

You had a hard time remembering anything about the restaurant, however, as you were quite focused in Mizuho instead, and in particular, focused on her tale as she regaled you with her problems, worries and aspirations.

This was, in theory, something you charged people for, but at this point, you were almost prodding her to continue talking on instinct. "What did he say?" you asked.

"He told me that we had to just put up with it because he's the Senior VP's son," she said, sighing in clear annoyance. "I'm saddled with an useless employee that can't follow orders," she muttered, "and the little creep has some weird fascination with my skirt."

It was actually strange... but you guessed that someone like Mizuho probably didn't exactly find herself desperate for a man's attention, the same way an ignored and bored housewife would. She proceeded to mostly complain about the most recent problem she had been saddled with.

Even worse was that it seemed like he was actually starting to turn the employees against her, with them refusing to do the work she demanded, talking back to her, and sometimes even ditching work early or such. And they were being protected by the asshole who ran away crying to his very heavyweight father whenever she tried disciplining the cancerous growth.

Win-Mart had no processes in place to put checks and balances on its executives covering for this sort of thing, and more importantly, Mizuho was not being paid enough to put up with some creep that always kept eyeing her like a piece of meat.

"I feel so bad, I think I didn't even let you get a word in edgewise," she apologized.

"That's my natural state of being," you said with a chuckle. "That's what makes me good at my job. And I'd say, a commanding presence that demands you be listened to? That's a leader's quality right there," you said with a wink.

"You're just trying to make me feel better," she said with a small smile.

"Hey, if the shoe fits you should wear it," you said. With the bill paid, she insisted on paying, you talked her down to splitting.

After a bit of insistence, you managed to talk her into letting you walk her back to her workplace. You had a bit of an odd feeling about how she described her troubles with the creep... 

You followed her into the Win-Mart, the giant department store being considerably smaller than the big city ones, yet still arguably the biggest 'store' in the city, and one of the biggest buildings in general. You were chatting amicably with her all the way until you got to the offices at the back of the store's third floor.

"Ah, we got here so fast," she said, chuckling a little, "time flies."

"When you're having fun it goes super fast, seems to get longer when you're bored though," you said with a smile. You leaned in and kissed her cheek, to which she blushed.

"N-not in public..!" she hissed, red faced, though there was neither heat nor distaste in her, and her hand reached for her cheek as if it was tender. "I-"

"Oh my, if it isn't the Queen Bitch herself..!" 

There was something disturbing about the voice that spoke, it almost felt like the speaker was actively trying to sound like an unwashed, overweight and degenerate caricature. You turned to where the grease and venom dripping voice had come from, and you saw a... "Whoa that's a big lad," you muttered, as your eyes settled on the front and center leader of the little group, a nearly two meters tall mountain of fat, wearing an ill fitting shirt that rode up, pants that were too tight, and an open jacket.

He was fat everywhere, he had a big round face, with expanded cheeks, with thick, big lips, and square rimmed, thick glasses that caught the light in such a way as to give him a blank stare.

You hummed. 

"Kanemoto," the angry Manager said, putting her hands on her hips. "I see neither you nor your cohorts listened to me earlier."

"Whoa hoho, look at her boys..." the newly named Kanemoto said, opening his maw and showing too many teeth with his grin. "Just like I told you, she went and got herself an all new boyfriend..!" he barked out laughter. "Who even are you?"

Well then. This seemed to be going south, very, very fast. "You can call me Doctor," you said, humming. "Yo!" you said.

"I'm Kanemoto Kanetsugu," lard mountain said, grinning. "And we're going to fuck the shit out of that cunt," he said, pointing a fat, sausage like finger at Mizuho, whose eyes widened like saucers at the declaration.


Well then.

That was a bit of a predicament.


SRWilson MR

It's like they say, nothing beats destroying an ugly bastard in a hentai world.