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With how much she liked her usual purple, to the point that she almost always incorporated it into almost every outfit she ever wore, it was fair to expect Ino to show up to the beach with a purple bikini on. It might've been a bit of a shock for some to find Ino wearing no purple on her, whatsoever, but instead, a small and skimpy little number, in contrasting bright orange and blue.

The one who was wearing purple was beside her, that being her, by now public and well known, boyfriend Naruto. Who looked mighty embarrased at the fact that he was wearing a purple speedo. "Ino I feel stupid."

"Sweetie, you ARE stupid, stupidly well hung," she said, "and if you've got it," she struck a pose, showing off her curves, "flaunt it, and make all the losers drool and regret the fact that they ignored you for so long." 

She smiled, looking at how well Naruto was coming along. Properly groomed and tanned, he cut a very striking figure, and with his gifts out and about for all the other gathered students to see, she knew she was no doubt the envy of all the girls.

One of the greatest ways in which the Third Hokage had improved the Ninja Academy for Konoha was that he had instituted mandatory vacations for the students, and one of the most popular places to go for vacation to was an artificial lake not too far from Konoha. The history of its creation was that apparently it had been the result of a rampaging Tailed Beast creating a massive crater, and that under the three meters thick layer of sand, there was a layer of glass underneath.

It was then filled up with water over time, and now it was one of the most beautiful lakes in the world, with impossibly clean, crystalline water.

It was a tourist spot secretly owned by Konoha, where many clandestine meetings took place... and which was actually more than a little profitable as a resort.

Ino loved it, having gone there every year for, well, most of her living memory, with her family.

She flicked her blonde hair, looking around. She saw Sakura and a gaggle of other girls trailing after the class' heartthrob, the soon-to-be Head of the Uchiha Clan, all one of them. In contrast with Naruto's sexy speedo, Sasuke wore a significantly more conservative pair of swimming shorts and a jacket, likely because even a little exposure to the sun would ruin his pale skin.

Off a little into the distance, Ino saw Hinata looking at them. Because of course she was. She'd find a way to get Hinata into their hotel room later... And speaking about 'them', Ino glanced at the girl whom she shared her hotel room with. 

Karin of the Grass was a... a problem. Two weeks ago, there was an exchange program, which saw a couple of ninja from the Village Hidden in the Grass transferring to the Leaf to be trained there, as well as one of their few jounin to serve as an instructor, and in turn, some ninja were sent as both students and teachers to the Grass.

All well and good, they'd integrated fairly well, and understood they were guests in a foreign land. 

All except Karin. Not her. At first, she had seemed taken with Sasuke like many others, which Ino hadn't been terribly surprised by. Even if it had lost its luster, she wouldn't deny that he had a handsome face, and he had an air of tragic mystery to him that drew girls who didn't know any better.

And then Ino began seeing her even more frequently than Hinata. Always looking strange. Always with a flushed face. Always with fogged up glasses and a perverted smile. Sometimes even drooling. And of course, just like now, Ino could tell that the slim redhead was focused on Naruto.

In contrast with Ino's voluptuous beauty, and the even more gifted Hinata, Karin was a slim girl, more of the traditional ninja body than either Hinata or Ino... and she was showing off with a positively lewd bikini, one even moreso than Ino. Dark blue, almost purple fabric, in the shape of triangles with cut-ins of sheer fabric. Ino spied her areola, visible through the sheer fabric.

A swimsuit never meant to get wet, no doubt, though Karin was already staining the front of it.

Ino huffed. This girl gave her a bad vibe. The vibe of a boyfriend-stealing cunt, in fact. 

Needless to say, Ino had not taken kindly to her sniffing after her boyfriend. This wasn't like Hinata, whom Ino had taken great delight in indulging, this was someone who would actually, most likely, probably, attempt to take what was Ino's!

"Hey, want to put lotion on me?" Ino asked, to her boyfriend, who was glancing towards where some of the other boys were playing an extremely over the top game of volleyball, no doubt thinking to join them.

All thoughts of anything other than Ino's body were gone from Naruto's mind the moment she gave him an excuse to put his hands all over her. "Do I look like I wouldn't want to?" Naruto challenged.

Ino had a basket with a bunch of supplies, while Naruto carried rolled up towels under his left arm, and their beach parasol on his right shoulder. He stabbed it into the ground, and opened it, and then gave her one of the towels for her to roll out under it, which she did. Once in the shade, she laid down and undid her bra, revealing her full back to him. 

The beach was clothing optional, in theory, but you would be confined to this small, secluded bit of it if you wanted to take your clothes off. There was a civilian side to this resort and they tended to be far less accepting of naked people than Ninja.

Still, Ino sighed in pleasure and joy. "Whow, your skin's even more soft than normal," Naruto said, as he ran a hand over her back, while shaking the bottle of suntan lotion and then pouring a generous amount of it on Ino's back, the cold, viscous liquid feeling delicious against her overly hot skin. 

Naruto immediately began to rub it in, straddling her butt and pressing his bulge between her cheeks as he did so.

Ino giggled. "You think?" she asked. "I've been using this new cream lately, I'm happy you've noticed."

Naruto grinned happily down at her. "Well I've become pretty familiar with your body lately!" he laughed, thumbs rolling down her back, dragging a moan off of Ino. Very familiar indeed!

Ino sighed in pleasure as he began kneewalking back, massaging and rubbing the oil onto her lower back, then proceeding to do the same even lower, his hands grabbing onto her buttcheeks and very unsubtly feeling them up, kneading and playing with her firm yet pliable buttocks. 

Ino heard and felt, more than anything, the steps of the approaching redhead. No doubt, she intended to pull something, but she was simply enjoying her boyfriend showing his adoration of her legs, massaging each of them carefully from the top of her thighs to the tips of her toes, to really care that much about her at this point.

Hey... if anything... a perverse, evil thought coursed through Ino's mind.

"O-Oi..!" the redhead's slightly too sugary sweet voice almost broke Ino out of the blissed out stupor she was experiencing.

Ino grumbled out a response, while Naruto, a bit more articulate, turned to her and blinked in surprise. "Yo. What's up? Y'need something?"

A bit rude, but Ino approved of being rude to Karin so she didn't care. 

The redhead seemed hesitant. "Uhm... I, I forgot my sunscreen, so, uh, I was- I was wondering, if, if you could spare some?" she asked.

"Oh, yeah, uh, sure," Naruto said.

"C-Could you apply it to me?" she asked, linking her hands behind her back, as if presenting her body. 

"I've got a girl-"

"Do it," Ino said. "I don't mind Naruto, go ahead, I know how hard it is to reach certain spots," she said, waving her hand behind herself. "I'll, uh, I'll recover a little, just lay down the other towellllhh~" Ino trailed off stretching her muscles and back, yawning as her extremely relaxed body demanded that she not do anything for a few moments.

Naruto hummed. "Uh huh... okay, if you're cool with it..."

Ino was, and so the redhead laid her body down. Without her much flatter chest in the picture, she was actually a bit more attractive than Ino expected. The flare of her hips was modest, but it was there, and with the tiny swimsuit, her small but well formed butt was perfectly framed. 

All in all, as Ino spied Karin from the corner of her eye... she could admit that she wasn't as bad as she'd first thought. Though if she had to choose, Ino would choose Hinata's soft, overly sexy body, every single time.

As Naruto began, the redhead revealed she was either a lot less subtle about her attempts to seduce Naruto... or... based on how red her face got when Naruto put his hands on her, and the sounds he got off of her just running his hands on her back spreading the lotion... 

She might very well be a blushing virgin. Could it be the very first time a sexual approach worked? She wasn't spectacularly good looking but Ino couldn't imagine she'd be particularly hard up for company...

Still, stretching herself and retying her top strap behind her back, Ino finished applying the lotion to herself, and then smirked. "Naruto, sweetie, hold the bitch down for me while I ask a couple questions, alright?"

"E-Ehhh!?" Karin gasped, but she couldn't really do much.

She was not particularly strong, and Naruto, well, was particularly strong even among the strong.

Credit to him, Naruto didn't question it until he had Karin firmly held down. "Why though?" he asked. Clearly, he trusted Ino would have a good reason.

"Well, I wanted to ask," Ino said, plopping down, sitting cross legged in front of Karin, the redhead's glasses askew, her face red, "if you really thought that just getting him to touch you would be enough to get my boyfriend hot and bothered. What was the plan? Get him to get curious about your body and offering to put out? Don't bother asking, I'm a Yamanaka, I already know the answer, I'm just fucking with you," Ino said.

Karin slumped. "So- so if you knew- why did you-"

"Because I found it hilarious," Ino said. "So, what is it? I know my boy's handsome, I know he's hung like a breeding stud, and I know he makes me cum more in a day than most do in their entire lives, but what makes you so hungry for him you can't even respect boundaries?"

There was a moment's pause.

"Sweetie, do me a favor, run a finger down her spine would you?" Ino asked.

Karin gasped, and Naruto did as Ino asked, slowly, sensually, tracing his pointer finger down Karin's spine, the redhead arching her back and gasping. 

"You know what I'm dangling right in front of you, right?" Ino asked. Torture hardly ever worked. Bribery, on the other hand... "So, tell me the truth, and like I said, I will know."

There was a moment's pause. "I- I- I'm, I've got a bloodline, it's called Mind's Eye of the Kagura."

Ino hummed. Sensor type, one of the more famous ones... not from Grass though. In fact, it was actually originally from one of Konoha's oldest allies, if she remembered correctly... "I thought that was extinct."

"Well so did everybody else until I started sensing people across the village!" Karin said, then she cleared her throat. "T-This guy... his chakra is so hot, so warm and- and it makes me feel safe and all fuzzy inside," she said, "I just- I just want to feel what it's like to bask in it, to feel it inside me, I want- I want your chakra!" she said. "And, well, uhm... you're- you know..."

"Funny, handsome and hung," Ino said with a grin. "Perfect package right?" she asked.

"Lucky bitch," Karin spat out.

"Well, this bitch is so lucky she's learned to share her wealth," Ino said. "Unfortunately, Red, you've not earned that," she said. "Trying to steal him from me? What sort of monster are you?"

"Ino you're talking about me like I'm not here again," Naruto protested. 

Ino giggled. "You're more upset about that than I am," she said, winking at him. "You're too sweet."

Naruto blushed and looked aside.

"Now, here's the deal," Ino said, reaching down with one finger to boop Karin's nose. "You're going to be ours, for the duration of this exchange program, you'll be our fuckpuppet, and in return, you get to enjoy getting some of his hot chakra pumped right up your ass," Ino said, smirking. "How's that?"

Karin frowned. "A-Ass? I'm- I'm not-" she shook her head, face bright red, redder than her hair even, almost knocking her glasses off.

"Ya~ma~na~ka~!" Ino taunted. It was bullshit, she was going to propose a limitation to Anal regardless of Karin's reaction, but the knowledge that the girl was actually into it only made it sweeter. "I don't trust you not to somehow trick Naruto into getting you pregnant, so butt stuff it is!"

Naruto grunted. "Don't I get a say in this?" he asked.

"Of course... but," she said, "your cock jumps every time I propose you put it in her ass," she said with a wink. 

Naruto blushed himself. "I-"

"It's cool, it's cool, it's a nice ass," Ino said, "so what's it gonna be, Red? You up for it?"

There was a moment of silence, broken only by the distant cries of their fellow ninja, either playing or swooning, none of them even remotely paying attention. Ino was much too good at Genjutsu to ever let anyone think anything was going on here other than three people sleeping under the shade.

"I... fuck, yes, I'm in," Karin said, with an air of resigned finality. 

Ino nodded. "Well then, let's seal the deal with a kiss," she said, uncrossing her legs, and sitting her butt down, after wiping it of sand, right in front of Karin's face, on the towel, moving her orange and blue bikini bottom aside to reveal her lower set of lips to Karin. "Get used to this, you're going to be a master rug muncher by the time we go back to the village."

Karin's eyes narrowed for a moment, but it seemed that the taunt had only filled her with determination, because she immediately assaulted Ino's pussy, opening her mouth wide and then planting her lips on Ino's pussy, tongue immediately getting to work.

Ino groaned first, then moans escaped her, one hand coming down to hold Karin in place, fingers threading through her messy mass of red hair. "Oh fuck yes, this is absolutely not your first time," she moaned, "yeah, fuck yeah, keep going, don't stop," she moaned.

Naruto blinked. "Is she-"

"No, but she's better than Hinata," Ino moaned, "fuck, she's almost as good as you actually..! Guh, Naruto, go ahead, fuck her tight ass with that big fat anal ram!"

Naruto grinned. "You want me to support you, huh? Should've just said so!" he said with a laugh. He poured lotion onto his left hand and on his cock, and then moved Karin's tiny purple bottoms down to mid thigh, pouring a generous amount of lotion into her buttcrack. Only Naruto's balls remained in his speedo, and even then, with their sheer size, and how full they were, they were stretching the small piece of fabric to its limits.

He began working it into her ass, using his fingers to rub her anus. "Huh- she's- soft and, flexible, this- this is so weird," he said, a confused smile on his face. Well, he didn't mind in the end, apparently, because he lined up his cock with her ass, poking her only a couple of times before becoming confident and... ramming it in, making justice to Ino's nickname of it.

"Fuck..! This is weird, this is so weird!" Naruto cried, "it's so tight and hot, but it took me in no problem, I feel-" he began pushing in deeper, slowly but surely working the full length of his shaft in, gasping and moaning as his body came to rest against hers, his pelvis, and hips resting against her butt. "Fuck!"

Ino moaned. "Holy shit..! She took it all in one go!?" she moaned, "turns out we have a super talented genius little slut in our hands! You might be almost as perverted as Hinata even!"

Naruto moaned. "Fuck, I can't stand it..!" he said, planting his hands on the sand, and doing the same with his feet, finding enough purchase to begin jackhammering down, neither care nor mercy in his rough and powerful fucking.

Slow, gentle and soft lovemaking was reserved for when Ino felt like cuddling or when Hinata needed cheering up.

Karin was such an innate, natural slut that it brought out the sadism even in Naruto, as he began fucking her intensely and then just scaled up from there, every thrust coming faster, every slap of skin on skin even harder, every thrust reaching to her limits and then some, the tightness of her ass driving him wild.

Ino winced, bunching up Karin's hair with her hand and then beginning to rub the redhead's face, not just her mouth, against her crotch, pleasuring her clit with the redhead's nose, grabbing the glasses and just throwing them off to lay on the sand.

Both blonds threw caution to the wind and enjoyed themselves fucking the redhead thoroughly and powerfully, so hard that Ino worried the genjutsu around them would be disturbed, but after several minutes of this intense treatment, it was obvious that Karin was entirely too talented at being their little fuckpig.

They were going to cum, and Ino was holding onto her sanity by a thread, just enough that her foam green eyes fixed onto Naruto's, the same blue as the sky, and they both glanced at each other with an expression that might've been love, as they both announced their orgasm, showering the redhead between them with their juices, Naruto pouring the first big fat load right up her ass, only to find himself overfilling her, pulling back and then continuing to cum all over her naked back, spraying her liberally with pearly white semen.

The trio was left panting, breathing heavily, trying to regain control, which they did admirably well, even for ninja.

Naruto laid down on the sand, laughing a little. "Man, that was insane... That- that was almost just like fucking a pussy!"

Karin frowned.

"Our little slut was a very talented rug muncher. Clones? It was clones right?" Ino looked at her face, and she gave all the signs that Ino had nailed it on the first try. "And you even had your clones wear strap-ons to fuck you as well, what a naughty little slut~!" 

Another guess, but Karin was so easy to read it was almost criminal, as she covered her face in embarrassment. Honestly Ino was worried, if she was this easy to read... well, at least she wasn't a spy, right? No one would send someone so easily influenciable as a spy.

"Oh... wow, you can use clones like that?" Naruto asked.

"Well, not the regular ones, those are too insubstantial," Ino said. Then there was a moment of quiet. "Waait, wait!" She said, pointing an accusatory finger at Naruto. "You mean to tell me that it never passed through your mind to, you know..."

Naruto blinked. "What? I have no idea what you mean."

Of course he didn't. He might be a pervert, but he was an innocent one, in many ways. "You know, the sexy thing you do. You mean you never... you know, make a clone and..."

"No? I've only ever used that to prank people," he said. "Shouldn't I? Besides, my clones suck, remember?"

"... ideas for later," Ino said. "I think I can ask dad for help on that end."

Karin seemed to regain some degree of composure, because she groaned, and wiped at her face, groping for her glasses.

Ino helpfully found them and passed them along. Karin used the, very very wet, towel to wipe the sand off of them, but they only ended up dirtied with juices and saliva, which needed some more cleaning.

Ino grinned. Well then. Now at least the obstacle she had for spending the nights with her boyfriend had become an asset instead. Way to go!

After they recovered, and to maintain the charade that nothing had happened, Naruto went off to play volleyball, while Karin and Ino spent the rest of the day just setting the terms for the new relationship... As well as Karin's place in the hierarchy, below Hinata, but above the sluts that Ino and Naruto sometimes played with, such as Ami and her cohorts.

Later that night, as Ino was heading back to her room after getting a drink, and already knowing that she'd find her boyfriend warming up with Karin, Hinata or possibly both, she was intercepted by the chaperone for the girls, one of their former teachers, a Yuuhi Kurenai by name.

Well known for being a bit of a frigid bitch sometimes, in certain circles, and for being a prude, in others. Ino almost hoped that she was just there and not that she suspected anything, if she caught wind that Ino had snuck Naruto into their room...

Well, Kurenai wouldn't give a shit that Ino was closer to 19 than 18, and Naruto wasn't too far either.

The jounin caught Ino's attention, leaning against a wall with her arms crossed. "I replaced the genjutsu you cast. You can't hold a genjutsu through an orgasm, Ino," the woman said, pushing off the wall and placing a hand on Ino's shoulder. "If you're going to get into the exhibitionism business, learn seals. Seals can hold a genjutsu for you so you don't have to concentrate. I know a man who will teach you if you'll share... stories with him, so to speak."

Ino's blood almost ran cold. Yuuhi Kurenai... she was...

She was holding out a small, orange book to Ino. "Last page has his contact details," she said, then as soon as Ino took the book, she disappeared in a poof of smoke. A clone.

Ino hummed. The cover was blank other than characters that read "Icha Icha Paradise", she quickly skipped past its contents... it was a porn book, of all things, long, wordy, and with every third page being illustrations... at the end, she caught the contact details for the author, a 'Gamasennin'... 


It might be worth a try.



Why did this one go on so LOOOOOOOONG! my brain is leaking out my ears...