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“Take the clean-up mission, they said!”

Michelle was a mercenary, a very common occupation for those who wandered the stars. A Bounty Hunter, specifically, which meant she took on jobs that paid well, and usually, jobs that were so dangerous that few dared to. There was a lot of work to do and few qualified enough to do it. Thus, people like Michelle had found a nice little niche doing the tasks that nobody else could, and charging outrageous prices for it.

“It’ll be just a chill bughunt, they said!”

She was a good Bounty Hunter, for a great deal many reasons. She was quick on the draw, and had amassed a nice little fortune that allowed her to equip herself with the latest cutting edge equipment, allowing her to take on risky and dangerous jobs that nobody else could even dream of taking. Truly, she was an exemplar of her profession.

“Last time I ever work for an R&D company, every fucking time!”

And of course, being a blond, blue eyed babe in a formfitting spacesuit was always a plus, it made negotiating prices and tasks with her clients so, so much easier. A little bit of flirting, a ghost of a touch, a smile, pursed lips, a wink, and maybe even a slip of tongue, and they’d be eating out of her hand, ready and willing to give her anything and everything she asked for, be it support, rewards or even some love, when she felt like it.

“If I find that fucker who recommended me to this job I’m gonna hang him from his own balls!”

And that’s not to mention the mouth on her, of course.

And as for why our bodacious babe is currently screaming her head off? Well, that would have to do with the extraordinarily scary and terrifying army of soulless gray monstrosities, part flesh, part metal, that chased her through the hallways of the deserted facility she had been sent to clear out by the company who had hired her.

The exotic fauna of the planet was already dangerous enough that it made for a perfect place to hide a research lab that worked on illegal things… but throw in the fact that the laboratory was researching stuff that apparently enhanced these creatures even more? Well, they were tougher than the armed forces that most governments employed!

Michelle’s heavy duty hand cannon that could blow apart heavily armored machinery only made pock marks on the armor plating of the half machine abominations chasing her, and even when she did get a shot on a more fragile and fleshy bit, it would quickly be replaced with more machinery.

The nanomachines that did this, which took the shape of an indistinguishable mass of grey goo, were goddamn everywhere too. Fortunately, it seemed like they needed a living entity to work, because they stopped moving permanently if she inflicted enough damage to outright kill something instantly, usually blowing up the creature’s hearts or brains, or whatever passed for those organs, some had multiple… it was a mess.

Fortunately the facility was littered with the now dead security guards’ weapons and ammo, and the standardization of weaponry meant that she had plenty to use for her own hand cannon, even if it took a bit of finagling to fit them into her speedloader.

After spending the last of her ammo, destroying part of the hallway and ensuring that the large creatures that had survived her previous barrages couldn’t continue to follow her, she took the opportunity to go around a corner, and trying to make sure that she lost her pursuers, she activated her tattered armor’s cloaking device.

These creatures used mostly machines to detect her, she realized, rather than their senses, and so the cloaking that hid her from security systems when she needed to break somewhere would likely do wonders to help her avoid capture.

It wasn’t perfect, if they saw her…

But there was a room with an intact door she could use. She made sure nothing was close to her, making sure there was nothing from the next hallway intersection to the previous one she had been at, and when she had enough confidence that she wasn’t being followed, she made her way back to the room, hooked her armor’s onboard computer onto it, and hacked herself into it, the auto-hack program allowing her smooth entry.

A part of her wondered why the security system on that door specifically was so beefy, but the destruction that the facility had seen had damaged the sign on the door, rendering it unreadable, and the lock system of the door, computerized as it was, did not contain any information about its purpose.

After what seemed like an eternity, the door slid open, and she walked in, locking it behind her.

“I’ll take a break here,” she said, looking around. It was a regular laboratory, with desks, computers, and what appeared to be some sort of steel box, which was connected via wires to the desks and computers set around it in the room.

Michelle hummed thoughtfully.

No doubt she could get some information on what that thing was on the computers, and, well, she already had her onboard computer prepared so she went up to one of the desks, sat on it, turned the computer on and then plugged her suit onto it, hacking past its password protection – the password was 123password, and she couldn’t help but chuckle at that – and then setting on to search for relevant files.

The data on the purpose of the nanomachines was easy enough to find, though fragmented as this was obviously not the mainframe and instead a single scientist’s workstation. The mainframe was fried and getting all the info was not going to happen, which meant that if nothing else, one of her objectives – the destruction of the data regarding the experiment – was completed by itself.

Recovering whatever was salvageable, however, was still in progress, and so she sat and read through the experiments conducted specifically in this very room.

Many of them were thoroughly uninteresting. Just tests on the durability and strength of the nanomachines when they created something by linking themselves together. The results of those experiments told her things she already knew, such as the fact that the nanomachines could create really freaking tough armor, and that it was sufficient to withstand blasts from the strongest human portable weaponry available.

From what she was reading, durability was considered sufficient that tests against orbital weaponry were scheduled… “Sheesh… I guess I’m lucky the baddies here aren’t wearing thick plates of the stuff.”

That said, she read through the documentation that remarked on the lab’s equipment. Much of it, including the emergency medkit, was gone, but she didn’t mind. Despite the rough tumbles she had taken, she was still in pretty good shape. Her armor was good, after all, even if some people derided it for the rather form fitting shape.

It’d gotten her many a contract that would’ve gotten to a lesser bounty hunter who charged less, after all.

Mouse clicks and the hum of machinery were interrupted by a gasp as she read something that was rather incredible.

There was a prototype here… that metal strong box, it contained a prototype for an armor enhancement program, that is to say, a bunch of nanomachines programmed to fuse with and enhance the function of power armor, of the like that Michelle herself wore. Well, it was designed for armor that was nowhere near as advanced as hers, but it was also meant to adapt, and she already knew how good the damnable things were at adapting.

Simply put, this was her striking gold. If she could enhance herself to be on par physically with the monsters that chased her, then she would no longer be so hard pressed to evade them, and if her armor could endure the blasts of their weapons, she might even be able to explore the facility and even find-

“Oh, they enhance weapons too? Sweet,” Michelle said, grinning widely. She looked at her trusty hand cannon, which had seen her through many a pickle. “Hear that, Love, you’re going to get an upgrade after all!” she said, stroking her weapon, giddy that the weapon she had once thought maxed out may yet become even stronger.

She searched for the program that would register her as the owner, looked for the biometric scanner, finding it on the ground, thankfully still functioning despite the cracked screen, and then pricked herself with it, registering herself as the rightful owner of the nanomachine empowering system.

Finally, she used her onboard hacking suite to punch through the password protection that prevented her from disengaging the lock on the box.

Finally, she moved over to the box with a grin on her face, put her hands on it, and threw the lid open-

And then it all went black, or rather… gray.

A burst of motion heralded the movement of the chest’s contents, and from within spilled a tidal wave of gray goo, it was the nanomachines as she expected, but before she could scream or call for it to stop or anything she was engulfed, instantly, and in that single instant she felt like she might have made a terrible mistake.

The goo covered her entirely, every part of her body, from the tips of her armored boots to the tips of her fingers and even over the visor of her helmet, rendering her blind as it… did exactly what it was supposed to. Her HUD flared red, every system was in error, and for a moment, her armor completely shut down as it was taken over.

She found herself still. Completely. In the dark.

And then lights came back, and her heads up display came back to life, although… Yeah, this was definitely an enhancement suite alright. Her armor’s status changed, and she saw that it was all back to full strength, after having taken more than a couple hits that had lowered and affected its performance.

Similarly, she tested her range of motion – the armor moved with her, no, it even accompanied her movement, making it smooth and easy, she didn’t feel weighed down by it at all. If anything, she felt almost like she was wearing nothing at all.

She giggled. “Like wearing nothing at all~!” she spoke, wiggling her butt, almost delighted in how she could actually shake her butt as if she wasn’t’ wearing armor at all.

However, at that moment, she felt a strange pressure, stopped, and was about to wonder what was going on when all of a sudden, it felt like her armor had become immensely constricting, no, it had, every part of her was being pressed on at once, and she was feeling it primarily around her crotch and chest.

“What the- what’s going on!?” she cried, as she felt the pressure intensify on her breasts, and her groin, simultaneously.

She mewled pathetically when she felt pressure on her pussy directly, her undersuit was so thin it might as well not even be there for how much it prevented the nanomachines from teasing her genitalia. She tried to shake it off, but her armor was locked in place and she could do nothing.

The nanomachines seemed to seep into her undersuit, even, and now her undersuit and armor were becoming one and the same. She even felt how they modified and changed it, to tie the two together, and even how the nanomachines started to interact with her skin directly…

And even more so, where it focused.

Because while she felt the touch of it on her tummy, on her arms, on her legs, even her feet, her face, and her hair…

It was not there that she felt most, but the most sensitive parts of her body, her undersuit was tight, skintight even, and she felt it change, so that the smooth fabric that pressed onto her chest became, instead, similar to a bra, giving her much better support, fitting around her breasts in a peculiar, enticing way, and then it felt like a pair of suction cups adhered to her breasts, sucking onto them.

She moaned loudly, but before she could say much of anything, she felt intense, hot pain, as what felt like needles stabbed into her breasts, straight through her nipples. Liquid heat poured into her body, and her chest felt itchy, the itch becoming maddening by the second as she realized she could not reach her breasts no matter how much she wanted to, her arms still locked in place.

“GAahaa, ghuah, nooo, nooo! Stop thiiis, it’s too much, it itches, it’s so hot, it itches, let me scratch it, pleaseee!” she cried, desperately trying to rub her breasts against the inside of her armor.

While she was distracted by this, however, she didn’t realize that something was happening down below, her breasts taking her full attention, all the way until she felt something grow at the crotch region of her undersuit, and then followed by something near her behind.

Gelatinous rods of what she suspected were massed nanomachines formed from her undersuit, the cool feel of the machines giving only a moment’s relief for the heat she felt all over her body, only to be replaced by tingling and then painfully delicious electrical shocks, that didn’t hurt, but instead stimulated her nerves, giving her untold, unbelievable pleasure, and relaxing her vagina, allowing the hardening nanomachine rod to invade her.

She felt almost like she was getting fingered by someone with slightly too long fingernails, at first an annoying, scratchy feeling, but little by little it was getting better and better, more and more pleasurable – and then her ass was on fire as it experienced penetration for the very first time in her life, and the same tingly electrical feeling accompanied by the scratchiness.

She understood, right then and there, that the nanomachines were working their way onto her body, and that was what she was feeling, millions of microscopic cuts all over her sensitive areas, healed instantly by the very nanomachines making them, and then the machines themselves triggering her nerves and fusing with her body, fusing her armor to her, making it, and therefore themselves, into a part of her.

Is this ludicrous, unbelievable pleasure what the rest of the half living, half machine abominations in this place felt? Had she been running from this?

What a fool she had been, she thought as she experienced unbelievable bliss and joy, her armor’s mouthpiece transforming into yet another stream of nanomachines, a smooth one this time, that went down her throat, once again spreading that tingly electrical feeling all over her body, invading her stomach, her nostrils, her nose, she could even feel them all over her skull, itching her all over, yet the more she felt, the more the heat climbed, and the more that the armor moved, the suction cups on her tits working doubletime, the rods on her pussy and ass starting to move, and even the rod going down her throat twisting and pumping.

Unable to move, unable to curl up to try to withstand the pleasure, forced to remain still as she was fucked, again and again, and taken over by the machinery…

Michelle had long ceased to care about anything other than the pleasure she was feeling, and she surrendered fully and completely, joining and becoming one with the machine…

A long, long time after that…

“Mission accomplished,” Michelle said, as her armor seemed to somehow melt into her undersuit, licking her lips as she struck a pose. Her breasts were a full cup size larger, her butt was now soft, large and rounded. She had perpetually hard nipples, and her undersuit was so tight it might as well have been painted on, revealing her cameltoe for all to see.

The scientists cowered before her, as she brought her precious, beloved hand cannon to her lips and licking it, from the stylized cylinder loader at its back, to the tip of the barrel.

“W-What about the s-succ-“

She popped the tip of the barrel into her mouth and slurped, giving it a luscious licking, then popping it off.

“SUCCESSFUL!” someone screamed.

“Right, the- the- data!”

“You’re looking at it,” she said, bringing her weapon to her crotch and rubbing it on her body, starting with a good few thrusts into her pussy through her undersuit, then rubbing her nipples with the tip of the barrel.

“Oh god, she’s been taken over!” one of the scientists cowered, screaming.

She giggled, taking a step forward, and looking at the fact that each and every one of the scientists sported erections that stretched their pants. “It’s not so bad, let me show you just how good it is on this side,” she said, stepping towards the scientists, none of which was capable of resisting after that little show she had put on.

She would show them, she would show them all, the true glory of their creation. After all, in a way, they were her fathers, and as a good and dutiful daughter, she wanted to show them just how fantastic their creation was~


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