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Koyanskaya very rarely actually asked for things. It just went against her nature to... ask. She offered trades, she put people into a position where they had to give her what she wanted, and she convinced people that it was their idea to give her what she wanted, that was how she operated, manipulation, intimidation, coercion, seduction, she could do each and everyone of them, to a greater extent than almost any other.

Absolutely none of that would work on her Master... either of them, really. The subcontractor had made it very clear and obvious that he was wary to her tricks, and even though normally it wouldn't be enough, her pride demanded that she comport herself properly as the head, founder and primary service provider of NFF.

Unfortunately for Koyanskaya, she was very much the sort of woman who got massively attracted to those on whom her wiles and techniques didn't work. It really wasn't too deep or complex, as much as she hated to admit it, she enjoyed human cocks, a lot, and she enjoyed her subcontractor's more than any other she had tried.

And she had tried a lot.

She sighed despondently, as she deposited the day's report on her Master's desk.

"You're going to play the kicked bunny now?" the Master asked, raising an eyebrow. "Are you going to tell me what you need or do I need to use a command seal to pry it out of you?"

Koyanskaya hummed. With regenerating command seals, she very much would use one to get what she wanted to get... one of the reasons why Koyanskaya was so content with her, she wasn't a pansy that refused to do what she needed to do.

It was... shameful to admit. "It's been months since I've had a proper gangbang," she said, finally.

"You know you could just... put yourself out again, right? I can talk with him, he won't deny you."

Koyanskaya frowned and readjusted her glasses, sitting on her nose. "I don't feel satisfied with the idea," she admitted.

"After getting used to a good cock lesser ones just don't do it anymore, huh?" the Master said, smirking. "Who would've thought you'd be tamed by a human man of all things? Where even legends failed!"

"We can't all be entirely lacking in standards," Koyanskaya sniped back. "Besides..." she looked aside, but didn't responde.

"He's got a good one and he's gotten very good at using it," the Master agreed. "I've got an idea. Go to sleep with him tonight, I'll get some help."

Koyanskaya nodded. "I'll leave it in your hands, much as it pains me to be in debt."

The master smirked. Koyanskaya knew that she'd be paying for this one somehow... probably with a whole lot of repetitive material gathering. Her powers were indeed suited for that...

Koyanskaya made her way back to the subcontractor and, after getting through the rest of the work day, and shooing off the blonde interloper, dragged him all the way back to his room.

After a normal but very satisfying round, the two of them washed off their juices and, instead of going back to her own room or astralizing until morning, Koyanskaya laid down beside her subcontractor, trying not to think about how it would be nice to see him brought to the very greatest of heights, only to knock down the peg holding his Tower... 

She closed her eyes, unable to prevent herself from stimulating him so he'd go to sleep with a hard on and have a wet dream. It was just in her nature, to want to give the most pleasurable and exquisite torture, that would leave her victims coming back for more...

And the next time she opened her eyes, she knew she was in a realm beyond those of men.

She was in a realm between reality and dreams, a place that didn't really exist, not quite the imaginary number space, but...

A small blonde girl clothed in almost nothing, seated on the Master's lap, giggling as the master tickled her, was the first thing Koyanskaya focused on, the next was the words spoken.

"Go for it," the Master said.

"Do your best!" the young blonde cheered, waving her hand, reaching up to kiss the Master's cheek, and then both of them disappeared.

Koyanskaya blinked, and the world changed, all of a sudden, changing from a featureless void to a dream of a bedroom, one familiar from a life she hadn't lived, a carpet so plush and soft that a mattress would pale in comparison, in a rich red color, cushions wrapped in velvet, sheets and curtains of silk hanging from the ceiling and covering the walls and windows and the only entrance to the room.

This was the room where many times, a courtesan had enjoyed the attentions of an Emperor... Truly, a bedroom fit for the seducer of kings, the Harlot that brought ruin to all who loved her.

And more importantly... instead of the many women, watching with furious envy, as she was taken by the man who owned all of them, there were men. Specifically... there was her subcontractor. His eyes were not quite empty, but clouded, misty, his gaze shrouded in lust...

And she smiled. So that's what it was, huh? Use the immense, impossible power of an existence beyond the domain... just to grant her a single dream.

Well, Koyanskaya wasn't about to complain. Especially not when she didn't have time to do much of anything, as the seven copies of her subcontractor mobbed towards her almost like ghouls. A single human consciousness stretched across seven bodies had trouble controlling itself, and would succumb to its baser urges. Being female and more than willing, she triggered his response... and he wanted to reproduce.

Koyanskaya's tongue slowly traced her upper lip, and she adjusted her glasses on her face and made sure her hair was tied back, checking her ribbon with one hair, and then popping her breasts out of her tight latex bodysuit, releasing her large mammaries, and delighting in the reaction from her subcontractor's cocks, as they throbbed, pulsing and shaking, desperate to reach her.

She offered the one at the front a dominant smirk, and opened her mouth, bringing her hand up and making a motion as if she was stroking something as her tongue came out and licked the air. 

She didn't have to wait long, cocks surrounded her on every side, seven naked men, each identical to the others, put their hands all over her, uncaring of contact with each other, so desperate was their lust for her.

Reduced to his baser desires... brought low, removed from all that made him 'human', void of reason, relying purely on instinct... oh, what a treat it was! She was delighted as hands grabbed her hair, bunching it up and putting it all over a hot, pulsing cock. She moaned in contentment as a cock began to prod her right ear, teasing the fluffy tuft that covered and protected it.

She moaned as the man in front of her shoved his cock between her breasts, the burning hot member feeling almost like an iron cattle brand, white hot, marking her with her subcontractor's scent and shape, as he pressed her breasts against his cock. Her right hand grabbed at another contractor's cock, and her left grabbed another contractor's balls, while she leaned forward, mindful of the contractors using her hair and ear, and took in the cock whose balls she was playing with, feeling how nice and full they were for her.

Moans from every which way assaulted her ears alongside the cock rubbing against her head and ear, she could already feel the pulling on her hair as the contractor to her right began stroking himself with it, she felt her breasts heat up and become slick with sweat and precum, and her mouth was filled with the cock of a man reduced to little more than the animal he truly was...

She was in bliss, but it was only just beginning. Behind her, a man's hands grabbed onto her waist, not grabbing her by the thighs or hips, and then a second pair of hands grabbed her ass, spreading open her asscheeks.

She almost screamed of pleasure when the two cocks entered her, the same cock, the cock that she had grown too accustomed to and had become almost dependant on, on every side, stuffing her from both holes and even in her mouth, blissful sexual and lewd fun, simple, uncomplicated, animalistic, beastly... perfect!

Her vaginal and anal walls were spread open, and though the only lubrication up either hole was a bit of spit, she enjoyed it nevertheless, no, maybe it was even more because it hurt just a bit, because it made her truly feel it... here, in this world of dreams, she was no super powered servant, above and beyond him, here, they were animals, and they enjoyed themselves as such!

As soon as it seemed like she was ready, the subcontractor began truly moving, pulling at her hair, at her ear, forcing her to deepthroat his cock, forcing her to kiss his skin, slurp suckle and swallow, lest she choke, pinched, rolled and mashed her breasts together, against his cock, pleasuring himself with her body...

And oh the coordination, she was at first kept filled, one pulled out as the other came in, then the moment she got used to that, they began to double up, fucking her simultaneously, twin cocks filling her up at once, stretching her beyond her limits, and then pulling back, only giving her enough time to relax so they could pry her open again.... and then when she got used to that, one of them would keep his cock inside her, while the other fucked her mercilessly, trading back and forth, and repeating the cycle...

Another subcontractor began to rub at the base of her tail as he pleasured his cock with the thick, fluffy fur of it, and though she normally would despise anyone who did so, she could not bring herself to dislike it, this lewd, base desire...

Ah, how she loved to see him degenerate so, in so many ways, for so many reasons, all dignity stripped, thrusting on every end, desperate for her body, rubbing his cocks against every bit of her, she felt loved, embraced, desired, lusted after, she felt so many things, but the most she felt was his dick all over her, bringing her to a screaming, thundering orgasm that was muffled by the cock in her mouth, and soon after followed by a chorus of groaning and roaring moans that resulted in a veritable shower of semen, as she was filled up from behind at the same time, and left her the happiest person to ever be.

She giggled, her glasses were useless now, so dirty, and she loved it...

And it wasn't about to stop. She was made to switch who she was sucking off, slurping up and swallowing the semen in his urethra while she jacked off the one she'd been sucking off before. She was maneuvered so a second man positioned himself behind her, and before she could even think, a second cock invaded her asshole, stretching it even further beyond.

She screamed in painful pleasure, this was what she wanted, what she desired, what she deserved, delightful, delicious punishment, as she was taken beyond what she could take... another cock joined the one she was blowing, and her haire was pulled and she was forced to suck and suckle and swallow... 

The hands on her tits began to pinch more fiercely, rolling her nipples between their fingers, the slap of skin on skin as she was made into a receptacle for bestial desire the greatest music she could imagine.

Her orgasm came quickly, almost before she even stopped feeling the aftereffects of the first one, and she was fucked through it, instead of letting it roll over her like waves, she was made to feel it as poweful spikes as she was overwhelmed, cumming, and then losing her mind as she was forced to have compound orgasms, multiple triggered orgasms building on each other to obliterate her conscious mind and leave nothing but an animal behind, a female rabbit that was getting taken by a group of males and was loving every second of it.

Not a word was spoken, he wouldn't understand her anyway, with his capacity reduced, nor could she even form them, only able to voice gulps and slurps and sucks around the two cocks in her mouth.

Cum gushed from every cock, glazing in white every bit of her that wasn't already. She didn't even know when her clothes'd been taken off of her and she didn't care, this was her dream anyway, and so the courtesan entertained her husband, remembering and reliving a life that wasn't hers, and enjoying every single second of it.

Absolutely no words would be spoken about it later, and she knew it would be dismissed as a dream, perhaps that was why as it all came down and the extras disappeared and the realm between worlds began to vanish, she reached for him, grabbed at his cheeks and planted a chaste, almost prudish peck on his lips.

"Thank you, that was amazing," she said, as he returned to his dream, and she, to the world of the waking.

As she did, she giggled, he'd creamed all over his sheets... the stink was...

... it was...

"Guh, ahh, K-Koyansk-aah-aaya~!" he groaned, as he woke up. "W-Waaah-aat, are you, geh, doing?"

"Getting a late night snack," Koyanskaya said, licking her lips. "Now lie down and let me get my milk."

Koyanskaya went back down and swallowed his cock down to the base, and he groaned. She was about to continue the fun... now a hundred times more motivated!


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