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"Can you do me a solid?" the Master asked, as she slipped her panties on.

Despite the fact that you were both quite naked, together, in the showers, neither of you had made an attempt at having sex with the other. Both of you were absolutely exhausted and just relaxing after Scathach had spent the afternoon beating the two of you up, apparently with the sole purpose of training reflexes.

She kept insisting something about being captured like an idiot and not calling for support as she hit the Master, but you really didn't have much in the way of time to pay attention, busy trying to not have your body punched into paste by the excessively strong trainer.

Fortunately, the lotions and creams that you'd both rubbed on each other's bodies were working wonders on the bruises, cuts and scratches, though it stung a bit, and after the bath, you both drank delicious apple juice that was restoring your stamina.

You ignored the fact that it was blue for the time being, it tasted like delicious apples and that was all that mattered.

"Depends. I might need an hour or two before I can be solid," you said with a wink.

"Flirt," she said with a smile. "If only my heart didn't belong to my cute little eggplant," she responded with a wink. "Alas, I've already promised her my hand in marriage."

"Congratulations," you said, smiling. "When's the wedding?"

"Assuming nothing goes horribly wrong, four weeks," she said.

"You're having a wedding. In a month. Is that even enough time to prepare?" you asked, frowning.

"Plenty, I've got people. Don't worry about that. Anyway... Koyanskaya taught you how to do massages up to our standards right?"

"Among others... how do you know?" you asked.

"Because she worked for me before she worked for you. Congratulations, the fact that she lets you help her relax means she likes you. Anyway... here," she said, digging on her clothes pile, and pulling out a piece of paper. "Take care of this please."

You nodded. "I'll take care of it, today's a training day so Mana and Koyanskaya are taking care of my office."

The master nodded, and tied her hair, and tossed her shirt on. "Make sure to put some pants on before you go though!"

The both of you laughed, finished getting dressed, and went your separate ways. Hers, wherever she was going, and you, to one of the leisure floors, to an asian-themed massage parlor.

Showing the paper ticket the master gave you had the receptionist lead you to a changing room, where you put on a white shirt, pants and slippers, and after you were done you were lead to a room where a woman in work out clothes was laying, face down, on a massage bed.

Everything you would need was arranged on a nearby counter. Not the stuff you were used to, Koyanskaya used and accepted nothing but the best. It would be just about good enough, however. "Hello there... you must be miss... Shikibu?" you asked. The note wasn't clear.

"Ah... yes, but... you may call me Kaoruko if you wish," the woman said, laying her head on her crossed arms, turning to face you as she did, her silky black hair moving a little, falling in long locks over the side of the bed.

Your eyes trailed the curves of her body... and they were some damn fine curves indeed. Dark, nearly black, purple lycra covered her from ankle to waist, with fuchsia lines going up the sides of her legs. It might as well have been painted on, and the lines of her panties were plainly and clearly visible.

The small of her back was visible, you could see a perfectly shaped body, a bit on the thin side, the curve of her spine almost perfectly traced, especially considering the absolutely humongous breasts, pillows that kept her comfortable even in the hardest of surfaces... The bed was clearly designed with them in mind, you noticed as she shifted, because her breasts had a neat little indentation they fit in.

"Nifty..." you muttered to yourself, as you admired the voluptuous beauty before you, grabbing a bottle of massage oil, and humming to yourself as you approached. "Kaoruko it is then. How are you feeling today, miss Kaoruko?" you asked, as you got the fragrant oil ready, pouring some on your hands and sniffing it.

"Ah... I am quite well, thank you," she said.

"You sound a bit tired. Rough night?"

"Ahh... no, no, I just- I was just captivated. The book I was reading was just so engrossing, the way the author wove his stories and plots together spoke to me... Each character felt like the protagonist of their own tale, and their thoughts and feelings felt so real and true, so lifelike that I- ah- ah, my apologies, I'm not boring you, am I?"

You smiled, shaking your head. "Your passion could inspire anyone," you said. "You're a big reader I take it."

"Ah... yes, I'm but a simple woman, in love with words," she spoke, closing her eyes. "Do you like reading? Books, poems, even comic books?"

You chuckled. "I find myself reading a lot, I just wish it was more stories and less documents," you admitted freely. "But they can have some pretty interesting stories to tell sometimes too."

As she opened her mouth to speak, you squirted oil from the bottle you'd taken onto the small of her back, and she gasped. You took the opportunity while she had her guard dropped, and then ran your hands over her back, spreading the oil and working it in, kneading her muscles, while she hissed, gasped, and moaned. You applied pressure onto the exact points that Koyanskaya had taught you, almost guessing that they would apply, and by her reactions, the drawn out and almost lewd moans you got out of the book loving beauty, you guessed right.

Your hands glided across her smooth, pale skin, your tongue slipping out and wetting your lips, the sight of her slick, oiled up back was quite staggering, it was already making your tight pants feel like they had no room whatsoever... but the muscle groups that needed attention were all the ones you were expecting.

She had knots on her back, stiff, hard muscles, and not in the good way. People underestimated how much strength and persistence it took to work out the kinks in her muscles, to melt away the stress and tension, but it seemed that Kaoruko appreciated your efforts and talents, because she was moaning freely and openly.

"That feels... good..! It's so good, my shoulders feel so much better already," she spoke. Your fingers almost seemed to dig right past her skin, as if she was half ethereal, to work on her muscles directly, almost feeling like you were untangling them as you went.

As it was, however... perhaps youwere getting a bit too comfortable, because your pants were very uncomfortable. "Let's do the front," you said.

She hummed, but half drunk in the pleasure of relaxation, nodding weakly. "R-Right... Aah, it feels like you can read my body like an open book..."

"It's a wonderful poem," you responded with a wink, "not even the greatest wordsmith in all of history could come close to doing your beauty justice," you said. "So I'll let my actions be my words instead."

She giggled, and with a bit of effort, turned herself around. As you suspected, the sight of her naked tits, the mountains of glorious, pale flesh, tipped with dark nipples... and you hummed, grabbing the bottle from where you'd left it, squirting yet more of the fragrant oil all over her chest and flat tummy. 

She gasped. "It's cold..!" she muttered. 

You smiled down at her. "It's because you're so hot," you spoke with a wink.

"That was terrible, you've no great way with words," she protested, with a small smile on her face.

Your hands came down on her chest and began spreading the slick oil, already feeling better and better for you as you rubbed and worked it into her skin, into the skin and flesh of her heavy, magnificent tits, kneading them, dedicating your attention and affection onto them. She moaned openly and lustfully now, getting into the mood, same as you were.

She was beautiful, and she was getting you so damn hot, your pants couldn't contain you anymore, it was starting to get to the point you feared they may even rip, or crush your cock... you couldn't take it anymore, with a woman this beautiful, with Kaoruko openly mewling and enjoying your touch, you couldn't hold it back anymore.

You stopped mauling her breasts for just a moment, just long enough to pull your pants down, the slightest bit, just enough to allow you to pull your cock out, showing it to her, as you swung onto the table, straddling her chest on your knees, holding it above her and looking down. "Can you blame me?" you asked, referring to her prior words. "Look at me, look at this, this is more honest than any words I could ever say," you said.

She gasped, pale face flushing a delightful pink color. You then adjusted back a little, feeling the incredibly soft, oiled up skin of her stomach on your balls as you adjusted your angle. 

You smiled down at her. You were about to give her a massage like none other before, like she'd never had, you were going to show her that even if you were not a legendary wordsmith, you could be poetry in motion...

She smiled up at you, as if to give you her consent... but no, it was more than that, she was looking forward to it, you didn't know how, but you knew, she knew what was coming, and she was almost giddy for it, lustful woman that she was... her body and her mind matched now, she had an air of refined beauty, and the mature charm of a woman who knew what she wanted, and what she wanted...

You would give her! You grabbed onto her slick tits, and pressed them together, as you stuck your cock inbetween them, into the valley, tight, wet and so very hot, that had been taunting you so much, the pale mountains before you became a slick grip that gave you pleasure just as intense if not even more so than a pussy, causing you to groan and wince, as you found yourself in pillowy paradise.

She moaned lustfully, as well, and when you looked down, you saw that her breasts were such an expansive area that they could wrap around your cock and not leave more than the tip out, jacketing it completely... and you were happy, and you were feeling good, and by the looks of it, so was she...

So you moved back, and forward, sawing back and forth, enjoying the slick, warm feeling of her breastpussy as you fucked her intensely, using your hands to knead and move her tits, fingers pinching and rolling the stiff little pebbles that her nipples had become between two of your fingers and even playing with her areola, tracing it as you held her tits in place.

Her moans were turning you on, and you wanted to hear even more, poetry made not by words, but by sounds of pure pleasure, with neither predetermined form nor rules to follow, nothing but instinct, you wanted to see her go wild, and she was going wild alongside you, seemingly enjoying your breastfucking as much as if you were taking her pussy.

You panted, grinning down at her, slowing down just enough that you could talk. "I wish I could dedicate you a worthy poem, but I have to admit I'm no poet," you said, "so instead let me make my feelings clear directly..." you clenched your feet, squared yourself, and then redoubled your efforts, squashing her tits a little between your thighs and your hands, giving you just enough room that your cock peeked out of the valley, enough for her to lean forward and peck it with your lips when you pushed in.

Again and again she received you with a little kiss, a furtive lick, or an exhalation of hot air, and it drove you right up against the wall, one of your hands leaving her tits and grabbing the back of her head, bunching up her hair a little, as you pushed even farther, shouting out your orgasm as she opened her mouth, taking your tip in, and then simply swallowing all your spunk as it came gushing forth from your balls like a geyser.

You gave her a nice and big helping of cock milk, to chase the massage, and even after you finished with that, you were certainly not done with her.

Both of you were panting, looking at each other... and she broke the silence first. "Ahh, this is... like a steamy romance novel..." she muttered. "Yes... this is... this is what I wanted..."

You grinned. "We've only just begun," you said, kneewalking back, and then looking down at her crotch, so wet it looked like she might have pissed herself. You grinned, and decided what to do next. "I've taken care of your torso, now it's time to look after your legs and your bottom..." you muttered.

She smiled. "Ah, yes... please," she said, eyes a bit foggy. "Don't stop..!"

And you wouldn't, not for some time, not until you were damn sure you had massaged every bit of her, inside and outside.


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