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"A competition?" you asked, as the Master placed a flyer right in front of you.

"Yep," she said, giving you a smile as she typed something into her computer, and then the window she was looking at was closed and a 'sent!' notification came up. She then turned back at you, and gestured with her newly freed hand at the words on the flyer. "They're looking for someone who will judge them fairly as they compete against each other. Unruly sisters and all, you know how sibling rivalry gets."

You frowned. The photo was pretty enticing. "That's Ishtar, isn't it?" you asked.

"Same one. That's her sister, Ereshkigal, with her," she explained, gesturing at the  blonde. Their similarity was so remarkable that you had to ask.

"Are they... twins?"

"Not really, it's hard to explain," she said, "but if it makes it easier, you can treat them like that," the master explained, flicking a strand of hair behind her head. "Normally I'd be the one in the middle here, but..."

"But you saw an opportunity to dump the job off on me and not worry about offending either of them, right?" you retorted, raising an eyebrow.

She gave you a wry smile. "It'd take soooo long to soothe the ruffled feathers of whichever one of them lost," she said. "And if it's me, both of them will get way too competitive about which of them is my favorite."

"Out of curiosity-"

She chuckled. "Mashu is my favorite, of course," she said with a wink. She hummed, stretching her muscles by raising her arms, which did rather interesting things to her chest, and she used a hand to give herself a one sided massage. "So you up for it?"

I turned to Koyanskaya, who was the one keeping my schedule.

"You've got today," she said, "open," she said, humming.

"I guess I am then," you agreed. "Can you handle Alenko and his goons?"

"Can I- what an insult. I'll have him coughing up his brother's location by the end of the day," Koyanskaya said. "Even if I stick to legally approved methods."

"Good," you said. "Now where-"

The Master smiled, brought her hand to her lips, and with an ear shattering whistle, shocked you into silence... for the five seconds it took for someone to pop in, the door sliding aside.

"I came as soon as I heard you called!" a purple haired, dark skinned girl that was quite familiar to you said, though her eyes widened. "Oh! It's you!" she said, eyeing you up and down, a bit of color on her cheeks that lit up her nearly gray face. "I, aba, I-"

"Serenity, love, would you kindly take him to the competition room?" the master asked.

"Y-Y-Yes!" Serenity said, nodding her head. "Please, follow me, this way!" she said, bowing slightly.

You chuckled. "Coming," you said, following after her. She remained mum on the way, didn't even turn to look at you, on some level it was adorable, on another, a bit annoying, but soon enough, you found yourself before a door.

"It's here! Everything should be ready! We were just waiting for, ah, the master, I guess in this case who exactly plays the Master doesn't really matter!" Serenity said. "Good luck, and, uhm... can you whistle?"

"I can," you confirmed. "Why?"

"If you need extraction, whistle as hard as you can, someone will exfil," Serenity said, bowing. 

You nodded. "Alright then. Thank you."

"Good luck!" Serenity said, opening the door and showing you in. 

The room she showed you into was a lavishly decorated set, which was split into three rooms. All of them lacked a wall, and you could see what appeared to be empty theatre seating, in the penumbra of the room beyond. First was what appeared to be a combination kitchen and dining room, fit for royalty.

"Take a seat," Serenity said, "we'll begin shortly."

You nodded, and as you moved into the room and sat down, Serenity closed the door. 

The table before you was oak, inlaid with gold, in patterns that looked like wavy lines. The chair was plush. Your back was to the missing wall, and to your front was the kitchen portion.

After about a minute... the lights behind you came on.

"Oh, he's here already, excellent!" a calm, mature and somehow sensual voice spoke from behind you. "Right! This is Da Vinci as your narrator tonight, and with me, we have our resident expert in all matters Meido, Miss Alter!"

You turned around and saw that there was a commentator desk set in front of the still empty seats, and upon it sat a very busty woman, as well as a pale blonde with golden eyes, dressed in... "Is that a maid themed bikini?"

"It's a goth loli maid themed bikini," Alter responded. 

Da Vinci sent you a thumbs up. "Do your best, Director of Collections! We'll be judging their performance!"

You frowned. "Alright I guess?" you asked. "Is this being recorded?"

"Yes, but don't worry, nothing goes by without the Master's approval!" Da Vinci said, winking at you.

"I am also here to ensure everything is aboveboard and to ensure compliance with rules and regulations set forth by My Master," Alter said. "Please, concentrate."

You nodded, and took a deep breath, then stiffly turned to look at the kitchen... all the way until two gorgeous women came in through the same door you had, arguing with each other.

"If you think even for a second that I'm going to back down..!"

"I said you're too childish for this sort of stuff, and you are, look at you!"

Their voices were nigh identical, with only the barest of higher pitches on the blonde's voice, and a slightly irreverent quality to the way Ishtar spoke... it was a strange thing to say, but you could perceive the two of them as twin sisters, as identical as they were different. The blonde Ereshkigal being the slightly more serious type, while Ishtar was the free spirited one.

At least... that was the impression you got. 

That said... They did look gorgeous. Their outfits weren't quite maid dresses, but they were definitely themed on that end. In black, white and gold, they both sort of looked more like nobility playing at being servants than anything else, and the almost identical proud, self assured way they stood attested to that.

These weren't servants, you mused, but the ones who were used to being served.


"Oh!" Ishtar blinked. "Wait, I know you..!" she said, "you're the guy that was obsessed with my ass!"

"Oh my, is this the man you were complaining about?" the blonde said, bringing a hand to her mouth, pretending to be bashful. "The one the mighty Ishtar was defeated by?"

"Shush you!" she said, turning to Da Vinci. "Where's Master?" she asked.

"I've been sent to fill in, she is busy with something else," you said.

"Already, we have something unacceptable, a maid cannot complain about the master that she serves! Only when you become a top quality maid can you truly choose your master! Educate, improve and develop your master alongside your talents!"

"Oh my, Ishtar is already losing points and the competition hasn't even started yet!" Da Vinci said. "This does not look good for her!"

Ereshkigal giggled openly.

"Ugh, whatever," Ishtar said. "So... we're doing this, I don't care anymore!"

"Excellent!" Da Vinci said. "Now, first you must prove your talents as maids! And our first challenge for this most prestigious of competitions, is the simplest and most basic of tasks for a maid! The most basic way of taking care of your master, providing them with delicious and nutritious meals!"

Ishtar and Ereshkigal looked at each other, and at the stove.

"This task is deceptively simple, but in order to score high with our judges, the maids will have to take into consideration that pleasing the Master is the true task of a maid," Alter said, crossing her arms and nodding sagely.

"I'll make you a meal that will blow your mind!" Ishtar said, nodding to herself, and immediately going for the kitchen's cupboards and fridge.

"Then I'll also show you what I'm capable of!" Ereshkigal added.

"Our kitchen is fully supplied with anything and everything any good maid could ever need to provide for their master!" Da Vinci said. "It seems as though both of them are going for meat!"

"It could be a mistake, competing directly with each other using the same protein," Alter said. "We shall see."

Bits of onions and leeks flew, as they went about gathering all the ingredients they'd need. You couldn't really tell what they'd picked, nor what they were cooking, the kitchen was more than big enough to support two people cooking, even as they both deliberately got in each other's way, stepping on each other's foot.


"Frigid bitch!" 

"Useless goddess!"

"Shut in!"

Insults flew as they cooked... your eyes were glued to them as they moved about, but more importantly, the fact that Ishtar was clearly a lot less rattled by the insults than her sister was, and especially by the sabotage towards each other, in the form of bumps or steps...

Ishtar took the lead, notably, by remaining composed and standing straight and proud. Meanwhile, Ereshkigal became worried and imprecise, and more importantly, it was obvious she wasn't keeping up as well... 

That said, undoubtedly, Ereshkigal had kept your eyes very entertained, a delectable meal of peach presented before you, barely contained by her leotard-like maid dress, which did little to hide the magnificent shape and firmness of her buns as she went about trying to add flavor and complexity to her dish.

Little by little, the two of them finished their meals, with Ishtar coming first to present her dish to you upon a platter. You weren't quite sure what it was, but you did know it was delicious. The only thing you could identify was the lamb rack that took centerpiece in the meal, carefully arranged. It was colorful, with lots of greens, and what you were sure was a side of fried onion rings.

What you did know was that it was absolutely delicious, and looked like it.

"Oh! It appears it was a very satisfying meal! Could it be that Ishtar is taking an early lead? But look, here comes Ereshkigal!"

"The presentation could use some work, even if the taste is good, food must also look presentable," Alter commented.

Indeed, whereas Ishtar's dish looked like it came out of a cookbook picture, Ereshkigal was clearly pressed for time, and though she also served you a rack of lamb, hers was on a much messier plate, with excessive sauce that dirtied the sides of the plate.

Taste wise, it was good enough, it did taste a bit strongly of leek, but it wasn't bad at all. Ishtar's might have been better, but you would be quite happy with that meal. You offered Ereshkigal a smile.

After all... the juiciest, most tasty piece of meat you'd seen so far had been her butt, and maybe thinking about it...

"I believe we can declare Ereshkigal the winner of this contest," Alter said.

"WHAT?!" Ishtar shouted. "It was obvious mine looks better, and he clearly enjoyed it more!"

You winced. It was true, after all, but she didn't have to shout.

"Ohh, the expert has made a controversial statement!" Da Vinci said. "Now, our judge will explain her reasoning, for the public."

"Naturally," Alter said, closing her eyes, then opening them and fixing a severe stare upon Ishtar. "You, Ishtar, concentrated entirely too much on your dish, and did not consider the fact that pleasing your master is your objective! Instead, you were concentrated purely on defeating your sister!"

"What's that got to do with anything?" Ishtar asked.

"While you were busy cooking, your sister was doing what a maid should, and pleasing her master," Alter said, sweeping her arm.

Ereshkigal's face was bright red. So... it definitely wasn't a mistake, then, when she'd bent over...

"You little..!" Ishtar growled, turning to her sister. "Whatever, this is just one point of three! I'll win the other two, you'll see!"

Ereshkigal got a smug look on her face. "As if... with how selfish you are, you couldn't even imagine the idea of servicing someone else!"

"I'll show you..!"

"Alright then!" Da Vinci said, clapping her hands - and around you, the set shifted, even though you didn't, it felt like the world around you shifted, and the room that was next to the kitchen sort of transposed over the kitchen, and suddenly, you found yourself seated behind a desk, in an office. All dark mahogany, with a bookcase filled with books to your left... but looking dusty.

You blinked. "What the..."

Da Vinci grabbed the microphone on her stand and pulled it up a little. "Next is a classic test! Indeed, a maid must not only be able to cook, but also to clean! Among the most important duties of a servant is the duty to clean their master's quarters and home!"

Alter nodded. "Remaining unobtrusive in service is part of a maid's duty," she added, "and to this end, this test will test whether they can clean the room their master is in, without disturbing their work!"

You blinked, and a holographic screen appeared before you. It was a program, dictating words for you to type in, as well as the instruction to do so... and so you began following it. No doubt part of the challenge, and you didn't mind participating.

The two maids looked at each other, and you could almost see the spark of lightning erupting between them... and then as if by magic, both of them grabbed tools from somewhere, a feather duster for Ereshkigal, and a washcloth and bucket for Ishtar, and they began going about cleaning the room while you typed.

As you did, off the corner of your eye, you saw that Ereshkigal was continuing to go with the tactic she'd used before, trying to draw your attention to her by striking poses that showed off her body, either the curve of her ass, her thighs, or even her breasts, bending over... 

You were forced to actually delete a handful of words and start again.

As you did, you felt something settle behind you. "Master looks tense," Ishtar said, as she pressed her body against yours, her shapely chest pressing against your back as she used her cloth to clean the dust off of your desk. "Would master like a shoulder rub?"

She asked, but didn't expect a response, and began applying pressure to your shoulders, surprisingly skilled and relaxing as she worked you over, even as you continued to work. It was a little more difficult, especially as the two sisters went about trying to get you all hot and bothered.

Your pants felt quite tight, and your desire for their bodies climbed as they went about trying to awaken your libido.

The twins continued about their job, until the end of the challenge... and finally..

"Oh my, both of them tried their hardest to clean this room!" Da Vinci said. "It appears that, by our computer analysis, Ereshkigal is responsible for cleaning about sixty four percent of the room!"

Ereshkigal smirked smugly at her sister. "See? You can look good and be efficient at the same time."

Ishtar smirked right back, crossing her arms. "It seems you've forgotten what the purpose of this competition is, my dear sister!"

Alter nodded behind you. "Ishtar is correct; she has won this round. Although she has cleaned less of the room by volume, she has taken care of the most important part of this challenge!"

"W-what? But, but I," Ereshkigal tried.

"You were disruptive, trying to keep your master's eyes on you when he was working. Every time you tried to distract him with your body, his productivity suffered. Meanwhile, Ishtar increased his productivity by relieving his stress, and providing him physical and emotional support, reminding him of her presence and support as his maid, without demanding his attention."

Ishtar smugly preened.

"And now," Da Vinci said, "we're tied going into the third round! Who could have expected this?" she asked. "Well, the person who designed these trials certainly did! Thank you for your hard work, miss Alter!"

"Naturally," Alter said, nodding.

Ishtar and Ereshkigal continued to glare at each other.

Da Vinci clapped again, and you felt like the world fell from under you, though you landed on a fluffy bed. A king size bed caught you and you gasped, your body settling after bouncing a little. Both of the maids competing against each other bounced as well, though both of them landed face first, butts sticking out in the air.

Damn, those booties looked fine... in fact, you almost couldn't hold yourself back, your hands going to grab them.

They both gasped.

"Now, the final test of a maid! This one is our tiebreaker," Da Vinci said, "and it is truly the defining and most important one!"

Alter nodded. "That is correct. A maid's duty, first and foremost, is to serve their master, with her mind, her soul... and her body!" she said.

"W-What, what do you mean? This- I didn't agree to this, I thought it would be- Master," Ereshkigal said, blinking. She turned to you.

Ishtar grinned. "My sister's childishness knows no bounds! Grow up!" she said turning around on the bed and crawling up to me. "As for me, I'll-"

These two sisters... 

You grabbed Ishtar by the hips, and then as she yelped, forced her down, flipping her black skirt and revealing her panty clad ass, though you quickly forced her panties aside, revealing her tightly puckered rosebud. "You two have been teasing me with your delicious asses all day," you growled.

Something about Ishtar, and now about her sister, brought something out of people that most people wouldn't want to acknowledge. A part of you that wanted to show her what for, that saw her arrogant behavior and wanted to bring her to heel... 

For some reason, Ishtar being a smug bitch like that just made you want to put her in her place. You pulled your dick out, and placed its tip against her anus.

"W-Waaa, wait, no, what are you doing, stoooop!" Ishtar cried, eyes wide as saucers as she looked back.

"O-Oh, what is this development!" Da Vinci shouted.

Alter nodded. "I see... a maid must service her master, no matter how her master desires her body!" she said.

You plunged yourself in to the hilt in a single thrust. Ishtar's anus welcomed you like an old friend.

"I'm not losing..!" Ereshkigal said, as she approached you from the side, and wrapped her arms around you, as you began ruthlessly fucking Ishtar, she drew you into a kiss. "M-Master, me too! Fuck me too!"

You forced her down, as well, she yelped, and you pulled your dick out of Ishtar, only stopping long enough to move Ereshkigal's leotard out of the way, then shoving your cock in to the hilt, forcing it all the way to the bottom of her ass. She had just as talented an anus as Ishtar did.

She shouted, not in pain, but in pleasure. Goddamn, these twin sisters had twin slutty asses!

"What a development! Is this what you expected when you designed this test, miss Alter? Look at them go!" Da Vinci commented.

And indeed, you were going, and going HARD, the sound of skin on skin, slapping filling the empty room, followed by Ereshkigal and Ishtar's moans, as you shoved two fingers into Ishtar's cunt, and your thumb up her anal hole, playing with her rimpiece at the same time as you fingerblasted her pussy.

"Yes," Alter said.

You growled, leaning forward, between the sisters, and capturing their lips, first Ereshkigal, then Ishtar, then swapping your cock from the blonde's hole to the brunette's, replacing your cock in Ishtar's ass with your finger, not letting either sister rest.

"Oh, truly?" Da Vinci asked. "Oh my, these sisters, their voices are coming out unrestrained, I think at this point, it is clear that they are both losing this challenge, quite brutally at that!"

You could almost hear Alter's smirk on her voice. "That is indeed correct. These inferior so called goddesses might think great of themselves, but if they thought even for a moment that they could replace me as My Master's maid, then they need to be shown their place!"

You grinned. So this is how it was, huh? You turned to face her, she gave you a nod as a salute, and you returned it. A sign of respect, and gratitude. She thanked you for your help, apparently, you were exactly what she was looking for...

You looked down at the two, blonde and brunette, both of their faces melting into faces of naked lust and desire. Both of them had the exact same weakness, but although their sensitive anuses were identical, their faces of pleasure were different, with Ishtar defiantly refusing to admit defeat, while Ereshkigal teetered on the border between keeping it together and a total collapse.

And in both cases... all it did was fill you with the need for more, and so you redoubled your speed, swapping repeatedly between them, your hand coming down like lightning, smacking their asses liberally, leaving handprints time and time again, their asses growing redder and redder as you fucked them.

Moans, groans and cries erupted from them, and you could feel their sensitive bodies coming apart as you fucked them, tension fading for only an instant before they squeezed you harder than ever, fluttering around your cock, giving you peaks of pleasure as they came around your cock.

In the end, although they were supposed to service you, both of them melted around your cock, unable to do so much as a single thing to resist you, and you found yourself coming to completion, but instead of giving either sister the pleasure of your cum painting their bowels, you pulled your cock out and erupted all over their twin, perfect asses, painting their reddened skin with piping hot cum, causing both of them to moan pathetically as they felt their sensitive skin bathed in thick white cum.

You panted, stroking yourself to shoot out the last few bits of cum all over their asses, both of them seemingly melting into twin piles of overstimulated woman.

"Oh my, oh me oh my, there we go, it's a double knockout, somehow, in a best of three, we have a tie!" Da Vinci said.

"As the resident expert on all things Meido, I declare the both of them failures, and bottom tier maids!" Alter said, standing up. "Therefore, they shall both face the penalty!"

"Which is?" they both, simultaneously, asked, though their voices were muffled by the bedding they were laying on, and slurred by their brains having been melted by pleasure.

Alter smirked, turning to you. "You may use them until you grow bored of them," she said, "after that, it will be remedial training for both."

You nodded. "I'll get out of your hair soon," you said, turning to them, "unless..."

The two of them had panicked looks in their faces. "P-Please, Master, use us! Use my anus, as much as you like, all day, all night even! Don't ever stop!" Ereshkigal shouted.

"N-No, use me instead, l-leave my useless sister to remedial training, you like my ass right? You spent an entire night fucking it before, my ass, use my ass!"

Oh, you would... you lined yourself up with Ereshkigal first, and then went in, slapping her ass powerfully with your hand, a thundering spank that drew an orgasmic moan from her, and then you did the same with Ishtar.

Until you were satisfied... this had only just begun!


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