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"Great Mother, she wants to jump the queue!" 

You frowned, sitting beside the 'Great Mother' of the elves, their elder and leader... who looked no older than any of the other elves, despite having birthed a great deal of them. Honestly, she looked amazing, definitely had a bit of a milfy vibe, but more of a young mom one. 

That said, the chief of the elves was still the chief, and that meant that when one of the younger ones raised her voice in a lack of respect...

The chief waved her hand, and projected her own voice such that it resounded across the hall, almost shaking the leaves of the great trees around the elven encampment. "Watch your tone, child!"

Properly mollified, the elf shrank in on herself.

"Now, children, properly, calmly and orderly, explain what is going on," the chief spoke, her voice much gentler this time, but not quite as gentle as the feel of her hand toying with your junk, through the loincloth.


The Chief turned to you, winked and retracted her hand. She knew her children best, you guessed. "It'll be fixed up soon, don't worry."

The protesting elf gestured towards Jana. "I- Great Mother, this girl... she wanted to jump the pack and put her name at the front- she, she wanted to skip the queue entirely and just go to the Mediator directly!"

The Chief frowned. "That is a heavy accusation," she said. 

"Is it true, Jana?" you probed, looking at the frowning girl that you'd spent so much time with that she'd become sort of your best friend among the elves. She might not be the first you met, but it was hard to talk to that one considering Neema couldn't go five seconds without gagging on your cock.

Jana sighed. "I didn't- that's not what I meant to do," she said.

"Then what is it, child," the Chief asked, her tone tender, but still insistent. "We cannot know what you mean unless you tell us."

Jana frowned, looked aside and refused to answer for a few seconds.

"See?" the elf beside her said, glaring at Jana. "She can't even make something up!"

Jana grit her teeth and glared at her. "How dare you accuse me..!" she said. "I've been a loyal warrior, and ranger, and- and all you've done since we first met the orcs has just been getting on your back!"

"Take it back!" the elf retorted. "I go on top sometimes too!"

"She does," you confirmed.

"See? He agrees!"

"You're not helping Boardman," the chief said with a giggle. "Jana, my child," the Chief said, soothingly, "either you say it or I do."

"Great mother..." Jana said. "You... you knew?"

"My darling child," the chief said, soothingly, but with a degree of smugness. "You are not the first child I've seen in this situation, nor will you be the last... Why, I almost remember your mother coming to me to ask me about your father!"

You hummed. Elven males were... there. A number so small you might as well not know they exist for the most part, in fact, many people didn't. They also tended to be smaller, and more girlish looking, than the females, to the point that you literally couldn't tell them apart from the females. 

From what you knew, quite a few of the male elves were also, uh, taking part in the elves' favorite stress relief activity... but that was not the thought for now. Well, technically, this was about mating rights, but still a digression.

Jana hung her neck. "Then... then..."

The other elf glared at her.

"Just say it. Trust me, it's the only way it's going to get any better."

"I..." Jana sighed. "Alright, fine- then I will!" she said, squaring her shoulders and looking you directly in the eye. "B-Boardman! BECOME MY HUSBAND!" she shouted, bowing her head and extending her hands at you.

"You bitch, you think you can steal the best for yourself! Well! Not on my watch!" the other elf said, bringing a hand to her ample and plentiful chest, over her heart. "I, Marialis, pledge myself to compete for the mating rights to Boardman the mediator!"

"Do I get any say in the matter?" you asked, raising a hand.

The chief got up and approached your ear, whispering. "None of this matters, you're not an elf, our laws have no hold upon you, just go along with it, okay? Whatever happens, we can't make you do anything you don't want to do..."

You frowned. "If I became her husband..." 

Some of the elves were technically married to some ofthe orcs... by Orcish law, which was basically de facto marriage. Orc marriage was basically only about property rights, and was effective as soon as two or more individuals built a home together and declared themselves beholden to one another.

With so few males, it was no wonder that the elves had a lot more of a problem with marriage decisions. Though... "With a nine to one gender disparity, I'm shocked you people are monogamous."

The chief giggled, kissing your cheek. "It's old laws from when I was a child," she said. "When there were a lot more elves."

You nodded. "So..."

"Technically, all the males in the village are my husbands," she said, "it was the easiest way to sidestep the issue, so we haven't had to deal with it since. But with you guys coming along and proving we're sexually and physically compatible..."

Shockingly compatible at that.

Jana and Marialis glared at each other. "Then we shall compete!" Jana said.

"We will compete for the right to court Boardman!" Marialis agreed.

The chief clapped briefly, bringing the attention back to her. "Excellent, I'm always glad to see my beloved children resolving things like adults, even if it makes me feel nostalgic!" she said, grabbing both the younger woman and hugging them to her extremely voluptuous and overpoweringly feminine body. Considering the chief was wearing a thin, sheer robe and no underwear, it looked like a rather delightful image.

"G-Great mother, your breasts are- heavy!" Marialis protested.

"So big, so soft," Jana mumbled, buried under the mountain of tit flesh.

The great chief smiled, pulling back. "Then as the Great Mother, Chief of the Elves, I declare that your competition is officially sanctioned!" she spoke. 

The two elves glared at each other, firmly and without hesitation.

"Please go to your homes, and prepare, your match will be prepared at the main plaza whereupon we shall reconvene when the sun is at its highest point, and you will compete with each other then!"

The two nodded, fiercely, and then walked out of the great hall together, though they went their separate ways before the doors closed  behind them.

The chief sighed, slumping a little. "The things we do for love huh?" she asked, turning to you, her hand already moving to your crotch. The two elves had actually indeed interrupted the great mother's turn with you. Although the reason why she wanted to do it right there in the great hall was...

Well, she was a pervert, simply put, and the thought of someone walking in and catching her being fucked turned her on something fierce, apparently.

"I- what about what I want?" you asked. "If Jana had asked in private, I would've said yes," you said.

At least, you would've gone on a date with her. You hung out with her so often that you didn't even need to think too hard about it. You just enjoyed being with Jana, and she was one of the few elves with whom your relationship wasn't purely sexual.

The chief soothed you with a hand on your bicep, while the other began to stroke your rapidly hardening length through the loincloth, which was being stretched to its limit. The hall's windows were closed and locked, so no one could look in from outside, but the door was open.

Should anyone walk in without knocking, they would definitely see the Great Mother doing something rather undignified, as she played with your cock softly and tenderly. 

"If you wish to make Jana your mate, then you may take her wherever and whenever you wish. Take her to your village, and make it so," the great mother said. "Although, I am not certain that this is what Jana would desire."

You hummed in thought, sighing in pleasure, tongue running over your cold tusks. "What do you mean?"

"Jana is... a complicated girl," the Chief said. "She's still a virgin, isn't she? You haven't touched her at all, even though you go out with her on dates so often."

You nodded. "As far as I know... most of the boys have wondered, but none have approached her that I know."

"Right, and she has never put in a request for, ah, leave," the chief said with a wink, going down and placing a soft peck on the tip of your prick through the loincloth, before she removed it entirely, though you had to lift your butt from the ground for her to pull it off, now stroking your cock directly with both hands, seated on the floor between your legs as you sat on the surprisingly ample throne that the Great Mother presided trials from.

"So..." you sighed.

"So, I think Jana is just a bit too trapped up in tradition and the old glories of the elves," the chief said. winking, "so we'll give her a good and proper traditional courtship. It's not bad to indulge in some things some times," she said, leaning down and kissing your prick head directly.

The Chief of the Elves was far and away the most skilled lover among them, and as she began raining and peppering kisses down your length, she put that on full display, lavishing love and attention upon your cock, going all the way down to your balls, and sucking and licking them with great gusto.

"So... uhguh, Marialis was- was-"

The Chief smiled. "She'll absolutely do her best to win the competition, naturally," she said, licking her lips, stroking your length as she licked up the shaft to the tip, which she kissed again, twice, smacking her lips lewdly. "But like I said, our laws hold no sway over you. If you wish to take Jana as your woman, then you are welcome to do so," she said. "But Marialis is also one of my lovely children, and I would greatly appreciate you giving her an opportunity to earn your affection."

You sighed as she opened her mouth and took your length into it, sucking half your shaft and your tip hard, powerfully, hollowing out her cheeks and feeling almost like she was outright draining your reason out through your cock while stroking your cock with one hand and playing with your balls with the other.

You growled out and put your hand on the back of her head, then forced her to deepthroat you, something that she did fairly easily, and then began forcibly fucking her throat, growling and acting the part of the big bad rape orc, defiling and desecrating the most respected of the elves.

Your balls tingled first, then a great pressure built up, like a coil tightening up in your core, until finally, you forced her down to the base, her lips kissing a ring around your cock even as her small and thin elven hands squeezed your balls... and then you gave her a helping of thick orc cream, directly into her stomach. You almost could've sworn you heard it slosh in her stomach by the time you finished and she pulled back.

"As always, you are undoubtedly the greatest among your people, in quantity, taste, and quality," she said, sighing in content.

"Thank you for the compliment," you said. "But all this... Wouldn't Jana be upset if I continue with my job as mediator?"

The chief giggled. "Goodness, no, my darling child would never misunderstand her position so badly..." she said, laughing some more. "No. It would give her first approval on any other women that you would take as your wives, yes, but it would not prevent you from continuing to perform your duties nor would it prevent you from taking other women. I think Jana just wants to make it official, in the old ways, because she's really desperate to be with you but doesn't want to be like some of her sisters, who are entirely open and satisfied with their lot in life."

You hummed... then chuckled. "So basically..."

"Jana just wants to be her own person, and do things her own way, but she is one of my children nonetheless. Please, indulge my daughter!"

You stopped for a moment. "Is she even your daughter?" you asked.

"All elves in this village are descended from me," the great mother said. "One, two, six generations down, go far back enough and you'll probably find me in the family tree somewhere," she said with a wink.

You winced. "Sheesh. Excuse me if I sound rude, but... how old are you, really?" you asked.

The elven chief smirked, and straddled your cock. "That's a rude question to ask a lady," she said with a wink. "But let's just say I was there far back enough to tell you that you're about this much bigger than the Great Green One," she said, holding up her thumb and middle finger about an inch apart.

The Great Green One was the Ancestor of your tribe! The nameless founder who had cast away the shackles of barbarity and ferocity and first settled his merry band into a self sustaining, sedentary community rather than a roving deathband. Some deified him, even!

But that... that was over-

All thoughts were erased from your head as the elven chief slammed her hips down, and thoughts of orcs were replaced with thoughts of superhumanly amazing elven pussy, and as your hands grabbed at her hips and waist, you decided nothing else mattered other than putting a baby in this tight, milfy elf pussy, to see that flat tummy swollen with babies, and see your children suckle from those amazingly huge tits.

In fact! You would get to work on getting her ready, latching your lips to her nipple.

"Oooh, yeah, that's it, drink from my mommy milkers!"

Unfortunately, there'd be no milk for you that day, but the chief herself would be getting a big fat creamy load of milk of her own, in a very short time. 

"Ugh, yeeesss..! Make sure that I get pregnant this time! I want even more cute babies! Come on, come on, make me pregnaaaant!"

You would, you absolutely would, and the thought of muscly green skinned elves or dainty pink skinned orcs passed through your head as you bounced her on your cock, with no other goal in your mind than the single minded one to give her exactly what she wanted.


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