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Mara's sword sliced through the arm of the Goblin trying to catch her, and she followed it up by a second swing, grabbing the handle of her sword with both hands and then swinging down, splitting the Goblin in half from right shoulder to left hip, the Goblin quickly fading, leaving only a single fang behind.

Behind Mara, Benny moved forward, keeping pace with her. Unfortunately, Benny clearly was no good with swords or daggers, and that meant he was down to fighting with a wooden club he had picked up, and that meant he wasn't particularly effective when it came to dealing damage.

That was fine, Cupcake had him covered, being quite swift and with true aim, as she flung her knives directly into the brains of goblins, or, when she was feeling cruel, into their crotches. Surprising even herself, Cupcake both was very effective, and had a blast, with her chosen new weapon.

Benny had not joked about how protective his armor was, and Mara still was shocked to see a Goblin knife, admittedly a low quality weapon, simply shatter against Benny's crotch, leaving neither a scratch on him nor a problem with his equipment.

The trio of adventurers was quickly pushing to the location of their target, at least the rough estimate, and soon enough, even before they reached the village, they saw a small group of adventurers who'd beat them to it, each of them injured, as they retreated from a small group of goblins and wolves. Two males, two females, all of them humans. Mara winced at the sight of semen dripping from several of their holes, the large muscular man who seemed to be at the lead of the group as they retreated, fighting off their pursuers, seemingly the one that had received the most... attention, so to speak.

"We've got you covered!" Mara shouted, "run!" she said, as she dashed forward and sliced the head off of a wolf that was about to end the low level adventurer's life. 

"Thank you kind stranger!" the man shouted. "You heard her, go!" he shouted.


"But nothing!" Cupcake added, loosing a set of knives into the fray that found several targets, giving pause to the pursuers. "You'll just slow us down, injured and bowlegged like that! GO!"

Benny raised his club and gestured towards the entrance. "Keep going that way, and remember, left, left, right, left!" he said.

"Got it!" the muscular man replied, "also if we meet again, allow me to offer you a drink!" he said, turning to Benny, grabbing at his hand.

"I'm a boy?" Benny said.

"I know, I'm gay," the man said, simply. "Name's John."

"I'm, uh, Benny," Benny said. "I like girls?"

"Shame, worth a shot, let's meet again!" the large man said, waving and running away.

Mara, meanwhile, was in full slaughter mode, taking care of the wolves while Cupcake supported her, and when the gnome was rushed by Goblins, Benny stepped in to provide a buffer, giving her time and space to knife them, whether at range or in melee, and preventing them from dealing damage to him in turn.

It was working rather well, and soon enough, the numbers dwindled, and of the fifteen opponents that had chased the other adventurers off, only two remained, a larger wolf than the norm, and a Goblin that was cowering before Benny, right up until it got its skull smashed in.

The wolf tried to pounce on Benny, but Mara just caught it mid leap with a vertical kick that smashed its head like a ripe tomato on the ground. Panting and getting her breath back, Mara wiped at her mouth, removing the stains of blood that'd got on her. "No Rider here," she mused.

"But definitely a force way stronger than there should be this close to the entrance," Cupcake said, nodding. "So the quest's onto something."

"Good thing we got here in time?" Benny tried, catching his breath. "Let's go further ahead... we can go on, right?"

"Yeah, let me retrieve my knives," Cupcake said, as she went about doing so. 

Benny used a cloth to wipe the bits of blood that'd gotten on his armor, and then put it back in his bag. Mara didn't care, the blood would fade with time, same as semen did. Hm... she wondered if that meant the same cloth used to wipe and clean it would just be reusable.

"Right," Cupcake said, putting all of her knives back into place, and stretching a little bit. She jumped on the balls of her feet. "Come on, I'm pumped!"

Mara hummed. "Guys..." she said, "if I told you I have... an idea on how we can get a lot of experience, very fast, before we go on to fight this Rider..." she muttered. "How far would you guys think it's worth going to level up quickly?"

Benny and Cupcake looked at each other. "What do you mean?"

Mara frowned. "Oh, you know..."

"Mara, sweetie, I gulped Goblin semen by the gallon to get a levelup," Cupcake said. "Short of spreading my legs for a wolf, I don't think I can go much farther for experience."

Benny winced. He was not entirely innocent to what Mara and Cupcake had gone through to get stronger, and he himself was a level one adventurer... there was, naturally, a part of him that wanted to get stronger, fast, and reach the levels of Mara and Cupcake. But how committed was he, really? Mara didn't know.

"I..." Benny winced.

"Wow wow wow," Cupcake said, "if this boy's gonna be doing our method, then I definitely want his cherry!"

Benny reacted as if he'd been hit. "There's nothing wrong with being a virgin!" he protested.

"Oooh, you got made fun of for that?" Cupcake asked. "I've heard human boys get nasty about that."

Mara snorted. "Outside of this town, it's the opposite for girls. Back home you were called a whore if you so much as had ever seen a penis," she said, crossing her arms. "Seriously though, if you really want to, I guess we could camp here for a little bit of a while, so you can lose your virginity. I'm not gonna lie, letting a Goblin have its way with your ass and maybe sucking a couple goblin dicks? That's gonna see you hitting level two pretty soon. One gangbang, in fact, might even be enough given how much hunting we've already done," she explained.

Benny winced. "But... but I..."

Mara patted his shoulder, his cape's bloodstains already fading. "You don't have to, you can level up normally," she said.

"No, no, I'm slowing you guys down, and I refuse to be a load that you have to carry!"

Cupcake giggled. "Oh, I'd love to carry a load from you alright..."

Mara rolled her eyes. "Benny, I'm literally wearing proof that you're already working for this party," she said, grabbing at the wolf pelt cape, runing her finger on its edge.

"Oh! Right! I can make more armor!" Benny said, as he gestured with his club towards a wolf pelt that had been dropped in the ground. "I can make you an armor that goes and matches with the cowl!"

"That would be fantastic," Mara said. "And I wouldn't have to go around showing everyone my tits in my underwear?"

"Positive," Benny said, sparkles in his eyes. "I've been running designs in my head and I think I can make compatible armor!"

Mara nodded. "See? You're already useful, you don't need to suck Goblin cock to get ahead!"

"Would be a damn good sight though," Cupcake quipped. "Anyway, wanna lose your virginity quick and dirty just in case?"

"I want Miss Mara to take my virginity!" Benny said. face as red as the blood that had faded from his armor. 

"Wohoho, laddie's got a crush!" Cupcake said. "Well, I can't deny that he's got good taste!"

Mara sighed. "Are you sure you want me to?" she asked. "Cupcake's got... loads more experience than I do."

Benny nodded. "Positive!" he said. "Please, Miss Mara! I beg you, I'll-"

"Yeah, sure, I'll do it," Mara said, shrugging. 

"Even if- buwha," Benny blinked. "You accepted?"

"Why wouldn't I?" Mara asked. "Do you want to do it in private, or do you not mind if Cupcake watches?"

"Oh I'm not going anywhere, having sex out in the open with nobody standing guard is a perfect way to get ambushed," Cupcake said. "And unless you really, REALLY want to get gangbanged by Goblins..."

Benny shook his head. "I don't mind... I won't be a load, I promise, e-even if, if I have to let Goblins have their way with me!" he said, clenching his fist.

"Okay," Mara said, dropping to her knees before him, and hooking her fingers around the waistband of his rather strange choice for bottom, the chainmail bikini panties coming down and- "woahoho," she was taken aback as Benny's cock was revealed, and dropped down to mid thigh, the flaccid shaft already an impressive size. "Holy shit how does this fit in that!?"

Cupcake giggled. "Oh, right, you weren't there when he changed," she said. "Why do you think I'm so eager to jump on that?"

"Will this thing even fit inside you?" Mara asked, grabbing at Benny's trouser dragon, softly running her hand over it, almost marveling as Benny twitched and gasped at the tiny movements and noises he made. "Sheesh, I'm not sure it'll even fit inside me," she muttered, as Benny began to harden. She also noted that the lining of the metal panties did indeed feel quite nice on her fingers, as she helped Benny take them off.

Mara began stroking him a bit more intensely, as blood began to flow into his cock, giving it color and life.

"Aah, that feels good..!" Benny muttered.

Leaning forward, Mara slipped her tongue out of her mouth, and gave him a slow, sensuous lick from the tip all the way up to the root, and tasted the sexual energy rolling off of him, almost. He was starting to rise, growing harder and harder by the moment.

Mara for a moment thought of stopping, thought of telling them what was to come... but truth be told, it had all worked so well in her favor that at this point, she was starting to wonder if it was providence making things go her way.

As a method of apology, as soon as Benny's cock was hard enough, she threw all caution aside, used her fingers to hold him in place, and used all the experience, knowledge and training she had gotten from all that cock she had sucked before to give him the most sumptuous, excessive and luscious blowjob she could manage, sucking his dick into her mouth, slurping and swallowing around it.

His cock finished growing in her mouth, as he panted and moaned, even more girlish sounds than Mara herself made, and soon enough, it was a bit too big to even continue blowing like that, but Mara didn't stop, using her hand to stroke half of his cock while she bobbed her head on the other half, licking and sucking and caring little about the fact that she was being sloppy and drooling all over his crotch and her own legs as she crouched before him.

She basked in his moans and delighted when his hands grabbed onto her head by the wolf head helmet and pushed her to take as much of his cock inside her as she could, she relaxed her throat and swallowed around his cock, allowing him to go deeper into her throat, and then he burst when she kissed the root of his cock, his semen, tasting millions of times better than any goblin's, plentiful and thick. Her free hand massaged and toyed with his balls as he came, his voice coming out in soft moans like those of a girl, rather than the high pitched grunts of the goblins.

She swallowed, and swallowed, and even encouraged his shaft to pour even more of his seed out, swallowing the thick seed as it came.

After a minute or so, he was finally done, and she kissed the tip of his cock as he finished, licking up the droplet of semen that was dripping out of the corner of her lips for good measure. "Still hard... not bad at all, Benny. This thing alone would make you quite popular!" she said, giving him a smile.

"Better than goblin cock?" Cupcake asked.

"Many times," Mara agreed.

Benny blushed red. "Uhm... thanks?"

Mara stood up, and then pulled off her pants and panties fairly quickly, turning around and bending over, holding onto her knees with her hands. "Mind giving him a hand, Cupcake?"

She grinned. "Not at all," she said, joining up, taking the lad's cock in her hand, and then pointing him at the correct hole. "Here, I'll aim for you," she said, then when Benny hesitated, she spanked his butt and as a reflex, he went right in. "Congratulations on graduating!" she giggled.

Benny let out a gasping moan and- "Too sensitive, too gooooood!" he cried, as he erupted, his first penetration and his very first creampie, all at once, while Mara felt full and stuffed in a way goblins could never make her feel, the oversized cock and his plentiful load combining to give her a fantastic feel that by itself put her much of the way to orgasm... and considering he was still hard, she was already looking forward to what else he could show her!


It would have to wait, because with the still warm load in her stomach and in her pussy, Mara had gotten the last ingredient she needed. Two goblin fangs and a dick, which Benny had been carrying, turned into purple mist, and Mara took a step forward, and rapidly pulled her pants and panties back on, grabbing at her sword, as her party members were shocked. 

The ritual was complete, and the purple mist coalesced into a humanoid shape, bursting and then fading to reveal a nearly two meter tall green skinned monstrosity, with bulging, thick muscles, a tiny golden crown atop its head. It looked like someone had stretched a Goblin's skin over a minotaur's body, almost, down to the tusks looking positively tiny on its much bigger mouth.

"Holy fucking shit what's that?!"

"Remember I asked what you were willing to do for experience?" Mara asked, grimacing a little, and everyone's eyes focused on the Goblin there, and in particular, about the large, veiny, warty and green shaft, ending in a purple head decorated with tiny bumps, looking almost like spikes. "That... that is the Boss of the first floor. The Goblin Lord."

The two were shocked. "Mara, how did-"

"Rosie told me," Mara cut Cupcake off. "We can... we can fight it, I know we can beat it," she said.

"Was the rider a lie?" Benny asked.

"Oh, no, absolutely not, it's definitely in here somewhere, but it's not urgent," she said. "I... figured we had a chance on this, I didn't want to waste it."

Rosie's note had told her of where to go and how to summon the Goblin Lord. The Level 4 Boss Monster of the first floor. Boss monsters were a bit more powerful than other monsters of the same level, but with a level three, a level two and a level one... 

"It's gonna kick our asses," Cupcake said, frowning, as the Goblin lord beat its chest. "... Mara... You didn't summon it because you wanted to fight it, did you?"

"I..." Mara closed her eyes. "I did."

Benny frowned, trembling a bit before the might of the Goblin Lord.

All three of them prepared, as the Goblin lord roared, and then rushed towards Mara first. Battle was joined.


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