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You reread Scathach's note. Simple, clear, and for some reason, left stuck to your office door with some sort of food skewer in a slightly creepy blood red color. You had almost thought one of the people who you had chased to the ends of the earth to get them to pay off their debts had found your office and was threatening you when you saw it.

That said, the note was not so scary. Just Scathach informing you that she would not be available for your training, and instead, she had left you in the capable hands of someone who had experience training others that were dedicated to self improvement... or so she claimed at any rate.

You slipped the note into your pocket and entered the gym that had been indicated in it, the door chiming and opening to allow you in - and then you were struck by the sight of sparks coming off of the clash of blades, followed by Lily falling to her knees, sword knocked out of her hands.

"That's enough for today!"

You blinked. It was like looking at someone standing next to a mirror, only... not. There were strange things you could notice, a slight difference in the shape of their eyes, a smile that didn't quite come as easily, limbs so very slightly longer, pupils darker only by the barest of margins, skin that had spent a couple more days under the blazing heat of the sun...

All things that you only noticed because Lily drew your eyes so much, you could tell that this person was almost identical, but seemed... older, somehow. An older sister, perhaps? A twin who had lived a different, harsher life?

"Hey there, Lily, didn't know you were here," you said, as you watched the slightly older woman who looked just like Lily pass the young woman a fluffy looking towel.

Lily wore her usual white dress, and as usual, looked fantastic, but her counterpart in white, blue and gold certainly was no slouch in the looks department. Blue bloomers, knee high boots, a white shirt, an unzipped blue and gold jacket thrown over it, and a hat that you could swear you'd seen at least once in Chaldea's gift shop, it actually came together very well, giving her a very sporty look.

That said... "You must be... Mex? Sorry, Scathach's handwriting is almost undecipherable," you admitted, scratching the back of your neck.

"I'm aware," the woman said, twirling the practice sword blunt weapon she had just defeated Lily with, and then carelessly tossing it away - only for it to perfectly land on a stand, and drop into place like it belonged there. Smooth. "My name is a secret, but you can call me Mysterious Heroine X," she said. "You can call me X for short."

"Sounds familiar... is there anyone who goes by a similar name?" you asked. "Ah, nevermind, I probably read it on the catalog."

X stumbled. "I- nevermind that," she said, coughing to clear her throat. "You can go ahead and hit the showers, Lily, I'll finish up here and we can go shopping later, alright?"

Lily nodded, panting. "Good luck, you two, don't overdo it, alright?" she said, as she dusted herself off and began to head towards the showers, passing you and looking thoughtful... before she turned back, ran up to you and gave you a big hug, placing a kiss on your cheek. "C-Call me up sometime, alright? I..."

"Oi!" she said. "Save that for later! If you've got enough energy for that, you've got enough energy to spar some more!" 

A dusting of pink covered the cheeks of the trainer, who glared at Lily, who squeaked and ran away. "Sorry teacher, I'll see you lateeeer!" she shouted, waving at you as she ran away.

You chuckled. "I guess I should visit more often," you said. You'd never though there'd come a day where you just plain didn't have enough free time to spend with everyone you wanted to. "Anyway, thank you for-"

"Quiet, maggot!" the trainer said, crossing her arms and glaring at you. "So you're the one who's been distracting Lily from her training!" she accused, pointing a finger at you like she could fire lasers from it, the intensity of her glare such that you felt like she very well might. "I volunteered when Scathach asked for a trainer so I could get a measure from you!"

"Please tell me this isn't just an excuse to beat me up... I got enough of that already," you said, frowning.

"What? No!" she said, waving her hands wildly in the air. "Lily likes you, why would I ever hurt you?" she asked. "I- I just wanted to see what you're made of."

"Really," you asked, flatly. "And are we going to spar?"

"No?" she asked, more than told you. "I... we could if you want but I fight with swords, I'm fairly certain Scathach hasn't progressed you to weapons yet."

"That is true," you admitted. "She's been working on katas and such for spears and staves but it takes a long time to be good enough that I'm not a danger to myself and everyone around me with weapons," you said, parroting something that you'd been told before. "Can't afford to poke someone's eye out."

X nodded. "Indeed, would take too long to heal," she said. "So... I'm going to run you through a battery of physical tests so I know for sure where you stand, and then I'll run you ragged, alright? Scathach's a bit more of a hardcore instructor than I am, but I'll be making up for the difference!"

And make up for it... she would. Massively. By a lot. Honestly it really did feel like she was using the excuse to torture you, but as you ran laps, eventually increasing the speed and complexity of your motion until you were quite literally jumping off the walls because she was just throwing stuff at said walls and seeing what stuck, your stamina was put to the test and pushed to its limits. Any sort of exercise you could think of, she took to the extreme.

"I... didn't... sign up... for crossfit..."

"I did have an idea for a program called X-fit," X admitted, as you did pullups with her sitting on your shoulders. "Now keep going, you must continue if you wish to be worthy of the title of a Saber Slayer!"

"What even is that?!" you cried, as she began to actively push her weight down on you, while you continued.

Later, you would bench press with her randomly changing the weight and balance on the bar, forcing you to adapt, really difficult, and left your wrists feeling quite sore. Crazy stuff like that, pushing you to the absolute limits not just of your endurance in terms of stamina, but also that of your limbs and bones. Somehow, despite everything... you made it through. 

At the end, X handed you a water bottle and a face towel for you to wipe the sweat with. Your shirt had been abandoned when it ripped, and you were wearing now only your pants, which weren't faring too great either, and your shoes, which were coming apart outright.

You drank greedily, downing the bottle in an instant, and working halfway through another before finally breaking for air, panting as you did. "Ugh, are, we, ugh, done?" you asked.

"Almost," X said, nodding. "Just one test left."

"Good, great even," you said, wiping at your lips. "Hit me," you said, "I'm ready, I'm pumped!"

You were also almost dead, but Scathach would run you until you passed out frequently, so until that happened, you would give it everything you had, and pull things out that weren't even there in the first place if you had to.

X nodded. "Right, to be honest," she admitted, "you passed the physical fitness test a long time ago. I'm just shocked how far Scathach has been able to take your physical shape in such a short time," she admitted, "I wanted to see it for myself."

You hummed. "Right... so... what's this about another test then?" you asked.

Grinning, X placed a hand on your chest, and demonstrating either her strength or how tired you were, you weren't sure which, she forced you to the ground, your back finding surprising comfort in the mats that most of the floor were lined by. It was always strange, how they could be solid when you walked on them, yet soft when you laid down like this.

She grinned down at you, licking her lips. "I'll see for myself if you're truly worthy of being Lily's partner, and if all she's talked about is true," she explained, one of her hands grabbing at your pants and ripping them off of you, the overwork having them come apart at the seams with minimal effort, leaving you only in your underwear. "Not bad at all... your Saber has a good size..."

You frowned. "My what?" you asked. Wasn't she talking about killing Sabers lately? Oh... was she a violent nutcase? Was your little sword in trouble!?

She pulled your underwear down, and grabbed at your cock. "This won't do..." she mused, turning around and giving you her back only for a moment, taking a step back and straddling your head, lowering until she pressed her bloomer-clad crotch against your face, rubbing against it, sighing. "Ahh, this always feels good..." she muttered, as she went about giving you a full face of crotch.

You almost wanted to protest, but it was hard to talk through her bloomers and ass. To be honest... you didn't really mind. Despite the slight tinge of sweat, her scent was surprisingly... feminine and sweet. Odd... She was quite wet, but most of it was concentrated on the crotch of her outfit. Was she turned on?

Your hands moved as best as you could, though your arms felt heavy and weak, and you managed to push her off your face, taking a deep breath. "Hey, what gives?"

"This is your test," she said. "You fucked Lily with this," she asked, as she stroked your cock. "This is what took our precious pure white Lily's virginity," she added, "this... the ultimate anti-saber Weapon, greater even than myself," she moaned. "I can already sense it, feel it... I must experience this weapon myself, harness its power..!" she moaned, as she laid her body down across yours, until she was nuzzling your cock.

"I see... I understand... this weapon... it has a conceptual advantage against all Sabers, we are as one weak to cock," she muttered, and then made you shiver and shift in pleasure as she began laying kisses up the side of your cock, as you twitched, growing both lengthier and stiffer, as she finally reached the tip, kissing it not once, not twice, but three times, in quick succession. "So strange... so overpowering... yet so gentle... so burly, yet elegant... truly, a sword to match Crosscalibur..."

"W-What's- what's going on," you asked, noticing that she was getting strangely turned on, to the point the stain on the front of her bloomers was growing.

She turned her face to you only for a moment, she was almost completely red, and not from exertion. "I'll defeat this weapon, and make it mine," she muttered, "give me all you've got! I'll give you my best!"

She shifted a little, one hand on your thigh, the other holding your penis in place.

You decided if this was gonna be the challenge, then you would respond! Your hands moved her bloomers and the generic white panties underneat to the side, revealing her juicy pussy underneath, a cloyingly sweet scent spreading from it. The taste was just as potent, and as you began to make out with her netherlips, a tongue kiss that would put the french to shame, slurping and sucking her rather delicious juice.

She moaned, panted and shook on top of you, but regained her senses in minutes, and before you knew it, she had taken you into her mouth, and began bobbing her head up and down, with just as much if not greater intensity that you were pouring into her. Not daunted, you firmed your hold on her deliciously firm asscheeks, making sure her bloomers were firmly out of the way, and then tripled your efforts, causing her to scream out a potent orgasm that sprayed her copious fluids all over your face, your tongue darting out to catch some of it within its range.

"I win," you said.

X was panting. "N-No fair, nobod-ieeee!" she panicked a little as you moved, using her weakened afterglow state to maneuver her until she was face down, between your legs, crotch to crotch with you, as you began teasing at her entrance. A mischievous spirit took you over, however, and instead of going in, you sandwiched your cock between her perfectly shaped cheeks and under the bloomers - which you realized, she wasn't wearing panties under, it was just some sort of fabric lining that felt divine against the sensitive head of your penis.

You groaned, as she shivered in place, clearly feeling the effect of your cock running along the cleft of her wet lips.

"Ngh, that's intenseee, I've- never," she panted, "done something like this, before..." she moaned, as you began using her ass, pussy and bloomers as a masturbatory aid, fucking her in this strange, yet intensely pleasurable manner, that she was clearly quite enjoying as well, since she quickly came apart.

"You're even more sensitive than Lily, are you sure you wanted to test me, and didn't just want to get laid?" you taunted, grinning as you continued humping her crotch and ass, no part of it whatsover could be called dry, as she had made sure you were well and thoroughly lubricated all over.

She whined. "N-no way, no way, I wasn't jealous, m-my student was, was getting it a-and I wasn't!" she cried out, groaning, "this is too strong, it feels too strong, ugh, you've not even put it in, and I'm gonna cum again!!! Why--- whyyyyy, hoooow!?" she cried. "How are you this goood!? Scuhh, Scahkk," every time she tried to speak you cut her off with a heavy and potent thrust, grinding your prick head and shaft against her nether lips before coming back and catching her on the way back as well, each time interrupting her thoughts and words with a strangled cry or moan.

It became a game, of fun and pleasure, as you forced her body to submit to the pleasure it was feeling. She had put you through your paces, abusing her obviously superior physical fitness, showing off that perfect, tight little body, so similar, yet so different, from Lily's, and you'd had enough of that, now going fully into your revenge.

"Do you want it?" you taunted, "do you want it inside you?"

"Ugh, gehk, I'm not, I'm not gonna lose... not gonna lose, not to, not to another, anti-Saber, guh, weapon!" she cried, as you began rubbing yourself against her even harder. "That's- that's why- I will never- I will never-" she panted, tears leaking out the corners of her eyes, as she directed a desperate, pleading look towards you, "fuck me, I lose, I lose, I lost completely, please, fuck me, put it in me, put your dick in meeee!" she cried, as you lined yourself up, and in a single, powerful thrust, went all the way through to her depths.

It was tight, so very tight, so much so there was no way this woman wasn't a virgin, she was even tighter than Lily was, just as narrow, but so much wetter, she didn't seem to accept you at first, but her pussy soon got with the program, letting you in, and then not a moment later, clinging to you so hard you weren't even sure you would be able to pull out.

You grunted. "Here, the anti-saber weapon you love so much!" you spoke, getting into that game she seemed to be roleplaying yourself, "get fucked and lose to it, lose yourself completely! Become a failure heroine, a total slut for anti-saber cock!" 

"I'm losing! I lost! I lost!" she cried, face melting into a mask of lewd degeneracy as your cock reached her deepest parts and she simply shattered into a million pieces of pleasured woman, melting together into a twitching pile of orgasm, drooling out of the side of her mouth, collapsing bonelessly, her only muscles with strength being in her pussy, which wrapped with all of its strength each and every fold of its walls along your cock, squeezing, milking you.

The pleasure was too intense, especially after her blowjob and humping her so hard, you too exploded, erupting inside her and filling her up and then some, cum leaking out of the union of your bodies, as she twitched pathetically, moaning wantonly and drooling on the mat, as you held her in place while emptying your balls inside her.

The room was filled only by the sound of your hard breathing, and her rapid, short pants... and then your cock twitched inside her, and you got on your knees, moving while still hard and still inside her, until you could kiss her neck and her cheek, now covering her almost like you were pressing on top of her. Like this, it truly did feel like you were fucking her into the ground, the way she had worked you into the ground earlier.

"Was it everything you wanted?" you asked, into her ear.

"Yeeeesshh... gimme more, I wan' moreeee!" she moaned.

You grinned. Well... your trainer for today was telling you that training wasn't finished, and Scathach's rules for training said training only ended when the trainer said it ended!


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