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Red finished his food and put the plate down, sighing in satisfaction. It was good, he would give Blue that much. And she had even made more than a little bit extra, and while she had originally intended to feed it to their pokemon, said pokemon were perfectly happy eating what they hunted.

"And that's basically it, he just... didn't support me, didn't help me, and kept trying to make me give up on my dreams," Johanna explained, taking a sip of her tea. "Can you believe that?"

Blue nodded, looking fierce and upset. "Even as a friend that would be unacceptable, and he had the gall to call himself your boyfriend? That's not good at all," she said. "Right Red?"

There was a moment of silence.

"Red agrees," Blue continued, not even fazed by the lack of response, "anyway... that doesn't explain how you ended up in Kanto of all places."

"Well, you know, Sinnoh had a larger scene and more discoverability potential since they're starting to put up contest halls all over the place, but..." Johanna sighed. "I'm a bit on the older side, so I've got a few disadvantages. The fact that I've had a boyfriend only exacerbates it," she explained. "Back there every Coordinator must be a perfect pure princess who knows not the touch of man. Blergh."

"That sounds terrible," Blue winced. "But wait- so they expect you-"

"Well, yeah, can't have boyfriends, but also can't get anywhere if you're not willing to get on your knees for the movers and shakers... I had enough of that bullshit for a lifetime, I'll prove myself over here and then blow the lid on all of this bullshit when I get back to Sinnoh."

Red cracked his neck, and hummed to himself as he stood up. 

"Oh... yeah... we only have one tent," Blue said. "Size is good enough for all three of us, but..." she frowned. "Red can get a little... frisky."

"I'm aware," Johanna said. "Are you two... dating?"

"Us?" Blue asked, blinking. "No, no, we're-"

Red turned around, grabbed her by the shoulders, and kissed her deeply, with lots of tongue, almost forceful, but Blue melted into it and allowed herself to be taken thoroughly and enjoyed every second of it, quickly wrapping her arms around him. 

"I, uhhh, Red," she blushed. "Are... are we..."

Red made his intention clear. 

"O-Oh my," Johanna fanned herself with her hand. "A-Am I interrupting you or-"

Red grabbed her next, and gave her a similarly passionate, blazing hot kiss, one of his hands on her ass, the other on Blue's ass, bringing the two of them close to his body, pressing them against him with surprising strength, as the two ladies' bodies pressed against his. 

For many, this position would be one that was envied intensely, but Red wasn't satisfied, not with just this. He had a plan... it was a plan made up less than an hour ago, but it was a plan nonetheless, and with one hand on each ass, he began pushing both women towards the tent.

"R-Red, you- she's here, we can't," Blue insisted. "I-"

"I don't mind," Johanna said, giving Blue a rather saucy grin. "I don't dislike you, you're pretty cute."

"M-Me?" Blue asked.

"Yes, you," Johanna replied with a wink. "Come on, you can't say you've never been curious," she said, licking her lips.

"I, how, how are you so comfortable with the idea?" Blue asked, though she was putting up no resistance as Red and Johanna effectively took her to the tent.

Johanna giggled. "Darling, you think I'm the only girl who had to pay for her support on her knees? The amount of fat bastards that loved to watch two girls play with each other for their amusement would shock you."

"But, but, but I-" Blue stammered as the tent was zipped up, and the trio separated, both Red and Johanna immediately starting to undress. "But I'm straight!"

Johanna, now down to just her bra and panties, stepped into Blue's personal space and cupped her cheek with her hand, noses almost touching as their gazes locked. "So's spaghetti, until it gets wet," she said, before leaning in and taking Blue's lips in a kiss, not quite as forceful, but almost as passionate as the one she had shared with Red

Despite herself, Blue couldn't hide the fact that she was enjoying the kiss quite a bit, considering she melted just as easily as when Red did her, and if she were to truly be honest, she'd admit that she liked the softness of the kiss, the strangely taboo feeling that came from kissing a woman in front of her sort-of boyfriend, and in many ways...

She kissed a woman and liked it. 

Their lips separated with a smack, and Johanna giggled, her hands playing with Blue's chest. "You're so cute," she said, "you'd make a pretty cute coordinator."

"I like battling," Blue said automatically in response, face red.

Red tapped his foot impatiently.

"Oops, we're neglecting someone here," Johanna said, humming. "Come on, cutie, join me?" she asked.

Together they got down, as Red laid down on top of the sleeping mats that lined the floor of the tent, propping himself up with his hands. They were on their fronts, Blue still wearing her clothes, Johanna reduced to bra and panties alone, while Red was fully naked.

They didn't waste time, both of them heading down to his crotch, each of them putting one hand on one of his thighs as he spread his legs giving them access. Johanna was first, diving down to start suckling, kissing and lapping at his balls.

Blue, a little more hesitant, looked him in the eyes first, and when he nodded firmly, she steeled herself, and first kissed his shaft near the base, trailing kisses up, trying to ignore how wet she was getting just from doing so, and hearing the rather lewd and nasty wet sounds that Johanna made as she gave completely shameless service to their shared partner.

This at least she was a lot more comfortable with, licking up his shaft first and then taking his prick head into her mouth, sucking him off as she had done before, head bobbing back and forth even as she almost subconsciously timed and perfected her movement so she would coordinate with Johanna servicing his balls.

The blue haired woman stopped for a second, grinned, and waited until Blue pulled up, and then licked up Red's shaft, meeting Blue at the tip, and sharing a kiss with her with his dick in the middle, their tongues lapping and lashing at it, and Johanna wound up taking over the sucking while she used her hand to guide Blue down to Red's balls, which she began doing her best to service, imitating the slightly older woman.

Red's hips began shaking and bucking, clearly he was reaching his limit, the incredibly intense double blowjob driving him to his limits fairly quickly, and when he did, the two seemed to be invigorated and motivated, doubling the intensity of their attack. They redoubled the speed and intensity of their service, but even more so, they became noisy, lewd, nasty, sloppy, leaving Red covered in their spit twice over, and it seemed like the more pleasure he felt, the more he showed his appreciation, the lewder, nastier they became.

Almost like they were trying to one up one another in which of them was giving more of themselves, who was putting more effort into pleasuring their shared partner, and yet, it all came to a head as Red's hands grabbed at the back of both of their heads and gently, but firmly, pulled them into place, pressing their cheeks against one another, their tongues darting out almost desperately, licking at his prick head, which was the final straw that broke Red's resistance, as he burst out in a shower of thick white semen that covered their tongues, got into their mouths, and painted their faces.

He came, and with the two remaining in place of their own volition, he could use his hands to keep squeezing even more semen out of his cock to keep spraying over them, stroking himself to completion, only to have Johanna dive down, sucking him even harder, draining the last remaining bits of semen from within.

Blue swirled the cum in her mouth for a moment, and when Johanna finished with Red's cock, she grabbed the white stained woman's cheeks and then planted a firm and hungry kiss on her, obviously sharing and snowballing the cum with her.

They separated, seemingly having taken a half each, and when they both swallowed, they seemed to look at each other... and then begin licking at each other's face, cleaning the other of semen.

By the time they were done doing so, Red was just as hard as when they first got him hard with their blowjob, if not even stiffer. He grunted, and laid down fully now, his cock pointing up.

"Come on darling, you were here first, you should take the first ride," Johanna spoke, helping Blue move her skirt and panties out of the way as she straddled Red, and then guiding Red's shaft to its proper place, managing to get everything in place despite Blue not having undressed ahead of time.

Blue hissed at first, feeling the shaft split her apart. Red might not be particularly oversized, but he was just big enough to give Blue an incredible experience every time they did it, and he definitely used his dick in amazing ways, as he managed to rock his hips and move just enough that he teased at every single one of her sensitive spots, especially as he began to move, and she began to move in turn, rocking her hips, sighing and moaning.

It felt amazingly good, and she melted around him, and he felt no less good inside her, the two of them dancing an old and well known dance.

"Ugh, you two look so damn hot that I can't stand it," Johanna said, as she swung her leg over Red's head. She had discarded her bra and panties"Do me too?" she asked, half begging, half pleading, voice needy and lustful.

Red's arms wrapped around her generous thighs and grabbed firmly to each of her asscheeks, pulling her down to his face, having neither shame nor hesitation in immediately eating her cunt out with gusto and wild abandon.

"O-Ohh, oh Arceus almighty," she moaned, "fuck, fuuuuck, you- this, this is incredible, amazing, too gooooood!"

Blue bit her lip, and began rocking her hips more intensely. "H-Hey, don't forget about me!" she complained.

One of Red's hands left Johanna's thigh, and grabbed onto Blue's leg, and Red shifted until he was able to get his feet planted on the ground, and then began to wildly pound into Blue's vagina, hard, fast, and powerfully.

Both women were now moaning openly, wantonly, lewdly, having lost control, as the man below and between them gave them ridiculously intense and unexpected pleasure as he fucked the two of them at the same time, one with his mouth and tongue, and the other with his hips and cock.

"Fuck, fuck, I'm cumming, I'm gonna cum, you're gonna make me cum just like this, keep going, yes, YES, YESSSSS!" Johanna screamed, closing her eyes hissing her pleasure out as she lost control of her voice, her chest shaking and moving and dancing enticingly, pink nipples barely lit by the only lamp within the tent itself.

Blue moved forward and latched her mouth onto Johanna's breast, stopping it from moving about, and sucking hard, making Johanna's impending and incoming orgasm even stronger and more potent, causing the blue haired woman to at first emit a low volume, high pitched noise that was quickly followed by an insanely lewd and naughty moan that was accompanied by her face melting into the very image of a fucked stupid look.

Blue didn't have much longer to contemplate anything, however, because she felt Red's cock pulse first, and then she almost lost consciousness as he exploded within her, immediately filling her up and then some with a big fat load of cock milk, and that wasn't even the last, as he shot three more loads just as big into her, making her feel bloated and stuffed, even more than their earlier dinner had.

She groaned, and after a little bit of recovery time, got off of Red and laid down on her back, panting for breath... only to find an already recovered Johanna coming up to her, first pecking her lips, and then moving over her, moving until her face was over Blue's crotch, and her crotch over Blue's face. "Come on... just go with your instinct," she said, as she dove down and started eating the creampie directly out of Blue's pussy, while lowering her crotch down to make Blue eat her out as well.

Red, seemingly amused but mostly aroused, got on his knees behind Johanna, and right in front of Blue, slid his pussy-juice slick cock right up Johanna's tight ass, the blue haired woman moaning wantonly as she felt him penetrate her.

Blue panted, amazed at not just the pleasure she felt from being eaten out, but also delighting in the show she was seeing right in front of her face... and she wondered, as she saw Red's cock coming in and out like a piston, what that would feel like up her own ass.

It looked like she would get to know soon, gulping as she saw him double his speed and start fucking her in earnest. The night was young still, after all, and Red seemed to be quite... hungry still.

She only wondered if Johanna would even be able to sit in the morning!


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