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The bitter chill of Scotland was still affecting you even as you were led through the castle's surprisingly warm and comfortable hallways. Much like Chaldea, it seemed to be a product of the latest available technology. From silly stuff like screens that pretended to be moving paintings, to fake torches that lit themselves based on motion sensors, and even a real-time projection of the sky above when you were put through the Great Hall, as your guide had called it...

"It's a bit tacky," Medb stated. She walked ahead of you, and well, that was never a bad thing. Few were the times where you could say Medb wasn't a treat for the eyes, and those were the times when she would put you through the wringer. For some reason that you still didn't understand, she had taken the role of your sexual educator, apparently out of some sort of rivalry with Scathach?

It was hard to know.

"I thought it was cool at least," you said, noticing the severe looking older woman that was guiding you down the hall was twitching at every one of Medb's comments.

"It looks like a castle I would've sacked, personally," she said, humming. "But I must be remembering wrong considering it's still standing."

The woman who had initially looked quite fierce when you met her, only to shrink before Medb, stumbled then. "Y-Yes, well, I would say that if that had happened, perhaps there would have been those who would've been quite eager to rebuild," she spoke, as if stating a simple hypothesis.

"I suppose so," Medb said, a hint of smug satisfaction to her tone.

The woman cleared her throat, and as they walked through the hallway, she seemed to stop for a few seconds near an empty wall, pulled out a stick from her heavy robes, and then tapped the wall repeatedly, as if hitting a pattern. Detecting some sort of key, the bricks began to recede - and a hidden door was revealed.

"Nifty," you said, nodding in appreciation.

Medb looked amused but didn't say much. The woman then opened the heavy looking wooden door. "We're here. Thank you for your assistance, I shall come to collect you when you are finished. Please do not leave early, the castle's hallways can be quite winding and sometimes, it tends to change itself to get people lost."

"Of course," Medb said, humming appreciatively.

That was a bit of a strange metaphor, but if the hallways all started looking the same, it would probably feel like the castle was changing on you. With a bow, she left your presence, and you watched her leave, a bit lost as to why just for a moment, she'd looked at you with a look of unparalleled pity.

"Did I get into something I shouldn't have?" you asked, turning to Medb. "This is just... a class right? We're not dealing with some hellions or anything?"

She shook her head, tucking a stray strand of pink hair behind her ear. "You'll be fine, just follow my step and try to keep up," she said, "I know you've got what it takes to do so, otherwise I would have brought someone else," she said.

"You literally told me I was your backup because the person you wanted to bring with you said no," you replied, flatly.

"And that is a high honor," she said. "Straighten your back and stand at attention, you're the centerpiece of this lesson," she said, her tone not necessarily changing, yet an edge of commanding authority crept into it, like it was always there. You did actually straighten your back.

She walked in, and you walked in behind her.

Almost felt like you stepped through water or something, like there was a thin film of liquid that you stepped through, you almost wouldn't have noticed it if you weren't a bit more aware of your surroundings than most... and also if it wasn't for the fact that the moment you did, the sound of chatter filled your ears. No doubt, the people taking the class' voices were filling your ears.

Some sort of sound dampening technology? You turned back, only to see the door closing behind you. The classroom was much like the castle, stone that looked like it should be cold and unforgiving, but it was actually quite... nice, in terms of atmosphere.

There was a green board behind a lectern, and forty desks, each containing someone in black robes, each accented in different colors. Red and gold, bronze and blue, green and silver, and yellow and black. They each bore a crest on their breast, a tie and usually some sort of badge, pin, or otherwise accent themed with those colors. Your eyes swept through them. You had thought you'd be helping Medb teach kids something, but these kids looked, uh, pretty grown up to say the least.

Medb walked until she was behind the lectern, and you admired her as she went. She discarded her thick, heavy and fluffy white coat as she walked, throwing it easily, and it landed on the coat rack near one of the corners of the blackboard, causing it to tremble from the weight. 

It also revealed the fact that Medb was wearing clothing that could very much be confused with lingerie, a bustier and a white microskirt. It was a bit of a hilarious contrast, the purity of her image, with the lewdness of her very being, clad only in white, and with her soft pink hair...

She gave the class a confident grin. "Alright," she began, stepping on her chair first, then putting a slim, delectable looking leg over the lectern, resting her weight on that leg's knee. Where had that riding crop come from? She hadn't had it a second ago! Maybe it was hidden under her coat and she did some fast hand movement to pull it out without being seen? "Quiet!" she ordered.

Well, it didn't matter. The chatter stopped immediately, and everyone instantaneously focused on the teacher, each of them caught by surprise. They'd been paying such little attention, it was amazing to see Medb instantly command the room like that.

"Listen up," she said, gesturing towards her chest. "Upon request of your headmaster, Chaldea has agreed to lend your school our aid, and that includes hiring us Servants for the purpose of educating and enlightening you useless lot so that you may face the tides of darkness that threaten to consume your world!" she spoke, gesturing towards the blackboard with the same hand, fingers open. What you thought was a green board for chalk writing seemed to be a screen, because it erased the doodles on itself and then Medb's name appeared on it, with the sound of chalk scratching. "You will refer to me as Your Majesty, Queen Medb, my Queen, or simply Your Majesty, " she spoke.

"Who the hell does this jumped up muggle think she is?" a foppish looking boy, that seemed to almost exude the aura of a high class twit, spoke. "You-"

Medb grinned. It seemed she'd been waiting for that. "You," she said, pointing at the boy.

The boy stood up, as if challenging Medb.

Medb's riding crop made a sharp cracking noise as it struck her hand, and she kicked the lectern down, striking a rather sexy pose as it came down. The class seemed to shrink, as each of them leaned away from her gaze, like she had fired some sort of instant kill beam directly at the boy who had confronted her, as she glared at him. 

The boy trembled, and you almost thought he might have pissed himself as she focused her attention on him. "One more word from you and I will have you removed," she said, simply, clearly and concisely. "I have not the patience to deal with a buffoon who does not know his place," she hissed, acidly.

She was probably the only thing in the room for that boy, you were behind her and even you felt intimidated, though she dropped the tense atmosphere a few moments later. For some reason, you had the feeling that Medb had restrained herself quite a bit... probably on orders. 

She then turned to the rest of the class. "If anybody else has any objection or interruption, now would be the time," she warned. "No? Nobody? Then let's begin," she said, kicking the lectern back into place, then jumping on it, sitting her magnificently perky bottom on it, crossing her legs, and playing with her riding crop. "Now, I've come to teach you lot about love in its most magnificent form," she explained.

There were hands raised, but she ignored them.

"Now," she spoke, gesturing towards you, "my assistant here shall help me demonstrate," she spoke, gesturing for you to come to her.

You did as she asked. She smiled, and gestured for you to speak, as well. It actually felt kinda nice, that she trusted you to speak in what was her own teaching gig. "Greetings, I'm, well, her assistant," you said. Part of you thought it might be best to keep anonymous, though you weren't quite sure why. "Nice to meet you everyone."

She hummed thoughtfully, and then gestured towards you. "As you can see, he is male, I am female," she spoke. "Though it is the most standard configuration, it is by no means the only one," Medb explained. "Normally, I would have many attendants, but there are those who are superior enough that their singular presence shall suffice," she spoke, "and this specimen counts himself among that very privileged and prestigious number."

There were some oohs and ahs among the class, awe and respect at Medb's declaration. It actually felt kind of nice? It was weird that, uh, they bought it so easily. You knew it to be true, but they wouldn't know that Medb could probably go through every male in the class and still want more.

"Consider yourselves lucky, you get to be taught and to witness carnal love beyond the means of lesser humans," she spoke, turning towards you, and smiling. "Do undress," she... ordered, it wasn't really heavy, but... well, it was definitely an order.

Medb had a way about her that made her hard to refuse at the best of times. Luckily, you didn't need to refuse her, as you began divesting yourself of your standard issue clothes, soon leaving yourself naked. Medb licked her lips as she looked at your physical form, and hummed approvingly. "You're definitely better every time I see you, your progress is astounding."

You hadn't thought you'd changed much, but the praise was welcome. "Thank you. I wish I could say the same, but I don't think there's room to improve upon you," you said.

She laughed. "Of course," she said. Clearly, you'd said the right thing, because she seemed incredibly pleased. "Now, class, as you can see," she spoke, as one of her hands landed on your chest, and then began roaming down, tracing your muscles. "This is a male," she said, as her hand reached towards your junk. "Quite the male, in fact," she added, licking her lips.

She turned back to the class, who all seemed to be enraptured with her voice as she spoke, while beginning to stroke your cock, which was slowly but surely beginning to grow and stiffen as she played with hit. "The first step, naturally, is to arouse your partner," she spoke, as she grabbed at her tiny skirt and lifted it up, revealing her pristine, immaculate white panties. You half expected a sheer or outright transparent thong, but it was actually quite modest for her.

You realized this was your cue, and as such, your hand reached for her clothed mound, and you cupped it, her heat easily coming through her panties, it felt quite nice, and you began teasing her.

"Direct stimulation is a good method," she explained, beginning to stroke your cock a bit faster, especially as you reached your full length, and were stiff enough that she could smoothly glide her gloved hand back and forth on your cock. "Oral stimulation, however, is better," she said.

You nodded, and got on your knees in front of her. She spread her legs for you to hook your fingers under the waistband of her panties, and pull them off. Her perfect pussy was exposed to you, completely bare of hair, a little peach that you knew would taste of the sweetest honey the moment you got your mouth on it.

So you didn't waste time, diving in, messily and with gusto devouring her cunt. 

You also heard her, continuing the lesson, without missing a beat, even as you did your best to lick, suckle and drink her juices, it didn't matter. Even as she leaked her honey, she seemed to have ironclad control over herself.

"Remember," she said, "compatibility is important, and having a partner who is sexually incompatible with you will cause long term problems, it is best to properly communicate with each other."

It seemed like someone had raised their hand, and Medb, now simply enjoying your mouth while you ate her out, acknowledged her, the motions of her gesturing to the girl causing her to lean her pussy into your mouth a little more, giving you better access to her cute pink insides.

"Aren't we supposed to remain virgins until marriage?" you heard someone ask.

Medb laughed, just openly laughed. "Girl," she spoke, "what is important is making informed, rational and well thought out decisions," she spoke, simply.

You pulled yourself back and raised an eyebrow at her.

"Shush you," she said, grabbing you by the back of your head and pulling you back into her pussy, then continuing to pet you as she talked, giving more lessons and explanations as she went. You were actually quite surprised to find how nuanced and complicated the lesson was, even as most of it seemed to inevitably deviate to sex rather than sexual health.

"Lubricant, lubricant, lubricant," Medb said, wagging her finger in the air. "I don't care how good you think you are, lubricant, lubricant, lubricant," she continued, "unless you're into being torn up and in pain and having a very, very embarrassing reason to visit the nurse, of course," she spoke, sounding quite amused. 

She tapped your shoulder, and you stopped, pulling back. "Are you ready?" you asked.

She nodded. "See, class?" she spoke, gesturing to you. "It is important that you be confident, but not overconfident. If you are unsure, ask, and if you need to stop, for any reason, then you say it," she spoke. 

"What if we're already having sex and I want to stop?" one of the girls asked.

"Then you say so, and if your partner doesn't listen to you," Medb smirked, "well, then it's self defense," she said, simply and easily. "I believe that you've already had that class."

Many nodded. 

"Now," she spoke, hopping off the desk. "Take a seat," she said.

You looked at the lectern, left quite wet by your combined efforts, and chuckled, wiping a bit of the excess liquid with your hand and then hopping on top of it. You had enough space to actually sit quite comfortably. Medb followed after you, and climbed on top of the Lectern. You leaned back, grabbing onto the Lectern with your arms so you could more easily lean back, and sort of become a chair for her. The feeling of her cute booty on your stomach was actually quite nice, and the wet heat of her pussy sliding down your cock was even better.

"Now, penetration," she said, "I am a rider of men," she explained, "this is my specialty, some of you may find yourselves more comfortable being the ride," she spoke, gesturing with her hand, "and others still may prefer another sort of position."

You wondered... were there even any positions you didn't like? You were pretty sure there were not many that Medb couldn't make intensely pleasurable.

She pulled up, and then placed your cock at her entrance, holding it there with her hand, drooling her lewd juice upon you. Then she began gobbling you up, her lips opening up to welcome you, and her hole easily spreading to fit you. Her insides felt smooth at first, and then it seemed like little wrinkles and folds appeared everywhere, as if her pussy knew which parts of your cock were more sensitive, and began to tease them directly.

She constricted your cock, hot, wet pussy feeling like it was pulsing around you. You hissed, and almost immediately lost control.

And then she began bouncing her hips on your cock, and even worse, displaying her absolute, incredible self control, as she easily continued fielding questions and giving explanations as she gave you an intense, mind numbing ride, her bottom bouncing on your lap, her pussy gobbling you up, and her greedy womb drinking up every bit of fluid.

Panting, hissing and unable to keep quiet as she spoke, you began to reach your limit incredibly quickly. Medb was not screwing around, and instead, she was giving a lesson on how to make your partner cum as quickly as possible.

"And it's always the most important part to enjoy yourself!" Medb said, finally allowing her ironclad control to slip. Her pussy spasmed, and you exploded within her, groaning, and it seemed like she was waiting for that to allow herself to orgasm as well, though in contrast with the intense orgasm that made you screw your eyes shut, she simply sighed in pleasure.

She hummed, and then got off of you, gesturing towards your cock as she did. "As you can see, some males can maintain their endurance, but most will require a period of rest before they can become aroused again," she explained. "Now, however, it is time for the practical lesson," she spoke. "We will test if you have learned the lessons I have imparted."

She stomped her foot, and the walls opened up, two beds coming through, and then closing back down again. The beds were simple, but looked comfortable. You chuckled. "Was that some sort of magic spell?" you asked, amusedly.

"No, the castle just knows better," she said, matter-of-factly, then winking at you. "Alright, girls, line up with my assistant, boys, line up over this side," she said. The young lads and lasses scrambled to follow her commands. You hummed as they split almost perfectly genderwise, and you went to the bed she had indicated to you, while she went to the other. "Everyone remove anything below the waist or get naked, whichever you prefer."

You knew exactly what was going to happen when the first girl came up to you. A girl who had a slightly upturned nose, a bob cut and a dubious, nasty expression that spoke of her seeing you as something lesser, was the first to approach you. Meanwhile, on the other end, Medb was... already riding a red haired boy, cackling as she made him cum very rapidly.

Well, you were her to perform a job, and there wasn't any time to waste... The girl was naked from the waist down, and despite her face, she was so damn aroused she was outright drooling her juices, the clear fluids flowing down her inner thighs. You smiled and offered her your cock, and biting her lip, she took a position similar to Medb's, and then sat on your cock.

It didn't take long to find that she wasn't quite fond of that position, and in fact, was the sort that preferred to be taken from behind, quite roughly at that. As you got done reaming her until she wanted to stop, she seemed to look at you with an entirely different face, and the next girl, a dark haired girl with icy gray eyes, took her place, and you started all over again...

By the time you were finally done, and then with the ones that had wanted a second go around, you stepped out, the class time was over, and it seemed that a man in purple robes decorated with golden stars was talking to Medb and... the master? She was here?

"I believe it went exactly as we expected," the Master said. "Are you satisfied with the results?"

"More than you'd believe," the robed man said, "ah, the young man of the hour," he said. "Thank you for your services, it is much appreciated, hopefully what you've done today shall settle a precedent for the future to follow," he said, bowing slightly. "Now, if you will excuse me..."

"What was that about?" you asked. "I thought we were just doing a class."

Medb laughed. "It seems the old man had objectives besides that," she said. "We played right into his hands, but I suppose in the end it doesn't matter."

The master smiled and nodded. "We'll charge him through the nose for lying!" she said, giving a thumbs up. "I think he's happy to pay the difference, though."

You shrugged. Ultimately, you did your job... still... you turned towards Medb. "Want to finish what we started?"

She smiled. "Ever the dutiful man," she said. "Of course. Join us?" she asked the Master.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world!" she said, hooking an arm around Medb's, and another around yours, and then all three of you headed off. You might've wound up lost without a guide, but you certainly didn't get bored!


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