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"I refuse to eat solely snack bars," Blue said, stomping her foot and brooking no argument. 

Red hummed, stroking his chin.

"And no, your dick doesn't count as a meal!" she continued, as she stirred the pot that had their soup meal. Granted, it was made out of what they had found in the forest before the beedrill barrage forced them to flee, but hey. It was SOMETHING at least. Bug meat might not be great, but... well actually Caterpie tasted pretty good roasted. "It'll be fine, you'll see!"

Red shrugged. Well, worst came to worst, they'd just eat a bit more variety for some time until she got bored. Or they started making enough money to afford restaurants on the regular. Whichever came first.

Blue hummed a little tune, as they took a break outside of the Viridian Forest, on the outskirts of Pewter, where they didn't have to pay for the rented space to put a tent down. Her tushy was moving back and forth, almost hypnotically, and Red decided he was in the mood for a different kind of meat.

His hand grabbed at her butt, and she yelped.

"Not now, I'm cooking!" she hissed. "We'll do it before bed, okay?"

Red huffed, annoyed. 

"Just... okay, I want it too, alright? You make me feel amazing, but there's priorities you know!" she said.

Red sighed, shaking his head.

"No, it's okay, I get it, like I said, I want it too, and I've still got my heart pumping from before," she said. "But if we don't make the food now, we'll go to bed without eating, and then we'll wake up cranky, and I really don't want to have to explain to the Pewter Gym why we depopulated the area."

Red hung his neck. She was right and he knew it. They definitely would do something rather inadvisable if they were in a bad mood and surrounded by rats, birds and many other forms of vermin.

"Why don't you go work off some of that adrenaline? Your pokemon are healed, right?" she asked.

Red nodded, and agreed with her idea. He gestured to signal where he was going, and showed her his open palm, fingers extended. 

"I'll be waiting for you," she said, nodding. "You've got a bit more than five minutes, so don't hurry."

Making sure his pokeballs were ready to throw, Red ventured into the tall grasses, the sinking sun at the horizon still providing enough light to navigate easily, even if he had to keep his eyes peeled and avoid the deepest parts of the tall grass, which would start growing taller and taller the further it was from civilization, and quickly reach heights taller than himself. 

Not for the first time, Red cursed his height, as he wandered through the grass, bringing his ever more powerful pal Charmander out to slay Rattatas and Pidgeys, and sometimes switching things up and bringing out the future Nidoqueen he had recruited a short time ago, to lay the smackdown on the vermin, winged or otherwise.

In the end, though, Red found himself bored of this tedious and repetitive task. After the chase earlier, he was all out of energy, the adrenaline faded, and he... still wanted to fuck. In fact, he wanted to fuck even worse than before. He passed by the river that his map marked, and thanks to that, knew where he was.

Red decided he might as well get a drink, so he went down to the river, pulled out a plastic cup, bent down, and grabbed himself a drink of clean, crystalline water... and then, as he let out a satisfied sigh, quenching his thirst, he saw something floating by the water...

He bent down and grabbed the dark blue fabric, lifting it and stretching it in front of himself. It was... a bra. Red blinked. A bra? Floating in the river? It was a decently sized one too, and Red almost cursed the fact he'd found this, he was still really horny from earlier.

Then he heard splashing, as something approached him by the river - it was dark now, so he could barely see... so he pulled out his pokeball, and let out his Charmander, whose tail lit up the darkness, only just barely allowing him to glimpse the approaching person in the darkness. 

"H-Hey!" cried a woman, an arm slung over her chest. She had very dark hair, tinted blue, but in the darkness it appeared very close to black, a red clip keeping her fringe off her face. She wore only a pair of dark blue panties, and she was dripping wet. "Oh, goodness, thank you for catching that!" she said. 

Red nodded, and passed her the bra as she approached the shore. He also noticed she was carrying a bag on her back... smart to keep your stuff with you, but probably the reason she hadn't caught her bra in time when she dropped it.

As she took her undergarment, Red waved his hand in the general direction of her body.

"Oh, this? I was washing my clothes and cleaning myself off," she said, "but I dropped my bra when I was gathering my stuff and had to chase it here. Thanks again for that, by the way," she said, as she frowned at the garment. She couldn't put it back on now that it was soaked.

Red nodded, accepting the explanation for what it was, most likely the truth. He gestured to Charmander.

"O-Oh, no, no, I'm not a battle trainer," she said, gesturing towards her chest. "I'm a coordinator! I've been traveling across the regions to extend my horizons and learn all sorts of things that I couldn't learn if I just stayed at my home of Sinnoh," she explained, clearly quite proud of herself.

And also lying quite nakedly.

Red put his arms on his hips and raised an eyebrow.

"O-Okay, so maybe I'm not a coordinator yet, but- I'm getting experience, and Kanto is a good place to start," she said, slumping a little. "The coordinator scene here is small, so it's a good environment to get started in. How about you though, what brings you here? Aren't you a little young for the Gym Challenge?"

Red shook his head, dug in his pocket, and showed her his ID, lit by Charmander's flame. 

"Oh... oh! My bad!" she said, "I really apologize," she said, clearing her throat and passing his ID back. "Ah, I'm a mess, dripping wet, in my underwear, and bothering you while you're probably busy making camp..."

She was fishing, but, well, Red didn't really mind. He looked her up and down. She was quite sexy... a different sort of beauty than Blue, closer to Daisy, but... where Daisy had a bit of a sisterly vibe, the sort that liked pampering her siblings, this woman had a strangely... motherly air.

Like she would one day become a splendid milf, and the thought of making her a milf in the first place excited Red. He gestured with his hand towards his crotch.

"Oh... you've got a camp set up then?" she asked, giving him a smile. "I'm sure I could convince you to make a space for me," she said, licking her lips. 

Red smirked. 

"O-Oh, is that a nanab berry in your pants, or are you really happy to see me?" she asked, pink tongue moving out of her mouth and making a slow, sensuous pass over her lips, leaving them wet and, in the dim light of charmander's tail fire, inviting and seductive.

Red took a few steps back, and she followed him, out of the water now. The soft grass would be way better to kneel on than the rocky dirt of the shallow stream, but she still threw down a towel to make it more comfortable for herself, before her knees hit the ground, and she undid the front of Red's pants.

She pulled his dick out of his underwear, and used her hands to bring Red's pants and underpants down to his ankles. "I feel wrong," she admitted. "Even though I know," she admitted, "you're just way too cute, almost like I'm overstepping my bounds here."

Red rolled his eyes, and grabbed at his dick, shaking it in her face.

She giggled. "Right, right, let me blow your mind, and your dick," she said, her hands moving, one of them making a ring with her fingers near the base of his cock, holding it in place, and the other grabbing at his scrotum, softly, applying only enough pressure to be felt, carefully caressing at his testicles. "These feel nice and full, you must be backed up!"

Red... did feel quite backed up.

"The name's Johanna, by the way," she said, "I'm sure you'll be thinking of me later!" 

Red shrugged, just relaxing into the pleasure as she opened her mouth, and took his hard dick into her mouth. She was an expert blowjobber, and she instantly began to search for his weak spots, her fast, agile tongue skillfully rubbing at every spot, licking, teasing and rubbing wherever she could, whenever she could, clearly gauging his reactions.

He didn't hide them at all, and allowed her to get all the information she wanted. He didn't feel like he had to prove anything to anyone, he just wanted the pleasure that came from her extremely skilled, experienced cocksucking. Red sighed, letting his breath come out, hands moving to her head, threading through her hair, encouragingly, not dominatingly, simply showing her that she was on the right track.

She hummed cheerfully and deepthroated him, though it was clear she didn't find it very difficult at all, then pulled back. "I think I like smaller ones, way easier to suck," she said, licking her lips.

Red raised an eyebrow, looking down at her.

"Coordinators have to do whatever they can to try to get auditions and tryouts and to get invited to castings," she said. 

Red frowned. That sounded kinda harsh. He had heard more than once, even Blue complained sometimes, that trainers could get, ah, rather frisky out in the far wilderness and may sometimes request or accept sexual favors in lieu of the traditional monetary exchange upon a battle's conclusion, but...

"Don't worry about it, it's the choice I made, and I knew what I was getting into. Besides, Kanto has nowhere near as big a problem as Sinnoh with the teen coordinators," she explained, "though if I had to choose anyone..." she muttered.

Well, at least that explained why her first idea to try to get to use someone else's camp was to use seduction. Red still felt odd about that sort of stuff, but... as long as she was a consenting adult, he'd dealt with anything else as it came.

Speaking about that... She returned to her blowjob, bobbing her head back and forth, her tongue flicking in practiced, quick motions that teased at his weak spots, bringing him rather intense pleasure. Blue would need tons of practice before she reached this level of cocksucking, and part of Red wondered if he could ask for lessons for her.

He winced, and grit his teeth as his hips moved by instinct, thrusting into her mouth strongly, her eyes widening.

She sealed her lips around the base of his cock, and then began to suck, hard, making swallowing motions with her throat, tickling the tip of his cock. He burst in a moment, and she drank it down easily, like it was just water, showing the might of experience and a wealth of natural talent.

Red panted, heavily, as he came back down to earth after an orgasm that sent him to heaven.

She pulled back, licking her lips. "So, what do you say, huh? Did I earn my ticket for a meal and a good night's sleep under a tent?"

Red hummed. Had she?

Sure... he would let her use his camp. That said... 

His cock pulsed, not having flagged at all. With the topless woman before him, flushed a little with her own excitement, wearing only a pair of panties that were wet with more of her own fluid than any remaining water... 

"O-Oh, you need more convincing I see..." she said, smiling. "An impressive man... very few can go on after experiencing one of my blowjobs!"

Really? Red had only gotten massively excited from it, if her ability to suck cock was this good, he couldn't imagine how her experienced coordinator pussy would feel around him.

She looked a bit nervous then. "I... ah, well, I've only had my... ex," she said, frowning.

Red blinked, tilting his head in confusion.

She looked a bit nervous. 

Red frowned, stroked his chin, and then felt the idea strike him like a Thunderbolt. Charmander growled in boredom, and Red coughed. 

He would spare her just this once, he thought... but he had a plan. For the time being, however, he pulled his pants back up and tucked his cock in, a bit difficult with his erection, but nothing he hadn't done before. He'd have to get back to Blue, who was probably worried, and explain the situation.

And then, he'd enact his plan.

He gestured for her to follow, and for Charmander to keep close just in case. Together, the two humans and the pokemon walked peacefully back to camp, where a short one sided conversation would occur, and the situation would be explained quite efficiently.

And then, as it came time to settle and sleep... Red would begin.


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