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The silence continued, all the way from the restaurant, into the car, and up the elevator ride to Dave's apartment. For just a moment, your resolve wavered, and you wondered if it was not best to let sleeping devils lie, but ultimately, Dave was your friend, and you couldn't stomach the thought of leaving him alone at a time like this.

So as Dave led everyone in, and into his living room, all of you sat on a table, you and Janine together, on your left was Dave, on your right was Tiffany.


She was the first to break the ice.

"So," Dave replied, sounding a bit cold and guarded. "It wasn't much but the trip did give me space to do a little thinking."

"Dave, I- no, there's no point in defending myself," Tiffany finally admitted, sighing. "Yes, I was going to cheat on you."

"With my best friend no less. If it was any more cliché I would puke," Dave said, a bitter laugh erupting from his mouth. "Good thing this isn't some cliché soap opera and my best friend is actually my friend."

You nodded, giving him a supportive gesture. Your right hand was intertwined with Janine's, and you felt her smaller hand squeezing yours. 

"Let's be adults," Dave said. "I had hoped it could work, but clearly, something between you and I was lost in the middle. Why?" he asked.

"I was bored," Tiffany said, simply, eyes down, looking at least a bit contrite and guilty. "I know, it's stupid, but- I'm sorry, alright?" she admitted, finally. "You're safe, you're a good guy, you- you treat me well, and you respect my space, and you're everything I want in a partner but at the same time you- you-"

Dave frowned. "That's it? Boredom?"

"More like... incompatibility," Tiffany tried. "It's just... it's just boring. We don't do anything fun."

"Well excuse me for being a suburban guy with simple interests then," Dave responded.

"If it'll make you feel better... I've never actually cheated on you," she said. "I chickened out at the last second every time."

"Really?" Dave asked, surprised.

"Yes. Every time I was about to," she sighed, "I thought- well, not about that," she said, "but more like, I thought that I would ruin something good, but I couldn't help myself... I'll admit, it was the only way I could get myself to cum when I was with you. When, when I came here after flirting with some other guy, the dirty thrill I got from knowing I came this close... I guess I just like being at the brink, at the edge..."

"You didn't look like you were chickening out with him," Dave said, gesturing towards you.

"I've been wandering the edge so long I don't even know if I would've finally tipped over," she admitted. "My prior boyfriend, well, he caught me doing much the same... I never cheated on him either but, he didn't believe me," she said. 

"And I should?" 

Tiffany took her phone out of her pocket, wordlessly, and unlocked it, opening it up to a message chain. You eyed it as it passed, seeing her nudes on it, as well as dick pics from other men, as Dave began to run through it. You saw that the messages suddenly turned to a... frankly quite mysogynistic tirade at the end.

Dave frowned, passed you the message to read, and you passed it to Janine.

"Oh is that- eugh that's disgusting," she said. "His dick's not exactly anything special either."

"That's cold," Dave said with a wince. "Can't say I feel sorry about someone who flips out like that over being blueballed..."

Tiffany nodded. "I'm sorry, alright," she said, "I'm a mess, I know, it's probably for the best," she added, shaking her head, hands gripping at her scalp. "You're a good guy, Dave, you shouldn't be getting involved with an unstable bitch like me."

"Tiffany, I-"

Janine slammed her palm against the table. "Stop that, right now," she said, voice sharp, cutting Dave off. "Alright, okay, so, full stop," she said, pointing a finger at Dave. "You too, remain quiet for a moment!" she warned. 

Dave blinked. "O... kay?"

"First of all!" Janine said, raising a hand closed in a fist, then raised one finger. "Congratulations on being mostly mature and not devolving into a screaming match!" she said, a smile on her face.

"Uh... thanks I guess?" Dave responded blinking.

"Second!" Janine began, raising a second finger. "Let's take stock of the situation, and put the cards on the table. You," she said, pointing at Tiffany, "have a fetish!"

"A... a fetish?" Tiffany asked, blinking.

"Yeah!" Janine said. "I know, I have a weird fetish too, I, uh-" she stammered, then gathered her courage, and you squeezed her hand in support, to remind her you were there, she took a deep breath. "I like- I'm a cuckquean," she said, "I like, uhm, watching my lover with other women," she said.

Tiffany's jaw hung open. "Then... you-" she blinked. 

You nodded, running a thumb over Janine's hand, she smiled and leaned against you. 

"I know, on some level, that it's exciting, but, uhm, more from the other side?" she tried to explain, then shook her heart. "Not important, alright, point is, fetishes! They're a thing! And you've got one of them!"

"For cheating? I don't know how that makes it in any way better..." Tiffany said, looking away from Janine.

"Well, I'm not sure. Maybe you just like blueballing men?" Janine asked. "I mean, you've never actually cheated on your boyfriend right?"

"I've come pretty close, but, uh," Tiffany looked at Dave. "I swear I've never cheated on you, or, or either of my boyfriends before."

Dave sighed. "I wish I could trust that," he said. "Can I trust you not to cheat on me? You almost did it today..."

"I... I can't say," Tiffany said. "It's... I think it's for the best, you deserve someone better than me, Dave, I'm sorry."

"Wait!" Janine said. "What if, what if we could test if you actually would cheat on him?"

Dave looked pensive for a second. "You don't mean..."

Tiffany looked back and forth between them. "What?" she asked. "How would you even test that?"

Janine smiled. "Well... honestly there's only one way. Do it. Do it and see if you like it," she said. "Sleep with someone else."

Tiffany's mouth gaped like a fish.

"And good thing is, we have a trustworthy guy right here," Janine said, patting your shoulder.

You winced, not really feeling comfortable with this sort of situation. You touched Janine's shoulder and glanced deeply into her eyes when she turned to you, she seemed to understand your hesitation immediately, as she winced, clearly feeling guilty about not consulting you first.

Tiffany shook her head, choking on her words for a moment. "I don't think that's a good idea, Dave, I-"

"No, it's a great idea," Dave said, clenching his fist and nodding to Janine. "You're a genius, Janine. How can I trust you if you can't trust yourself?" Dave asked, sounding almost pleading, towards Tiffany, who recoiled a little. "If even you don't know, then- then how could I?"

She frowned.

"I want this to work out between us, I'm not a quitter," Dave said. "So... I'm all for it. So... what do you say, buddy? Help a guy out, help Tiffany figure herself out?"

Everyone turned to you, now. You weren't sure how the situation had turned out this way, how things had somehow twisted and changed into a completely illogical situation that you could scarcely believe, but... well, there it was. 

"Fine, if- If you guys think it's for the best," Tiffany broke the silence. "Ugh, I can't believe, I've come so close so many times..."

"It's all about trust!" Janine said. "I've never felt as free and liberated as when I finally put all my trust in my partner, and, and asked him to fulfil my fantasies," she said.

Dave clenched his fists. "Right... right! I have to be able to trust you Tiffany, I have to be able to trust your word when you give it to me, and, and for that you need to trust yourself, to know yourself!" he said, working himself up. "If you really don't want to do it, that's okay, I won't force you."

Tiffany shook her head. "No, I want you to trust me, I want, I want to trust myself, I want to know, too, I want to know what kind of woman I am!" she said. "I... I want to know if I'm really the sort of wicked woman that gets off on cheating on her boyfriend!"

Janine pumped her fist. "That's the spirit!" she said.

Well, fuck, now everyone was fired up... you didn't think that you could make them see reason. You looked firmly at Dave.

"I promise, no matter what, I won't blame you for whatever happens," he said. "This is just as much my decision as it is hers, and even if Janine came up with the idea... no, I can't think of anything better. I won't complain or resent either of you for trying to help, I promise."

With his resolute and solemn declaration... well, the only thing left to do, was plan out the event.


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