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Paperwork was the bane of all good, efficient and hardworking employees, and usually, the reward for finishing it early and getting it out of the way was even more paperwork! Even worse was the thought that this wasn't even paperwork's final form, and you had to fill the orders in triplicate!

Well, it wasn't so bad. Many of the forms came pre-filled where they could be, leaving only the requirement of your signature on a fair few of them. Koyanskaya, ever dutiful secretary that she was, dumped a pile of documents that you only had to look over and approve. Alongside that, she brought a tray with a teacup, steaming slightly.

How strange it was now, just a few scant weeks ago you were the lowest rung of the ladder, and now you had people working upon your orders and following your instructions. Truly you'd come a long way.

You first took the cup and drank, the tea she prepared was wonderfully delicious, though a bit on the sweeter side, unusual for her since she usually was light on sugar and cream, but you didn't mind it, it was a nice change of pace. Then, replacing the cup on the tray, you set about reading and knocking off the documents while she organized your out pile into the correct trays for the gofers for each department to take them back.

"These will be the last for now, you have an appointment for the rest of the day with Master," the pink haired, fox eared assistant spoke, sounding a bit despondent,. "I'll be taking care of your duties for the rest of the day. Any instructions?"

You nodded. "Use your judgment," you explained, "but be conservative, nothing currently is an extreme emergency, so there's no rush. We can replace equipment and cover missing funds, but we can't replace competent employees."

"So if they're incompetent-" Koyanskaya began.

"They shouldn't be here. If you find anyone who isn't up to par compile a report and bring it up to me, we'll deal with that later, okay?" you asked.

She seemed disappointed. "Very well," she said. "Well at least you won't require my services tonight."

You rolled your eyes. There was a hint of disappointment there rather than relief. "Most likely not," you agreed. "I'll see you tomorrow then."

"See you tomorrow," she agreed, as you stood from your desk and left, walking the... strangely daunting short distance to the master's office.

Soon enough, you were there, and entered. The door closed behind you with a foreboding 'thwip' and chimed locked.

The master was sitting on her desk, wearing what appeared to be a very dark blue schoolgirl uniform, buffing her nails. Not on the chair, on the desk, legs crossed. She even wore kneesocks and sensible flat shoes in dark brown, and she appeared to be quite amused as she put the file down.

"What's with the getup?" you asked, first of all, somewhat confused.

"I've got lots of cute outfits that I want to wear sometimes, is that bad?" she asked, planting her hands on the desk and pushing herself off. She raised a hand and snapped her fingers, and the light dimmed a bit. The air also changed a little, smelling a tad... sweeter.

"You called for me?" you asked, giving her a smile as best you could. "I didn't know you were offering my services alongside everyone else," you said, grinning.

"You're not getting paid for this, if anything, you're paying for something," she said, a good natured smile on her face. "Take a deep breath, do you enjoy that fragrance?"

You did as instructed. "It's sweet but not cloying, it's nice, what is it?" you asked.

"It's a new product we're developing," she said. "For use in cases where the client needs a bit of help managing their equipment, you know what I'm saying?" she asked, smiling widely.

You sniffed deeply, and could feel it almost going down your airways, into your lungs, and then spreading like liquid warm around your body.

"Oh... so it's..."

"An aphrodisiac incense," she confirmed, nodding. "Oh... Before I forget, the tea you drank earlier? That was also testing a new drug," she spoke. "You should recognize it, it's one of Medea's works, it improves vitality, stamina and of course, strengthens sexual appetite, though the last is a side effect and not intentional."

You frowned. "I really don't feel like I drank and am smelling aphrodisiacs," you said.

"Why don't you look at your not-so-little friend?" the master asked, smiling widely, looking like the cat that got the cream as she stretched herself, leaving little hints of what was beneath her uniform, her back stretches revealing a tantalizing strip of pink skin.

You looked down and-


"Ooooh," you muttered to yourself, "that's... not normal?" you more asked than asserted, looking up.

The Master giggled, and she seemed to be quite amused at the sight of your towering erection, which seemed to be threatening to rip its way out of your pants. You had been hard, you had been hard as rocks before, but this was a bit... extra, to say the least.

"It looks menacing," the master said, grinning. "I commend your strength of will that you haven't lost yourself to lust and assaulted Koyanskaya the moment you drank the tea," she said, smiling.

"She's my assistant, that'd be kind of bad wouldn't it? Power imbalance and all?" you asked.

"It's her job to serve to lighten your load, whether it be labor or otherwise," the master said with a wink. "Don't worry, she tends to complain a lot but she hasn't even talked about wanting to resign let alone putting in a request for transfer," the master said with a wink.

You hummed, licking your lips, feeling them strangely dry. "Can I trouble you for a glass of water?" you asked. "I'm a bit parched."

"Yep... that's the scent you've been inhaling," the master said. "Water won't do anything for you I'm afraid."

"What..?" you asked, a bit confused. "What's... oh," you hummed. "This is because of that time isn't it?"

"Right in one~!" The master's words were cheerful, but her face was threatening. "The only way to calm your thirst... is me," she said.

"Oh?" you asked, tongue moving back and forth on lips that wouldn't wet.

She grabbed her skirt near the hem and raised it, revealing her perfectly cute little peach of a pussy, only a faint dusting of hairs, so thin and new they weren't even dark enough to match her hair, forming a shape, a landing strip, right above her pussy.

"You like it? I've been considered growing it a bit~!" she said, grinning. "Hm... Mashu prefers me bare though..."

You gulped, as your eyes began to water, and your mouth became filled with saliva very quickly. A thick, powerful scent came like a ball of spikes stinging all over your nose, almost as if it was an all new, impossibly thick stench that went directly to your brain.

Your sensitivity was through the clouds, and her feminine odor was obliterating all your thought and senses.

The pain on your knees was a fading memory as you kneewalked to where she stood, under her watchful, amused eyes. "Oh my, you're quite desperate! Go ahead, drink to your heart's content, drink of me until you're satisfied!"

Your lips mashed against her labia, your tongue began lapping at her pussy. It was clear she was not unaffected by the potent aphrodisiacs in the air, given how wet she was, plentiful juices flowing into your mouth as you sucked and licked and swallowed, and serviced her to the best of your abilities.

The master didn't keep her voice in check, moaning loudly and lewdly, running her hands through your hair, massaging your scalp as you licked at every nook and cranny, tonguing every part of her pussy and collecting every single dropplet of her vaginal fluids, drinking it all and then more, as she kept giving you more and more.

You drank and drank, though as your mind cleared a bit from the juices you drank, you realized you couldn't move your hands - they were tied behind your back, and you hadn't seen when that happened.

The master sighed in pleasure, pushing your head back a bit and looking down from above. "Sucks to be this needy and want it so bad, only for your partner to deny you, doesn't it?" she asked.

You gulped, and not just to swallow the honey in your mouth. "M-Master?"

She bared her teeth in a threatening smile... and then pushed you, causing you to land on your back. Whatever was keeping your arms in place snapped, and you were free to move them, only feeling the light sting of the landing for a few moments. The master's shoes made a tapping sound as she walked around your prone body...

And then you didn't see much of anything in the room, because her juicy pussy came down from the skies and landed on your face. You caught her and immediately began licking again.

"That's good, yesss," she sighed. "Keep going, I'm not going anywhere, until we're both satisfied!" she said. You felt her lean forward, then, and one of her hands grabbed onto your penis, stroking it lightly, moaning as she did. "It feels like you could burn my skin off, it's very powerful huh!"

You could do little to respond but to latch your lips around her protruding little clit, and suck strongly, giving her as much pleasure as you could, and then went back to her pussy proper, mouth open and taking in her juices again, juices that kept almost gushing out of her.

She laughed. "Well! I'm glad you're satisfied with that, but I'm gonna be getting some cream for myself now!" she said, and you could almost physically feel the wink, so sensitive were you to each and every vibration that rang through her body. You felt her hand on your cock grab onto your glans specifically, holding it in place.

There was a single moment of shock and almost fear as you felt something cold, metallic, poke at the slit that was the opening of your urethra, but an incredibly potent, mind bending pleasure, without even a faint idea of pain, ran through you, and you almost came on the spot.

"Oh, before I forget - the tea you drank? You're not gonna be feeling much in the way of pain tonight," she said. "Shame, I know, but it skips the middleman and converts it all to pleasure!" she cried, laughing as she did. "It wasn't supposed to but all I had to do was tell Medea of aaaaall the stuff she and you could do under its effects and next thing she knows she's making me the strongest aphrodisiac she could!"

You moaned, muffled by her pussy.

She adjusted a little, her pussy left your reach, unfortunately... but something else, something that had a stronger, more personal scent, was laid on top of your mouth... and you latched onto it. It was just as hot, just as warm, but infinitely tighter and harder to push your tongue into, to lap at its insides, and service it intensely.

"O-Oh, that's it, oooh, yeahhh, you eat ass so good, ugh, that's, way stronger, than I thought~!" she moaned. "D-Do you like, t-the lubricant jell-jelly?" she asked, being distracted as she continued to push the thin metal cylinder down your urethra. That was dangerous, but somehow, it only made you even more determined. "It's- oooh! Yes, there, that spot!" she moaned, as you continued to assault her weak point, seemingly a sensitive little bit of a very sensitive area!

"Oh, by the way," she moaned, "that, ugh, jelly you're swallowing, is, is, also-" she hissed, exhaling air she hadn't meant to. "Good grief, you've improved so much since your first time here!"

You couldn't think of much other than servicing her body, however.

"A-Alright, insertion, complete," the master spoke. She then seemed to be pouring something through the metal rod inserted in your urethra, and it felt like liquid fire being poured directly into your balls. True to her word, however, absolutely no pain was felt, instead an absolutely incredible feeling of pleasure overcame your entire body.

The rod in your urethra was evacuated instantly, and was followed by a torrential explosion of cum, an extreme load that far surpassed anything you'd ever seen, in both volume and strength, instantly and immediately drenching the master's front, covering her face, and then some, her uniform ruined in a single shot.

The master moaned, as she came all over your chin, neck and chest, staining your shirt. Her juices flooded every part of you and leaked around - it was clear that her orgasm was also enhanced and more potent than normal.

"I think... that was too big a dose," the master said with a giggle, as semen drops dripped from her face down onto you.

And then she came down. "Thank you for the meal~!" she intoned, and then she took you into her mouth, and began sucking, bobbing her head back and forth like a madwoman, giving you an unbelievably intense, excessive blowjob, that left absolutely no doubt that she was desperate to drink your semen.

Her willpower, her strength, was unbelievable, you had lost your ability to resist instantly, and she had held it up well enough to actually keep command of the situation! Even though she had given herself an aphrodisiac enema!

Her pussy was back over your face, and the two of you engaged in the wettest sixty nine you could ever think of, as you both drank your feel of each other, your body being subsumed into a state of permanent orgasm, and her already lost to the throes of her own.

You didn't know how long the two of you maintained that infinite bliss, that ouroboros of pleasure and ejaculate, but eventually, she'd had enough, and so had you, and she had mounted you, and ridden you, and had you cum in her again and again and again, eventually feeling like each time her butt and your hips met, with each slap came a thundering orgasm, and another jet of cum up her cunt and into her womb.

And this continued, as she maneuvered you into her ass, her overfilled cunt already expanding her stomach, and made even more excessive as you filled her up from behind. All the cum she drank, all the cum in her bowels, all the cum in her vagina, it was giving her an almost enticing belly, it was almost making you feel like you'd gotten her pregnant, and it was making you want to fill her up even more!

Again, and again! You took her on every surface of the room! She pushed you against the wall, and bounced her hips on your cock, on her desk, on the ground, on the chairs! Everywhere!

By the time you were done, by the time that the effects of the aphrodisiacs faded...

Both of you felt exhausted, a deep, full body and mind, satisfaction spreading through both of you, as you huddled together in the veritable sea of human fluids, both of you realizing that at some point you'd torn the clothes off of each other.

She kissed your cheek. "That was amazing," the master said, sighing.

"It was," you admitted. "I... might not be able to ever get it back up again after this though," you said, laughing a bit.

Her hand grabbed onto your shaft, and after a tiny bit of stroking from her slick, soft fingers, you were hard again.

"You were saying?" she asked, as she continued lazily stroking you.

"Okay maybe not," you chuckled, your own hand reaching for her pussy, fingers easily slipping into her.

Break time was over, it was time to get back to work, and your job this time was to make up for lost time!



aaaaaaaaaaaahhahahahahaa I passed out last night before posting this And as a result All of it was deleted and I had no backup So I had to write it again AHAAHAHAA I AM SO COMPETENT