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Dinner and a show. A simple concept. A very normal, very simple and honestly, very appealing idea for a date. The fact that it was on offer was a bit of a shocker by itself, ironically being strange in its normalcy. 

And then you remembered that this was Chaldea, and of course it wasn't that simple.

It was indeed, dinner and a show. The problem was, of course...

The nervous girl you'd been introduced to not minutes ago struck a pose, grandly tossing her top hat into the air, and then catching it with a flourish as it came back down, pulling a telescopic wand from it, and stretching it to its full length in the same motion.

The children in the audience clapped eagerly, some of them giggling in excitement, others playing it cool. For a moment, you wondered about her outfit - booty shorts and a bikini top, stockings with fishnet and hearts, and a more standard stage magician coat... that was missing most of its front, and covered nothing.

To boot, she was a bodacious beauty, with fetchingly enormous breasts that nearly overflowed from her bikini top, and a kind and charming smile that disarmed even the most wary  and paranoid of people. 

She had some degree of a handle on her magician act, and as she caught her hat and pulled out the wand, she bowed, arms open wide, bending over at the waist almost to a ridiculous extent. You almost feared she'd topple over, but despite the small trembling you saw from her as she bent over, she managed to bring herself back.

"Thank you for your kind feelings, Magician Corday has arrived~!" she spoke, with eyes closed and a bright smile. "This will be my Assistant for today, give him a warm welcome, everyone!"

She gestured towards you. You were wearing the garb of a movie ninja, all black and covered up to your eyes. You waved with your hand, and the children waved in turn, a group of girls and boys who seemed more amused than anything else at the sight of you in that outfit.

She smiled at you, and then gestured for you to walk forward. "My assistant here will be helping with some of our tricks... first, I want you to pay attention," she said, as she gestured with her wand over the opening to her hat, threw it in the air, stuck her hand in, and pulled out what looked to be a rabbit plush doll. She blinked. "Oh dear, this isn't it!" she said, sticking it back in, then pulling a large knife, meant for throwing. "Oops, not this either," she said, voice a bit more panicky, and then the final time she managed to pull out a deck of cards.

You breathed a sigh of relief. There was no way she was gonna do knife throwing, right? This was a magician's act for children!

"Hold my hat, my dear assistant!" she spoke, as she passed you the tool. You resisted the urge to look into it, you had to remain subtle and invisible until it was time to distract someone. "Now, miss Birthday Girl," she said, smiling at a blonde with extremely long hair, clutching a teddy bear, sitting next to an almost deathly pale young lady with slightly too wide eyes. "Why don't you come up here, and pick a card?" she asked.

A standard magician's routine followed- including her cues for you to distract everyone's attention by doing stuff like dropping the hat, or using the prepared distractions, which included a banana cream pie, to bring attention to yourself as Charlotte described the trick to the kids, and how she would use her magnificent clairvoyance to guess their card.

All went well, until she appeared to mess up the trick - the blonde had picked the four of hearts, and Charlotte... Well, when she went to pull the correct card from her hat, instead of the card, she pulled out an extremely strange angel-looking plush doll.

It also had a mouth, with fat red lips and pearly white teeth set in an unsettling grin. 

"What the- it's mister angel?" Charlotte blinked. "But, that was supposed to be a card!" she said, looking into the hat. "Nothing up my hat either!" she said, turning it around and shaking it, only for nothing to drop. 

She stuck her face in it and then yelped, as a flock of doves erupted from it all at once, spreading around the room and the birthday girl, creating a big distraction.

Of course, because a magician has their own tricks, you had absolutely no idea how Charlotte had snuck the four of hearts under the decorative little hat that the young birthday girl wore as a hat ornament. Neither did anyone else, but it was mighty impressive at least, and the kids loved it.

She used some more tricks to divert their attention, doing some mentalist tricks to pretend she was reading their minds, and though she flubbed a line or two, it seemed that her mistakes were too small and inconsequential, or if anything, they added to her charm.

Almost brought her down to a human level, in some ways - the kids probably appreciated that.

Finally, at the end of the day...

Well, the less said about the knife throwing, the better. You would definitely go find Medea and give her a big hug, because that good luck charm around your neck had definitely come in clutch, and saved your balls from extinction, considering Charlotte's knife had sliced into your underwear even. At least nothing had actually happened, and both of you had been able to play it off like it was intentional.

The children would go on to move to their own dinner, while you hung backstage, as Charlotte, forehead pressed against the ground, begged forgiveness.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so very sorry!" she cried, "I, I didn't think I'd mess up that badly, it's just, M-master asked me to help give the kids a fun day, and, and- I couldn't say no, but I didn't- ah, I'm such a screw up, I'm sorry I'm so useless."

"It's fine, it's cool, no harm no foul," you said. "Besides, I can understand not wanting to let her down, too, and the kids loved it... even if my own kids didn't," you said with a chuckle.

"Please, I'll do anything, j-just tell me, I'll make it up to you!" she said.

You laughed. "How about you join me for dinner?" you asked.

She looked up at you. "Y-You still... you still want to go to dinner with me? A-After I," she gulped.

"What can I say? I might like danger a bit more than I should," you said, winking at her. She looked vulnerable at that moment. and it made you feel quite terrible to watch her panic like that. "Maybe a little more than dinner, too..."

She looked up at you. "I..." she took in a deep breath. "I know what to do, master t-told me, what to do," she said, breathing in deeply. "R-Right, it's what you want, right? W-What, what people think of, when they see me in this outfit," she was on her knees now, and looking more than a bit embarrassed.

"What?" you asked, slightly taken aback...

And then she puffed out her chest. "T-These! I know I'm not the prettiest girl around here, b-but I'm pretty proud of these, a-and people have complimented me!" she said. "S-So, I'll let, let you use them, to apologize!"

"You really don't have to," you said.

"I..!" she looked up at you, lips trembling, eyes watery, "I insist!" she said, "p-please..."

Oh... rejecting her apology, rejecting her efforts, was just as good as rejecting her entirely. Some people could be odd about their gestures, and, well, she seemed like she was putting herself out there, and it did feel a bit like rejecting this would be the same as saying that she was unattractive, that her most valued feature of her body was not appealing to you.

And truth be told?

You were burning to make some use of that fantastic pair of titties since you first saw them, encased in that fancy black bra.

She adjusted the red rimmed glasses on her head. 

"Alright," you finally agreed. The ninja outfit you had on had a zipper at the front of your pants, for ease of access, and you opened it, pulling out your penis. Her display had gone quite a ways into giving you life, and truth be told, the whiff of danger early had only seemed to strengthen your reproductive drive. 

And your cock had a single goal for you, as it began to expand, now that it was free.

She gasped. "It's... so imposing," she muttered. "A-Are all men like this?"

She was a virgin? "You're, uhm, is this your first time..?"

"With a man," she confirmed. "Uhm, I'm not one of the most popular girls," she admitted, slumping somewhat. "E-Even after lowering my prices... I just can't compete," she said, a bit sadly.

You frowned. "That's not true. You are just as beautiful as they all are, in your own way," you said. "Look at me- isn't this proof?" you asked, gesturing at your cock, hardenning without even needing stimulation. By itself proof of your approval of her looks, and your desire for her body!

You slowly stiffened, growing to your full length and soon into proper shape.

She gasped. "I- it's incredible," she said, eyes wide. "F-For me... you mean to say that this worthless me... excites you?" she asked.

"I feel like I could cum just looking at you," you said, "just take care of myself, maybe even twice, just looking at you!" you insisted. "That's how beautiful you are, more than enough for me to cum without you ever touching me!"

Her face was red. "That's so sweet," she said, "you're making me blush," she said, hands coming up to her cheeks as she looked aside, before she shook her head and slapped her cheeks. "N-No, I musn't lose focus!" she said, "I'm the one who should be making you feel good!" she insisted. "Take a seat!"

You moved to where she gestured, sitting on a wooden, three legged stool, legs spread as she knelt before you. Your cock stood proudly, as she adjusted herself until she hovered her massive bust over your cock, her tits firmly held in place by that bikini top that encased them skin tightly and so enticingly.

"H-Here I go," she said, "please, d-don't hesitate, if, um, you have to finish, I- I don't mind, if it's all over me, or, or my chest, or my face," she said. "A-And if, if you want me to, just, just grab my head and force me down, I won't mind that either!"

You smiled but said nothing as she gathered up her nerve and began lowering her chest, her unbelievably soft pillows providing almost distressingly powerful friction at first, it was a little bit painful. "W-Wait... lubricant," you said. "Is there- anything we can use?"

She was at a loss for a few moments, eyes darting about, and then she spotted a bottle of what appeared to be some sort of squirt bottle, under the stool you were sitting on. "Perfect," she said, raising the thing and putting its squirting tip between her breasts, squeezing the bottle and pouring a generous dose of it between her breasts, squeezing, shaking and kneading them to make sure it spread, and soon the refreshingly cool feel of the slimy lubricant coated your cock too, though it was quickly warming up.

She moaned. "That feels good," she spoke, "d-does it feel good for you too?"

"Unbelievable," you moaned, wincing, being forced to cover one of your eyes as a sensation that was almost entirely new, totally removed of anything you'd experienced before, began spreading an all new pleasure through your body.

It was incredible, as she slowly covered more and more of your prick with her extremely generous bosom. Soon it was starting to be entirely too much, even as she added a little bit more lubricant to make herself slicker, it was still so tight thanks to the bra, her tits so soft and clingy and it all felt so good, it was very hard to even think.

"Ugh, Charlotte, it's too good, your breasts are amazing!" you cried out, moaning and panting, "keep going, don't stop!"

She moaned herself. "R-Right, it's so hot, between my breasts, it's like a hot steel bar," she moaned, "it feels like you're burning my breasts, a-and there's a weird liquid, that's, that's not lubricant, is it... cum?" she asked.

You shook your head. "Not yet," you said, sighing, "but soon, keep going, start moving up and down," you instructed.

She nodded, hands and arms holding onto her tits, as she began shaking her chest, slow, deliberate, enticing movements meant to stroke you with the soft breastflesh that enveloped your cock so thoroughly it felt like it enveloped your entire body.

The feeling was intense, and it was so hot and oppressively pleasurable that your mind was evaporating with each passing second, with each movement of her chest, with every noisy, wet sound she made as her generously lubricated tits shook, as the slap of her fat breasts smashing against your thighs resounded again and again, as her desperate, lustful little moans began to reach your ears...

Looking down, you saw her flushed face, her drooling mouth open, as she slowly drifted down. Your balls throbbed, your entire body had been reduced to just your dick, and all you felt was her wonderful breasts around your cock.

Your hand came down atop her head, knocking her hat aside. "Drink it up, here it comes!" you commanded, and with eyes wide, she sealed her lips around the tip of your cock as it emerged from the wonderful valley of her tits, as your balls, nearly consumed by her titflesh as well, released their contents right into her mouth.

She moaned, lewdly, and the sound of her labored swallowing was the only thing that could be heard, sensual, nasty sounds interrupted only by your voices, hers muffled slightly, as the two of you tried to keep it down and low.

Panting, you finally let her go, and she pulled back a little, though with her tits still around your cock, it was no wonder you were still hard.

She giggled, and then opened her mouth to say something, only to turn bright red as she burped.

Embarrassed, she covered her mouth and tried to hide her face, to no avail, as you laughed.

"We haven't had dinner yet, but you already got your dessert," you quipped.

She licked her lips. "I... think I could go for some more," she said.

Your cock throbbed. "Help yourself," you said with a wink, as she took your tip back into her mouth, and began servicing you once more.


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