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Opening your eyes, you realized you didn't know where you were. In fact, last thing you knew, you had been wanting to ask the Master for another romp, lately she had been even more of a cocktease than usual and you wanted to try your hand at dominating her once more...

But obviously, you'd never made it to her office. You weren't sure where, exactly, you were, but it was not the master's well lit and tastefully decorated office. No, this was a somewhat bare and empty room. Seemed to be a room like the one assigned to you, but without an occupant.

A strange find in Chaldea, which was usually filled to bursting with people, but you supposed there had to be such a thing as guest rooms if not everyone here was a permanent resident, considering the last two who had requested your services.

You tried to move, but found you couldn't, your hands attached to the walls by chains, ending in pink and fuzzy cuffs that were actually quite comfortable around your wrists.

"You're finally awake, you homewrecker!" a high and rather strident voice spoke, cutting through the umbra of your still sleep addled mind and bringing you to wakefulness. "Yes, you!"

Your eyes raised, and you were met with a- a-

Her hair was pink, she wore a scandalously skimpy blue kimono, her tits were almost spilling out and enticingly delicious looking, and, oh, she had on a fluffy fox ear headband and a tail that... seemed to be moving? Chaldea's technology was truly fearsome.

You shook your head, blinked - and found yourself unable to try to rub your eyes to clear them because they were tied. She was pointing her finger at you, and looking at you with a thunderous expression, amber eyes full of anger and leveling a heated glare at you.

She approached you and crossed her arms over her bountiful chest, and huffed. "You're the one that has been monopolizing all of my dear, lovely, beautiful husband's attention all to yourself!" she accused, her finger poking your chest with each word. "I won't allow it!"

"Husband?" you asked, blinking. 

Did you even interact with that many males? Was it Fergus? This wasn't Medb. Besides, when you went drinking with Fergus, it was alongside a whole bunch of other people in his friends group. 

"My darling husband, our master," the woman continued, "has deigned you worthy of her attention, but I have not," she said, "and unlike all the other desperate and bored sexless harlots around here, I am not going to fall to you like they all did," she said, closing her eyes and nodding as if in self satisfaction. "I'm going to keep you here until I can make Master see-"

"Until I see what?" 

The Master's voice cut through the air, as she stood on the door to the mostly featureless white room. Both you and the fox-accessory wearing woman turned to her, her tail standing up and fluffing up. Really good tech.

"Ah, Master, this isn't what it looks like!"

The master sighed. "I see... you're into bdsm," the master said, shaking her head. "You know if you wanted some time with him, you could've just asked, Tamamo. I'm rather upset that you'd go behind my back like this," she said, crossing her arm and managing to look both delectably pouty and yet disappointed at once.

"Noooo, Master, no, no no, your loyal fox wife would never ever," Tamamo, apparently that was her name, began trying to convince the master, frantincally making hand gestures. "You see this is this, and that is that, and, and-"

The master sighed once more. "And you can't even own up to it when you're discovered," she said, pursing her lips. "Well, if this is what you want, then it's what you'll get..." she said, raising her right hand, balling it into a fist and showing the tattoo on the back of it to Tamamo, then opening her hand and pointing the palm at Tamamo. "For the rest of today, you will act as his pet, and obey all his commands as if they were to come from me. Get in heat. Enjoy yourself," the master said, closing her eyes. She then snapped her fingers, and Tamamo fell on her knees, both hands grabbing at her crotch.

"Mi~koooooooon, Master, don't do thiiiis, I'm sorry, I'll apologize, I promise, just- just-"

The master smirked then, crossing her arms and looking down at the fox woman on her knees. "You will apologize, with your body, not just to me, but to him as well," she said. She then turned to you... and winked, before walking beyond the doorframe and allowing it to close.

"W-Wait, if I go, if I leave, then I can't hear your-"

You had to hurry. "Untie me," you ordered.

"Nnnooo," Tamamo moaned, but her hand raised and with a gesture, your cuffs opened. You massaged your wrists. It wasn't the weirdest thing in Chaldea, if a camera would see the gesture and unlock an electronic lock, you wouldn't question it. It seemed that Tamamo despite herself did not want to disobey the Master.

She wasn't the first you'd seen like that - some had even told you that there were many in Chaldea who would gladly battle to the death just to get a smile from the Master.

You hummed as she realized that she had to resign herself to her fate, taking a deep breath. "My master... has decided that I am yours for the night," she said, sounding despondent. "All I wanted was to spend time with her..."

You hummed. Well, you understood wanting that much at least.

Still... who knows what she was about to do to you? Besides... if she was the weirdo sort who wore animal ears as a default... 

"Well, I suppose I should think of this as a side benefit. I suppose other wives would find their hunger and instincts stiffled, yet Master thinks so highly of me that she believes I won't stray even if I am offered up to another," she said, stroking her chin and affecting a proud, satisfied and smug expression.

Well, there went your sympathy. And... she had ruined your plans of spending time with the Master, too. "Hey, are you just going to sit there?" you asked. 

"Yes?" she asked in turn. "Would you mind? I am trying to picture myself with my darling and beloved husband in my mind," she said, giving you a snide look.

"Come over here," you ordered. "You are my pet for today, aren't you?" 

"I... am," she admitted, though it seemed she had tried to grit her teeth. 

"And any good pet owner," you said, "should take care of their pets when they are in need," you continued.

"Yes," she agreed, a bit more easily this time.

"I suppose I should take care of your needs, then," you said, grinning at her. "Starting with your sexual urges."

She sniffed. "As if! You don't arouse me at all, my body is for my husband only," she said, raising her chin imperiously.

"So you say, but your hands are in your panties," you pointed out, pointing at her crotch, where both hands were teasing at her hidden slit, the front of her odd kimono flipped so her black panties, stuffed with her hands, were plainly visible, and visibly flooding with her juice.

She let out a high pitched squeal and rapidly removed her hands, looking at them with seeming horror. "This isn't r-right, I shouldn't, my husband, my body is for my husband!"

"Well your husband," you said, licking your lips, "just gave you to me, and asked me to take care of you," sort of, "so that's what I'm gonna do."

Her eyes were as wide as saucers as you advanced upon her. 

"Show me your ass," you ordered, and she sighed, turning around and leaning forward, getting on all fours, face down, ass in the air, her tail accessory pulled high into the air. You wondered if it was attached to the obi of her kimono or something. 

She sniffed. "There, you can now masturbate to your heart's content to the sight!" she said.

You smirked. "Oh no, you're the pet and I'm the owner now," you said, grinning down at her, "and a good owner takes care of his pet's needs before his own," you said, crouching down and then deciding to sit for a better angle, your legs over hers as you took position, hands on each of her plentiful, thick and deliciously soft ass cheeks, and then spreading her cheeks to reveal her tight little mound, covered by her black panties.

"W-What? No, that's for master!" she cried.

You grabbed the black fabric with your teeth, and began pulling them down, ignoring her cries.

"M-Mikooon, my most private part is exposed! My parts that are only for my husband, they're outside, they're visible, someone who is not my husband can see my, my-" she choked.

"Your pussy," you said, grinning, "your kitty, your twat, your vagina, your privates, your cunny... no, this is a woman's cunt! A grown pet's cunt!" you said, diving down and sticking your tongue past the engorged, aroused lips, your tongue diving in - she tasted absolutely divine, you realized instantly, as you began hungrily devouring her. In many ways, she reminded you of Medb.

Her moans were strained and restrained, as she tried not to admit her pleasure. 

You hummed and then used one of your hands to slap her ass, harsh, a powerful spank that resounded across the room that caused a tiny little squirt of pussy juice to flow into your mouth, the taste of it was invigorating, and it felt like a jolt of energy, of warmth, of electricity, going directly to your cock, making it stir in your pants as you began devouring her more hungrily, delighting in her abnormally delicious cunt.

"Noooo, I'm getting, I'm getting defiled by a man that isn't my husbaaaand!"

You pulled back, licking your lips. "Pets don't talk," you warned, "you've got the ears and tail, might as well start barking and yipping too!"

"Mikkoooon~!" she cried, as you pushed a pair of fingers into her ridiculously wet cunt, pumping them in and out fast and hard, scratching at her internal walls without mercy nor pause, her moans, screeches, yips and barks filling your ears as she was unable to lie, unable to hide just how much she was enjoying herself as you fingerfucked her.

Your free hand caressed her ass and thigh, then circled around to her front, or rather the underside of her belly, slowly approaching her crotch as you fucked her, and then finally, as she seemed to finally be catching her breath, your fingers scratching a slightly rougher spot inside her at the same time as your other hand found her clit, poking out of its hood and looking for attention.

Pinching her most sensitive little nub and assaulting her weak spot simultaneously was too much, and she lost control, shaking wildly, tail flailing, ears twitching, and falling over, relying on your support to even keep her ass in the air.

You laughed as she panted, breathing hard, still letting out yips and barks.

"Did you like that? Tell me the truth," you ordered, giving her ass another spank.

"Yip!" her eyes opened wide, "nyyees," she let out through gritted teeth. "I diiid!" she moaned, her voice sounding like she wanted to cry as she admitted it. "Oooh, no, I'm betraying my master and husband!"

You laughed, caressing her ass. She stayed in place, as you got on your knees and lined up your dick with her hole. "Wanna know a secret?" you asked.

She turned back to look at you.

"I'm jealous," you said, freely. "When she came into the room, she focused on you first," you said, "she did this because she wanted us to get along, you know?" you explained.

Tamamo looked down, seeming to not want to speak.

You sighed. "I guess she was hoping for too much."

"You're... not so bad," she finally admitted. "I get it," she spoke, sighing. "I'm not so dumb or conceited that I think I'm capable of monopolizing every second of my husband's time," she admitted, finally. "I still resent being given to someone else as a pet."

You hummed. Based on what had happened, and just how much Tamamo was enjoying herself despite her protests... "The master knows you better than you know yourself, it seems," you said, laughing a little, as your finger ran down her soaked pussy. 

She yipped once more. "I- I- I'm not a cheating harlot!" she cried.

"You don't have to be. This isn't cheating," you said, "this is the master giving me to you, and you to me, so that we have each other for today, since we can't have her. What a woman, she's incredible, she probably foresaw this happening and was waiting for it."

"She is, isn't she?" Tamamo said, eyes lighting up as the topic turned to her favorite person. You were almost shocked how easy she was... but truth be told, you weren't even lying, yourself. You were certain the master hadn't just stumbled upon you two by chance, and the orders she'd given were clearly calculated.

Somehow, she'd set this up... and you couldn't imagine just how she'd known how much both of you needed this.

That said... For the rest of the night...

"You're still my pet," you said, beginning to tease her slit with your dick. "Foxes don't talk."

Her eyes widened, and you split her privates in a single, powerful thrust, and she barked out in pleasure, as you began pounding her hard, fast and relentlessly, ruthless and merciless, pounding her thick, fat ass, slapping her ass cheeks again and again and again, leaving red handprints as you disciplined the naughty fox bitch as the master had commanded.

She only protested the first few blows, and after that, she seemed to just accept the deep plowing her fertile fields were receiving, and even more so, she began moaning and panting as her lust got the better of her.

Her pussy was squeezing around your cock, trembling as she tried to refuse her body its desire, trying to hold her orgasm back, attempting to control herself, but it was no use, as your own orgasm approaching, the impending end for both of you raced closer and closer to the finish line.

You raised your hand. "This is it! CUM!" you ordered, your hand coming down and with a crack like a thunder clap, you slammed her asscheek with your full strength and were nearly knocked out by the incredibly potent pleasure that resulted as her pussy orgasmed around your cock, triggering your own orgasm instantaneously, and forcing you to fill her tight and warm pussy with your babymaking juice.

Cum flowed from you into her, and you felt like you were melting along with it, pouring yourself into her, giving her so much of you, even as her voice nearly shattered your eardrums, her pleasured scream resounding in the room. You nearly passed out, and when you caught yourself, your hands found a grip on her thighs, and you began brutally and furiously pounding her again, seeking even more of the unbelievable pleasure she had given you.

She had stopped pretending, and instead just surrendered to the pleasure, as the two of you became pleasure seeking beasts, taking your fill of each other.

Neither of you realized that one of the corners of the room had a small, though not quite hidden, camera set on it, a red light signalling the fact that it was recording. At least... not at the time.



Tamamo might be a good ally for when the MC tries to dom the master again. As for other scenarios: Medea and Nero Bride have come to an agreement to share the MC as their husband. Not sure exactly which servant, but a stuck-in-the-wall scenario, probably works best as something the MC actively selects, to avoid the whole 'wait, am I raping someone?' issue. Scathach has spent a lot of time training the MC, now it's time to have a test, a sexual wrestling fight against a servant powered down to his level but otherwise not holding back, could be Scathach herself or another selected opponent with Scathach refereeing.


Mhm... I can actually think up of a specific way in which Medea would actually not just be okay, but suggest the solution herself. After all... Jason wouldn't have left her if he was a polyamorist. As for woman stuck in a hole in the Wall... actually works nice for a mystery option, I'll consider it making it a surprise box... could also go for a more standard gloryhole scenario, Chaldea does after all offer that sort of service (if you can think it, they provide it, that's their motto! Also saving humanity one hole at a time!) Hm... a threesome option could be fun. After all, if you're not cheating, you're not trying hard enough... decisions, decisions... I'll try to come up with a third for the trio with Scathach as referee by next week, or like you said, just do it with Scathach herself.