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There was an unfortunate reality of life that had come to haunt me these past few days.

There is nothing new to be learned, gleaned, discovered or uncovered in Aunt Plescia's beachside villa.

And that meant that for once, this was an actual leisure trip instead of a disguised work trip. White sands, clear blue saltwater, the life giving sun glaring down on us mortals from above, observing all that happened underneath its everwatchful gaze.

Unfortunately, my maidens were not with me, and I did feel a bit exposed without Jeannette or Yvette, or really any of my people... but there was a comforting warmth in knowing that my people were safe, at home, and continuing on with their lives and their work, even furthering our own interests.

Sometimes I had to just take life for what it was, and so I allowed myself to relax and simply rest and recover, refilling my batteries so I could go back home restored to full strength and ready to put in work. The matters involving Caraibo were already in the hands of people both competent and loyal.

Those well versed in the law, and most importantly, well paid to represent the interests of the crown, would undoubtedly find it in their power and best interest to pursue these matters until the end of time if need be.

Aunt Plescia's villa was a wonderful place to recover in, it wasn't so large as to have large distances between its rooms and facilities, but it was also large enough to afford me privacy despite the presence of five servants and my cousin Rui. Short for Rodrigo, as he preferred to be called.

Not overly tacky or lavish, it was just spartan enough to remind me that Aunt Plescia was a warrior before she was a daughter of the noblesse, and she knew exactly where to spend her wealth.

Namely, in the luxurious beach furniture that I'd been making polentiful use of all morning, spending my entire day under the rejuvenating and energizing rays of the holy sun, hearing only the lapping of the sea at the sandy shore, and in the distance, observing the peasantry in the public beaches as they went about their lives, caring little about what the future brought, only focused in the joy of the moment.

Envy did not fill me, satisfaction did - this is what I wanted to see of my people, them just being happy about the country they lived in.

It was a shame that cousin Rui was actually a rather skittish sort. Despite being a boy, a man really, my age, he wasn't much taller than me, and thanks to the fact that I have my rather generous chest and the muscle underneath the soft skin that my Perfect Body afforded me, I was actually heavier than he was.

When I had first arrived... he had greeted me warmly, smiling and everything.

And yet...

Ever since, it seemed like he had to avert his gaze, every time I found him, and he had a distressing tendency to avoid me at every turn since, especially since Aunt Plescia left the villa the first day I got here.

I stretched my limbs. The swimsuit, despite how tiny and small and uncomfortable looking it could be, was actually easy to wear, and it gave me all the support I needed. I had thought that with the only cover on my breasts being two narrow strips of cloth, that my breasts would pop out easily, but I could play ball games, roll around and swim for exercise without a malfunction.

I got up from the beach chair, the comfortable padded chair that had lured me in to sunbathe with its siren call of laziness and leisure, and performed my few final stretches, my legs feeling a little stiff. I giggled as I raised my right leg and grasping my calf, I brought it up, and up, and up, until I was holding it nearly perfectly vertically up.

I'd seen some people do it, especially one of the Guardsmen, who had a skill that made him vastly more flexible and limber, but I couldn't quite manage the full stretch. 

I did the same with my other leg, and felt both my blood flowing and my muscles relaxing. It was an unnecessary thing to do, but part of me was a bit jealous of the man who could consistently place his foot behind his head while standing.

With the sun at the apex of its flight across the skies, it was time to go back home - it would soon become too intense to sunbathe, or even to really stay under it for too long. Even with lotions and oils and ointments to ensure that my skin was protected and safe from the powerful rays of the sun, my skin was naturally pale, and would burn easily under the mighty star's gaze.

Fortunately, the walk to the villa wasn't very long, and as soon as I found my sandals, I was able to make my way back home, so to speak. I was greeted by the gardener, working on the back gardens, as I entered the property by the back gate that led into the beach. 

"Good day, your highness!" he called as I passed.

I smiled. "Good day to you, sir," she said, "I see that you are working hard - perhaps it might be time for a break? The sun's light is harsh!"

The man laughed, and tapped the brim of his wide straw hat. "We've taken precautions, your highness, but I am very thankful for your concern, I am unworthy!"

I shook my head. "You are a subject of this kingdom, as important as any other!" I corrected. "For who but you would care for our gardens?"

The man laughed, saying "you're flattering me," and continuing to trim the hedges. "Thank you for the kind words, your highness!"

"I won't take much of your precious break time," I said, winking conspirationally, and continuing on my way. With any luck, he'd take a break to hydrate before continuing. I'd hoped so at least.

The garden was nice, and pretty - not quite a maze of hedges, but the 'walls' of the property were made of carefully trimmed bushes, and flowerbeds in distinct shapes abounded. If looked at from above, one could see the coat of arms for the ruling family of Caraibo.

The glass doors that lead into the building proper opened easily, heavy as they were, my training was definitely paying off as I was able to push them open with ease. I hadn't brought a robe or anything when I went to the beach, and I didn't really need to mention that the servants - from the gardener outside to the butler that greeted me as I entered the home - noticed the sort of outfit I was wearing.

I might not be as observant as a mythical detective, but I didn't need to be to feel the eyes of the servants glued to my backside as I walked past. Their gazes felt hot upon me, but they were not my people - my body was a tool, a weapon, a reward, for me and mine.

I headed into the wing that contained the rooms, both for guests and for the master of the house. As Aunt Plescia didn't use this home often, she had given me use of the master bedroom. I had thought her son would have it, but he had the one beside it instead.

The immaculate white halls decorated with blue and gold were tasteful, and more importantly, easy to follow to my destination, as I found the master bedroom at the end of the hall, and entered it, opening the door swiftly.

As I did, groaning and stretching my limbs one final time, ready to change into regular clothes...

I swear I almost heard the sound of the world stopping around me - as if every chirping bird in the distance, humming breeze and crashing wave just stopped, to observe.

Before me... before me was my cousin. In the room that I'd been given. In the bed I was using, in fact.

My cousin Rui...

I blinked. Rubbed my eyes. Blinked again. Shook my head and blinked a few times in quick succession. Yep. Still there.

Well now... that was a bit of a shocker. I opened my mouth, but found myself unable to speak.

There in my bed, frozen in shock and horror, caught between the throes of pleasure and the absolute freezing fear of having been discovered.

Because Rui, short, tiny, cute Rui, was looking even cuter as my body was wracked by heat and a potent feeling of lust, overflowing from every direction, as I stared at him.

Rui really was pretty, I'd never really noticed before. We were cousins, to some degree - it'd be harder to find nobility I wasn't at least distantly related to than not - but with several layers of separation between us, considering his mother was father's third cousin or something like that, there was very little in the way of family resemblance to go on.

But there was one thing we did, indeed, share.

I had to admit, that my red and white stripped panties looked just as good on my slim, short and pretty cousin as they did on me. Maybe even better, as the tiny bulge that his tiny prick made in them, hard as a rock and stretching the front of the panties, tried to call my attention to it by throbbing fiercely.

"Rui?" I asked, blinking.


He seemed to be stuck on something. His long silver hair, usually braided, was splashed on my pillows now, and he was plastered with sweat. Other than my panties, he was completely naked.

"Don't look at meeeee!!" he cried, covering his face and sobbing. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm a pervert, I'm sorry!"

His cries tugged at my heart strings, but the entirety of the situation tugged at something a bit... below that, as I climbed atop the bed. "Shush, shush," I cooed at him, quickly wrapping my arms around his body and pressing our bodies together. "It's okay, it's okay," I whispered, "I don't mind, it's okay..."

He sobbed a little and a hiccup broke his cries long enough for him to register what I said, blinking tears away. "A-Ahh, w-what? P-Princess, Noire," he stammered, confused, not really knowing what was going on.

"Aww, sweetie, Rui, baby, if you wanted to wear my panties, you should've just asked!" I said, giving him my most friendly and open smile, "you look so good in them, too!"

His eyes filled with tears again and he looked so small and cute and sorry and pathetic that I couldn't resist leaning in and capturing his lips, claiming them for my own, kissing him heavily and fiercely.

"You're so cute, so cute and pretty, you look so good in my panties," I moaned, as I began kissing him more and more, "hm... these are the ones I wore yesterday, hm... they're still dirty, you didn't let the servants wash them, did you Rui?"

"Noireeee," he cried, "no, I didn't, I, I ordered the servants to deliver your laundry to me!"

I giggled. "Aww, sweetie, you like me that much? Have you been doing this a lot?"

"E-Every day, every day, I, I use your dirty panties, I sniff them, I lick them, I wear them, I- I touch myself with them," he cried. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm such a disgusting pervert, I'm sorry!"

"Aww, that's cute, you really like me that much!" I said, looking at my cute and pathetic cousin, at his needy cries as my hand found his panty covered little peepee, tugging and caressing and playing with it. "Hm... have you ever... cum inside my panties?"

"N-No, I, I could never, could never soil them like that!" he cried. "Princess, you're so pretty, and pure, and nice, and, Noire, Noire I love you!" 

I giggled. He didn't, not really, not truly - he didn't know me very well, we weren't the closest of families. Aunt Plescia and Dad knew each other, and Dad knew her father, but we didn't know each other very well. His crush, however, was adorable. And given his soft and weak looks, and what appeared to be a submissive streak that would be seen as unmanly...

Well, I wouldn't be shocked if he told me I was the first person to be nice to him just because.

I couldn't blame him for his crush, nor did I wish to discourage it. I wish for him to understand the truth and reality, but I have no objection with him lusting after me, as long as his feelings are true, honest and real, and not based on a misconception. I'll try to help him find value in himself first, and then we'll deal with the rest...

Oh, who am I kidding.

He's cute!

I kissed his lips once more, caressing his cheek. "Are you a virgin, Rui?"

He blushed like a bride about to be deflowered. I didn't need a further answer.

"Have you ever touched your butt baby?"

He looked aside, face as red as a tomato.

So he had. I smiled and began trailing kisses down his chest, smoothly going down, stopping to place a kiss on each of his nipples, his hands bunching up and making a mess of the silken sheets. I continued going down, until I met his cute belly button, on his flat, soft tummy, only the barest hint of his abdominal muscles appearing if I pressed down on it. I kissed his belly button, my tongue diving a little, tickling him, forcing him to erupt into giggles.

As he squirmed, I returned to my travel downward, until I reached his crotch. My panties were not designed to be worn by someone with a penis, no matter how small, and it was stretching them quite a bit. Fortunately, the fabric was of good quality, and they'd likely retain their shape, no matter how hard Rui's little dick tried to stretch them.

I licked my lips, and considered for a moment pulling his little dick from its containment, but realized then, that this wasn't the way to go for him. No, this boy... this cute little bitch boy, his happiness was paramount, and if he liked my panties that much...

I leaned forward and kissed the tip of his prick through my panties, and he squirmed - he was wetting the front of my panties quickly, his precum flowing like a river as his excitement overflowed. The thin fabric did little to stop him from feeling the sensation of my tongue lapping at his dicklet, especially as I began applying pressure.

If anything, the feeling might be enhanced by my panties, for him. I continued to heap love and affection on his little cock, kissing, suckling and licking him, all over, through the panties, and sometimes planting kisses on his thighs, thicker and fatter than most girls, let alone boys. His fat boy butt was enticing, calling to me.

With a bit of movement, I raised his legs and placed them over my shoulders, and slipped the panties to the side, revealing their contents... not at the crotch, but at the butt, his puckered butthole almost winking at me as I revealed it.

Unsurprisingly, the bitch boy was clean, and already lubricated - it was clear he had intended to play with his butt before I interrupted him. Might've already done some, as my finger entered easily and smoothly, and I even had to add a second one, his squirming and little moans and gasps filling my ears, my brain, my very soul, with wonderful heat and desire.

His voice was getting higher pitched as we went, his cries sweeter and more desperate, as I curled my fingers and scratched at his internal butt walls, and I decided it was time to finish him off, to push him over the edge and leave him totally unable to contain himself.

I stuck my fingers deeply inside, looking for, and quickly finding, his bitch boy button, and as my lips crowned the tip of his dicklet through my panties, I applied pressure on his weakest spot, and with a girlish, effeminate scream, Rui exploded, ejaculating all over my panties, his thick seed exploding so potently and powerfully that he creamed through my panties, some of it managing to get in my mouth as I sucked it through.

It wasn't bad, in fact, it really was among the best tasting seeds I've tried, as I swirled the contents of my mouth with my tongue before humming with satisfaction.

As Rui panted, tears dripping freely from his eyes, rolling down his face into the bedsheets, I approached him and planted my lips against his with a kiss, passing him his own seed. He submitted immediately, allowing me to pass him his semen, and drinking without protest.

I smirked, looking down on him from above. "If you want to wear my panties again, sweetie, just come ask, who knows, they might still be warm when you put them on..." I said, giggling as I began to take off my swimsuit, uncaring that he was getting erect again.

He had nothing to fear, as I changed and put on a fresh pair of panties on, I straddled his hips and rested my cloth covered mound against his stiff prick. If he liked panties, I was going to give him all the pleasure he wanted.

I didn't even need my privilege to tell me that my actions had caused him to cast his loyalty to me. I cared little.

That said, I was more than a bit shocked to learn, as soon as I had access to his details using my privilege's information gathering ability, that he was actually nearly two years my senior. I would certainly be consulting Amalia soon - I absolutely wanted to know if his looks were the product of a skill!


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