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There were those amongst Chaldea that were of very religious nature. This wasn't much of a surprise.

"I enforce respect for all faiths and beliefs, provided you respect others' in turn," the master commented. "That said, I have absolutely no problem providing aid for those who would require it for their rituals and such, as long as they understand and respect the people who aid them."

You nodded, putting down the papers you were reading, informing you of your role on the upcoming ritual that you would be participating in. Realistically, it wasn't much of a ritual, it was more of a test of sorts. A religious Master was teaching her apprentice, the word used was a strange one you didn't recognize, and they had requested help.

Help that came in the form of you being annoying and distracting while the apprentice tried to focus. "And I'm supposed to do this... by..."

"By attempting to disrupt her concentration sexually."

You turned your face to the 'client', so to speak. Luminara, as she called herself, was a strangely alluring woman, whose thick, heavy brown robes hid every part of her body without fail, even her hair was contained, revealing only her hands and face. Her skin was of an almost unnatural looking yellow color, yet somehow it fit her.

Her eyes were of a bright, stunning blue color, and at first you had thought her male because of the tattoo of diamonds that had seemed like a big soulpatch, combined with her heavy presence and body concealing clothes.

It hadn't taken long for you to see through that, when she had greeted you.

"I understand that," you replied. "But why?"

"Why not? It is easy for her now to remain concentrated in the face of violent disruption, naturally, the next step is to attempt softer means of disruption."

"I mean it makes sense, I guess," you admitted. "But..."

"If you are worried, fear not, this is a regular and normal test," she spoke. "Truth be told, it is a mere matter of convenience that brought us together, if you do not believe yourself up to the task..."

The Master raised an eyebrow, at the woman.

"I am," you spoke, remaining calm and even. "If you need me, I won't fail you."

"Good," she said. "Now, please follow me, we've been granted a room for this."

"Have fun!" the master called, smiling brightly as Luminara, or Master Unduli as she'd prefer to be called, bowed to her and left first, clearly aware you'd follow her shortly.

She was not quite as certain of her path as most of the women you interacted with, but it was clear she knew mostly where she was going, and eventually, one of the utility rooms called her attention, and she opened it with a wave of her hand, the computer chiming as it recognized her. You followed her in.

Within there was a woman fairly similar, though different in key ways, sitting on her knees on a mat on the ground. It was a plain room, with little in the way of decoration, only afforded to the walls, which each had a rack of metallic tubes, a bit bigger than your hand.

"Welcome. You are to be my training partner?" the younger woman asked, looking a bit nervous. "I hadn't... no, nevermind."

You nodded. "I'll be helping you, I guess," you said. 

"Barris, it is time. Undress," Master Unduli said, before turning to you. "I would suggest you do the same - but you are the expert in these matters, do what you believe you must."

Nodding, you watched as the woman before you undressed. She wore much the same sort of clothes as her teacher, though she wore nothing underneath the heavy and thickly concealing robes. She piled them up, not quite neatly, next to a wall, and returned to kneeling on the mat.

Your little self reacted, and you decided to remove your own clothes. It'd make matters easier. At a half chub from the sight of a naked woman. There was something exotic about her, beyond just the yellow tone of her skin. You wondered what sort of treatment would produce that, but it wasn't the most uncommon thing in the world.

She had a slim, fit and well trained body. She was no voluptuous sex bomb, but there was definitely a very womanly shape to her. Barris, as her teacher had called her, took a deep breath. "I will be in your care," she spoke, "please, don't hold back."

You nodded.

The woman closed her eyes and took a deep breath, arms passively laid on her thighs.

"You may begin," Master Unduli said, nodding at you.

With her approval, you approached the student, and decided to start slow. The buildup was important, after all, and your objective was to disrupt her concentration, not to actually pleasure her. So you started by running your hands all over her tight, trim and muscular body. Beneath the soft outermost layer was a strong body.

You played with her muscles, caressing her thighs, her upper arms, her shoulders, her back, her calves, even massaging her feet. 

She barely twitched at your light touches, but that was okay. The beginning was merely to open the door, to get your foot in, to start softening up her muscles. Your massage was quick, but thorough, and her tense muscles all relaxed in your grip. It seemed she was getting deeply into her trance.

"I see... your approach is novel," Master Unduli said, "please continue."

Smiling, and deciding that she'd had enough teasing, your hands drifted to the spots you'd been avoided. First was her butt. It was small, but tight and firm, well proportioned to her body. It was not quite as fun to play with as the lewdest of the women you'd been with, but it had a resistance to it that was new and playful, as if the body was not used to being touched at all, and found the experience strange.

She hadn't budged quite yet, but it didn't take heat vision to notice that her body was starting to heat up. She was starting to react now, starting to relax into your touch properly.

Next was her chest, and more specifically, her little breasts. Her body was that of a trained athlete, and unsurprisingly, she didn't have the largest chest. They were small, they were cute, and most of all, they were quite sensitive. It didn't take long for you to begin finding the weakspots, the bits of her that reacted just that little bit differently. A soft little gasp, escaping her firmly controlled face, a twitch of her muscles, a seizing of her breath, a sharp intake of air...

Your fingers moved, rolling her nipples, dark, almost purple-looking pebbles sitting on her small breasts, looking pretty and lonely. She was teetering at the edge, holding onto her concentration by the skin of her teeth, and you knew how to end it.

Slowly, one of the hands on her chest began trailing down, softly, circling around her belly button, giving her every chance in the world to stop you, to put an end to this, to give up, to admit defeat.

She didn't, said nothing. Your fingers ran down towards her crotch, tickled by the small bushy forest of hair crowning her lips, and as you felt the slightly wet, tightly enclosed lips, with your fingertips... you applied the slightest bit of pressure, and with a groan, she orgasmed on your fingers, panting for breath as she came crashing down like a doll with its strings cut, though you caught her as she clung to your body for support.

"Aaah, I failed," she panted.

"That you did," Master Unduli said, her tone indescribable, at best you could say it had a mysterious quality to it, somewhere between interested and amused.

Barris hung her neck, able to hold herself up now.

"Very well, I suppose a demonstration is in turn. Are you able?" she asked, turning to you, and-

"When did you undress?" you asked, looking at her body up and down. Her robes were neatly folded up in a corner of the room. 

"Just now," she said. "Barris, pay attention," she spoke, "your mistake was a subtle, but important one."

She didn't get on her knees. Instead, she got on all fours, hands and knees, head down, ass up. She was offering you her moist, open vagina for the plunder. You swallowed. Her body was just as enticing as her student's, more robust, more womanly, but still very much a combatant's body, an athlete, somebody who treated her body as a temple.

You took in a deep breath. "Are you certain?"

"Positive," the woman said. "Go ahead."

Nodding you knee walked over to her and put your hands on her ass. She was wet, and with one thumb on each of her lower lips, you spread her apart. Her insides were of a dark color, very very dark red, almost purple like her lips. A strange sight, but not a bad one, and they were slick and shiny with wetness, with the evidence of her arousal.

Nodding and figuring she needed no foreplay, you got back to proper position and lined yourself up. She moaned slowly and lewdly as you thrust yourself in, stopping when your shaft was halfway in, then began to push in slowly, as you began to meet resistance. 

She relaxed quickly, however, and soon, you were hilted.

"M-Master, that's amazing, I can't feel even a single disturbance," the apprentice said, sounding as impressed as you were... her vagina welcomed you in like a long time friend, like you belonged there, like it was made to take you in.

Her walls clung to your dick as you pulled back, wincing at the difficulty you had doing so, but it seemed she wasn't disrupted at all. 

Deciding this was a demonstration, you thought it was proper to push her to the limit. The teacher here had confidence she could endure it, and she seemed to be on the ball, and so, you grasped her hips tightly and then began to pound her in earnest, using the techniques and movements you had learned over time, wiggling a little, changing the angle, looking for her weakspots, and assaulting them over and over again.

She let out an odd moan here and there, she took in sharper intakes of breath when you hit sensitive spots, but otherwise, remained calm and collected.

"You ssee," she said, "your mistake was resisting," the teacher explained.

You groaned, as her pussy began clenching your cock, before relaxing once more, and then almost undulating with you within, before you turned it up another notch and began to hear the slap of skin on skin as your bodies crashed into one another in a pleasure frenzy.

"You must, accept it!" Master Unduli groaned. "Let it flow through you, let it sweep your thoughts, let it empty your mind, pleasure is good!" she said. "Learn this feeling, master it, become one with it, and reach calm and peace even in turmoil!"

She took in a deep breath, and you found yourself almost feeling floaty.

"And when you do," she continued, voice a lot smoother now, "when you become one with the pleasure, then the waves, the ripples, will wash over the enormity of your mind's ocean, and no stone will ever shake the depth of your control."

It was tremendous, the feeling of being somehow ignored, yet acknowledged.

"D-Does it feel good?" the apprentice asked.

"Immensely. This man is the greatest partner I've had for such an exercise," she explained. "For someone who is not sensitive to the Force, he certainly is blessed," she spoke.

You didn't really know what they were talking about, or much else beyond how good it felt to be fucking her tight pussy.

Even if your efforts were being downplayed by her reactions, her pussy didn't lie.

"I see... then, how would I learn this technique?" Barris asked.

"Oh, it is not a technique that the academy would teach you," Master Unduli commented. "They expect you to learn on your own. However... we have a training partner right here. And if you master the pleasure when it's as potent as this, you will be able to maintain absolute control and never succumb to your desires, it is the true path to serenity and balance," she said, evenly, sounding serious and calm.

"Guh, ag, cumming, I'm-"

"Go right ahead," the yellow skinned religious teacher that had caught your attentions by her immaculate calm spoke, "relieve yourself of your burdens, lay them upon me."

With a half groan, half roar, you slammed yourself to the hilt, a last ditch effort to break her calm, and exploded into orgasm, your body tensing as you focused on pouring your dick milk into her baby room, firing shot after shot, loading her up, yet to no avail, as she remained still and calm, almost serene even.

Finally, you could do no more, and found yourself bordering unconsciousness from the potency of y our orgasm for a good few seconds, before you caught yourself.

Sighing, you looked at Master Unduli and her apprentice, who was looking with awe at the seed flowing from her teacher's vagina.

"Did, damn, I hate the idea that I couldn't make you cum," you admitted, chuckling. 

After a few seconds, the teacher sighed. "With this demonstration complete," she said, shoulders tensing for a moment... and then she fell on her back, and sighed in satisfaction. 

"Eh? Did... did she just..." Barris seemed confused. "Uhm, sir... she, ah, she's unconscious I think?"

"Na' un-con-shoes, but I jush' experiensh'd five orgashms sshim-shm-shimuultani'- at da shaym taim," the older woman groaned. "B-Be caref'l when, lettin' gooo," she moaned. "R-Remember, p-pleasure, gooood," she moaned. "Controlled, better!"

You chuckled.

Barris turned to you, looking... eager. "Would you practice with me?"

Well... you weren't about to turn down such an eager student...



"It is not a technique the academy would teach you" made me laugh because prequel memes, and I like how the delayed orgasms stack. Overall pretty good job at lewd Jedi.