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Mel, Ambassador of Galbia, grasped the hand offered to her firmly, a gesture she had been told was a symbol of respect and non-aggression. She had been informed it was to show that their dominant hand was empty, and not carrying a weapon.

She understood the gesture, then, and had no problem answering it in kind.

Her opposite in this meeting was Deputy Conan, second most powerful man in the government of Betelgeuse-4, the colony they had discovered not too long ago, their first contact with an interstellar, spacefaring civilization.

It had taken months to get translators online, fortunately it had been done. The fact that they had compatible voice boxes to speak each other's languages was promising. Even more so was learning ever more about each other, as they transferred information back and forth.

The Masians, as they called themselves, were a stunning species from the Galbians' perspective. 

Mel had been too young to have ever seen a male. She was the daughter of four hundred years of perfection in cloning technology and genome randomization techniques, a child born without male genetic material at all. Five hundred years ago, the last of the Galbian males had perished to the Population Erradicating Reaper Virus, the final weapon of a madman bent on world destruction.

Five hundred years ago, Galbia had been on the brink of destruction.

And yet, Mel found herself here, a child of a single parent, who had not required insemination from the extraordinarily limited samples of male Galbian genetic material left.

"Quite the terrifying story," Deputy Conan stated, "I've heard little of it."

"It is a dark part of our history," Mel admitted. Deputy Conan wore a white shirt, buttoned up at the front. It was similar to the ruffled shirts that Galbian males used to wear. That said, the broad shoulders, tightly corded and powerful muscles, and dark, almost black, brown tone of his skin was certainly nothing like the slim, slight and green skinned males of the Galbian race.

Indeed... there was something... interesting, about the differences.

And Mel was keen on learning more. Keen on testing more. The Masians had been quite forthcoming with what they'd asked, and Galbia had managed to keep their technological edge's true extent hidden well enough that they'd only shared as much as they'd wanted to.

The Masians didn't know the wealth of knowledge they'd shared when they'd sent their seminal fluids' samples. 

For the Galbians, the knowledge they'd garnered from that? Priceless.

The effort that went into creating a single baby, the resources spent, the time and the people needed - it was all too much to be viable. Less and less babies were made each year, as scarcity increased, even as the Galbians scoured more planets.

And then... and then they'd found the Masians. Just by random chance, by probing into a system they hadn't come close to before. It wasn't too far away, enough that it didn't strain their resources too much to go back and forth with communication and even sending unmanned vehicles back and forth.

"I find myself curious, Ambassador. You were adamant that we meet face to face," the deputy explained. "May I trouble you to know why?"

Mel made a low humming sound, running a green finger up her bare arm. She had done her research. This was an important mission and assignment, after all. She had chosen a gown in Masian style, one which had a completely bare back. Fortunately, Masian women and Galbians had a very similar body structure, even if on average, Galbians had considerably larger mammaries. The brassiere things mystified Mel, but she was from better times, she supposed, Galbians hadn't needed those in hundreds of years thanks to unrestricted genetic modification.

"Ah, I suppose it is no matter-  I do prefer meetings face to face myself," he admitted, "although I admit surprise with how reserved your people have been."

"We have our reasons," Mel admitted. "Our history has made us cautious."

Deputy Conan nodded. "I see, I can respect that."

"However, I wished to come here personally, as a symbol of our people's good will, and to make certain matters more... open and honest," she spoke.

"Oh?" Deputy Conan was a bit shocked, it seemed.

"Yes. You see, Deputy,"  Mel began, "our people have not seen a man in... centuries, I believe would be the right term."

Conan nodded. "I believe that is... a tragedy, but..."

Mel leaned forward, utilizing the fact that the dress was created for less chest-gifted Masian women to allow her to spill out of it. Though seduction was not her forte, she had watched enough Masian seduction training movies to ensure that she had learned every step of the way. Next was...

"And I have to say, what a male," she spoke, licking her lips. The gesture came naturally, her lips did feel unexpectedly dry. "You are much... larger, than our own used to be," she said, voice throaty.

Conan hummed. "I am only slightly above the average for body mass and size of my people," he explained.

Mel licked her lip once more, throat feeling weirdly itchy, as she leaned forward on the short table between them, exposing her chest even more. "I wanted to... make our species' cooperation a bit more... explicit, in its nature."

"Ambassador Mel," Deputy Conan said, leaning back a little. "I believe there might be a... breakdown in communications," he said, his skin darkenning a little around the cheeks and neck.

Mel hummed. His head was lacking in hair, for the most part. She could see the beginnings of growth around his cheeks, face and jawline, but the dark skin of his scalp was as bare as anything. She knew this was not the norm for Masians, but she thought it strangely attractive.

Such a stark difference. Big, strong, hard and muscular... So very different from the only thing she knew, from the soft and delicate frame of the average Galbian.

She hummed. "How so?" she asked.

"Ah... I would imagine it would be a shocker, but, among our people, your actions could be taken as those of ah," he seemed to be at a loss for words. "Forgive me, I am more administrator than diplomath," he admitted. "I have no better words. Ambassador, it looks like you're trying to seduce me."

Mel allowed herself a victorious smirk, curling the corners of her lips. "Is it working, Deputy?" she asked.

"W-What?" he sputtered.

"I've watched," Mel spoke, "a few instructional videos of Masian interpersonal rituals," she spoke, "some were quite... inspiring and instructive."

"Eh? So, you're," he shook his head.

"Is this not how males and females are meant to interact?" she asked. "You will have to forgive me, I was born long after the last Galbian man had joined our ancestors."

It seemed that such words took the wind out of his sails. "Ah, yes, right, that would make sense - there's no way someone such as yourself would, I was silly," he said, laughing a little. "I am impressed you would go so far as to try to make me more comfortable," he admitted, "to learn from our customs and such."

Mel nodded. "I am after all the ambassador and envoy of my people," Mel spoke. "I came here to perform my duty, and I will perform it with gusto and pleasure."

Chuckling, Deputy Conan nodded. "I believe your people recently proposed a certain... project? I am not quite high enough to learn the details myself."

She nodded, and got on all fours on the coffee table. "In order to solidify our species' bond, I've come to test certain things about Masians."

"A-ah?" the deputy looked a bit lost.

Mel's hand moved, and landed on his open crotch. His pants were thin. Slacks, she thought they were called. Not certain why - they were certainly not slacking, as her hand began to rub on that... that ever growing bulge between the man's legs.

She licked her lips. Never once had she seen one of these in person, but she had spent weeks training with replicas, practicing, watching instructional videos, getting acquainted with them as best she could.

"Miss Ambassador, what are- ugh, what are you doing?"

"As I said," she explained, "I wish for our species to cooperate on a deeper level, more explicitly," she said. "I wish to ensure our compatibility. This is why I have come here in person today, my primary goal and mission."

"W-What?" the deputy asked, wincing, not wanting to offend by resisting. He likely had orders to provide all courtesies, same as any other host would, she guessed.

Buttons were an universal constant among species - they worked just the same on his pants as they did on Galbian coats. It was easy to undo the button at the front of his pants, and separate the strange sounding bits of carbon tubes that kept his pants together.

It seemed like he was almost automatically following her motions, as she pulled down, both his pants and underwear - men wore some strange stuff, she mused, pants under their pants? - and revealed his- his-

"Oh woah," Mel almost drooled, swallowing the thick lubricant fluid, as the towering, dark, even darker than the rest of his skin, rod of flesh and lust pulsed in her hands, now reaching towards its full height of nine inches. 

"Ambassador," there was very little shame, she noted, as she looked up from where she was, admiring his pole, to the deputy's face. She hummed. This must be what her ancestors did, back in the day. She stroked the thick shaft of meat like she had seen the videos do.

"You're... warm," she said, "as warm... no even hotter, than an engine, it burns, but it burns so good," she moaned, "my hand tingles, it feels strange... I've never touched a man before, and today," she hummed. 

"Ambassador, this isn't right, this- this, it feels," he looked aside for a moment.

"It is for the sake of cooperation between our peoples," Mel insisted. Not that she stopped even for a second to think of anything but the thick stench of male that was emanating from Deputy Conan's deputy, no, she was focused, consumed by it. Every bit of her, nearly half a millenium of craving, was finally being answered.

A deep seated need that wasn't, couldn't be, fulfilled. A natural instinct, dormant, blocked, impotent.

Opening her mucous membranes, her lips, her mouth, as wide as she could, and doubting even then she could swallow the awe-inspiring reproductive tool, Mel leaned forward and took the Deputy into her mouth.

Immediately she was flooded with pleasure, as her sensitive throat walls began to caress, fondle, squeeze and spasm around the intruder in turn. She basked in the warmth that spread from him, the taste regaling her with a feeling of bone deep satisfaction, like she had finally gotten something that had been denied to her through her entire life, no, even since before she was born.

Swallowing, sucking, swallowing some more, Mel began to feel him throb, as she bobbed her head back and forth like in the videos she had watched. Masian women had a lot more trouble with this, choking, gagging and spitting, but she had thought them pathetic and weak, and wasteful on top of it!

Conan made a strange, groaning and growling sound, simultaneously sounding like he wanted more, like his lust was overflowing from his mind as it was from his reproductor, and yet at the same time like he was indecisive, like he was holding himself back.

She pulled back, and stroked him more. She knew males needed constant stimulation for a long period of time - or so she had seen in the videos anyway - to ejaculate, and she couldn't wait. She couldn't wait to receive her prize, the reason why she had fought so hard, beat out thousands of other applicants for this most important of missions.

"Deputy Conan," she moaned, "I will cease the pretense," she said, firmly. "I came here," she moaned, "for the express purpose of obtaining a direct sample of your seed, within my body. All tests suggest compatibility... only a final one remains."

"What... what sort of test?" he asked.

"A test of compatibility, between us and you," she said. "Galbians and Masian men," she said, moaning. "And so far..."

She squeezed his cock. He grunted.

"You're passing with flying colors," she said, going back down and deepthroating him in a single go, taking him to the furthest reaches and recesses, employing the full extent of her training, all the practice she had done with the apparatuses she had bought from Masia for this explicit purpose.

AS she kissed her lips to the base of his reproductor, as she took him fully, feeling him poke her deepest, most sensitive and weakest spots, triggering her own thundering orgasm, she felt the thick spheres where his seed was contained, the testicles as they were called, retract.

Her eyes widened, and a second, even more potent, orgam was triggered as she was filled with his absurdly thick fluids, the stupidly rich, thick taste of his baby making cream filling her as he came directly inside her, flooding her to the brim, and then some.

She had heard that their ejaculations could be large, and had seen a few very impressive ones, but she was shocked by the amount nonetheless, simply draped over the coffee table, head impaled on his cock, for minutes until she finally pulled herself back.

She giggled drunkenly, burping and swaying a bit. "Apologies, ahhh, that was fantastic, I can already feel your children reaching for my eggs," she hummed dreamily. "Our sexual compatibility - it's amazing!"

"uh, what?" Deputy Conan blinked. "Miss Ambassador... Did... just out of curiosity... is- do you reproduce through..."

"Women reproduce, or until we met you, used to anyway, by swallowing their partner's semen," she said, "Do... do Masian women not work this way?"

Deputy Conan shook his head. "No... I don't suppose the word 'vagina' means anything to you, does it?"

"Oh yeah! That's where the babies come out, right? What does- oh, don't tell me-"

"That's also the insertion... uhm," he stopped, unable to keep going. 

Well... this would prove to be an INTENSELY enlightening conversation, Mel mused. VERY intense. As they tested out their sexual compatibility even further.

And made absolutely sure that it took. By trying again. And again.

If anyone ever heard the sound, nobody would've ever imagined that the Galbian ambassador had spent the majority of her visit under Deputy Conan's desk, working on interspecies diplomacy...

But it would certainly be the precedent that would lead towards an alliance between two disparate species, finding commonality, yet differences, in so many things, as they faced an unknown galaxy together.



My apologies for the delay, it just wasn't finished yesterday by the time I had to start cooking! Thankfully, today was leftovers day, so didn't have to cook much and could finish! Hope it was worth the wait!


This had a lot of nice touches.