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In these lands of Chaldea, you are the Prince, and on you all things depend. With your parents gone to fight a war in a far off country, you were left with only the capital's garrison and the skeleton forces necessary to keep the country running and under control, with no supervision nor superiors, until the King and Queen could return from their trip to the... wherever.

Naturally,  as you had been tasked with maintaining the morale of the people, the loyalty of the noblesse and the attention of the neighboring countries, you had to make sure that people had things to do, and that it looked like everything was smoothly and you still had enough people left to defend enough that invasion was not advisable!

So a handful of publics works projects, appearances of your own around the Kingdom, and of course, throwing a party and most important of all - announcing your search for a wife, from among all the unmarried maidens in the kingdom!

Not that you had even the slightest hint of intention of choosing just anyone. You weren't looking for a wife, you were looking for a partner in politics - someone you could trust. This, ironically, eliminated almost all of the nobility and just about everyone you knew. Even those who you called friends were ultimately potential enemies.

Ironically, this meant you were searching for a peasant woman, looking to quit the peasant life and live in the lap of luxury. You'd have to find one, beauty was irrelevant, but her brains would certainly matter.

So you threw a party. A massive party, at the largest palace in the country, with the biggest ballroom in the continent. A ballroom so large, that it could house an entire community in it! Well, maybe not quite that big, but still, two hundred square meters of open space, a massively large stage for the band to play at, designed with both aesthetics and acoustics in mind, immaculate decoration without being lavish or tacky, and most important of all, filled to the brim with everything you needed to feast.

Hundreds of people would attend the party, it would take place over four days, and each day, a different region of the Kingdom would have a blanket invitation for all eligible maidens, both noble and peasant. The first three days were... passable. Candidates, here and there, had been introduced to you, but very few had been acceptable.

And none had really gathered all the requisites in one person. Some skills could be taught, intelligence cultivated, looks perfected, status created. In many ways, you had the set of skills to mold a substandard candidate into a perfect wife.

But you weren't about to accept anyone until you found one you were satisfied with, there'd be time to pick up the pieces later.

"Ah, my prince, your party is a success," one of the attendants said. "Truly, the people are happy, they believe that their rulers remember them, and your choice to greet even the peasant maidens personally, even if nobody in their right mind expects you to choose one of them, was a stroke of genius!" the advisor gushed.

Of course, it was funny to you, considering the peasants were the only ones acceptable. And even if they weren't, one of the few things you couldn't fix was an atrocious upbringing, and most of the noble girls had exactly that very issue - they thought the world belonged to them, because they were the noblesse.

Pathetic, each and everyone of them, leeches upon society. If you'd had your way, the nobility would be abolished entirely, but alas, they were necessary if one was to run a country, in this world of distance and incommunication.

"Of course, good sir," you said, not really remembering the advisor's name. "I've been taught by the best teachers in the country, I believe I'd shame my parents and teachers if I did anything but excel."

Bullshit, of course, but playing the dutiful child was best in these circumstances.

It was time for the last set of invitees, and you were close to losing hope by now. The last to come in was a landowner widow. She came in, well dressed and produced, clearly having spent much of her time and meager possessions in sprucing up her apperance. 

"Good evening, your highness, it is a pleasure to meet you," the woman spoke, curtseying. "I am the Lady Madonna Tremaine," she introduced herself, "and I must say, the palace is just as radiant, if not even moreso, as it was when I last visited. Your work, I presume?"

The work of the landscapers and the interior decorator, but you'd hired those. "Certainly, I thank you for your compliment, Lady Tremaine," you said, "please make yourself at home- oh, I see you brought your children with you?"

"Indeed I have, my good prince," she spoke. "These are my daughters," she said, first gesturing to a rather rotund lady, with strong features and a distinct gait. She had a glint in her eye, and you could see that she was one of the ones chasing gold. Not the worst possible choice. Appearance was questionable, but you could work with that. "Anastasia," and then she gestured to the girl behind her, much like her sister, except where the one was fat, the other was thin and tall, reminding you of a reed, "and Drizella."

You frowned. Both of them curtseyed. "We are honored to meet you, your highness," they intoned.

"We have come to heed your call, please, do not hesitate," the Lady Tremaine said. "You may have either of my daughters, or even both, should your desire overwhelm you," she said, a malicious grin on her face.

You frowned. In your mind, you were categorizing the power hungry Lady Tremaine as a definitive no, and her daughters as tentative maybes. Ugly, sure, but there was something to be said about hunger for power and ambition... not good things, but something was something.

Better than the bland, boring lot for sure. Even their dresses, gaudy, showy, flashy - in bright colors, and with ribbons and fake gems as accessories, spoke of having at least flash, if no substance. Again, more than the norm - you'd lost count of the amount of vapid noble girls you'd met thus far.

Behind them was... a girl in a rather... 

Well, the best you could say about it was that the dress at least wasn't gaudy. But you wouldn't imagine someone would have the sheer balls to show up to a royal ball wearing what appeared to be a modified sack. She was in the middle of the Lady Tremaine and her daughters, in terms of appearance, taking all their good traits and none of the bad. Slim, but not skeletal. With plentiful curves, but not all curves. Refined and collected, but not cold and cruel.

The girl spoke little, curtseying, and introducing herself. "I am named Alice, good prince," she spoke.

You nodded. "Please ignore her, your highness - she is our house servant, not one you should waste your scarce time on."

Resisting the urge to roll your eyes, you ignored the patronizing witch's comment and annotated her in the back of your mind.

In terms of appearance, surely you could say she was the most beautiful woman you'd met in all the four days you'd spent checking out every eligible maiden in the country.

But appearance wasn't everything, of course, and as per the party's invitation, you spent the night dancing with many a woman. Finally it was, based on the order of appearance, the lady Tremaine's turn, followed by her daughters. 

As you half suspected, they were not bad dancers at all. Trained, not classically and not well, but trained and talented.

Unfortunately, you shared a short conversation with each of them, and it was this that had finally made you choose to leave them out of the possible future queen race. They spoke only of themselves, but not well. They spoke of their achievements, but faked them all. They spoke of their intelligence, but lacked it.

They tried to throw shade on everyone else at the party, not realizing they were not the height of beauty, nor the font of talent, they thought they were.

All in all, the fourth day was looking to be the worst of the lot, in terms of choice, but it was finally the time for Alice to take her turn dancing with you.

You hummed, as the Lady Tremaine looked positively venomously at her servant. "Do not embarrass us, girl!" the lady hissed.

Alice nodded, looking a bit dubious, face a bit red, as she approached you.

You smiled, caught her hand, and placed your own at her waist. The music was still playing, it was a slow song, and though you might not be the greatest dancer, nor her an even passable dancer, that didn't matter. It was an easy song, and she followed your steps properly.

Quick on the uptake was a bonus, and you gave her a smile. "Are you having fun, Alice?" you asked.

"You remembered my name, good prince," she spoke, eyes lighting up. "Me, a lowly servant..!"

"There is nothing lowly about a servant. All the gorgeous, delicious food you see, prepared by servants. The painting, the carving, the decorating - all done by those of lower birth," you said. "What is nobility, if not backed with talent and proficiency? Worthless," you ranted.

She hummed. "I see..." she nodded. "Good prince, I must say, you are not the man I expected you to be."

"You expected an arrogant, vain twit?" you asked, idly. "I have a country to run, I can hardly waste my time being incompetent."

She giggled. "As good a reason as any!" she said, voice now more animated. "Ahh, Alice is happy. Even if it is for just a fleeting moment, I am in the arms of a kind man, dancing, and enjoying myself. I never thought this could happen, in my life as a servant."

You smiled. "You know the purpose of this party, do you not?" you asked.

She smiled, nodded. "The prince wishes for a partner," she said.

"You are beautiful, and unlike most," you said, looking deep into her eyes, the windows to her soul, "and thus, I wish to speak to you more. Do not leave tonight. At the end of the party, my servants will approach you, and lead you to my room, so that we may get to know each other... better."

She giggled, then. "Ah, a visit to My Room," she said, "a dream of many a servant."

You blinked, not quite certain what she meant. "Right," you said, nodding. "Until then, let us keep this chat a secret, yes?"

A secret that was shared in front of dozens - but then, there was music, and the noise of other couples dancing, and many other noises of conversation. You were certain none had heard you.

It would only be until the end of the night, that you would announce that the search was over, adn you would tally the results later.

Not an hour after the party was complete, Alice opened the door to your chambers.

"Alice's here," the woman said, as she discarded the cowl and cloak she had worn, sneaking past the cruel sisters and their mother, who had surely sought to take her back home. "Good prince," she spoke, silver hair cascading behind her, as she exposed herself.

She wore not her peasant dress under the cloak. In fact, she wore nothing, revealing the unblemished, perfect body of a woman that hid beneath. She was almost a girl, a freshly minted woman of age. You'd never have met her if not for the ball you had thrown, as she was no noble debutant.

A pure event of chance, had brought the two of you together. And she understood that there was nothing to fear, nor anything to think of.

You decided, at the sight of her perfect body, exposed for your enjoyment, that she was to be the one. The one who would be your princess, and rule this country by your side when the time came.

There was a hint of untapped intellect behind the magenta eyes that looked pleadingly at you, as she got in bed with you. There was a cruel, unexpected intelligence, befitting a future Queen, that bubbled up from the surface.

And for a moment, you thought that this was a most fortunate coincidence.

You, too, were nude. Forgoing the pointless chatter, the insignificant foreplay, you gestured for her to come to you.

She melded her body to yours, sitting on your lap, facing you, your lips meeting in a forceful, hungry kiss. Her body was light, almost distractingly so, and her skin was smooth. Far more than the wenches you were accustomed to, almost criminally delightful.

You wondered how it had taken you so long to notice she wore stockings and elbow length gloves? Ah, but it didn't matter.

Separating from the searing kiss, you helped her down, so she lay on her back, and you smiled down at her.

"It's my first time with a man," she said, "be gentle with Alice."

You chuckled, leaning down and capturing her lips for a kiss. At the same time, you lined yourself up and began wetting yourself with her fluids, gushing plentifully from her ready intimate parts, her labia already separating a little as you rubbed against her.

Even as you continued to kiss, you aligned yourself, and without further ado, began to push your way in. She was tight. Very tight. Virginal, but even more so, it felt like you were pushing your way into something beyond the tightness of the young woman in your arms, it felt like you were pushing into a carefully constructed doll, a recreation of an unusually perfect pussy.

You winced as you were assaulted on all sides by her folds, her inner walls trembling around your cock.

She gasped, your lips parting. "It's so big, inside me," she moaned. "So big, so big!"

You chuckled. "It'll be fine, just relax, it'll feel good soon!" you said, running your thumb down her cheek, wiping a tear that rolled down it. Soon enough, you found her bottom, about halfway in for you. But that was enough, that was sufficient. She was so tight, hot and wet, that it was more than enough.

"Y-You can move, I'll be, okay!" she said. "Alice can take it!"

You nodded. Alice braced herself, the tight vicegrip of her pussy relaxing ever so slightly.

With determination and strength of will, you managed to pull yourself away from the warmth and love of paradise, and back to the cruel outside... knowing that you would be back in but a second. You pushed back in, her hisses of pain, gasps of pleasure, and little moans of lust, all working together, all flowing through your ears into your brain.

You grit your teeth, panting as you realized that there was no way you could resist. IT was almost magical, almost supernatural, how good it felt inside her. You couldn't last more than a couple of minutes, thrusting slowly but insistently into her. It was time. Your body throbbed, every part of you aching for release.

She raised her arms, as if opening herself for a hug, and you let your body cover hers, your lips meeting into a kiss, as you thrust as deep as you could go, and with a final push, let loose, releasing the contents of your balls deep into the soon to be princess.

Even as you emptied yourself, you were filled with happiness, because you knew this was the one.

Your eyes met with hers, and you came in for a kiss, and then your eyes opened, and you realized you were actually kissing the air.

"W-What happened," you asked, groggy still.

The Master closed the book she was reading from, what appeared to be a book of fairytales. "When you said you wanted to see what it was like, I didn't expect I'd be putting you to bed. You look like you had a nice dream, huh?" the Master taunted, winking at you.

She gestured at your crotch - you still sported an erection. Thankfully, you hadn't actually creamed your pants or anything.

"Ah, now I feel really bad," you said, apologetically.

She chuckled. "These are bedtime stories," the master said with a wink. "Anyway, hope you had a good rest, because you still have work to do."

You chuckled. Yeah... "Better get on that," you agreed.

As you left, you could've sworn you heard a girlish giggle, and someone say that they'd had a lot of fun, but there was none but the master there...



I didn't expect we'd have ties even using tiered voting, but you guys made it happen somehow. Literally flipped a coin for this one as I had no better idea. It might've been a mistake, it was actually somewhat hard to write. Even had to google the names of Cinderella's sisters.


In case of a tie you could always just write whichever you want.